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LWS4 - Finally a good thematic set.

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One of the things that always intrigued me, was why Anet is too allergic to good thematic sets.



When they do not miss an opportunity to make one (as happened with HoT, we do not have for example an exalted gear, we have only the weapons and the backpiece), the few who they do have the _"almost perfect, but with a critical failure"_ syndrome.



Anyway, in **Livig World Season 4** they did a good job, and if no one has noticed yet, the "upgradable" stuff collections give us a _"dragon champion"_ or a _"dragon slayer"_ look. The dyes armor are native (remove dye option), and harmonize with the colors of the "young" Aurene.



PS: a request, why not finish the revenant weapon set, and give us a revenant backpiece?


![](https://i.imgur.com/9RWMYgL.jpg "")


![](https://i.imgur.com/A0xx4Qf.jpg "")



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> @"Kal Spiro.9745" said:

> That's Requiem armor, the upgraded version of Elgy, from last chapter

> The backpiece is the Commander's Tabard, from two chapters ago

> You didn't ask, but the sword is the upgraded version of the newest weapon set, from the current chapter


Ah right. I didnt do the armour collection. Maybe ill look into doing it and see about the Tabard

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> @"Kal Spiro.9745" said:

> That's Requiem armor, the upgraded version of Elgy, from last chapter

> The backpiece is the Commander's Tabard, from two chapters ago

> You didn't ask, but the sword is the upgraded version of the newest weapon set, from the current chapter


Actually, the back piece is the [Ascended Banner of the Dauntless Commander](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Ascended_Banner_of_the_Dauntless_Commander "Ascended Banner of the Dauntless Commander"), but it is, indeed, from LS4 Ep 3.

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