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female asura/charr keep getting male outfits

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If I wanted the male outfit i'd have made a male asura/charr. come on anet stop giving female asura/charr the male counterpart outfits. Pretty please with w/e you want on top.


P.S. Completely forgot that the new outfit is a datamined one and will probably be out next week. My apologies for any type of spoiler this may be.

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There are some outfits where asura/charr can get the female version, but there are plenty where they don't because it wouldn't make sense.


Female asura may be able to get away with it, aside from being flat-chested. Female charr usually can't on the other hand, and I distinctly remember one outfit where the male version would have been far more appropriate:

![](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/e/ec/Ancestral_Outfit_charr_female_front.jpg "")


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I often like that my female charr and asura get the make version, and I can only think of 1 case where I would have preferred the female one (caeapace shoulders, where I'd like my asuran guardian to have the butterfly).


But maybe the best would be for all characters to be able to wear both versions, so everyone can choose the one they like best.

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I heard a while back that some of them aren't done for Asura because the outfits are very sexualized and Asura vaguely resemble pre-teens so they don't want to go there. Dunno if true.


Charr I think they don't do because it would look ridiculous. ALthough I don't know why that would stop. *cough*The Dreamer*cough*

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> @"Rhyse.8179" said:

> I heard a while back that some of them aren't done for Asura because the outfits are very sexualized and Asura vaguely resemble pre-teens so they don't want to go there. Dunno if true.


They went there with the Elonian Elementalist outfit. Asura females get the female version of that outfit. (Thank God, because the male version is just ugly).


I really wish that Asura females would get more female versions of outfits. Some male versions seem really out of place for a female character, like the Feathered set.



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  • 8 months later...

to avoid any unfair issues, both gender outfits should be available to all races. if an overly large and scary male char wants to run around in a mini skirt, why the heck not. just put a toggle to filter skins allowing the selection of "male" " female" and "all" (after the overly tedious work of fitting the skins obviously, i know its not easy to do the art for them). but this would allow players who like the male armor on asura to keep it, and those that dont to have female armor on the female asura. over all, it adds alot more customize options to the table.

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> @"Rhyse.8179" said:

> I heard a while back that some of them aren't done for Asura because the outfits are very sexualized and Asura vaguely resemble pre-teens so they don't want to go there. Dunno if true.


> Charr I think they don't do because it would look ridiculous. ALthough I don't know why that would stop. *cough*The Dreamer*cough*


> @"PlagueParade.7942" said:

> If I wanted the male outfit i'd have made a male asura/charr. come on anet stop giving female asura/charr the male counterpart outfits. Pretty please with w/e you want on top.


> P.S. Completely forgot that the new outfit is a datamined one and will probably be out next week. My apologies for any type of spoiler this may be.


Its because the races have low sexual dimorphism, and its directly reflected in their culture. The situation with the outfits comes down to their body frames. Skirts on Charr are a pain because of the tail, and generally has to be designed around that. And no... letting clip is not the problem. The way the tail is part of the skeleton, and how it directly affects morphs when animated, requires certain metrics. Historically, Bell Skirts are most compatible due to how they flair out and animate a bit more rigidly.


With Female Asura, their height and body proportions work with some sexualized elements, but not others. Most of the contention seems to center around neck/shoulder, chest and waist line (and to a lesser extent feet). That might sound obvious at first..... but if you look closely at which outfits got that switch off, I'm willing to bet alignment was a factor. However..... I'm also more inclined to believe cost savings factored in as well early on, since many of the newer outfits seem to be built with more metrics in mind. I've noticed for a while the older outfits leaned toward not using dresses for Females, while the newer ones do. And I'm pretty sure thats because older dresses were designed around the Human Female exclusively, and the decision based on if they wanted to fix it up or not for the other skeletons.

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Considering female Charr and Asura don't have breasts, and the sexual dimorphism for the two 'races' body types are less significant than on humans/humanoids, I think it makes perfect sense for male and female to share the same outfits. Firstly, if you like an outfit on one sex, you know it's going to look just as good on the other, and it means the females aren't given outfits with breast cups, which look super weird, especially on female Charr.


Now where is that image of a female charr legendary armour.

![](https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/en/uploads/forum_attachment/file/237972/IMG_0094.JPG "")

Like how dumb does that look.


Also +1 to what Ashantara said above.

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Other than voice and hair (and I'm not sure why those even,) I don't know how you'd tell an Asura was male or female. At least within the confines of a family friendly video game. They don't seem to be mammals, or have a mammalian body type (such as what the Sylvary mimicked.) So they should probably be able to wear whatever they like.

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> @"PlagueParade.7942" said:

> If I wanted the male outfit i'd have made a male asura/charr. come on anet stop giving female asura/charr the male counterpart outfits. Pretty please with w/e you want on top.


> P.S. Completely forgot that the new outfit is a datamined one and will probably be out next week. My apologies for any type of spoiler this may be.


Its frustrating as all hell and i will not buy male costumes..

> @"Erulogos.2591" said:

> Other than voice and hair (and I'm not sure why those even,) I don't know how you'd tell an Asura was male or female. At least within the confines of a family friendly video game. They don't seem to be mammals, or have a mammalian body type (such as what the Sylvary mimicked.) So they should probably be able to wear whatever they like.


They are reptiles.. Its even says in some chat lines in Asura stories..

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> female asura/charr keep getting male outfits


And it's awesome. Ideally, all races would get all gender options, but the engine the game runs on would have a very high work demand for that kind of thing.


Purely from a lore perspective, however, Charr and Asura don't care as much about gender as we do and their bodies are very similar between genders as well. Genderizing their attire is actually an anomaly in their culture which, while possible, seems not to be the standard for either species. In fact, calling the outfits 'male' would probably confuse Charr and Asura, because they aren't obsessed with gender the way Humans are and don't consider clothing to be reflective of it.

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> @"AgentMoore.9453" said:

> > female asura/charr keep getting male outfits


> And it's awesome. Ideally, all races would get all gender options, but the engine the game runs on would have a very high work demand for that kind of thing.


> Purely from a lore perspective, however, Charr and Asura don't care as much about gender as we do and their bodies are very similar between genders as well. Genderizing their attire is actually an anomaly in their culture which, while possible, seems not to be the standard for either species. In fact, calling the outfits 'male' would probably confuse Charr and Asura, because they aren't obsessed with gender the way Humans are and don't consider clothing to be reflective of it.


This was true of the game at release; however exposure to other races has shifted their culture in the intervening years, and we've received many very feminine hairstyles, outfits, and a few other nice things that have caused female Asura to stand out alot more.

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> @"Hoover.6394" said:

> female ausura look like male to start with


Not really. Male GW2 Asura at least _look_ like Asura, while the females look like manga cartoon figures with their oversized eyes, tiny mouths and even smaller noses. You know, that creepy "manga-cutesy" style.


In GW1, female Asura were properly designed (Oola! <3).


![](https://i.imgur.com/UFR1VBR.jpg "")


> @"AzureTerra.1642" said:

> > @"Rhyse.8179" said:

> > I heard a while back that some of them aren't done for Asura because the outfits are very sexualized and Asura vaguely resemble pre-teens so they don't want to go there.


> You have some weird looking pre teens where you are then, ive never seen one that looks like a Asura does


The default asuran body basically looks like that of a pre-playschool kid (apart from their face, hands and feet, of course, and their skin). Their movement (at least the way they walk) bears a resemblance as well.

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> @"DietPepsi.4371" said:

> > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > That moment when an 10 month dead thread suddenly becomes talkative.


> Been happening a lot lately.


"Welcome, newcomers. The tradition of Festivus begins with the airing of grievances. I got a lot of problems with you people and now you're gonna hear about it. " - Frank

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