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TP's delivery box limit

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I've never reached a limit and I've bought literally thousands of items at once (for example buying candy corn at Halloween). If you have so many things in there that they won't fit in your inventory you'll get as many as can fit and have to clear some space before you can pick up the rest, but you won't lose them or be prevented from buying more.

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There shouldn't be even a theoretically meaningful limit, as all TP transactions are queued. If your pick up box has 100 entries, the UI can't display the rest, but you'll see them in the "bought" list anyhow. The only actual limit is however many transactions the system can handle, and that should be so large a number that none of us will ever come close to reaching it.


tl;dr don't worry about it


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I've never capped out the delivery screen, but I usually buy bulk (think 1000 of 1 item) at buy instantly price. If you use the buy order option though, whatever comes in from 1 seller constitutes as a stack. So where my 1000 instant buy would be 4 250 stacks, buy orders of 1000 could be 1 stack of 30 from 1 person and 20 from another, 100 from another and so on and so forth creating much more than 4 nice 250 stacks and probaby causing a viewing problem if they're not picked up in a timely manner.

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> @"WarWalker.9064" said:

> Hey everyone, couldn't find an answer on the web/forum.

> Is there a limit of items stacked in the delivery box of the trading post? And if yes, i can't buy/order anything until i pick up the items?

> Thanks for your help ^^


I reached the 100 limit today (or rather, a couple days ago - but I only took it out of delivery today).


The UI shows 100 "items" (like @"HazyDaisy.4107" writes, it's however many one person sold).

When I klicked "Take All", I got all the gold and the 100 items. Immediately, the delivery window was fille up with onther 3.

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