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Changes to Istan Meta Farming (Discussion)

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Seriously?!! After removing scaling and champions in world bosses now you want to nerf Istan? How desesperate is that thing? I farm that place 2-3 times per day with Akili and great hall, (~30g) It's the better gold income for me with fractals (7g each time I do few) and guild missions (around 7g too). I'm definitely against it, chests are already limited when you farm palawadan chests...


I'm very sad about all those changes since the beginning that literally anhilate any fun left in that game. All started with the 2014 features "removal" pack:

-changed all quests to remove what was fun within them: turning into a golem to repair other golems, golem chess, turning into sylvian pup and play with them, even some animations! At the beginning, the queensdale quest with the cows require you to throw water on corn crops to restore them, now you just have to press F!

-Removed overcharge skills of turrets

-Changed core traits to worst traits


-Added a class that only have 3 utilities and 1 elite, deleting your racial elite. And no possibilities to change utilities: great job.


-No more massive world bosses that are attracting with awesome lore. Only small poor unrewarding metas.

-Added mount restricted areas

-Added invisible walls

-Added MOAR invisible walls

Auric is still the best with Istan

-since extensions:

No more map designed for fun, completely finished with a ton of hidden secrets and lore, where all space are used. Compare sandswept to metrica:

In metrica you can enter through any asuran stone portals whereas 80% of them stay closed in sandswept. Also impossible to access the cube. The pleasure of exploration that was here since the beginning is now hidden by stupid metas, locked behind story or whatever. Not thinking about all those invisible walls we have everywhere how it it realistic? Is it some kind of satanic magic? Because it RUINS exploration and the feeling of liberty. Seriously? Players break outside the maps due to mounts? Not a reason to add invisible walls instead you should have finished the content that players have discovered, unfinished.

-> Instead of adding those walls and no mounts areas, do something healthier for the game: Finish SAB W3 and 4, Finish Polymock Arenas.

->Last comment about that: If players aren't allowed to discover area that are unreachable before mounts, why allowing people entering the Idea Incubation Lab in rata sum whereas Eir house in hoelbrak is forbidden? NON SENSE. (incubation wasn't planned, all npc are copy-pasted from one.)

Just let all the things that are charming in that game, stop nerfing it and making it a regular MMO.

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> @"trouble.3562" said:

> People survived AB nerf. They will endure this.





I'm shaking my head that anyone thought this was going to go on forever. Everyone gets hit with the nerf bat sometimes. It's just the way these things work because balance isn't just about skills and builds and so forth, it's about controlling the economy and distributing the population among various locations and activities that hook players in a way that will keep them playing the game. ANet has the metrics on that; we don't.


The Istan rewards were OP. They got nerfed. Appropriately.

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> @"Shyh.6908" said:

> Are not people buying as much gem as before? right? The profits fell, right? What to do? Force them to put money, obviously.

> Anet, do you believe the other maps will be fuller? Big mistake, you know why? Because the events are boring and time consuming is huge,

> you created boring maps and now want to force people to stay in them? Misleading, what will happen is that people will evade and when

> they see something new and interesting, they will come back. Simple.

> Want to have steady profit in a b2p game mode? Implement the monthly payment, it's easier, WoW and FFXIV have this model and their

> community is strong. Nothing, absolute nothing justifies these changes, but whatever, the game is yours and you do what you want with it.

> From now on, I will tell to all my friends, Anet is like any other game company: the only things that matter is money, profit ( "shiny, shny"). Good Luck for you Anet.

> PS: I have to finish Aurora, but I wait until another decent farm map comes out, for now lets play another games. o/ o/ o/


Oh please. This has nothing to do with maps being boring or not. I'm sure MANY - not most - players would instantly jump on the boring maps if they / one of them provided the best flavour of the month gold farm at the moment.

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Guessing greed over game play wins again. people moaning they don't get the same amount of gold now /got enough gold/ want to mess it up for others. Because all your moaning has done exactly that.

If people want to farm all day then why do you feel even the slightest need to have to get it changed.? When I do the farm I do a couple hours and leave it. Oh yeah lets moan about the economy moan moan moan. No care for the people who actually were happy mats were cheaper. self self self.


kitted off doesn't cut it right now. Leave stuff alone.

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Now istani will be dead and sw is back to be full farm again. Farming is honestly not good for game since instead of playing you do same events over and over again this change will maybe make istani a ghost town and gh and pala be ignored since but i feel all metas should reward daily its only fair since if 1 meta has to be daily and rest not ppl will ignore the daily one if all are daily ppl will do all metas since it be most rewarding

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"Our goal is for content like the Istan Metas to be a part of your daily play-cycle, without it becoming your entire play-cycle."


In theory, this sounds really fine, and is generally a good principle to have. The problem is when you nerf one of the options in order for players to consider other alternatives _without actually supplying other alternatives_.


Let's be honest, other LS4 maps are just bad as far as their metas go. People might do them as long as they'll have achievements to have, but after that there's no point. Not that base PoF maps are any better, by the way. So, what will happen after Istan gets nerfed? People will just move back to SW and HoT metas.


People for whose farming was the main daily activity will not start doing other things after their farm gets nerfed. They will either move back to other farms, or simply reduce their playtime.


It won't make a change for me personally (as i wasn't doing istan al that often, and if i did it was usually just one cycle, often not even a complete one), but i can't stop feeling that the real solution would be to improve all the _other_ metas first. Because they simply aren't worth their time at the moment.

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I've been with the franchise since early on in GW1, but stuff like this is making me reconsider my commitment to the game. The overfocusing on time-gating, the addition of raids that take development away from the open world (imagine the metas we'd get if they devoted raid resources to them?) and the insistence on introducing content and then nerfing it repeatedly is not the game I signed on to play. If this is the direction you guys are doubling down on, I may just drop MMOs. After over a decade, it's gotten tiresome to see games doing this.


The fact that you guys have refused to focus on armor sets as something to gain in-game the way you could in GW1 has already put GW2 on thin ice for me.


I'm really disappointed.

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Tbh im wondering that it took so long - the loot was way TOO good in Instan. Not sure if better than AB (pre multi-loot nerf) but lets say its similar so yeah.. it gets similar treatment.

It doens't affect my activities in game since i don't farm Istan - playing one meta every now and then (last time must have been few moths ago so it doesnt exactly count as farm ;) )

I even might go there more often now, if the loot gets better for one run - i wasn't doing more than one run anyway.

And the "oh-so-great-community" - must have missed it every time.. since i only remember ppl yelling in the map chat, that the fucking noobs should fucking stop to do "what-ever-they-were-doing" (like hit amala or not stacking enough or don't know...) and God beware you tried to get ppl for something else on that map... it was = mission impossible.


All in all, lets just wait and see. Someone wise said once "When one door closes, another opens"


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> @"Sylv.5324" said:

> I've been with the franchise since early on in GW1, but stuff like this is making me reconsider my commitment to the game. The overfocusing on time-gating, the addition of raids that take development away from the open world (imagine the metas we'd get if they devoted raid resources to them?) and the insistence on introducing content and then nerfing it repeatedly is not the game I signed on to play. If this is the direction you guys are doubling down on, I may just drop MMOs. After over a decade, it's gotten tiresome to see games doing this.


> The fact that you guys have refused to focus on armor sets as something to gain in-game the way you could in GW1 has already put GW2 on thin ice for me.


> I'm really disappointed.


You know raid dev team is small right. Open world gets more content than raids. But i agree and this also moves the issue to another map instead

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> @"Empanda.4617" said:

> > @"Duckota.4769" said:

> > Let's look at this for one second and break it down.

> >

> > "Our goal is for content like the Istan Metas to be a part of your daily play-cycle, without it becoming your entire play-cycle."

> > -Okay so your goal to dictate how I play regardless of what I find fun and you're opening up with reasoning behind it which is also bogus but we will get to that in one moment.

> >

> > "In the next content build, we will be making some adjustments to the chests associated with the Palawadan and Mordant Crescent Great Hall metas in the Domain of Istan."

> > -Only thing I've got to say about this is it would be cool if you guys fixed things that actually mattered like the fact Swindler's Equilibrium has been broken since the Dec 11th patch for thief and has been reported multiples times here and in game and you guys just continue to fix miniatures instead and do things like this.

> >

> > "An account daily limit will be applied to these chests, allowing for the opening of a maximum of 30 chests in Palawadan and 12 chests in the Great Hall per day per account."

> > -Ok. Idk why, but ok.

> >

> > "The base gear rewards have been increased, as well, so players playing through each meta once will see an increase to their rewards, but repeated runs will be less lucrative."

> > -So you mean to tell me I'm getting a bunch of greens I'll just salvage.

> >

> > *Okay so let's put this all together. I find it rather funny a change to a map is made in a locked thread before the change is even made. Something tells me you guys knew this wouldn't go over well. Essentially what you're telling me or what I feel this is dev talk for is "You guys aren't buying gems from us because you're making decent gold in game and we don't like that so we're going to nerf this with the excuse we don't want you doing this content exclusively when really we have no problem with you doing a lesser method all day like silverwaste farm."*

> >

> > Nice try anet.


> I KNOW RIGHT?! It's like they don't care about us players and whether or not we're enjoying the game! Their dislocating us without even thinking about how we the players who enjoy said content to do it. It sucks that their only going to listen to these players who never really cared or did much of istan to begin with. Now I feel bad to my friends as well because I talked some of them into buying PoF and ls 4 so they could join me in istan for fun! thats their rl money they have WASTED and yes I do mean WASTED anet.


Lol you talked your friends into buying a game/expacs just to farm one map repeatedly and now it's a waste of money ... more fool them, cos that sounds a really cool reason to spend RL spondully.

I said in the previous thread discussing Istan events not spawning champs and the ANET statement followed that... that was a stealth nerf to judge reaction, a precursor to this announcement and to me it just looks like another change to cull the use of in game resource to avoid actually buying gems.

Just seems to reinforce what I have thought over the last 6 months, something is forcing anet to reduce in game wealth as fast as possible in an effort to encourage gem sales and gemstore transactions for items now deemed necessary to have rather than fluff.

Then again all those players crying over this cos they really enjoyed istan farm cos it's a fun map - well the events will still be there to enjoy no one is taking that element away or .. was that just an attempt to stretch the truth little, or alot.

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> @"Jura.2170" said:

> > @"trouble.3562" said:

> > People survived AB nerf. They will endure this.


> Tell that to Auric Basinists guild. They use to have over 500 members with a very active chat


> Now it's a dead guild



My guess is, cause its only purpose was abusing the system and multilooting. Ofc that kind of guild would die.

If raids suddenly got deleted, guess what ? All of the raiding guilds would also die.

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> @"Laila Lightness.8742" said:


> You know raid dev team is small right. Open world gets more content than raids. But i agree and this also moves the issue to another map instead


Yes, but the content they create imo should be invested in the story and open world instead. Places like Kourna and Sandswept could have used a lot more attention. Part of why Istan is disproportionately popular is that other PoF maps are really not rewarding or poorly made (Kourna again) or unenjoyable. Istan is actually not the most lucrative farm, but people preferred it because it was a pleasant one.



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arena greed And Istan is just the beginning. what's next arena? SW too 1 time per day? AB also? players do not bring money? I have a great idea just follow the way EA. And of course, you need more lootboxes, more skins for mounts and at the highest possible price. Oh, one more thing. Remove gold exchange for gems. leave only real money to gems. This is a special option for the mastercad warriors.

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> @"folk.8190" said:

> arena greed And Istan is just the beginning. what's next arena? SW too 1 time per day? AB also? players do not bring money? I have a great idea just follow the way EA. And of course, you need more lootboxes, more skins for mounts and at the highest possible price. Oh, one more thing. Remove gold exchange for gems. leave only real money to gems. This is a special option for the mastercad warriors.


This change is a direct buff to the incomes of every single player that did not farm Istan all the time. Both because doing Istan once per day is more lucrative, and because it potentially makes other activities better by making materials more valuable. The view that Anet is doing this as some sort of scheme to get more money is completely unfounded and very one dimensional. The game needs to be balanced properly so that players do multiple activities and don't get burned out farming the same meta all the time.


Btw, you are late to the party about them nerfing AB. That was nerfed a long time ago, and yet people still do it because it's very lucrative.

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> @"Ganathar.4956" said:

> > @"folk.8190" said:

> > arena greed And Istan is just the beginning. what's next arena? SW too 1 time per day? AB also? players do not bring money? I have a great idea just follow the way EA. And of course, you need more lootboxes, more skins for mounts and at the highest possible price. Oh, one more thing. Remove gold exchange for gems. leave only real money to gems. This is a special option for the mastercad warriors.


> This change is a direct buff to the incomes of every single player that did not farm Istan all the time. Both because doing Istan once per day is more lucrative, and because it potentially makes other activities better by making materials more valuable. The view that Anet is doing this as some sort of scheme to get more money is completely unfounded and very one dimensional. The game needs to be balanced properly so that players do multiple activities and don't get burned out farming the same meta all the time.


> Btw, you are late to the party about them nerfing AB. That was nerfed a long time ago, and yet people still do it because it's very lucrative.


Right balance. PoF maps are still dead as well as any LW4 map. What exactly did they balance? If they really want people to play maps. Toward with this nerf there would be buffs loot on other maps but it ain't happening.


Istan will still be farmed fro VM and PPs just like AB is being doe now or not.

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