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Do you keep track of your alts?

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I'm loyal to my thief, and he's my main since launch. But I do have the other 8 professions. My mesmer and necro are the ones who get some attention from me, the rest are like orphaned children who barely get a wink from me.


I think part of my hesitation to play them is that I have no idea what I've geared them with, what bags they have and what crafting level they are.


I was thinking of creating a spreadsheet and just update my alts with that. My question is, do any of you keep track of your alts? Do you use spreadsheets? Or something else? Do you keep track of them at all?

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^ same. i use both gw2 efficiency and a spreadsheet on the side.

it's just easier to look at a spreadsheet in the end and know what you're working on, or gearing toward. i only try to gear a few for wvw. and wvw and their gears are pretty expensive. so that'll be one set for pve, and another set for wvw. so i just type down what need to be worked on next.

while gw2 efficiency will let you see what each character is wearing and what inside their bags. so if you have a lot of toons or a lot of mules, you don't have to switch back and forth in game, save you quite a lot of time fiddling around =]

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I used to use both gw2efficiency and a bullet journaling spread to keep track of all my alts. That way at a glance I could tell who was what crafter, who was in what order, who was what elite spec without going through three pages at the character select screen.


But you know. Then PoF came out and now I'm more busy playing than I am updating my analog system XD

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I know about gw2efficiency. But I do not use it. I had a spreadsheet long ago, but even that is not really necessary, because I currently own only 13 characters. Two engineers, one main and one for build-tests. Two elementalists, one for gear, booster & exp-scroll storage and crafting the other for combat/testing. A revenant and a necromancer which are fully geared, but only exist because I have not found a proper reason to delete them. A guardian with a very special design, which I use for exploration. A mesmer which I use as crafter, portal-bot and to cosplay as a chinese dragon. Three thieves, one for crafting and material storage, one for opening bags and one for collecting treasures/JPs. A ranger with a special design, used for storing all books/scrolls/crystals with lore information. He serves as my lore-library until ANet finally grants us that bookshelf in the home instance. He also is my fastest node-gatherer. A warrior which I use for crafting and storing account-bound material stacks and inscriptions/insignias.

I know each characters designed purpose, the items they store (if mule), their gear and build and of most even the location.


Once I cross the 15 or 20, I may have to create a list as well. But I am not a huge fan of GW2 efficiency. It offers way too much information and has the ability to distract you, from your original task. It feels like looking something up in wikipedia. You start with "candle", 5 minutes later you are at "volcano" and another two hours later, you know the average temperature of our plantes core and the sun and what a supernova is. But the store is closed by now, and you have no chance to get a candle.


TL&DR; If you want a full detailed list about your account, there is nothing better than GW2 Efficiency. But if you just want to keep track of one or two facts and need to look it up once in a while, a spreadsheet might be a good idea. Or a piece of paper, on your desk below the keyboard. Those of us who have bought the original GW2, received the weapon-list. I kept it below my keyboard for nearly a year ^^.

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I have an Excel workbook which I use in tandem with GW2 Efficiency. That pretty much covers everything I need. I have tabs to track where characters are at in their different story progression and for their assorted map completion values. Which ones are getting which armor / weapons / food for a specific build for a specific mode (I have 23 characters on my primary account). Who has what bags, so I know who still needs upgrading come Halloween. I have a tab for dye tracking. Efficiency has this too but sometimes its just more handy to have it locally (especially when I want to check at a glance which birthday pack is going towards which dye). And so on.

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I have 8 characters and keep track of everything in my head. Well, all the important stuff, anyway. Race, class, order, gear, crafting, weapon skin themes... I don't really keep track of traits / utilities, but that's mostly because those are in constantly flux as I like variety and switching stuff around, though most characters have one traitline that I keep on pretty much 100% of the time.


I'm rather good at keeping statistics for games I play in my head.

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I have 9 permanent characters and I've never had trouble keeping track of the things which are important to me like what crafts they know and what stats they're using. I think it helps that I play them all fairly often, so I don't really have time to forget.


But it also helps that all my characters have their own personality and backstory and everything about them relates to that. It seems obvious to me that my engineer is the artificer and jeweller because she's the detail-orientated one who is fascinated by the inner workings of everything, so of course she 'picked' those crafts, and she uses turrets and grenades because she learned engineering from the charr so she leans towards the practical machinery side of the profession, with maximum overkill.


I don't remember which bags they each have, or even how many slots they have. Which is a bit of a pain when I get a new bag because I have to log into each of them in order to check who should get it. But I only rarely get a new bag, so it's not much of a problem.

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