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Are gankers bad players?


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> @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> Hello everyone,

> My question is simple, but I don't want to create some misunderstanding.


> "Bad players" I mean players who lack skill and enough knowledge of the game to play their profession in a 1vs1.


> WvW is not a 1vs1 gamemode, and ganking is done by almost everyone to mantain partecipation and to get the heavy loot bag.


> But what I discovered during my roaming career is one thing.

> If I meet two or three players of the same guild, and I am alone and they attack me in a fair 1vs1 and the other 2 players just watch their mate, in this case those players are pretty good duelers and know how to fight on their profession.


> In all the other cases when people chased me 2vs1 3vs1 4vs1 5vs1 6vs1 and so on just to get the kill on me, with siege dropped after they got me, when I find one of those same guys alone in a 1vs1, even playing meta roaming builds, boonbeast, core war, condi mirage, everybody of them wasn't able to do anything in that 1vs1 and they barely dropped me under 80% health even tho silver gold platinum and mithrill rank and not at their first day of WvW.


> So my thought is: ganking will make you remain a bad player?

> I mean everyone is capable to go for clean up or outnumbered kills and win against one guy alone.


> Please don't say that WvW is not a 1vs1 gamemode etc.

> I know that already and people play the way they want to, but ganking has a price in my opinion, you won't improve as a player and at your profession.


I'd say the more important question is why does this even matter? It just sounds like someone getting salty about getting chased down and killed in an outnumbered fight.


Look at it this way. If they are terrible and you're so good, they're giving you the opportunity to win an outnumbered fight. Who hasn't had moments like that where an overconfident group of players made no attempt to coordinate and simply brute forced an opponent who, being a better player, was able to turn the tables on them? I did just that many times last night and had some great 1v2 and 1v3 action. Yeah, I lost several outnumbered fights, too. But where's the fun in only taking 1v1?


It's WvW. Part of that is the fact that it isn't always a fair fight. But it creates the opportunity for some really fun and memorable moments to go along with all the times you get stomped and never had a chance.

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> > Happened literally 5 minutes ago, 2 soulbeasts chased me and killed me jumping on my body with siege dropped, one gold and the other one mithrill rank.

> > I found the mithrill rank guy alone in the next 5 minutes, he saw me and attacked me first, i won against him in 15 seconds and at the end I was full health and didn't used half of my utilities and skills, just an example.

> You didnt jump on him and dropped a cata? You're a horrible ganker!


> Wait what siege did you get? Because that's really a show how much they love you. Yesterday a WSR zerg did whatever they wanted on ROS hbl and when they killed me they dropped a sheild gen on me. A **guild** sheild gen. The good stuff. That's like someone egging your door with a Fabergé. And what you've probably already guessed by now, of course it was AMX.


but who cares about siege blue prints?

top of that most of these amx guys are quite capable of holding their own when it comes down to a fight, not saying i like them but they are good players but most of the time just trolling :D.


as for general thing "gankers" i dont know if they are skilled or not, i mean i do it also but u gotta look at the whole picture.

A) i get to choose fight

B) i gank loners or people running back from spawn in blob spec

C) most of the time gankers are on cheese build


but when i see a solo guy who isnt on a cheese build (obviously i have guess at start but giving quikc look at weapon set/class u can guess a little already) then most of the time hes going to give you a good fight while most blobbers are not giving me any propper fight but like i said before its their build also sometimes they cant do a shit in 1v1.

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> @"reddie.5861" said:

> > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > > @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> > > Happened literally 5 minutes ago, 2 soulbeasts chased me and killed me jumping on my body with siege dropped, one gold and the other one mithrill rank.

> > > I found the mithrill rank guy alone in the next 5 minutes, he saw me and attacked me first, i won against him in 15 seconds and at the end I was full health and didn't used half of my utilities and skills, just an example.

> > You didnt jump on him and dropped a cata? You're a horrible ganker!

> >

> > Wait what siege did you get? Because that's really a show how much they love you. Yesterday a WSR zerg did whatever they wanted on ROS hbl and when they killed me they dropped a sheild gen on me. A **guild** sheild gen. The good stuff. That's like someone egging your door with a Fabergé. And what you've probably already guessed by now, of course it was AMX.


> but who cares about siege blue prints?

> top of that most of these amx guys are quite capable of holding their own when it comes down to a fight, not saying i like them but they are good players but most of the time just trolling :D.


> as for general thing "gankers" i dont know if they are skilled or not, i mean i do it also but u gotta look at the whole picture.

> A) i get to choose fight

> B) i gank loners or people running back from spawn in blob spec

> C) most of the time gankers are on cheese build


> but when i see a solo guy who isnt on a cheese build (obviously i have guess at start but giving quikc look at weapon set/class u can guess a little already) then most of the time hes going to give you a good fight while most blobbers are not giving me any propper fight but like i said before its their build also sometimes they cant do a kitten in 1v1.


I'm not complaining of builds here, I prefer to have a 1vs1 fight against the cheesiest build on gw2 than being ganked 2vs1 by two noobs who don't deserve the kill and in the 90% of the cases they are carried by downed state when you down one of them.


People misunderstand gank for flanking, which is when you go attacked by surprise for example by a revenant or thief or mesmer you did not see and they get the advantage opening or even the kill on you, that's not ganking, it's flanking, ganking is when a larger group attack a small number of people, 2vs1 3vs1 10vs1 7 vs2 6vs3, those are all ganks and in my experience the players in wvw who do this all day are trash 1vs1 players with very low knowledge of the game, but the problem is how many of them think they are good and drop siege or whispers or bm. It feels good when you rekt them in 1vs1 and they become so salty, worth the time spent roaming.

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> @"aspirine.6852" said:

> They are good for their server and might prevent the other players from stealing camps or running back to his or her zerg. So that is good, but if they are skilled players, who cares?


They are actually an handicap for the server and they do> @"aspirine.6852" said:

> They are good for their server and might prevent the other players from stealing camps or running back to his or her zerg. So that is good, but if they are skilled players, who cares?


They are actually an handicap for their server and manh of them don't even realize it, one time happened a group of 7 people started chasing me around the map for over 5 real minutes, maybe even more, they completely stopped what they were doing just to chase me, i wasted almost 10 minutes of their time and they actually lost a tower and a camp by doing so, for what? Just for the kill on me xD

They could use that time to prevent the camp and tower flip because they were more, and only 3 people of my server flipped the camp and tower...

Yeah very good for their server... 1 kill in exchange of a camp almost tier3 and a tower. ?

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I love it when the double teaming alliance guilds hit our BL, I have a mental list going and can almost guarantee when Green Guild X claims one camp, Red Guild Y isn't far behind to claim another. Roaming etiquette...whatever, they're after points and the only people they're interested in "fighting" are members of the BL they're ppting. Like it really takes 5 mins to run from NWC to NC? No, but it does take 5 mins for their alliance guild to get from SC and cap the sentries along the way before the NWC team can move along NC.


The claiming is a signal for their buddies, a bread trail if you will, assuming they aren't in comms already, which who cares if they are, still doesn't make them "roamers ", these groups aren't fighters, they're ppters that kill the Home scouts and roamers that get in the way of their PPT in order to possibly decide WHO places where in the week. But, points don't matter ya know and small teams have no impact on score...


Anyway, I love these guys, I find joy in messing up their cap rotation or delaying them when they're on their way to marked objectives, and it's especially humorous when I get kills on green and red shows out of nowhere to defend their friends honor.

Like hey man you two were "roaming" opposite each otger in a perfect circle for an hour, what made you traverse from the west side all the way to east of the map to come after me when you didn't want to come after this green guy? K. Thanks for letting me know you guys are friends, I'll add your guilds to my mental list :)

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> @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> > @"aspirine.6852" said:

> > They are good for their server and might prevent the other players from stealing camps or running back to his or her zerg. So that is good, but if they are skilled players, who cares?


> They are actually an handicap for the server and they do> @"aspirine.6852" said:

> > They are good for their server and might prevent the other players from stealing camps or running back to his or her zerg. So that is good, but if they are skilled players, who cares?


> They are actually an handicap for their server and manh of them don't even realize it, one time happened a group of 7 people started chasing me around the map for over 5 real minutes, maybe even more, they completely stopped what they were doing just to chase me, i wasted almost 10 minutes of their time and they actually lost a tower and a camp by doing so, for what? Just for the kill on me xD

> They could use that time to prevent the camp and tower flip because they were more, and only 3 people of my server flipped the camp and tower...

> Yeah very good for their server... 1 kill in exchange of a camp almost tier3 and a tower. ?


Yeah we consider those bad gankers :)

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> @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> > @"aspirine.6852" said:

> > They are good for their server and might prevent the other players from stealing camps or running back to his or her zerg. So that is good, but if they are skilled players, who cares?


> They are actually an handicap for the server and they do> @"aspirine.6852" said:

> > They are good for their server and might prevent the other players from stealing camps or running back to his or her zerg. So that is good, but if they are skilled players, who cares?


> They are actually an handicap for their server and manh of them don't even realize it, one time happened a group of 7 people started chasing me around the map for over 5 real minutes, maybe even more, they completely stopped what they were doing just to chase me, i wasted almost 10 minutes of their time and they actually lost a tower and a camp by doing so, for what? Just for the kill on me xD

> They could use that time to prevent the camp and tower flip because they were more, and only 3 people of my server flipped the camp and tower...

> Yeah very good for their server... 1 kill in exchange of a camp almost tier3 and a tower. ?


Only if you actually care about "winning" the matchup. Many people do not care, because as a competitive game mode WvW is a joke, so consider "winning" as meaningless.

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> @"HazyDaisy.4107" said:

> I love it when the double teaming alliance guilds hit our BL, I have a mental list going and can almost guarantee when Green Guild X claims one camp, Red Guild Y isn't far behind to claim another. Roaming etiquette...whatever, they're after points and the only people they're interested in "fighting" are members of the BL they're ppting. Like it really takes 5 mins to run from NWC to NC? No, but it does take 5 mins for their alliance guild to get from SC and cap the sentries along the way before the NWC team can move along NC.


> The claiming is a signal for their buddies, a bread trail if you will, assuming they aren't in comms already, which who cares if they are, still doesn't make them "roamers ", these groups aren't fighters, they're ppters that kill the Home scouts and roamers that get in the way of their PPT in order to possibly decide WHO places where in the week. But, points don't matter ya know and small teams have no impact on score...


> Anyway, I love these guys, I find joy in messing up their cap rotation or delaying them when they're on their way to marked objectives, and it's especially humorous when I get kills on green and red shows out of nowhere to defend their friends honor.

> Like hey man you two were "roaming" opposite each otger in a perfect circle for an hour, what made you traverse from the west side all the way to east of the map to come after me when you didn't want to come after this green guy? K. Thanks for letting me know you guys are friends, I'll add your guilds to my mental list :)


Your tin foil is showing. o.o

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> @"Turk.5460" said:

> > @"HazyDaisy.4107" said:

> > I love it when the double teaming alliance guilds hit our BL, I have a mental list going and can almost guarantee when Green Guild X claims one camp, Red Guild Y isn't far behind to claim another. Roaming etiquette...whatever, they're after points and the only people they're interested in "fighting" are members of the BL they're ppting. Like it really takes 5 mins to run from NWC to NC? No, but it does take 5 mins for their alliance guild to get from SC and cap the sentries along the way before the NWC team can move along NC.

> >

> > The claiming is a signal for their buddies, a bread trail if you will, assuming they aren't in comms already, which who cares if they are, still doesn't make them "roamers ", these groups aren't fighters, they're ppters that kill the Home scouts and roamers that get in the way of their PPT in order to possibly decide WHO places where in the week. But, points don't matter ya know and small teams have no impact on score...

> >

> > Anyway, I love these guys, I find joy in messing up their cap rotation or delaying them when they're on their way to marked objectives, and it's especially humorous when I get kills on green and red shows out of nowhere to defend their friends honor.

> > Like hey man you two were "roaming" opposite each otger in a perfect circle for an hour, what made you traverse from the west side all the way to east of the map to come after me when you didn't want to come after this green guy? K. Thanks for letting me know you guys are friends, I'll add your guilds to my mental list :)


> Your tin foil is showing. o.o


Uh huh. I've been watching these guilds for over a year, I just thought someone should let then know they're not as slick as they think they are. If that makes me look crazy, so be it, I get outnumbered pips most of the time they start their runs anyway, so I'm not complaining, in fact I look forward to it most times.

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In WvW I usually roam on my Engi. Alone, or with a few others from time to time. Never organized. And I love it. And I'm really really good at it. It my job and the main objective in WvW to flip camps, Sentry's and Towers. And equally , to stop the other servers from flipping my camps, Sentry's and Towers. I don't care about 1 v 1 , 1 vs 3 , or zerg vs zerg. Even if I'm the 1 getting teamed up on. Ethics do not exist in WvW. And who says what ethics or gameplay is right or wrong? No one!..It's all opinion. Fact...... 1 vs 1 is a pvp. Server vs server is WvW. So to me, there are no such things as "gankers". :)

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> @"HazyDaisy.4107" said:

> > @"Turk.5460" said:

> > > @"HazyDaisy.4107" said:

> > > I love it when the double teaming alliance guilds hit our BL, I have a mental list going and can almost guarantee when Green Guild X claims one camp, Red Guild Y isn't far behind to claim another. Roaming etiquette...whatever, they're after points and the only people they're interested in "fighting" are members of the BL they're ppting. Like it really takes 5 mins to run from NWC to NC? No, but it does take 5 mins for their alliance guild to get from SC and cap the sentries along the way before the NWC team can move along NC.

> > >

> > > The claiming is a signal for their buddies, a bread trail if you will, assuming they aren't in comms already, which who cares if they are, still doesn't make them "roamers ", these groups aren't fighters, they're ppters that kill the Home scouts and roamers that get in the way of their PPT in order to possibly decide WHO places where in the week. But, points don't matter ya know and small teams have no impact on score...

> > >

> > > Anyway, I love these guys, I find joy in messing up their cap rotation or delaying them when they're on their way to marked objectives, and it's especially humorous when I get kills on green and red shows out of nowhere to defend their friends honor.

> > > Like hey man you two were "roaming" opposite each otger in a perfect circle for an hour, what made you traverse from the west side all the way to east of the map to come after me when you didn't want to come after this green guy? K. Thanks for letting me know you guys are friends, I'll add your guilds to my mental list :)

> >

> > Your tin foil is showing. o.o


> Uh huh. I've been watching these guilds for over a year, I just thought someone should let then know they're not as slick as they think they are. If that makes me look crazy, so be it, I get outnumbered pips most of the time they start their runs anyway, so I'm not complaining, in fact I look forward to it most times.


Maybe they don't like your server for some reason? I know many don't like Gandara in EU because they're gank happy and hide behind enough siege to be roleplaying the Maginot Line.

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Roamers have a different build set than duelers. I can hold my own against top notch duelers, in a dueling build. A dueling build catches me in the open on my roaming build, that fight is likely not going to end in my favor.


Ganking is not easy and gankers die a lot. Running back from the other side of the map, fighting 1v2+, dodging zergs... those are a fundamentally different skill set than dueling. I find roaming the most challenging form of WvW gameplay even with friends.


This is why when a player catches a ganker out of gas after just killing another player, escaping from an outmanned situation, over extended, etc and kills them... they often find themselves completely outmatched when they catch them moments later hunting on a dueling build.

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> @"Atronach.8520" said:

> What's the worst about them(never mind jumping and showing some siege love) is their ignorance. I usually wanna help my fellow roamers..this is just an example. So from my experience, totally agree with OP

> ![](https://i.imgur.com/nHyWICp.jpg "")


Yeah 2 players called me bot cheater because I had more then 3 illusions up in my power mirage... And the sad thing is they were playing mirage as well...

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Yes! They are far worse than the zergers who have a handful of scourges that mindlessly walk in a direction spamming shades. Definitely far worse than the people who solely blame arenet for the handful of powercrept cheese builds that almost everyone freely chooses to play on their own etc lol gankers are no worse skill wise or player wise than any other type of player lol

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  • 1 year later...

Most of the people that gank with 3+ people are truly horrible players with no reaction or any kind of skill. (btw douos are free bags 50% of the time and dont mind them at all ) I only hate it when you get swarmed.

I think belive the problem is that some only care fore points and match as whole and other only care about the fights ( And the quality of them)

And yes I can understand that it is frustrating to get killed 1v1 when you try to get back your grp or when you get killed 1v1 and did no dmg at all to the attacker.


Skill in this game mode is so important and many dont know how to handle their class at all (think of this in PVE a really good player have 10x damage output than the average joe according to a-net ) (might not have been 10x but it where brutal difference )

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