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WVW need more mobility


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> @"Jey.2349" said:

> > @"joneirikb.7506" said:

> > If you give players access to too much speed boosting, like say a permanent 50% speed boost at constant uptime, it will cause problems with trying to defend, as you can't get people shifted around to defend structures fast enough, as attackers could just run to the next and start attacking before defenders noticed, mobilized, and got to the place to check. Mobility is a balance factor for the WvW mode, despite what kind of shambles it is in.


> Giving large zergs/blobs a speed boost is definitely problematic, especially because they're able to carry many subs. Defenders need their time to track them down and communicate with the team.


> But how about giving small groups of 1-5 players a speed buff in certain locations of the map. That could encourage roaming instead of blobbing or possibly new strategies for zergs.


I agree, and I think that is one of the problems with the Desert Shrines for example, as they can give lots of players speed boost at the same time.


One of the more interesting ideas I have seen on that is to randomize things, like have a mechanic that teleports you to a random place out of several locations, far enough away from each others that it will be useless for zergs, but good for small scale roaming ?


Otherwise, a simple (but boring) limit to how many can receive a boost/blessing in a time-frame would make it cost in-efficient for a zerg, but useful for small groups. (Main problem with this is ANet philosophy, as this would slightly break their idea that you should always be happy to see more friendly players).


Or perhaps more interesting, using the locations of the bloodlust, each could have X charges, than then gets depleted, so you have to move to a new bloodlust circle and capture to get the boost. This way it can continually change, but give a speed bonus to X players, and then exhaust, forcing players to use other bloodlust rings. Make a changing system depending on how players act, that is beneficial for small groups, but too restrictive for large groups. (The comes the question of what kind of speed boost to give them, and how much, to make this interesting enough, for how long, without getting to powerful or to irrelevant).

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> @"steki.1478" said:

> > @"Acyk.9671" said:

> > Just give a mount without any special skill with base speed equal to swiftness. Automatic dismount when attacked without being disabled.


> Why create unnecessary lag when you can just have swiftness?


For: Players get to use and show their mount skins.

Against: Agreed, easier to just use swiftness.

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> @"Balsa.3951" said:

> mounts or other ways to transport u

> perhaps some battle Transporter which the commander can summon or ppl can build


> just an idea discuss


A few things...


WvW maps are too small for mounts.


If you limit mount use, to territory a side owns, then it's too easy to avoid a fight against mount restricted opponents. Also way too easy to defend a structure.


I'm all for addition ways to build in personal mobility, hence my sig https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/9804/idea-wvw-only-movement-skills , but mounts are not the way to go unless map sizes are, at very least, doubled.


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