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Slippery Slope needs to be removed.


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We finished CM100 today with slippery slope and we bleed fire.

It wasn't hard. It wasn't difficult. Moving around when Slippery isn't the problem.

**It wasn't fun, it made us want to not play the game.**


By the end, half of the party was raging because their skills didn't work properly.

Half the party was (and I'm exaggerating a bit here, I'll admit) about to throw up due to motion sickness.

When we went into 99CM, half the party were still disoriented from Slippery and kept overadjusting to physics.


Like, okay, Slippery Slope was a good idea. It sounded interesting.


But in its current implementation, it is the most awful thing in Guild Wars 2.


This needs to be hotfixed removed or something.


Weird movement: Okay, but manageable, even fun.

Skills inconsistently not working, and actively harming certain specializations: Red flag that this instability needs adjustment.

Motion Sickness as a result of playing with this instability: This instability needs to be removed from the game ASAP.


This is a major problem and action needs to be made now.



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> @"Ltomato.8649" said:

>Like, okay, Slippery Slope was a good idea. It sounded interesting.

> But in its current implementation, it is the most awful thing in Guild Wars 2.


Then stop making provocative headers and instill histeria. If it's fun, but badly implemented, it needs adjustment, not removal. With mentality like you demonstrate there will never be any progress.


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I agree with you this instab has no place in fractals. I'm not sure fixing it will resolve the annoyances it brings. The suggestions I've seen around are make stabs a counter. That's not going to work either unless they rework either stab uptime in support builds or the knockdown spam that mobs do in almost every game mode. Just remove it and be done with it

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> @"Ltomato.8649" said:

> **It wasn't fun,


That about sums it up for me. The devs said the new instabilities were to promote a more positive gameplay experience. IMO a swing 'n a miss.


> @"Ltomato.8649" said:

> When we went into 99CM, half the party were still disoriented from Slippery and kept overadjusting to physics.

OMG, I thought it was just me. I had the same problem the other night when Slippery came up twice in T4s. For the rest of the night my movement felt 'off', to the point where I wondered if it wasn't a bug. Guess it was an illusion after all...


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> @"MoriMoriMori.5349" said:

> Then stop making provocative headers and instill histeria. If it's fun, but badly implemented, it needs adjustment, not removal. With mentality like you demonstrate there will never be any progress.


Slippery slope instill madness and even sometimes histeria. Not this post.

This instability destroy the gameplay, smashing your rota/actions learnt during years and for what? Fun slides during the first 2 minutes?

No, in fact this not fun! Just a serious nightmare.We understand Anet want us to spend more time every day on this content.

But guess what. When things goes wrong like that, a lot of ppl just dont insist and quit.

And every time i have to leave a party because of this Slippery slope, that make me sad.

Sad for the game and for other ppl who dont enjoy this kind of "evolution" and sometimes leave the party too.


Thanks for that Anet


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> @"DrFox.8091" said:

> This instability destroy the gameplay, smashing your rota/actions learnt during years and for what? Fun slides during the first 2 minutes?


If instability destroys your scripted rotation which guarantees your victory after victory otherwise, it actually fixes the game and works as intended. The game dies when you find an uber solution which works all the time, and just repeat it over and over again, guaranteeing you'll win. This isn't game anymore, it's a work-like activity, just without being paid for it, a chore. Game isn't possible without uncertainty and problem solving. Good game will constantly shower you with problems you must solve. Perfect game is the one that never allow you to completely adapt to it and find some strategy which works for all (or most) situations. If you don't want to solve problems, you don't want to play a game.


Not sure why spend time in a game, if you don't want actually to play it. Is it a social thingy of sort? Farming urge need to be satisfied? Both doesn't make sense to me that much. Game comes first, the other 2 are just compliments, they have little value if game itself is not engaging.


Now, I'm not saying Slippery Slope is okay in its current state. Just that simply the fact it makes you change your tactics isn't an argument against it as a game mechanic, it's actually a compliment. If it disrupts it TOO much, though, it needs to be adjusted.



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> @"MoriMoriMori.5349" said:

>This isn't game anymore, it's a work-like activity, just without being paid for it, a chore.

Is it what we call farming? Oh yeah Gw2 is not a "farming game" at all.


>Game isn't possible without uncertainty and problem solving.

Your definition of "game". Mine is to play to help people and finish a goal with a decent percent of fun and succes.

Not wiping a lot without fun, disband and wiping after with an other party.

This addition is destroying the wiling of ppl to play a content to me.


> Good game will constantly shower you with problems you must solve. Perfect game is the one that never allow you to completely adapt to it and find some strategy which works for all (or most) situations. If you don't want to solve problems, you don't want to play a game.

> Not sure why spend time in a game, if you don't want actually to play it. Is it a social thingy of sort? Farming urge need to be satisfied? Both doesn't make sense to me that much. Game comes first, the other 2 are just compliments, they have little value if game itself is not engaging.


If you think that, you should expect a deep rework of every fractal every year or two, not be satisfy with instabilities (in 2015 and 2019) wich are a "stick in the weels" add, not really a content (or a superficial one). Moreover its a little paradoxical to ask "engaging content" for fractals who have daily system rewards. you can go Cm for that.

Also there is no real counter for Slippery, its just a perpetual nightmare. So no i dont want to and i dont play it.

If "game come first" mean accept all new nasty gameplay we release on the old and new content so yes i'll certainly stop to play that and just farm and play Fashion wars like some friends and many others ppl. If i stay. (Coz ofc there IS many way to play this game, dont imply to "solve pb" all the time sorry).


There is no dailys in Raids coz its an elite "engaging" content. The real problem here is proposing us to make "dailys" (so a kind of farm yeah) with hell annoying adds on the on basic content. If people are not elite players, they cant or dont want to spend 2 hours for 3 or 4 poor T4 Dailys in my opinion.

And if u like farming all dailys like me (not only fract ones) it can be frustrating to have to change your class or/and habbits (after chrono supp nerf for epl) and now even leave some fractal coz of a nasty insta who take control of your char.


So the paradox that you forget here, its proposing to all people to make Dailys when you make them too difficult (and annoying as well) wich restrict the "Win-win routine" only for an elite player category, or for people who only play Fractals, or who have a lot of playtime with a masochist mind.

But yeah maybe i'll change my mind about this, the day when Anet will add real difficulties to finish other Dailys in basic PvE or propose Dailys in Raids.


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  • 3 weeks later...

> If instability destroys your scripted rotation which guarantees your victory after victory otherwise, it actually fixes the game and works as intended.

The problem is that it destroys rotations by making certain skills just not function properly or at all. If the intention of the instability is to break the physics of dash and leap skills, then I'd say that the intention is incredibly flawed, as it heavily leans biases toward certain classes in fractals.


> Then stop making provocative headers and instill histeria. If it's fun, but badly implemented, it needs adjustment, not removal. With mentality like you demonstrate there will never be any progress.

Yes, let us spend 2 years "adjusting" Slippery Slope as people stop playing the game mode out of frustration/motion sickness.

Adjustments take way too long with the current patch cadence- I know I've heard multiple stories already of people who used to do Fractals daily multiple times a day who just stopped playing because of Slippery Slope.

This is badly implemented to the point of requiring removal- and then adjustment, rather than adjusting while it simmers and does more and more harm.



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> @"MoriMoriMori.5349" said:

> > @"DrFox.8091" said:

> > This instability destroy the gameplay, smashing your rota/actions learnt during years and for what? Fun slides during the first 2 minutes?


> If instability destroys your scripted rotation which guarantees your victory after victory otherwise, it actually fixes the game and works as intended. The game dies when you find an uber solution which works all the time, and just repeat it over and over again, guaranteeing you'll win. This isn't game anymore, it's a work-like activity, just without being paid for it, a chore. Game isn't possible without uncertainty and problem solving. Good game will constantly shower you with problems you must solve. Perfect game is the one that never allow you to completely adapt to it and find some strategy which works for all (or most) situations. If you don't want to solve problems, you don't want to play a game.


> Not sure why spend time in a game, if you don't want actually to play it. Is it a social thingy of sort? Farming urge need to be satisfied? Both doesn't make sense to me that much. Game comes first, the other 2 are just compliments, they have little value if game itself is not engaging.


> Now, I'm not saying Slippery Slope is okay in its current state. Just that simply the fact it makes you change your tactics isn't an argument against it as a game mechanic, it's actually a compliment. If it disrupts it TOO much, though, it needs to be adjusted.




I mean..... we spent hours not only practising rotation, but also learnt how each skill used in different situation, and what other things can they do, such as CC/condition cleanse/give boons/etc.... all those are situation skills are to be used at the moment when needed and to be insert in between rotation, and how to get back on rotation if interrupted, rotation is not as brain dead as you described. Also other instabilities exists, it's not like by taking away slippery slope = guaranteed win for all fractals (hello bleed fire/boons on birds, hello madness Amala aka Spamala).


I'm 100% agree to OP that Slippery Slope SHALL BE REMOVED!

- Is it fun? NO! 100% not in fractal!

- Is there any solution to counter it? NO

- Is it adaptable? NO

- Does it make players feel challenged? NO - more like felt sick physically due to the motion sickness.


Let me emphasise here about the motion sickness, not all players can cope with it. Just like some people can get on roller coaster but some can't, it's how our body were built, our physical condition just can't adapt to it, some people were born this way. Good on you that your body can cope with it, but I can't, I skipped today's cm due to Slippery Slope.


I however painfully endured deepstone with Slippery Slope today, but oh my god, we got wiped a few times before we can manage to defeat it. How? It was hard to dodge aoe, also need to be careful not to slide to the disappearing platform while dodging when the light is on CD. Also like OP said it messes up my staff 3 heal on druid. I want to deliver support to my team while trying to do mechanics but how??? Team mates are struggling on the same thing aswell and we can't get in each other's range after dodging, therefore I can't provide might nor heal efficiently. Not to even mention about the puzzle with SS. Yes we completed the fractal, but we felt sick with the motion sickness. One of my teammate said he was going to puke, I was indeed felt disoriented.


Fractal is for daily, if it's too difficult then it should be classified as weekly Raid or CM, but Slippery Slope itself is something else; it's not about difficultly, it's crippling our physical health. Spending more time on daily means that'll leave me no time to complete the other content in the game. I wanna go map achievement hunting, do the story on a different character to get the achievement reward that I didn't get the 1st time doing it, do more open-world meta, and if I have more time, I shall enrol into a raid training or even practice a new character to bring to the fractal.


In conclusion, Slippery Slope shall be removed from the fractal, it won't be missed by most of us. If Anet wants to keep it, tone it down and re-implement it elsewhere where it doesn't impact any daily game mode, on relax content, like... anywhere that doesn't have a lot of visual clutter/mechanics/long fight/precision to worry about, for example: a snow fight activity like the crab toss but on a snow field.



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Last night T4 Deepstone was probably the worst run of that particular fractal ever. That wind bridge was an absolute joy. The rage from the group was almost boiling over. Then the final fight was felt odd and slippery slope with disappearing platforms was much more difficult than expected. After a few failed attempts the group brought a boat load of stability and I switched to support barrier scourge just to not have to move (That much) during that fight.


Something has to give. I am not real sure of the solution but I do feel it needs to be taken out of the rotation until it can get reworked / looked at.

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Although it's not the first time having Slippery Slope for Deepstone (was it recs daily T3? Couldn't recall). Was experiencing something similar as above mentioned, yesterday. Took a considerable amount of time getting through:

- Wind bridge to spider boss - Everyone was :bleep_bloop: constantly blowned off.

- Puzzle room - No accidents here, just having casualties towards the end. Wisp dealing extremely high dmg, panels getting destroyed and players slidding off panels.

- A wipe at last boss (The Voice) - Players sliding off cause panels getting destroyed, potholes and really hope something to be done with the gravity bombs. Usually a death sentence to players downed by it. Damage and knockdown with reoccuring effect to players that got hit. Risky/preventing players trying to help.


Slippery Slope seems to be effected with bad pings/latency (was experiencing bad pings avg 300-400 yesterday). Personally felt I was slidding off further than normally would coupled with a late start up to move with the instability :frown:. But did cracked up knowing there's a safeguard for the instability for the elevator part :lol:.


PS: Unrelated but encountered a "fun" bug during Volcanic T4 + We Bleed Fire instability. The Grawl champion constantly proc'd WBE for every attacks while being immune :lol:. Played with it for a while, fireballs flying around is spectacular; downing unlucky players :tongue:.

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> @"Eramonster.2718" said:

> - Wind bridge to spider boss - Everyone was :bleep_bloop: constantly blowned off.

> - Puzzle room - No accidents here, just having casualties towards the end. Wisp dealing extremely high dmg, panels getting destroyed and players slidding off panels.

> - A wipe at last boss (The Voice) - Players sliding off cause panels getting destroyed, potholes and really hope something to be done with the gravity bombs. Usually a death sentence to players downed by it. Damage and knockdown with reoccuring effect to players that got hit. Risky/preventing players trying to help.

Didn't they promised us to disable Slippery in those zones?

As far as i noticed, Slippery Slope is disabled during lift phase. Which is not so problematic =)

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I logged in last night, got into a group and we started up Shattered Observatory. It was slippery slope. The group ended up disbanding. I couldn't find a group to do the non-slippery slope fractals. Instead, I did my standard PVE dailys and logged off. I like to do T4's because they are fun and offer decent rewards. I won't do slippery slope on this fractal. I think there should be an option for players to re-roll the slippery slope instability. I know some people really enjoy it. I'm not one of those people, I'll just go play a different game.

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Instabs in their current implementation will either be boring, passive and /or unimaginative or will certain be disabled in half the fractals because they dont fit.


Fractals, if their concept is them being unstable then should be designed from the ground up with such sections (scripted encounters) taking part inside fractals as actual mechanics. (wont happen because too much work)


Or (which wont happen either, too much work) each fractal will hav3 each own set of instabs.


So, in sort, we are kittened.


For what is worth i dont think fractals should he left as is but with the instabs gone, they would just be too easy and boring.

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