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Your opinions about the "No repetitive farm" policy


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I voted 1 - Players should be able to farm the same content.


Why? Let's imagine you work to the new Legendary Bow. You need +35k wood and +35k metal to complete it. If you gather Elder Wood and Mithril all the day that means ANet statements regarding their desire to prevent the players to farm the same content is false. Or in the best case applied very selective. So, although the "farming of the same content" is sometimes allowed, in other cases it is not. Confusing. I don't want to enter into details of how challenging and fun can be the content allowing you to chop Elder Wood and to mine Mithril for hours and hours.


The alternative to this "legendary" gathering was the Istan meta. I needed the materials so I salvaged almost everything. I never understood how you can gather so much as 30 gold/hour by doing this when I had at most 7-8 gold after 2 hours? Then I realized why: I sold nothing. Because all the materials obtained from salvage had an usage in my crafting projects.


In the end: I considered the Istan meta to be much more interesting and fun than to chop wood in Orr.

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I rarely (maybe never) did Palawadan or Great Hall more than once in a given day so even though the change doesn't impact me personally, I can definitely see where it would cause consternation for some. My thought is that this type of change is likely good for the game overall. I say that because similar to how we want professions to be balanced so one single profession isn't over-powering all others, we likely should have events and maps be balanced so one doesn't clearly have loot over-powering all others. If the game is designed so you can rotate through events and maps with variety and end up with the same level of rewards as you would have had farming the same event all day, that's likely a positive thing.

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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > @"keenedge.9675" said:

> > Ever miss the days when we worked together to kill a map boss to get a decent reward ?

> ...when the world bosses ever gave any decent reward?


Back when rares had value ... In the beginning, we had to grind champs to get a few rares to satisfy ectoplasm needs.


Granted, we're all level 80 now. Imagine, a rare dropping in PoF that had GOOD stats instead of healing and ferocity.


Why spend the time for a boss meta if you don't get anything useful? Instead, you'd spend your time farming some other repetitive area perhaps, I guess.


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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> In my opinion, the issue isn’t about repeatedly farming in general but instead repeatedly farming a very narrow piece of content because its rewards are so out of whack that it makes other areas seem like a waste of time.

Maybe because a lot of them simply _are_ a waste of time (and will be even after Istan gets nerfed). But of course it's easier to treat the sympoms instead of trying to fix the underlying cause.


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> @"keenedge.9675" said:

> > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > > @"keenedge.9675" said:

> > > Ever miss the days when we worked together to kill a map boss to get a decent reward ?

> > ...when the world bosses ever gave any decent reward?


> Back when rares had value ... In the beginning, we had to grind champs to get a few rares to satisfy ectoplasm needs.


> Granted, we're all level 80 now. Imagine, a rare dropping in PoF that had GOOD stats instead of healing and ferocity.


> Why spend the time for a boss meta if you don't get anything useful? Instead, you'd spend your time farming some other repetitive area perhaps, I guess.

People weren't doing world boss metas (for rewards anyway). They were doing world boss _trains_. Because the rewards were decent only when you were killing a lot of them (or when their metas offered a good chance at farming, like it was with Ulgoth preevents). Individual bosses were never really rewarding (barring maybe tequatl initially, but it was way too hard for an average player in the beginning, and by the time it got nerfed to the current state the reward level of the whole game changed).



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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:


> 3. Anet should have introduced some alternatives first. Currently other LS4 episodes have next to no replayability. Part of the problem comes not from Istan being too good, but from the later episodes (and the whole PoF) just being not good enough. And i don't see them worrying about that part at all.


I prefer soloing Hot story maps and PoF story maps randomly. But, if you read on Reddit about people using their wiki builds and getting slapped around in the new maps it seems they need to get out more. Each expansion release has increased map exploration difficulty levels. People seem to underestimate the need for learning a map and its denizens and instead falling back to the safety of a zone farm.


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Players should be able to repeat the content as much as they want to, but they should not get more rewards by doing that than by doing several different things in the same time.


Specially as more content as added.


Sooner or later we are going to have to get some sort of quarterly achievements that give bonus rewards for doing a wide variety of things, like every single fractal level, every single dungeon path, every world boss, winning matches in every PvP map, capturing or defending a number of different WvW locations, etc.

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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > In my opinion, the issue isn’t about repeatedly farming in general but instead repeatedly farming a very narrow piece of content because its rewards are so out of whack that it makes other areas seem like a waste of time.

> Maybe because a lot of them simply _are_ a waste of time (and will be even after Istan gets nerfed). But of course it's easier to treat the sympoms instead of trying to fix the underlying cause.



It’s one step but not the full solution. Istan rewards needed to be nerfed.

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Well if they nerfing istan Ner silverwastes farm to do it 1 per day.Also farm lake doric leather farm to do it 1 per day.Auric basic 1 per day no more reward for next run.Same goes for chak gernet and verdant brink,Either nerf all farms so it will be trou to your stupid policy of not letting ppl farm whatever they want.

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> @"Crusader.7460" said:

> Well if they nerfing istan Ner silverwastes farm to do it 1 per day.Also farm lake doric leather farm to do it 1 per day.Auric basic 1 per day no more reward for next run.Same goes for chak gernet and verdant brink,Either nerf all farms so it will be trou to your stupid policy of not letting ppl farm whatever they want.


Also you can get 1 drop from mob per day.dont forget about that

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> @"Crusader.7460" said:

> Well if they nerfing istan Ner silverwastes farm to do it 1 per day.Also farm lake doric leather farm to do it 1 per day.Auric basic 1 per day no more reward for next run.Same goes for chak gernet and verdant brink,Either nerf all farms so it will be trou to your stupid policy of not letting ppl farm whatever they want.


There is no such policy.

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Although I love farming Istan a lot and love the company, and probably would be against this change but I might not mind it...


1. If the overall content of the game got a change to keep up with the items on the Trading Post. Increasing the drops' value from other metas to balance this nerf yet I do not think it will be enough. Maybe rework the dailies as well as the drops, there should be an equivalent, maybe a bit less equivalent but not totally kill any hope for farming.


2. Let's say the devs would love to bring other game's content to life, still there are some content that need to have changes as well so that the players that only have Istan as their overall gameplay and see it fun can find the change worth it. Open world farming is probably the best consistent farming and now players won't be able to farm open world as much, the ones who start to put in some work will have to go for fractals, raids, etc. which is probably a different community than what they used to be surrounded by, allow these players to merge with the the rest of the game content or they will have the feel of a forced to-do-list when sticking to open world, because Metas even with improved drops, still won't balance things out given how too many drops are nothing but as an easy-to-acquire material which is pretty cheap, a good example is the recent LW episode, the bottom half plate was first sold for over 100 gold and 3 days later it was below 5 gold. I wasn't here from the first legendaries but posts I read indicated that the prices were higher, with Istan they have gone down, now they might remain the same or take the same route as before, yet the farm won't be enough.


3. The nerf should be reconsidered, right now all I see from the limited drops is exactly the number of chests available per meta - 1 Palawadan and 1 GH only, might just say 1 pala 1 gh/ day than giving out the number which is pretty much the same. Also, the bug caused by the halloween patch caused Istan to stay empty even during the meta at some times, there was no LFG groups, and that was only the 2 minor profiting events with which some tags were still able to gather people, but with this change, players that tag up will be at random times of the day, causing the prime time issue that some players won't be able to farm their daily chests given a required amount of people to pull the events off in time with experience of how to do things. Maybe a slight nerf to the chest drops would do it. Although from the new LW episode hype, most Meta times were full of players, but still something like Jahai Bluffs isn't the same, so Istan would share one of these fates.


4. If a player doesn't want to put in the work to get as much gold as someone who gave up their time for it, that doesn't mean that balancing these 2 would solve the issue. One half was sad, the other was happy, the change inverted each half's face, that's it. Of course people have schedules and can't play except at free time and I totally respect that, but you should still expect to make less gold, maybe not with the huge margin it is now, but still not the same amount either and that should be respected from both sides.



Even though I mostly disagree with the change but I would totally agree if there are other changes to be taken to the overall game content that would make things worth it, but now I don't see anything than players forced to go to SW and still do the same thing, learn to flip the post and have a terrible community experience or leave out of the endless grind for their first legendary, gear, etc. However, I do not have the statistics to fully judge the change, so it might be good, might be bad, but from what I see, the nerf alone won't be enough, it needs to be followed up by serious changes.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

This poll -- and the title of the thread -- are inaccurate. Players certainly **are** able to farm any area of the game that they desire. There's nothing stopping them. Changes to the drops, or the rate of drops, or increases in the first drop and a diminishing return for subsequent drops in a small timeframe do not point to anyone not being allowed to farm!


I am going to close this thread, because it's predicated on a completely false premise. It would be fine to create a new thread or poll, but please use accurate language to avoid confusion and to get accurate responses. Thanks for understanding.

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