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Djinn's Dominion = Ditch it or Fix it!


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I am sure that you have had a ton of complaints about Djinn's Dominion, so why aren't you fixing it or shutting it down? You shutdown 2v2 almost as fast as it started because you had to fix "technical problems" within it but you can't shutdown Djinn's Dominion until you get it fixed?

It sure would be nice to get a message on why you won't take down a "BETA" map, that is apart of random maps and seems to ALWAYS be selected in the "random" selection if just 1 person selects the new map but drops peoples fps so low that you either can't play or it slows you so much that you die before you even get an attack off.

It's also ridiculously stupid on how invis characters or characters with group invis can kill a whole group before getting an attack off due to the HORRIBLE lag.

So please either Ditch it or Fix it!

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If I get lag issues(I'd improve my internet connection by closing background apps and schedule windows updates to some other time of day) if you feel the graphics is causing the lag, then idk..., I'd limit fps to 30... Reduce LOD .... In graphic options... But I hardly doubt that'd prevent lag... Coz maps and it's graphic effects are generated in our own PC rather than from gw2 servers... at most, graphics can cause stutter and broken artifacts or slicing and irregular refresh.... but not lags... I think... :p

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm playing with bare bones graphic settings in PvP, i did not detect ant performance loss at this particular map: Will put a mental note to check fps next time i'm playing to compare it with other maps - i bet difference at my settings is minimal ( ie <5 fps) otherwise i would notice it in gameplay.


Map is great imo, and from Ben's post its getting final touches - i hope it will soon lose that beta status :)


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> @"uknowwho.3690" said:

> My internet is fine (400 mps) and I don't run apps in the background. This is the only map that I and many others that I have talked to, have had any HUGE reduction in fps while playing.

> Thank you for response though


I bet you do run apps in background.. not meaning obvious stuff like internet , youtube, etc etc.. but other stuff you might not need.

Just out of interest what is your rig.. put some flesh on the bone so that it might steer some ideas on what might be happening, when and how things might be tweaked to help alleviate the issues a little.. or a lot.

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I get almost half fps on this map compared to the old maps (forest, temple, legacy, etc). On coliseum i get 2/3 fps of older maps. Would it be possible to allow us to disable water/fire animations and particle effects? @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065"


On coliseum the fps tanks whenever i go close to the sidenode, where there are those pink particles in the air (flower petals from the audience?). On djinns the fps tanks when i look towards the middle of the map, so it probably is not the water that is at fault.

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Well aside from the FPS issues there are issues with the layout of this map.

A. The spawn points have no real side gates that would prevent spawn camping. Add some scaffolding to the outer edges of the map so you can get around the buildings there.

B. The area between the spawn points has issues. First of all it's slightly too open, there should be something that can prevent LoS. Secondly they should prevent your opposing team getting into your base. There's a JP there that provides access. Atleast add in some of those Legendary Archer NPC's the other maps have in the bases. Now that I think about it, none of the maps after core have those. Did you misplace the file where that NPC is in? :lol:

C. The map mechanics need some tuning. The meteor skill is pretty good but the other 2 need some more work. The mini-WoD should be slightly bigger. The bolt should have better range and less casting time.

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> We made some changes recently to try to address some of the fps issues. Not sure if they've made it live yet. But as Sind mentioned, depending on your computer, you may need to lower some settings.


> Not to say that all of the issues are resolved, but it should help some.


That's cool, but have you guys actually play tested the map in-house? Performance issues aside (I haven't had a prob, but I play on low anyway), the map is NOT fun. It's a design issue. The cap points are simply too close together. It leads to major snowballing and spawn camping and afking. By far my least favorite map. 500-100 games aren't fun even if you're winning. Please get rid of it.

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Even without lags it's still hands down the worst map in the game, without any tactics, possible rotations or a working secondary mechanic. Literally worse than Spirit Watch and yet we are forced to endure it as locked in the Unranked Map Pick for months now for no reason whatsoever.

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Yesterday I was playing some unranked games and noticed that I was looking at the number of players selecting Djinn's Dominion as a good indicator of the number of new PVP players in both teams. Unfortunately, I don't feel anybody would want to play in this map other than for the achievement or to try it for few games only.

I feel sorry that Anet devoted time on developing a bland map rather than on developing other features that could revitalize the PVP mode.

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> @"Aza.2105" said:

> > @"Cylokin.2560" said:

> > I have no FPS issues whatsoever. And I hardly have beast of a PC too.


> And what is your fps on that map? I have a Vega64, Ryzen 1800x and 64gb of ram. And the fps are poor on that map.


It's your cpu that is bottlenecking you, the 1800x is not enough :/

Single core is king in gw2 and you need something a long the lines of 4,4 GHz or more for 60 FPS+

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