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What's with the light in the desert?


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I've noticed that the light in PoF maps makes everything look saturated, which isn't the case in most others maps. Here is a comparison with night/day and a desert place (the jackal sky puzzle in desert highlands) and a core map place (divinity's reach):

![](https://i.imgur.com/KPr2zv6.jpg "")

It's even more visible in the Crystal Oasis, my character has very dark and blurry colours while the backround is very bright:

![](https://i.imgur.com/pbhKUsU.jpg "")

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To me it feels like your character has it's own set of lighting and shadow effects that respond to some general cues from the map like general directionality of light fall and day / night indicators. I don't get the impression that your character is seen as part of the map but rather a foreign object that is placed in a map. Even in bright light my character is not as brightly lit as the surrounding objects in the map. It might help with performance to do it this way but yeah I do notice it.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> Starting late in Season 3, I believe it was, the Devs changed the graphics for all subsequent maps. That's why they look different.

> There's a post from the Dev in question somewhere on this, or the archived, forum.


Is there any way to get back the old one? Since this is something that is calculated by our computer it shouldn't be that hard to do right?

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> There is no 'old' one. All maps from that time on used the new graphics. If you want old graphics, you have to stay in the older maps.


I mean you hardly can have a "new" without having an "old", so there _is_ an old one. And it would be nice if we had the option to use it. A landscape looks better when it rellies more on its textures looking right rather than postprocessing.

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If it was just a process they added to existing maps, it would be game-wide. Those maps (and current maps) are created with new graphics; they did not exist in any old state, so there is no 'going back'.


Regardless, you can read the explanation by the Dev, and participate in that thread, or create another. I'm merely the messenger.


Good luck.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> If it was just a process they added to existing maps, it would be game-wide. Those maps (and current maps) are created with new graphics; they did not exist in any old state, so there is no 'going back'.


> Regardless, you can read the explanation by the Dev, and participate in that thread, or create another. I'm merely the messenger.


> Good luck.


Nothing changed in the new maps' graphics. They use the same textures as before. The problem is the postprocessing, which is not bound to the map, because it is not an object placed inside it. It can be changed very easily, and the fact that disabling postprocessing fixes this saturation problem proves it. Too many graphic options are merged in this game... Why can't we separately toggle the ugly light on our character's side? Why can't we change the light without completely disabling postprocessing? Simply give us the option to use either posprocessing 1 or postprocessing 2...

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Just like Anet went way overboard by spamming unnecessary bright camera flashes from skills, gathering tools, gathering VM, etc., Anet went way overboard with contrast in PoF. Turning off postprocessing removes the blinding contrast from PoF maps. Anet makes a lot of shallow and poor decisions like this and I find them very detrimental to the game's enjoyment.

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