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Balance Goes In Good Direction - just my opinion | letter to ANet


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I am actually happy that ANet decided to make some heavy steps in terms of balance. Last patches seem to show that they start to get the idea of what they want from Traits and Boons.

Condi is my next guess.


I don't think we are near that sweet spot but we're definitely getting there.

Normalization of boon application per class and making traits be less gameplay effectiveness is, in my opinion, a very good thing for the game. Traits effects can be sometimes hard to read in-combat and the powerspikes they provide are huge.

I also love the idea of reducing the variety of boons per class to make all of them shine in specific scenarios. This will allow to really feel the impact of having certain boons - so it doesn't feel like one huge passive effects (both in PvE and PvP).


The huge thing I'd love to see would be Utility and Weapon Skills doing **one thing**, not multiple. We have a wide variety of skills in game and some of them feel very useless because there are other that can do similar thing **but better**, because of some additional effects. This would allow for more diversity across skills actually.

Second thing would be _Condis_ and Power damage output. This needs serious adjustments and I Hope that it will get fixed on the way.


I just want to leave it here as a little letter of appreciation for ANet. I _do_ think they are doing a good job and I hope they just follow that good path and keep at it. So, thanks ANet.

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the last patch hardly did anything in regards to boon normalization. Several specs are still shitting out every single boons with very little effort, with notable offenders being fb, soulbeast, holos, and maybe chaos mesmers.


are you confusing what they said with what they actually did? they can say a lot of things but from what i see, it always takes them ages to do whatever it is they said they'll do, which basically means it'll never be done.

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l> @"DonArkanio.6419" said:

> Balance Goes In Good Direction


LoL not!

For a good balance they have to remove mirage because this class is broken especially condition mirage.

reduce mobility of Ranger by 50-75%

remove any kind of stealth and rework all stealth classes

bring some maximal damage in xx timeframe

remove torment and confusion from the game because they are " unfun " to play against and un"healthy" for the game.


after that we have 7/10 balance...

maybe i should play another game . . .






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> @"bluberblasen.9684" said:

> l> @"DonArkanio.6419" said:

> > Balance Goes In Good Direction


> LoL not!

> For a good balance they have to remove mirage because this class is broken especially condition mirage.

> reduce mobility of Ranger by 50-75%

> remove any kind of stealth and rework all stealth classes

> bring some maximal damage in xx timeframe

> remove torment and confusion from the game because they are " unfun " to play against and un"healthy" for the game.


> after that we have 7/10 balance...

> maybe i should play another game . . .







You probably shouldn't play any MMO's then tbh.

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We had a WvW Meta were 7/9 classes had meta builds for Zerg Fight.

Even kitten Scrapper was highly welcome (which took us scrapper player month to convince people we are awesome)


Last Balance Patch Anet deleted 3 classes.


Mesmer is back to being a Portal/Veil slave.


Scrapper is useless.


Warrior got another hit.

I rarely see enemy Spellbreaker and i never had a situation were i thought the bubble was dangerous.


A warrior is just one less enemy i have to care about.




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