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What to buy in gem store ?


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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> * Copper-Fed Salvage-O-Matic (alternative Runecrafter's if you farm a lot and end up with 1000s of masterwork gear).

> * Unbreakable tools.

> * Shared Inventory Slots to fit the above plus portal scrolls to LS maps.




There is one at the shop that is on sale, its rune something, its better than the copper one or what, it says it has 10% more chance to get rare materials but it is 30 copper per use.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> If you are new, I'd wait to spend my Gems. Find out how things work, what would be of advantage to _you_ and what really appeals to you before making a choice.


Excellent advice There's no rush really.



> @"Tryant.9027" said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > * Copper-Fed Salvage-O-Matic (alternative Runecrafter's if you farm a lot and end up with 1000s of masterwork gear).

> > * Unbreakable tools.

> > * Shared Inventory Slots to fit the above plus portal scrolls to LS maps.

> >

> >


> There is one at the shop that is on sale, its rune something, its better than the copper one or what, it says it has 10% more chance to get rare materials but it is 30 copper per use.


They are different in effect. I'd say that if the distinction doesn't make sense for you, then either (a) wait to make a decision until later (as advised above) or (b) if you must purchase "soon,", the Copper-Fed is an excellent QoL tool; I'd choose that. Later, as you learn more about the game, you might want to spend on other things, too.

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> @"Kal Spiro.9745" said:

> Or just don't spend them until you see something you just have to have.

> That's what I've been doing


Additionally, if you can "live without it" then withhold buying, the item may eventually be available at a discount, and that's when you should consider those "nice to have" items. As for those "can't live without"? You would know by now if any of those exist, so just carry on until your gaming experience determines what you can't live without.

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Personally i'd max out bag slots on my main first. It only unlocks bag slots for one char and is not account wide. Its handy to have at least one char with max bag slots for farming events/crafting/making legendaries etc. Then Id get a copper fed salvage-o-matic, this will save you trips to the vendor to get kits which is a big QoL and will money back overtime. Then Id put the copper fed into a shared inventory slot. You get 1 shared inventory slot for each expansion you have and 2 is prob enough for you to get started.


I would get enough char slots to have 1 of each class so I would not have to delete anyone to try out another class, which I have done before and its a waste. You get birthday gifts every year too so its worth keeping old chars around just for that.


Another good item if you run fractals daily is mistlock sanctuary pass key. Whats unique about i compared to other ViP passes is that have access to fractal vendors andcan get into fractals immediately without going to lions arch and also do all you crafting there. Also what is not mentioned often is you have a special action called 'nova launch' (similar but improved upon the shattered observatory version) that lets you jump around at 2400 range on 0.5 s, so you can quickly do crafting then leave. You also can double click on it to return to the area you were beforehand, good for when you need to quickly access bank/TP/crafter/vendor. Prob the only ViP area worth getting imo.


Id put permanent tools under these in importance. For a long time I got away with temporary ones but I dont do resource gathering runs outside of gathering winterberries often. But when you get them you never have to worry about buying them again and feel more inclined to gather random stuff around the world. You can also put in various glyphs and not have to worry about reslotting them after the tool is used up all the time.





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If I was starting a new account now I don't think there's anything I'd buy right away. Even my "must have" items like bank tabs and character slots aren't needed immediately, and I prefer to buy them when they're discounted because IMO they're a bit too expensive normally.


I might get the Mistlock Santuary Pass, except I'd probably buy the PoF Deluxe Edition pack and then I'd have the Lily of the Elon pass which I'm happy using instead. (In fact if I was setting up a new main account now I'd start by buying the PoF Ultimate + HoT bundle, but that's in no way necessary, I just like the extras that come with it.)


There's a lot of other stuff I'd want to get at some point, like infinite gathering tools and of course cosmetics like outfits, weapon skins, mount skins, gliders, mail carriers etc. but none of that is necessary and I'd want to wait to choose the ones I like best (especially because they're not all available all the time), or because they're sometimes discounted.


Edit: One thing I'd definitely buy is the Living Story season 2 and 3 bundles. I really enjoy playing the story so I'd want access to that, and Season 3 maps are useful for easy access to some stat combinations for equipment. But again it's not needed right away because you can't play them until you're level 80 and if you're interested in the story you'll want to do the personal story first. (Oh and the only reason I didn't mention Season 4 is I'd probably wait until it's finished and then buy the bundle instead of getting each episode separately.)

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The QoL value of various things depend so much on playstyle that advice is hard to give.


Do you play mostly one character or a stable of alts? Do you play PvP, relaxed open world PvE, intense farming, etc?


* If you're playing several characters, don't go wild on bag slots as they're per character.

* If you stick completely to a main, don't bother with shared inventory slots but absolutely get extra bag slots.

* Do you gather materials as you see them, run gathering sprees, or ignore most nodes? That drastically affects if you should get any permatool.

* etc, etc.


In general - wait until you feel some aspect causing a minor frustration, and exchange that.


My biggest game changers:

Copper-fed Salvage-o-matic, no doubt. For me, I think the Runecrafter's could do just as fine - the big deal is a never-ending kit. (Silver-fed feels pointless *to me* as I get Mystic Forge Stones enough to supply me in Mystic kits.)

Shared Inventory enough for some neat things like revive orb, merchant express, the Position Rewinder, Watchwork Portal devices, permatools, etc. (I recently maxed out).

One more bagslot for each of my most-played characters is comfortable, but not game-changing.

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> @"Tryant.9027" said:

> There is one at the shop that is on sale, its rune something, its better than the copper one or what, it says it has 10% more chance to get rare materials but it is 30 copper per use.


It's more expensive and its only upside is that you don't need to extract the runes and sigils before salvaging them into Motes (which are needed for crafting runes & sigils yourself), i.e. the Runecrafter's does that for you. The possible percentage of receiving Charms and Symbols (also required to craft runes/sigils) is the same as salvaging Greens with the Copper-Fed, only that _that_ one won't give you Motes - but then again, Motes have become super cheap at the Trading Post, so you don't _really_ need the Runecrafter's. But it's up to you.


I would pick the Copper-Fed, if I were you, because it is perfect for salvaging Whites, Blues _and_ Greens. The Runecrafter's is wasted on Whites and Blues, because those don't have upgrades and therefore nothing to salvage from them that is sigil/rune related. Your money would be wasted.

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> @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

> The QoL value of various things depend so much on playstyle that advice is hard to give.


Agreed, and that's one of the nice things about this game for me.


I really didn't like the idea of microtransactions when I first heard about them, because it sounded like you'd pay full price for a "starter pack" game and have to keep paying out to actually get a full game with everything which previously would have been included. And in some cases that's exactly what happened. (I later realised some games I was already playing had basically microtransactions, but they had transitioned into that from bigger expansion packs so I didn't think of it as the same thing.)


But whilst it's certainly possible to spend a lot of money on GW2 beyond the initial purchase you don't need to do that, even ignoring the option of exchanging gold for gems. As this topic shows there's no definitive 'must have' QoL or convenience items which no one wants to play the game without. Some people might say that of some items, but you'll never get us all to agree on which ones are most important because it depends on how you play and what you like doing.

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Don't be in a hurry to spend gems. You'll want them back later. If you MUST spend them, buy something you won't regret, such as storage, unbreakable tools, salvaging o-matics. Don't buy keys for black lion chests unless you have gems to blow (99% of the time it's better to simply trade your gems for gold with the exchange tool rather than buying stuff like that to gamble on getting something worthwhile).

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Besides getting a Salvage-O-Matic, Unbreakable Salvage Tools, Shared Inventory Slots and Character Slots the thing that I recommend is getting yourself a *PERMANENT* (curently not available) access pass for either Captain's Airship, Lava Lounge, Noble's Folly, Royal Terrace or Mistlock Sanctuary. I think Royal Terrace and Mistlock are the best ones to have.

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Shared Inventory Slot + Infinite Bank Access = Lots of new shared inventory slots. Now buy bank slots instead of inventory bag slots if you want more space.

Copper Fed Salvage-o-Matic.

Unbreakable Gathering Tools, if you gather resources lots.


I'd highly recommend those three (or four, if you want to buy another shared inventory slot).

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