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WvW Trolling/Cheating Accounts


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I've been a dedicated WvW player for many years. WvW may sometimes be full of blobs, naysayers and drama, but despite this I enjoy it because I think combat and gameplay in WvW is one of the best among all other similar games; I have been addicted to it for 6 years and am wondering why Guild Wars 2 does not advertise it more (along with PvP).


But the worst thing that is really making me almost give up is WvW trolling. Troll accounts systematically pulling tactivators and coming back to do it again when they're off cooldown. Tagging up the same color as the actual commander, joining the zerg and misleading pugs. Spamming team chat. Sometimes it's obvious that it's one person with multiple accounts. It was just a minor annoyance at first, but we are already the underdog in our matchup, and one person has been doing it every day for the past few weeks at a timezone where we're especially weak against our blobby enemy.


Many many people have been reporting him everyday. There is no option to click that says "WvW Trolling" or "Cheating" so we click some of the other options even though we know it doesn't make sense. We even tried to report it using Bug Report so we could attach a screenshot. Every day for weeks. Nothing happens. Why? It's literally destroying the entire game mode for everybody in that server that plays during that time of day.


After 6 years of WvW I think this is the first time I've felt like quitting the game. I could transfer servers, but why should I do that? I enjoy playing with my friends here, and what's to stop other trolls popping up on other servers too?


It's so easy to solve too. Keep a history on each tactivator (if you can keep track of which player dropped what siege, I'm sure this is very doable) and on players with regards to what tactivators they pulled. Add a Report option for WvW Trolling. When someone is reported, review the player's history. When someone is reported a LOT, investigate it further. WvW is a great game mode but this very stupid thing that one person is doing is making a toxic game environment for hundreds of players and causing people to quit the game. I don't know why this is not a bigger issue.

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Create support tickets with as much information as you can glean. If you have recorded video of the trolling mention that in the report. Encourage other players on your server to do the same. ArenaNet will reply that the 'best' way to report them is with an in-game report. Ignore that. That's a copy-pasta that they're forced to send back to you. They will **ONLY** action trolling accounts through the support website, and I'm _100%_ sure of that, as I have multiple instances that support this.


Don't give up hope, it might take a few tries. You can expect up to 3 months for the first few cases, and 6 months next. Afaik, they will never perma-ban repeat offenders, for whatever reason. Players need to **shun** behavior like this, instead of celebrating this toxic behavior ( talking to you that call the troll 'cute' or 'it's so boring when Mr Troll is banned' )

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I'm so glad my server consists mostly of people who think tactivators in general are so stupidly overpowered that they should be kept on cd whenever remembered.

You have a tool to prevent the use - set to private. By setting to public you are acknowledging that you give permission to be used by anyone at anytime. If your server doesn't utilize this maybe try calming down a bit, if it's not important to your server maybe it shouldn't be so traumatic for you?


And use the /block function for chat trolling, it makes the world a much nicer place when we are adults and can deal with such things simply ourselves.

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> @"anonymous.7812" said:



> Afaik, they will never perma-ban repeat offenders, for whatever reason. Players need to **shun** behavior like this, instead of celebrating this toxic behavior


It's been a while since I checked, but when last I did the EULA didn't mention asking permission of Duckgirl or Anonymous before pulling a public use tactivator.

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> @"duckgirl.8769" said:

> I've been a dedicated WvW player for many years. WvW may sometimes be full of blobs, naysayers and drama, but despite this I enjoy it because I think combat and gameplay in WvW is one of the best among all other similar games; I have been addicted to it for 6 years and am wondering why Guild Wars 2 does not advertise it more (along with PvP).


> But the worst thing that is really making me almost give up is WvW trolling. Troll accounts systematically pulling tactivators and coming back to do it again when they're off cooldown. Tagging up the same color as the actual commander, joining the zerg and misleading pugs. Spamming team chat. Sometimes it's obvious that it's one person with multiple accounts. It was just a minor annoyance at first, but we are already the underdog in our matchup, and one person has been doing it every day for the past few weeks at a timezone where we're especially weak against our blobby enemy.


> Many many people have been reporting him everyday. There is no option to click that says "WvW Trolling" or "Cheating" so we click some of the other options even though we know it doesn't make sense. We even tried to report it using Bug Report so we could attach a screenshot. Every day for weeks. Nothing happens. Why? It's literally destroying the entire game mode for everybody in that server that plays during that time of day.


> After 6 years of WvW I think this is the first time I've felt like quitting the game. I could transfer servers, but why should I do that? I enjoy playing with my friends here, and what's to stop other trolls popping up on other servers too?


> It's so easy to solve too. Keep a history on each tactivator (if you can keep track of which player dropped what siege, I'm sure this is very doable) and on players with regards to what tactivators they pulled. Add a Report option for WvW Trolling. When someone is reported, review the player's history. When someone is reported a LOT, investigate it further. WvW is a great game mode but this very stupid thing that one person is doing is making a toxic game environment for hundreds of players and causing people to quit the game. I don't know why this is not a bigger issue.


You do realize you could troll people by "troll" reporting them for trolling more often that u actually get people reported for "real" trolling right? I mean people troll tactics because they are dumb, arenanet should just remove them and force people to fight for a win, if you depend on some gimick to hold your keep/tower you just diserve to lose it. Deal with it bro, learn to fight, tag up and lead a squad full of competent players to fight the enemy blobs, that is how you win the game, not by depending on a lever to save your keep.

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> @"LetoII.3782" said:

> > @"anonymous.7812" said:


> >

> > Afaik, they will never perma-ban repeat offenders, for whatever reason. Players need to **shun** behavior like this, instead of celebrating this toxic behavior


> It's been a while since I checked, but when last I did the EULA didn't mention asking permission of Duckgirl or Anonymous before pulling a public use tactivator.


The OP consisted of much more than pulling tactics to troll - though, if repeat offenders are asked to not pull them when needed, and they continue to do so - a vacation from the game should be on the table. It's directly interfering with others' enjoyment of the game through mis-use of game features, and that is violating the **Rules of Conduct** (not a EULA) and under ArenaNet's discretion may result in account action. These are facts whether you believe them or not, and they've been used to suspend access to accounts I've personally observed.

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Tactics themselves are there to be pulled. as said, if you do not like it, then set to private. The problem when you make it against the rules is people abuse reporting it. I've seen people attacked for being a troll for pressing interact too soon when approaching a banner. I've seen people threatened reports for pulling E-waypoint right when the enemy arrives at keep. While not the best move, they are not breaking any rules by being stupid. I've also see people threatened for pulling invuln too soon. Seen many get in lil fits because tactics queued are not optimal in their opinions. How do you filter out these reports? Who judges fair use? it creates more problems for such a minute detail of WvW.


As for trolls, anet has made it clear what their opinion is on it. The maguuma rainbow (chat linking random items with lots of people so spam filter isnt triggered) is not accepted. Siege trolling commanders by constantly throwing prints on all their build sites is not accepted. Racist remarks are also not accepted. I've seen people banned for all of these. to me its good enough, id definitely not want team chat to be as over-moderated as these forums get.


Only real tactic troll you should be reporting is people pulling ewaypoint w/ false scouting to get into queued maps. Often times they ewaypoint keeps that arent even contested, which is a dead giveaway, however this is something that could be almost eliminated just by preventing it from being pulled when the waypoint isnt contested.

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Funny how a legitimate complaint of cheating that should be addressed by the developers is being turned by some people into "stop crying, if you need tactivators to keep your tower you don't deserve it."


My server has timezones where it is severely outnumbered. We have maybe 15-20 random disorganized people in all maps, defending against a map queue made up of 2 large organized guilds. It's very difficult but we absolutely CAN defend against that with siege and tactivators. Only our tactivators are useless because somebody keeps purposefully pulling them at the wrong time.


Yes, tactivators can be set to private to avoid this. But as I said, in this dead timezone it's a skeleton crew of pugs and most of our guilds are sleeping. So if those tactivators were private, might as well have no tactivators at all. It's not realistic and you know it.


I'm also not talking about the random person who pulls EWP or Invul at the wrong time. This particular troll pulls tactivators at EB keep, walks to Bravost, pulls tactivators, walks to Durios, pulls tactivators, ports back to keep, walks to Langor, pulls tactivators, walks to QL, pulls tactivators.


And if you read the OP, it's a lot more than just tactivator trolling.


If this is how it's gonna be I would be perfectly okay with removing tactics for **everyone**. I'd even prefer those classic trolls who turn trebs around, jump golems off cliffs and build 20 ballistas around the supply depot to drain supply. At least it takes the troll a lot more effort to screw everyone else up.

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> @"duckgirl.8769" said:

> Funny how a legitimate complaint of cheating that should be addressed by the developers is being turned by some people into "stop crying, if you need tactivators to keep your tower you don't deserve it."


> My server has timezones where it is severely outnumbered. We have maybe 15-20 random disorganized people in all maps, defending against a map queue made up of 2 large organized guilds. It's very difficult but we absolutely CAN defend against that with siege and tactivators. Only our tactivators are useless because somebody keeps purposefully pulling them at the wrong time.


> Yes, tactivators can be set to private to avoid this. But as I said, in this dead timezone it's a skeleton crew of pugs and most of our guilds are sleeping. So if those tactivators were private, might as well have no tactivators at all. It's not realistic and you know it.


> I'm also not talking about the random person who pulls EWP or Invul at the wrong time. This particular troll pulls tactivators at EB keep, walks to Bravost, pulls tactivators, walks to Durios, pulls tactivators, ports back to keep, walks to Langor, pulls tactivators, walks to QL, pulls tactivators.


> And if you read the OP, it's a lot more than just tactivator trolling.


> If this is how it's gonna be I would be perfectly okay with removing tactics for **everyone**. I'd even prefer those classic trolls who turn trebs around, jump golems off cliffs and build 20 ballistas around the supply depot to drain supply. At least it takes the troll a lot more effort to screw everyone else up.


No one likes the trolls. No one is defending the trolls. But when you've played for 5+ years and know nothing is going to get done about it you just learn to accept it.


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> @"duckgirl.8769" said:

> Funny how a legitimate complaint of cheating that should be addressed by the developers is being turned by some people into "stop crying, if you need tactivators to keep your tower you don't deserve it."


> My server has timezones where it is severely outnumbered. We have maybe 15-20 random disorganized people in all maps, defending against a map queue made up of 2 large organized guilds. It's very difficult but we absolutely CAN defend against that with siege and tactivators. Only our tactivators are useless because somebody keeps purposefully pulling them at the wrong time.


I am sorry but if you are outnumbered like that u need to lose everything or actually be extremly talented at the game to fight those odds, you should by no means be able to defend a structure like that for more than 5 mins or whatver times it takes for reincorcements to run there. The game is mean to be for massive battles, it is not tower defense simulator, if you read the WvW description by arenanet on the GW2 website it tells you exactly what the game mode is.

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> @"duckgirl.8769" said:

> Yes, tactivators can be set to private to avoid this. But as I said, in this dead timezone it's a skeleton crew of pugs and most of our guilds are sleeping. So if those tactivators were private, might as well have no tactivators at all. It's not realistic and you know it.


Again, if your server feels it matters, they can offer up the claim on keeps etc to people who are staying on later. You don't have to be in an enormous guild to level a guild to claim, we maxed ours with 3-4 people tops contributing. By now its possible to have done so with even fewer people, if you care. It's completely realistic and we have the capacity to do so.

I'd rather see it all gone personally.


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> @"Celsith.2753" said:

> > @"duckgirl.8769" said:

> > Yes, tactivators can be set to private to avoid this. But as I said, in this dead timezone it's a skeleton crew of pugs and most of our guilds are sleeping. So if those tactivators were private, might as well have no tactivators at all. It's not realistic and you know it.

> >

> Again, if your server feels it matters, they can offer up the claim on keeps etc to people who are staying on later. You don't have to be in an enormous guild to level a guild to claim, we maxed ours with 3-4 people tops contributing. By now its possible to have done so with even fewer people, if you care. It's completely realistic and we have the capacity to do so.

> I'd rather see it all gone personally.



Most reasonable people would prefer that they were gone as well, they never really asked us if we wanted them. That aside, OP can follow my advice - ask them to stop in map/team chat, request others do the same. When that's ignored - create support tickets with details, encourage others to do the same. Follow up the tickets when the troll continues abuse.


Honestly we should at the very least be able to put rank requirements on the tactivators to make it harder for trolls to create new troll accounts.

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> @"Rampage.7145" said:

> > @"duckgirl.8769" said:

> > Funny how a legitimate complaint of cheating that should be addressed by the developers is being turned by some people into "stop crying, if you need tactivators to keep your tower you don't deserve it."

> >

> > My server has timezones where it is severely outnumbered. We have maybe 15-20 random disorganized people in all maps, defending against a map queue made up of 2 large organized guilds. It's very difficult but we absolutely CAN defend against that with siege and tactivators. Only our tactivators are useless because somebody keeps purposefully pulling them at the wrong time.

> >

> I am sorry but if you are outnumbered like that u need to lose everything or actually be extremly talented at the game to fight those odds, you should by no means be able to defend a structure like that for more than 5 mins or whatver times it takes for reincorcements to run there. The game is mean to be for massive battles, it is not tower defense simulator, if you read the WvW description by arenanet on the GW2 website it tells you exactly what the game mode is.


Completely agree. If you are that outnumbered, you should lose objectives. The fact that 10 people, with siege properly placed can defend a structure against 30+ people is just ridiculous. I know it sucks, but what do you expect the other servers to do, not attack you because they have a lot of people in WVW and you don't?

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> @"anonymous.7812" said:

> > @"LetoII.3782" said:

> > > @"anonymous.7812" said:

> >

> > >

> > > Afaik, they will never perma-ban repeat offenders, for whatever reason. Players need to **shun** behavior like this, instead of celebrating this toxic behavior

> >

> > It's been a while since I checked, but when last I did the EULA didn't mention asking permission of Duckgirl or Anonymous before pulling a public use tactivator.


> The OP consisted of much more than pulling tactics to troll - though, if repeat offenders are asked to not pull them when needed, and they continue to do so - a vacation from the game should be on the table. It's directly interfering with others' enjoyment of the game through mis-use of game features, and that is violating the **Rules of Conduct** (not a EULA) and under ArenaNet's discretion may result in account action. These are facts whether you believe them or not, and they've been used to suspend access to accounts I've personally observed.


I don't believe for a second you've gotten people banned. Anyone.

And if you did, and it was for pulling a lever well done! All the people blatantly hacking with impunity for years on end appreciate you flooding support with tickets.

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It's best not to be upset over things you can't change, trolls will be trolls and losing your temper won't stop them. I'm not suggesting you're the type to do this, but the tone of the OP sounds to me like it boils your blood more than you should let it.


Making suggestions here is unlikely to fix it but there's no reason not to try. So in that respect I understand your goal.


Treat tactivators like I tell scouts to treat objectives; "don't get attached if you have a hard time letting go. Everything falls eventually." Same goes for tacts. Don't rely on them to save the day.


Also this

> @"Kilo.2539" said:


> No one likes the trolls. No one is defending the trolls. But when you've played for 5+ years and know nothing is going to get done about it you just learn to accept it.


In all my time in WvW, I could only count on both hands the number of times I've seen a dedicated troll going out of their way spending hours building siege. And I've been on almost every server NA and about half on EU. Most trolls pull tacts every now and again or throw a couple blueprints on supply depots and that's the end of it. It's incredibly rare that someone(s) actually spends a significant amount of time and effort trying to damage the server.

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> @"Shagaliscious.6281" said:

> > @"Rampage.7145" said:

> > > @"duckgirl.8769" said:

> > > Funny how a legitimate complaint of cheating that should be addressed by the developers is being turned by some people into "stop crying, if you need tactivators to keep your tower you don't deserve it."

> > >

> > > My server has timezones where it is severely outnumbered. We have maybe 15-20 random disorganized people in all maps, defending against a map queue made up of 2 large organized guilds. It's very difficult but we absolutely CAN defend against that with siege and tactivators. Only our tactivators are useless because somebody keeps purposefully pulling them at the wrong time.

> > >

> > I am sorry but if you are outnumbered like that u need to lose everything or actually be extremly talented at the game to fight those odds, you should by no means be able to defend a structure like that for more than 5 mins or whatver times it takes for reincorcements to run there. The game is mean to be for massive battles, it is not tower defense simulator, if you read the WvW description by arenanet on the GW2 website it tells you exactly what the game mode is.


> Completely agree. If you are that outnumbered, you should lose objectives. The fact that 10 people, with siege properly placed can defend a structure against 30+ people is just ridiculous. I know it sucks, but what do you expect the other servers to do, not attack you because they have a lot of people in WVW and you don't?


This kind of statement to me reeks of self entitlement. Why should a group of 30+ deserve to take over a tower being defended by 10 people and well placed siege? 10 people with well placed siege being able to defend an objective against those odds should be applauded. That's also what siege is designed for, to defend against greater odds. A larger group doesn't "deserve" to win every objective just because they are larger. A smaller group should be able to defend themselves against a larger group. That's like saying that the small nerd in school deserves to be beaten up and have his lunch money taken by the bigger bully. Really irks me when I see people say that the large blobs running around WvW deserve to have everything captured by them. No, no they don't. They can try to take it and if it can be successfully defended then kudos to those that defended it, and it doesn't matter how they defended it.

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> @"oOStaticOo.9467" said:

> > @"Shagaliscious.6281" said:

> > > @"Rampage.7145" said:

> > > > @"duckgirl.8769" said:

> > > > Funny how a legitimate complaint of cheating that should be addressed by the developers is being turned by some people into "stop crying, if you need tactivators to keep your tower you don't deserve it."

> > > >

> > > > My server has timezones where it is severely outnumbered. We have maybe 15-20 random disorganized people in all maps, defending against a map queue made up of 2 large organized guilds. It's very difficult but we absolutely CAN defend against that with siege and tactivators. Only our tactivators are useless because somebody keeps purposefully pulling them at the wrong time.

> > > >

> > > I am sorry but if you are outnumbered like that u need to lose everything or actually be extremly talented at the game to fight those odds, you should by no means be able to defend a structure like that for more than 5 mins or whatver times it takes for reincorcements to run there. The game is mean to be for massive battles, it is not tower defense simulator, if you read the WvW description by arenanet on the GW2 website it tells you exactly what the game mode is.

> >

> > Completely agree. If you are that outnumbered, you should lose objectives. The fact that 10 people, with siege properly placed can defend a structure against 30+ people is just ridiculous. I know it sucks, but what do you expect the other servers to do, not attack you because they have a lot of people in WVW and you don't?


> This kind of statement to me reeks of self entitlement. Why should a group of 30+ deserve to take over a tower being defended by 10 people and well placed siege? 10 people with well placed siege being able to defend an objective against those odds should be applauded. That's also what siege is designed for, to defend against greater odds. A larger group doesn't "deserve" to win every objective just because they are larger. A smaller group should be able to defend themselves against a larger group. That's like saying that the small nerd in school deserves to be beaten up and have his lunch money taken by the bigger bully. Really irks me when I see people say that the large blobs running around WvW deserve to have everything captured by them. No, no they don't. They can try to take it and if it can be successfully defended then kudos to those that defended it, and it doesn't matter how they defended it.


Siege is not to stop the enemy, it's to stall it. If a group is committed to taking an objective they can make multiple assaults until the objective is drained of supplies so repairs can't be made. Any unreachable siege from outside will then have to be destroyed from the openings or after the group pushes inside.


Siege should never be able to completely stop a larger force. If it could, many people would never leave their walls. When I build siege in SMC for example, I don't build it with the intent to indefinitely hold off a map Q, I build it to kill rams/shield generators and to put pressure on gates so it takes them longer to get in which in turn gives our server more time to rally numbers for defense. People who think siege is supposed to _stop_ the enemy rather than slow it are the ones that build 20 arrow carts in 10 square feet and hope if everyone uses them they'll be able to kill everything. Back when you could Burn stack a zerg to death with a condition damage build and Mortar shots was the only time I've ever seen siege wipe a full zerg. Ever since that was changed (and rightfully so) I haven't seen it happen again.

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> @"oOStaticOo.9467" said:

> > @"Shagaliscious.6281" said:

> > > @"Rampage.7145" said:

> > > > @"duckgirl.8769" said:

> > > > Funny how a legitimate complaint of cheating that should be addressed by the developers is being turned by some people into "stop crying, if you need tactivators to keep your tower you don't deserve it."

> > > >

> > > > My server has timezones where it is severely outnumbered. We have maybe 15-20 random disorganized people in all maps, defending against a map queue made up of 2 large organized guilds. It's very difficult but we absolutely CAN defend against that with siege and tactivators. Only our tactivators are useless because somebody keeps purposefully pulling them at the wrong time.

> > > >

> > > I am sorry but if you are outnumbered like that u need to lose everything or actually be extremly talented at the game to fight those odds, you should by no means be able to defend a structure like that for more than 5 mins or whatver times it takes for reincorcements to run there. The game is mean to be for massive battles, it is not tower defense simulator, if you read the WvW description by arenanet on the GW2 website it tells you exactly what the game mode is.

> >

> > Completely agree. If you are that outnumbered, you should lose objectives. The fact that 10 people, with siege properly placed can defend a structure against 30+ people is just ridiculous. I know it sucks, but what do you expect the other servers to do, not attack you because they have a lot of people in WVW and you don't?


> This kind of statement to me reeks of self entitlement. Why should a group of 30+ deserve to take over a tower being defended by 10 people and well placed siege? 10 people with well placed siege being able to defend an objective against those odds should be applauded. That's also what siege is designed for, to defend against greater odds. A larger group doesn't "deserve" to win every objective just because they are larger. A smaller group should be able to defend themselves against a larger group. That's like saying that the small nerd in school deserves to be beaten up and have his lunch money taken by the bigger bully. Really irks me when I see people say that the large blobs running around WvW deserve to have everything captured by them. No, no they don't. They can try to take it and if it can be successfully defended then kudos to those that defended it, and it doesn't matter how they defended it.


That's a poor comparison. For one, the small nerd isn't there to fight. In WVW, everyone playing that game mode is there to fight, whether it be defending or attacking, you choose to be there. I mean, if you really want to be able to defend structures against greater numbers, then don't complain about fighting outnumbered all the time. Because if you win the week and go up a tier, you are only gonna be fighting servers more stacked than your current tier.

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I see it a bit differently on where siege balance is, I think a tier 3 sieged up tower should be able to hold with 10 defenders, that is if the assault siege is built in range of the defenders siege.


Because commanders of larger squads are lazy and don't like to wait out long range assaults it's rare for that first assault to be successful. That is on them not the game siege balance. Just because you are after bags doesn't mean they should run right into you (although TC loves to do that). Once those walls are open though, if the attacking force knows how to sustain then it should be an easy take.


A 30 man fully supplied up should be able to build 4 trebs spaced out and a shield gen to break that wall with minimal resistance. The enemy will either rush out to kill siege producing bags, or they will call in a bigger force providing bags, or they will drain the tower to build counter siege preventing repairs and making a second assault at close range successful. Welcome to wvw where the game mode is supposed to be a blend of strategy and fights.

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> @"dezkreet.3472" said:

> I see it a bit differently on where siege balance is, I think a tier 3 sieged up tower should be able to hold with 10 defenders, that is if the assault siege is built in range of the defenders siege.


> Because commanders of larger squads are lazy and don't like to wait out long range assaults it's rare for that first assault to be successful. That is on them not the game siege balance. Just because you are after bags doesn't mean they should run right into you (although TC loves to do that). Once those walls are open though, if the attacking force knows how to sustain then it should be an easy take.


> A 30 man fully supplied up should be able to build 4 trebs spaced out and a shield gen to break that wall with minimal resistance. The enemy will either rush out to kill siege producing bags, or they will call in a bigger force providing bags, or they will drain the tower to build counter siege preventing repairs and making a second assault at close range successful. Welcome to wvw where the game mode is supposed to be a blend of strategy and fights.


Ehm no, i mean It is a videogame, you do not need to go and chop trees to make arrows for your arrowcart, or spend 15 minutes loading up a catapult with 15 guys, i mean the game it is supposed to be fun that is why things are not supposed to last hours like, most people play this game for 1 or 2 hours a day, if atacking a tower takes that ammount of time how do you expect for the game to be any successfull and fun for those players??? Yes there is strategy involved, but sieging is just not fun, getting inside any structure should take 15 minutes tops specially if the enemy force is all insde defending wiht siege, only way to stop a bigger force should be by going out there and kiling them all, the game mode is all about the engaging massive fights that is the reasson why people play WvW. If you just wanna play strategy games go play starcraft or something.

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