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Weaver attunement swapping


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The main thing I love from elems and kit-engis is their ability to access any of their skills on demand. You are on fire and need water $5? You can just attune to water and access it instantly.

Weaver sacrifices this, as well as their #3, for very little added value.


When I hear dual element, I think being able to attune main hand and off hand separately. The issue with that is that it would take 8 buttons to attune (1 for each element, x2 because main hand and off hand). My suggestion is to add a 5th slot after earth that simply toggle which hand the attuning affects. Kind of like the upkeep abilities of revenant, you can toggle it between main hand and off hand. So if you're in main hand mode and attune to water, it will be only the first three skills that would change to water, with #4 and #5 unchanged.


If you want to change the off hand attunement, you toggle the attuning hand and change element. This way, you keep flexibility for a limited complexity increase (I'd even say it's simpler than having to attune twice to access #4 and #5 of a given element and having to plan in advance).


What do you think about that?



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I would feel attuning each hand on its own would make things more complicated, which would be overcome by practice but still, it just adds up to the complexity. I never liked auto attacks anyway, they are nothing but a replacement to the 3rd skill, so weaver gains nothing out of it except the extra DPS for PvE raids, I play weaver mostly for lower cd on attunements and dual attuning, dual attacks are nothing but extra bits or sacrifices, most skill 3 on ele are already not of high value whether dual attacks or core skills.


What could be made for these situations is for Unravel to be an F5 skill, to be treated as Continuum Split in some way, it would be in 2/3 charges. Consuming a charge allows weaver to fully attune to any element by resetting all attunement's cd just to use 1 skill only, then they are directed back to how they were before using Unravel, so the whole double attuning situation isn't messed up. And since the cooldown on ele's skills are already high, the charges on Unravel as F5 wouldn't be much of an issue in terms of waiting.


But I don't think that a utility would be deleted and introduced as a core mechanic of the e-spec, and my opinion might not even be the solution for it. Weaver players mostly got used to it and I doubt a change is bound to happen in terms of how weaver's/tempest's skills function.

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> @"Auburner.6945" said:

> I would feel attuning each hand on its own would make things more complicated, which would be overcome by practice but still, it just adds up to the complexity. I never liked auto attacks anyway, they are nothing but a replacement to the 3rd skill, so weaver gains nothing out of it except the extra DPS for PvE raids, I play weaver mostly for lower cd on attunements and dual attuning, dual attacks are nothing but extra bits or sacrifices, most skill 3 on ele are already not of high value whether dual attacks or core skills.


> What could be made for these situations is for Unravel to be an F5 skill, to be treated as Continuum Split in some way, it would be in 2/3 charges. Consuming a charge allows weaver to fully attune to any element by resetting all attunement's cd just to use 1 skill only, then they are directed back to how they were before using Unravel, so the whole double attuning situation isn't messed up. And since the cooldown on ele's skills are already high, the charges on Unravel as F5 wouldn't be much of an issue in terms of waiting.


> But I don't think that a utility would be deleted and introduced as a core mechanic of the e-spec, and my opinion might not even be the solution for it. Weaver players mostly got used to it and I doubt a change is bound to happen in terms of how weaver's/tempest's skills function.


Given the amount of time that's passed, I don't think anything is gonna change either, even though replacing skills sounds unreasonable.


I've encouraged the idea of an F5 unravel. Or what if the first three skills are your first attunement, the last two are your previous, and then the Dual Skill is your F5. That way, you have all your skills, no overlap, and complete access to your more powerful skill.


A lot of other classes have elites that grant easy access to stronger skills without a sacrifice: Druid, soulbeast, holosmith, firebrand, etc. Doesn't make sense why ele has to have the more complicated skill access.

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Suggestions that I remember:

- F5 as unravel (without boon component)

- F5/weapon swap to swap between mainhand and offhand element

- F5 as fully attuning with 4 sec cd

- 2 ammo with 8 sec cd on all attunements

- Shorter global cooldown (half duration) on same attunement after attuning.


All of these were seen in only few months after demo weekends and same suggestions are still popular on other threads.

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Personally I don't find weaver's attunement mechanic to be an issue, at least the flow feels quite good with sword/dagger. But appart from gaining dual skills which are arguably kinda lackluster, dual attuning does not bring much, except from elemental polyphony. If anything, the attunements gcd is the most annoying part when you want to combo fast, so chill is even more annoying than before.

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Or just use unravel. Pretty sure that was the reason for this stance, allow quick access to the situational skills in the 3/4/5 positions at the cost of losing your dual skills. It's meant to switch your playstyle into being defensive for a while.


Though it seems Weaver is still somewhat lacking, so some improvements are still welcomed. I personally would have made F5 "weave direction", so that if inverted, your new attunement changes into your offhand, and that one moves into your main hand. It would work as an alternative to unravel.

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> @"Skotlex.7580" said:

> Or just use unravel. Pretty sure that was the reason for this stance, allow quick access to the situational skills in the 3/4/5 positions at the cost of losing your dual skills. It's meant to switch your playstyle into being defensive for a while.


> Though it seems Weaver is still somewhat lacking, so some improvements are still welcomed. I personally would have made F5 "weave direction", so that if inverted, your new attunement changes into your offhand, and that one moves into your main hand. It would work as an alternative to unravel.


unravel is an abomination of a skill, lose 1 valuable skill slot (and all the opportunity cost that goes with that) to add yet another way to swap attunements. That is NOT what a class with super heavy skill swapping needs. What the class needs is to break the dependency on arcane and water and/or 1050 stats in heal/vitality to simply survive in pvp.

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> @"vesica tempestas.1563" said:

> > @"Skotlex.7580" said:

> > Or just use unravel. Pretty sure that was the reason for this stance, allow quick access to the situational skills in the 3/4/5 positions at the cost of losing your dual skills. It's meant to switch your playstyle into being defensive for a while.

> >

> > Though it seems Weaver is still somewhat lacking, so some improvements are still welcomed. I personally would have made F5 "weave direction", so that if inverted, your new attunement changes into your offhand, and that one moves into your main hand. It would work as an alternative to unravel.


> unravel is an abomination of a skill, lose 1 valuable skill slot (and all the opportunity cost that goes with that) to add yet another way to swap attunements. That is NOT what a class with super heavy skill swapping needs. What the class needs is to break the dependency on arcane and water and/or 1050 stats in heal/vitality to simply survive in pvp.


You are changing the topic, though. This thread is about improving elemental attunments, not why elementalist is too squishy in PvP without heavily investing in healing traits / survival stats. :P


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  • 2 weeks later...

> @"Zhaid Zhem.6508" said:

> Or a CD different for the same attunement and others. like 2s/4s/4s/4s


I believe that could work too, but why not just no CD or 0.5s CD on the same attunement? Like 0s/4s/4s/4s. Heck, I'd even take 0s/5s/5s/5s if possible. What balance issue could that bring, given how weak weavers currently are, how little they bring and how core elems already have access to that, without the global attunement cooldown?


The main issue I feel with weaver is how much you lose (ability to access any other attunement #3, #4 and #5, which are usually the most important skills on a weapon), versus how much you gain (a dual skill that's pretty much the same as #3 expect a bit better?). You also become hella predictable, more than a core ele.


If I'm on Fire/Air and I get condi bursted, I need to access water #5 to cleanse and heal a bit, not water #1, and by the time I've gotten access to water #5 after 4sec, I'd be either dead or the conditions are already gone and done their job on my toon.

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I would go for lower CD for the same attunement but not 0s. Why? For example, if by mistake Fresh Air is still traited and you switched to play Staff on weaver, there is a high possibility that you'll fully attune unintentionally. That being said, there will be mistakes done mid-combat that might be worse than remaining dually-attuned, it would take time to get used to it, but not all ele gameplay is weaver only and still mid-combat anything can happen.

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To address the topic directly: I've not had a problem with it in PvP, WvW or fractals/raids.


To address the topic generally: I must be one of the only ones who feel Weaver is in a really good place right now.

I don't understand. Maybe I can't. It's a high risk high reward class, it's supposed to be this way.

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