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The elite spec you want for your main

Invisible Kittens.6380

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I dont know what you might call it, but I would love to have a LB wielding necro. I would like it to be power based, but everything I can think of revolves around bleeds and poisons, maybe even a fear, lol


Also, a GS rev, called destroyer. A corrupter spec, that steals/corrupts boons, with short condi that hits really hard, so it kind of plays like a power, but revolves around condi. It could use symbols as an offense, or wells for ground target AoE.

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Mesmer - I really want a gunslinger spec. Main hand pistol for pew pew.


Shatters would be replaced with Enchantments, and the new utilities would be Tricks. The Enchantments would switch like attunements and provide attack or defense bonuses (and a neat visual illusion effect as a tell). You could no longer accumulate clones, phantasms would do their attack and then auto shatter.


Ranger - a Stalker spec. Uses Rifle. No pet.


Pet skills are replaced with Tracking skills, that allow you to focus on one target. Gets bonus damage on the target but less damage on anything not that target. Also allows you to track invisible targets (but not apply revealed, only you can see the target). New utilities are Marks, which focus on debuffing the marked target while providing you protection and defense from non-Tracked targets. The point of this class is _you hate THAT guy and ignore everything else till you kill it._


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I second the Rev great sword and golemancer elites.


I would really love to see an elite that uses a torch MAIN HAND. Torch is so seldom used so it would be nice to see it as a real dps weapon.


Also why is there no class that has golden or light colored spells? Blue fire is great and all but I kinda miss that old school priest/paladin aesthetic.


Overrall I'm unsure how many more elites we will get so I really wish they would open up some of the weapon types used by professions that are missing. No one uses mace, torch is always an offhand for utility if they can use it at all, scepter, pistol, hammer, etc. I wish they would release more types than one with future elite specs or open more up to core professions.

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> @"Samuel.4812" said:

> I second the Rev great sword and golemancer elites.


> I would really love to see an elite that uses a torch MAIN HAND. Torch is so seldom used so it would be nice to see it as a real dps weapon.


> Also why is there no class that has golden or light colored spells? Blue fire is great and all but I kinda miss that old school priest/paladin aesthetic.


> Overrall I'm unsure how many more elites we will get so I really wish they would open up some of the weapon types used by professions that are missing. No one uses mace, torch is always an offhand for utility if they can use it at all, scepter, pistol, hammer, etc. I wish they would release more types than one with future elite specs or open more up to core professions.


I thought of another one the other day in the same frame of thought as torch MH. A warrior that uses a GS (preferably), or hammer in the OH, giving it the ability to use two 2h weapons. Your MH would use the normal first three skills, and the OH would give you two new skills. Call it the destroyer. The animations would need to be adjusted, especially for GS2 (you could make it a 1h animation with the same effect, or change it to use both hands in succession).


A MH torch guardian would be fun. DWing torches sounds like a lot of fun, lol. So much burning.

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I would like a revenant torch mh spec.

I think the shadowy attacks of Rev along with a particular flame color would be neat. Harbinger of the mists or something.


Dual wield 2h might be difficult to put in but it was hella popular in wow. Replacing 4 and 5 on great sword would need some adjustment so it doesn't get too op but it would be nice to see.

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> @"Samuel.4812" said:

> I would like a revenant torch mh spec.

> I think the shadowy attacks of Rev along with a particular flame color would be neat. Harbinger of the mists or something.


> Dual wield 2h might be difficult to put in but it was hella popular in wow. Replacing 4 and 5 on great sword would need some adjustment so it doesn't get too op but it would be nice to see.


To keep it balanced, they could go ahead and change up all of the abilities while DWing 2h. DWing 2h has been a pretty prevalent facet of the "warriors" in games for a while. D3 has the crusader using a 2h in the MH (not entirely the same, but the same concept). I'm pretty sure you could DW 2h in EQ2. I think something like this could definitely work here, maybe even paving the way for new weapons (2h axe pls), or DWing staves on an ele, lol.

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Giving the ele a fifth element, energy. The pure manifestation of arcane energy, using green as the overall color (the same way fire’s orange, water’s blue, etc). Also adding the ability to mix different spec’s weapons - just the weapons. That shouldn’t add much or any powercreep, just more options. It’s not like you can’t try different weapon combos already, it’s really the mixing of the other powers (tempest overload + weaver’s combining for example) that would break the game. Thus, offhand sword comes to ele, along with (as a gemstore item, or a new setting) the ability to take two swords and instead wield one as a two handed sword, but not ridiculously massive (aka greatsword). Any class with mainhand and offhand sword can switch instead to sword as a two-handed weapon

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I'm another player who would like to see a thief spec patterned after the Guild Wars assassin. I'd like a thief class that's more comfortable using magic offensively, mirroring the assassin's hexes. It could have some more options to affect enemies and allies in an area and feature a playstyle echoing the Assassin's attack chains. Since this would mean less front-loaded burst out of stealth, it could have options for damage mitigation. Anet's also had a recent trend of adding traits that can alter specific weapon skill slots, which I would like to see more of.


**New Weapon Skill Interaction**

Since 2-H skills don't have Offhand or Dual Wield skills, and elite specs should work with all available weapons, the attack chain would be based off something different. The class resource could be split, with the other half being a separate pool. Since Assassins were described as being dedicated to balance, it could be called Introspection as the yin to Initiative's yang. It would pretty much act the same but Weapons skills 4 and 5 would use Introspection instead. A spec encouraging varied skill use will be resource hungry, but this lets one pool regenerate while the other is being used which should shorten downtime between chains.


To solve the Dual Wield problem, the spec could have something similar to Deadeye's improved stealth attacks, but for weapon skill 3. After an Intiative skill has successfully chained into an Introspection skill, weapon skill 3 could flip into an improved Dual Attack (currently being used by Weavers). These could have 0 Initiative cost and can be based off the existing Dual Wield/weapon 3 skills, maybe some added effects.


The state of the current chain could be seen above the endurance bar, using symbols like the slash/crosses of the [old attack chain](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Assassin_attack_chaining "old attack chain"). For the most part, the separate parts should still be able to be used outside of chains, but would gain bonuses if used in order.


**New Mechanic**

The class mechanic could be a new F3, since Deadeye already played with Steal and Stolen Skills. If anyone's familiar with FFXIV's ninja, LOTRO's warden, or fighting games, Steal could create a number of new skills depending on how it falls in a chain. (Some examples: an evade, an aoe burst, single-target burst, aoe dot, self-buff, etc.) These skills could also be considered Dual Attacks, so when Steal is up you have another option to consider for the attack chain bonus.


**New Weapon**

As an Assassin successor spec, offhand sword fits the best, especially since they didn't hold the daggers in reverse like GW2 Thief does. Attacks could have a bit more magicky flavor, maybe more mid-range sword waves and projectile destruction.


**New Utilities**

Flavorwise, I think phantasms would fit, inspired by the Guild Wars description of the Assassin being " nowhere and everywhere all at once," plus shadow clones and afterimages are used quite commonly in Asian fiction. But to distinguish them from mesmer phantasms, they wouldn't leave behind clones. Also visually, besides color, since they don't have to become clones, some phantasms could look like summoned blades instead.



The minor traits would give the attack chain bonuses, like a damage buff after chaining into an Introspection skill, and an attack speed buff after chaining into a Dual Attack skill.


Adept traits could enhance your damage, power and condition, or your control effects as you apply disabling or movement impairing skills (which every weapon set has access to).


Major traits could include a survivability trait, a boon enhancing trait, and a trait that lets phantasms stand in for Introspection skills to create shortened attack chains.


Grandmaster traits could alter the last tier of F3 skills, like adding boon strip to an AOE attack (with an internal cooldown), adding ally boon share/duration increase to a self-buff, or granting a stack of a unique buff that lets F3 skills be used without Steal (with an internal cooldown).

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A weapon-less ele. Like, the whole body is the weapon, you generate everything. This would solve the melee/range issue with ele given the lack of swapping weapons, and even with a weapon swap, the weapons will still feel clunky as they weren't designed for that purpose. Make skills a mix of melee and range.


However, since e-specs are not designed to limit weapon versatility, this will hardly ever exist.

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* Barefist monk with high avoidance and dodge abilities

* Ninja with serious stealth based gameplay

* Longbow spec worth to play with extreme burst damage and good mobility

* Mesmer spec able to mesmerize up to x NPCs to make them play at your side. When 1 of them dies, you can mesmerize a new one.

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EDIT: Numbers obviously would need balancing.

Revenant - Dagger/Dagger

Channel the power of sprits from the mists to enhance yourself. Can be traited to have lower/no energy cost at the cost of another resource in its place (health, endurance).

The idea would be to juggle resources for strong effects.





1 second cast time

Cooldown 30 seconds

3k base heal

Consume all stacks of pure mists, heal for 1k per stack

Consume all conditions, take damage for 500 per

Consume all boons, heal for 500 per

2 seconds of evasion




Skill 1

-3 energy


Unaffected by regen

Gain 200 toughness

Trainsfer 1 condi to surrounding enemies every 2 seconds

Incoming healing increased by 33%




Skill 2

-6 energy

-10 endurance/sec

Dodging only costs 25 endurance

Dodging does not evade, gives 1 1/2 sec stability instead

Pulse superspeed

Immune to immob, chill, slow




Skill 3

Cooldown 15 seconds

-3 energy

Lose 1 boon every 2 seconds

Gain 2 stacks of 3 random boons every 2 seconds

Gain 2 stack of 2 random damage condition every 1 second.

Deactivation this skill converts 2 conditions to boons.





-4 energy

- 150hp/sec

- 15 endurance/sec

Gain a stack of "Pure Mists" every second. (Max Stacks 15)

Pure Mist: Each stack increases all stats by 25 points and increases movement speed by 5%. Stacks last 15 seconds.

Pulse cripple (130 range)

Pulse unblockable damage. 50/sec (130 range)




Dagger skills would grant you various resources to compliment these skills. Traits would increase/decrease the cost/effect of these skills. Just an idea.

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I'd like an actual ninja spec with good 1v1 ability and actual impactful ninjitsu traps/utilities like caltrops, smoke bombs,blow darts etc that actually effect a engagement just need new two handed skills for one handed sword models with a ninja sword skin( not a huge katana) or dual kama's. A tiger claw utility to climb walls be cool.

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> @"Auburner.6945" said:

> A weapon-less ele. Like, the whole body is the weapon, you generate everything. This would solve the melee/range issue with ele given the lack of swapping weapons, and even with a weapon swap, the weapons will still feel clunky as they weren't designed for that purpose. Make skills a mix of melee and range.


> However, since e-specs are not designed to limit weapon versatility, this will hardly ever exist.


Could be dual focus build, if a weapon is necessary for game mechanics.

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A few ideas;



Mounted combatant - rifle/tricks or gadgets.

Mount up on an alpha version of a pet. F1-3 are based on family, F4 is based on the creature itself. Sorta like soul-beast combined with base pets abilities.

Combat speed and no faster - much like the warclaw.

F1-4 are based on the way the beast works. Be they movement, aggression or support.


Alpha wolves could summon a pack, howl to fear foes.

Alpha bears could gain heavy protection/regeneration with passive health leech/high toughness.

An alpha Moa would sing out for barrier or a heal over time along with a stun based on a call.



Golemancer - nothing more really to add.

Maybe extra synergy with kits to modify and buff the golem as sees fit.



Demon Hunter/stealth based long bow/rifle with consecrations - shroud becomes a passive growing bar similar to the old warrior/thief initiative.

Shroud gains new F1-4 based around stealth



Support spell caster with dual focus or scepter. Glyphs or consecrations - mild to heavy cc with a bit of stealth thrown in.

Basically think of a very aggressive wind or choking dust.


Edit: clarification of mounted ranger

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> @"Agrippa Oculus.3726" said:

> A high risk high reward pure condi dps spec for the Necro, i.e.: **Vampire**. Where the shroud is actually punishing (eating away) the life pool instead of complementing to it in return for very high _bursty_ condi dps.

> Although I do miss a _real_ **minion master** as well, maybe it could be combined?


No. Minion master elite spec and Vampiric elite spec absolutely should be two separate specs. Its not like Blood magic and Death magic from GW1 are lacking in design space. On the contrary, they have a lot of design space available to them.

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I want an elite spec that is a combo of Revenant and Necromancer but has a melee burst damage great sword and minions that move as legend skills. Want Humanoid Demon themed minions instead of Necro themed creatures.The minion skills summon the minion and each skill has a active skill chain ability like Necro minions. Class mechanics (f2 - f4) controls the minions unlike Necro class and has minion heal and defense skills that can be triggered.



Want a Warrior + Elementalist themed elite spec that uses the conjure weapon skill type, in which the Warrior builds (conjure) weapons and tools for yourself and allies to fight. The heal skill conjures a healing orn jug that that can heal allies and self to play some good support healing. The other conjure skills are different kind of weapons and tools to play defense, cc and attack enemies. We like Elementalist's conjures, each skill replaces the weapon bar with new 5 skills. Call this a Weapon Master.



This idea is a Warrior + Ranger. This a new pet Elite spec that Warriors will get. They get a Great Axe as weapon. This elite spec focus on close combat damage and more tanky. This can be themed two different way, one way is a Knight and Squire theme which the Warrior summons its Squire (pet mechanics) that you control like Ranger pet with some f2-4 abilities. Another theme for this would be a bounty hunter theme with a beast creature as your pet.



This is Elementalist + Warrior themed elite spec that uses Hammer two hander. It deals melee and ranged attacks. It has a totem mechanic like Warrior banners which have to be placed down and each totem triggers it's own unique effects. Some attack enemies, some cycle field effects. Some heal allies on a pulse. The Elite is a elemental transformation similar to juggernaut in which your defense, health and attacks increase for a short period of time at the cost of movement speed going down slightly in pulses. Each atonement has it's own skills for the transformation.

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> @"Klowdy.3126" said:

> > @"Auburner.6945" said:

> > A weapon-less ele. Like, the whole body is the weapon, you generate everything. This would solve the melee/range issue with ele given the lack of swapping weapons, and even with a weapon swap, the weapons will still feel clunky as they weren't designed for that purpose. Make skills a mix of melee and range.

> >

> > However, since e-specs are not designed to limit weapon versatility, this will hardly ever exist.


> Could be dual focus build, if a weapon is necessary for game mechanics.


Focus is probably not my go-to weapon, it's really bad on ele, and I don't have much trust (I'm sorry), on how having it on main hand would change that, as the skills are not quite fun to use. Maybe a two-handed weapon that has been melee and range for some professions.

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> @"Auburner.6945" said:

> > @"Klowdy.3126" said:

> > > @"Auburner.6945" said:

> > > A weapon-less ele. Like, the whole body is the weapon, you generate everything. This would solve the melee/range issue with ele given the lack of swapping weapons, and even with a weapon swap, the weapons will still feel clunky as they weren't designed for that purpose. Make skills a mix of melee and range.

> > >

> > > However, since e-specs are not designed to limit weapon versatility, this will hardly ever exist.

> >

> > Could be dual focus build, if a weapon is necessary for game mechanics.


> Focus is probably not my go-to weapon, it's really bad on ele, and I don't have much trust (I'm sorry), on how having it on main hand would change that, as the skills are not quite fun to use. Maybe a two-handed weapon that has been melee and range for some professions.


It was a joke, based on your weaponless build idea.

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