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Is there any way to get level ups quickly without having to grind?

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> @"syneti.2841" said:

> > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > > Honestly, the best advice I can give is to play the character to 80 so that you understand the mechanics of the profession and the game as a whole. Running heart quests and doing the personal story will accelerate your leveling; whether or not that is considered "grinding" can be left up to individual interpretation.

> > >

> > > I often see players who level too rapidly leave the game because they are frustrated that they cannot engage in the end-game content. This is usually due to groups kicking the player for not building properly or understanding rotations and whatnot which can be directly attributed to leveling too fast and not knowing the ins-and-outs of the game/character.

> >

> > This.

> >

> > Even with playing naturally to 80 chances are very high you will be clueless as to how to play your class properly. Enjoy the ride and leveling process which is not that long to begin with.


> Sorry but if people are kicking me for my playstyle, then I will not play with them. You honestly forget these games are for fun! You do not have to follow the master build or rotations too succeed.


> MMORPG's are meant for fun , let's all fall in line too match the one hit build! No thanks!

> I've managed too do hardcore raids without following the flavour of the month builds, in fact my builds are usually the least favourable. And would be kicked from groups, yet I prove time and again too these people it's possible and doable! I just steer clear of these people, these days too tired of proving a point!


> To the original poster map completion Hearts main quest are the best way too level. You may consider it grinding but to be honest all games are grinds. Some just hide it better! To me at least nothing in GW2 feels like a grind. But that's just me!


No one is actually telling anyone to not play how they want. What people are actually suggesting they do is to level and learn how combat and builds work in this game. Go ahead and play what you want, and how you want, but if I see you taking aoe's to your face the whole fight, not even bothering to try and dodge, or show up in full zerk gear with a condi build, either you or me are gonna be leaving that group.

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> @"Alderaan.3176" said:

> I am trying to get my level 23 to 80, and I want to know if there's any way to level up quickly.

I hear you. Leveling in this game is boring as crap. The mean reasons for this are the leveling speed and the level progression. Let me explain:


**Leveling speed**

ArenaNet wanted to get away from this feeling of grind believe it or not. They decided to make all levels level at the same speed rather than have early levels be quick and then slow down as you get to higher levels. Sounds nice in theory but it actually makes the first 20-30 levels feel very slow and I think that's where you are at.


**Level progression**

Level progression is what I call how gaining a level feels as far as your character progressing. It is my conclusion that one of the problem is that they throw lots of stuff at you when you level but very little of it feels significant and on top of that by the time you get to around level 30-35 you've unlocked the key elements and then it takes 45 more levels to just get more skill points and unlock the 2nd and 3rd specialization slots. Those could come a lot sooner. To me that feels that a lot of levels are just there for the sake of leveling and don't really excite me at all. Considering the progression that you get it would've been great if the game only went to level 35 and that then you gain more skill points. It would take out a lot of unnecessary grind of levels.


**My solutions**

So how do I deal with this then? Well I do remember that at lower levels I used to get consumables that make you level. Secondly I do some WvW these days and by gaining ranks you get chest that contain tomes that you can use to also gain levels. I think you can start doing that at level 31 if I remember correctly (assuming you're not on a f2p account). Also as time progresses you get birthday presents on your characters. These presents include boosts for your alts but that one takes a while and doesn't help you as a new player. And I did get a level 80 boost when I bought HoT I think.


All in all I get your issue and all these people who talk about the best thing is just to level through it and learn your class are just bs'ing you. The content for leveling doesn't require you to learn much because you can just kill pretty much everything with your auto-attack and you can ress after you die a lot. Also you don't really get to learn your class until you have your specialization slots and skills. So that's at level 71 when you get the last slot. So personally I just use birthday gifts and tomes (you also get tomes from doing dailies which give writs of experience and from the monthly reward tracker for logging in). I personally prefer to make my characters level 80 and then start learning how to use them. Why? Because I still have all the low level content and all my skills available and I can skip stuff I don't enjoy then. It no longer matters where I go because I am level 80. Now I'm not saying that it's wrong to learn your class but I do say they're wrong when they suggest that leveling is the best way to learn it. It does come down to you taking the time to do it though, so I definitely suggest just playing around and trying different things, but you can only really do that when you have the things ;)


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> @"Opopanax.1803" said:

> > @"Cerioth.7062" said:

> > I can level a character from 1 to 80 in about 8 hours, I'll leave you guessing how. But I don't think it is a suitable method for complete newbies.


> Do share!


You need XP boosts - get your hands on at least celebration/birthday boost, experience boosters and preferably food/utility items and guild tavern buff. If you really wanna overdo it, also grab a guild xp banner.

You want a mount, to speed things up

Plan the most optimal 3 traitlines and skills and in which order to level them to gain maximum DPS, go for power gear, inventory manage while leveling (so get your bags and such beforehand)


Then you head out in roughly level appropriate zones and go kill monsters. Focus on monsters outside heartzones - the longer a mob has lived in real world time, the more it gives bonus XP. You want big bonus xp and you want it fast. Group mobs up, bring a friend if you can, kill kill kill. Usually good xp givers are underwater mobs, most yellow mobs, some red mobs (people underestimate these - many wargs, bears, wolves and all sorts of other critters get mostly ignored). Go paths that a normal map completer would have no reason to take. Participate briefly in fast events.


Totally works. Your first time might be slower, but once you figure out a route that works for you, you are set.

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Try to do the easy PVP dailies (Kills, rank points) when they are available through the "farming" maps. Then use the potions you get to lvl pretty much any reward track of your choice. These give tomes. Keep the tomes until you are a bit of a higher lvl, around the moments that it is a bit difficult to find a good place to lvl you use the tomes.

This way you can get access to some areas you're interested in to explore.

Also, whenever there is a world event (mainly the Queen's jubilee) join the events that are group focused, join a commander, by right clicking their portrait and "join squad" and just fight with them to get nice amounts of xp, loot and achievement points.

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Playing GW2 has taught me one thing: I was a stupid idiot for playing a game for so long that constantly pushed max level further, with exp rates so low that you don't even get 0.01% of a level up per mob at some point.


But back to the topic:

Since everything gives you a set percentage of EXP needed for your level feel free to play the game however you want. Exploring is an easy way to do it, if you choose you can completely avoid doing hearts if they are too boring for you. Just tag every event you see, maybe try to solo them.



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Given that with no boosts or bonuses of any kind I can level 1-80 in 3 days, I don't think you have anything to worry about. When you hit 80 you'll have skipped so much that you probably should have done, I'd say it's impossible not to level too fast in this game.

As to how I'd do it, I'd do story each 10 levels (this will level you halfway to the next tier and provide gear so you don't have to buy any), then grab every Hero Point you can, because you'll want them when you get to 80 to put toward an elite spec. Along the way gather as many resources as you can because you'll want them either for crafting or to sell for gold.

I promise you'll reach 80 very quickly, and when you get there you'll be dissatisfied that you didn't gather enough stuff on the way.

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  • 1 month later...

> @"Alderaan.3176" said:

> I am trying to get my level 23 to 80, and I want to know if there's any way to level up quickly.


First of all, playing the game (story, map exploration, hearts, events) isn't grinding - it's what you log in for. ;)


Secondly, there are [Mentor Tomes](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Tome_of_Mentorship "Mentor Tomes") (i.e., XP books for characters below level 80), regular Tomes of Knowledge, XP boost items, Guild XP tonics, banners, as well as several foods and utilities. All can be found here: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Experience

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> @"Cerioth.7062" said:

> > @"Opopanax.1803" said:

> > > @"Cerioth.7062" said:

> > > I can level a character from 1 to 80 in about 8 hours, I'll leave you guessing how. But I don't think it is a suitable method for complete newbies.

> >

> > Do share!


> You need XP boosts - get your hands on at least celebration/birthday boost, experience boosters and preferably food/utility items and guild tavern buff. If you really wanna overdo it, also grab a guild xp banner.

> You want a mount, to speed things up

> Plan the most optimal 3 traitlines and skills and in which order to level them to gain maximum DPS, go for power gear, inventory manage while leveling (so get your bags and such beforehand)


> Then you head out in roughly level appropriate zones and go kill monsters.




I've played since launch, and I have *lots* of alts, and for a long time I really wasn't convinced that this was efficient - but, right now, if you want to level *fast*, but still want to actually play your character, it's the best way I know right now by a long chalk. Even without optimum buffs, gear etc. I can level at a rate of about 7 minutes *per*.


I don't honestly think best gear is critical providing you're killing fairly fast, unless you're trying to shave mere minutes off your total time, although it certainly doesn't do any harm, but my own tip would be that one boost you *really* want (and want to keep up) is *Killstreak*. Build it up to 10 kills, and keep it there, for a +100% boost - it makes a big difference. Also - set up a new "XP" chat tab, turn off just about everything going to it except the basic "combat" messages to it (you don't need any of the sub-options), and keep an eye on it as you go. You'll very quickly get a good feel for which mobs are giving you good pay-back, and when it's time to move on (say, because someone else has been through recently - or you're unintentionally working around the same area for the second time rather too soon, which I seem to do *way* too often). And if you can manage monsters at a higher level than you and keep up the kill rate - go for it, it's worth it (on one character, at one point, I was getting almost 8% of a level for a single kill from higher-level mobs).


In my case I tend to combine the above with a little map exploration - just swing my movement around enough to tag the zone WPs, and do the Hero challenges when I'm near them (which slowly eats into the the time needed later in HoT and PoF to earn the points for both Elites as well). Oh, and I like to do the PS every 10 levels, simply "because". But those are both a matter of taste (especially the PS, which most definitely slows levelling down).

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> @"Alderaan.3176" said:

> I am trying to get my level 23 to 80, and I want to know if there's any way to level up quickly.


There are, but if you have to ask, people should not be telling you. You will spend MORE time trying to figure out your class at level 80 than you would leveling it.

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