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Mystic Forge misbehaving

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I tossed in the following exotic L80 swords:


Wanderer's Auric Sword

Alderune's Last Stand

Jormag's Breath

Molten Sword


and received


L76 Rampager's Soft Wood Staff of Rage


Since when do you get a different weapon type when all input items are of the same type? This is the first time in many, many times doing this with 4 exotics with like types that I've ever gotten something other than the same type I put in.


I used a Mystic Forge Conduit which shouldn't be of any importance here since it's just a remote way of using the standard forge.

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If you're 100% sure you put in those four weapons, then yeah that's a bug. I'd file a support ticket too (I dunno if they can do anything). Staff as an output instead of a sword is probably a net benefit for you, but ... it could just as well have been a focus or something.


However, I've scratched my head about the same thing before and ... sometimes (not always), I was able to back track to determine I accidentally put in e.g. 3 swords and a GS because the icons and names sometimes look a lot alike.

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I'd normally hesitate to say I'm 100% sure it was 4 swords , but I isolated all the swords in my inventory with the search function, and other than a ceremonial sabre what I listed was all the rest. I'd just looked at the swords to check their sigils immediately before forging, so it was easy to recall their names.


Curiously, the next forge I did with 4 randoms a minute or two after yielded the exact same staff. Odds on that must be pretty low, and an odd coincidence immediately after an apparent "bug".


I guess it's rare enough to not be a big deal, but it was the first time I'd ever seen it so thought there might have been some sort of hidden change to the forging rules. ANet's always mucking around with things that affect stuff you'd never think it would affect.

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> @"Kruhljak.2705" said:

> I'd normally hesitate to say I'm 100% sure it was 4 swords , but I isolated all the swords in my inventory with the search function, and other than a ceremonial sabre what I listed was all the rest. I'd just looked at the swords to check their sigils immediately before forging, so it was easy to recall their names.


> Curiously, the next forge I did with 4 randoms a minute or two after yielded the exact same staff. Odds on that must be pretty low, and an odd coincidence immediately after an apparent "bug".


> I guess it's rare enough to not be a big deal, but it was the first time I'd ever seen it so thought there might have been some sort of hidden change to the forging rules. ANet's always mucking around with things that affect stuff you'd never think it would affect.


That's why I try to report stuff like that using /bug _when_ it happens. There's no way that ANet can figure out a bug without someplace to start. If it's a rare issue (as this one is, even in the worst case of assuming zero player error from any reports), then they won't be able to replicate the situation without us providing specific examples _as they happen_.





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