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Mirage - This isn't normal.


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So i was roaming as a Thief, i'm no pro in that but i know how to play.

In the span of 10 minutes encountered 2 Mirages (usual) that were very salty players.

The first kept spamming laugh when i disengaged cause after cleaning 8+ conditions everytime, couldn't keep the clear, stole the majority of boons cause he didn't played that much, he kept spamming dodges and camping on chaos field. One mesmer +1 him and he died, when i asked why the bm he kept saying I suck and after i asked if he wanted to 1v1 with a diferent class, he refused.

The second made a Mirage the day before, way more agressive and i couldn't do shit, was fun after he killed me cause he said that I kept spamming headshot when I casted that two time in the row from time to time trying to get a interrupt to steal boons (it normally works cause people don't expect two and after the second they won't risk the interrupt).

I know the Mirage is overtuned by a lot of aspects but is it normal that Mirage players are the saltiest people I ever encountered?


Edit: errors

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That's just extremely sad - I'm sorry you had a bad experience with such people. There are nice ones out there. :)


In some ways I look forward to nerfs that force these unpleasant fotm mirages to move on and not continue to add to the meme of mirage players all being salt spewing scrubs.

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I mean, when is a good fight, i pm to tell them was a good fight, condi specs receive less that and condi mirage even less but I can recognize when someone is a good player and I try to duel them everytime to learn more.

Is just sad all the bm when you don't need to do much to be efective.

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Were all of them condi? I find condi ones are the fastest to cower when they can't win and first to spam toxic behavior. One reason I love my non-meta DPS mirage build...they don't get many opportunities to BM when fighting me lol.


I find a lot of Condi daredevils and Ghost DE's are similar as well. Apparently mega ezmode cheese means you are superior?


I dunno. I duel everyone on any build...cept those ghost DE's that refuse to stay in a fight



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> @"Bear.9568" said:

> Everyone is salty (PERIOD).

> This thread is another QQ about mirages in general.


I didn't demanded a nerf or anything, just asking if it's normal for people to be salty when playing with Mirage.

And not everyone is salty, from personal experience, I encounter more normal people with the mentality to improve than salty people.

The majority of salty people I encounter are perma invisible DE and condi Mirages.


Edit: specify the Mirage.

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> @"eletrikid.1268" said:

> I know the Mirage is overtuned by a lot of aspects but is it normal that Mirage players are the saltiest people I ever encountered?


often the salt goes both ways.

mirage is one of the builds that does get a bit more salt so they also got more to share.

for most if you dont give them a reason to be salty, they wont be. however that reason can be: guildtag, profession/build, behaviour in an earlier encounter, behaviour in that encounter and in rare cases the server if someone else from your server has put them into a bad mood.


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> @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > @"eletrikid.1268" said:

> > I know the Mirage is overtuned by a lot of aspects but is it normal that Mirage players are the saltiest people I ever encountered?


> often the salt goes both ways.

> mirage is one of the builds that does get a bit more salt so they also got more to share.

> for most if you dont give them a reason to be salty, they wont be. however that reason can be: guildtag, profession/build, behaviour in an earlier encounter, behaviour in that encounter and in rare cases the server if someone else from your server has put them into a bad mood.



Yeah, it can be but still, I don't understand why people can be that salty.

I'm not an exception, I sometimes get too but when is justified, when a zerg or a blob jumps on me doing a duel and the guy sieges or jumps on me but I don't go and assault the guy, I just ask why the salt or try to get him in a duel.

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> @"eletrikid.1268" said:

> > @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > > @"eletrikid.1268" said:

> > > I know the Mirage is overtuned by a lot of aspects but is it normal that Mirage players are the saltiest people I ever encountered?

> >

> > often the salt goes both ways.

> > mirage is one of the builds that does get a bit more salt so they also got more to share.

> > for most if you dont give them a reason to be salty, they wont be. however that reason can be: guildtag, profession/build, behaviour in an earlier encounter, behaviour in that encounter and in rare cases the server if someone else from your server has put them into a bad mood.

> >


> Yeah, it can be but still, I don't understand why people can be that salty.

> I'm not an exception, I sometimes get too but when is justified, when a zerg or a blob jumps on me doing a duel and the guy sieges or jumps on me but I don't go and assault the guy, I just ask why the salt or try to get him in a duel.


well i just mimic their behaviour, because they tend to play more aggressive then wich makes them easier to kill.

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> @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > @"eletrikid.1268" said:

> > > @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > > > @"eletrikid.1268" said:

> > > > I know the Mirage is overtuned by a lot of aspects but is it normal that Mirage players are the saltiest people I ever encountered?

> > >

> > > often the salt goes both ways.

> > > mirage is one of the builds that does get a bit more salt so they also got more to share.

> > > for most if you dont give them a reason to be salty, they wont be. however that reason can be: guildtag, profession/build, behaviour in an earlier encounter, behaviour in that encounter and in rare cases the server if someone else from your server has put them into a bad mood.

> > >

> >

> > Yeah, it can be but still, I don't understand why people can be that salty.

> > I'm not an exception, I sometimes get too but when is justified, when a zerg or a blob jumps on me doing a duel and the guy sieges or jumps on me but I don't go and assault the guy, I just ask why the salt or try to get him in a duel.


> well i just mimic their behaviour, because they tend to play more aggressive then wich makes them easier to kill.


Playing aggressive vs a condi mirage or a spellbreaker is the death of a person.

But I do have to agree on that in the rest, had a soulbeast who jumped on me after a blob kill, tried to get him to duel he refused and I encountered him alone and he tried so hard to kill me, didn't timed his dodges and signet so he got stomped, didn't bm cause I think that's incredibly bad.

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It's probably the same people who main whatever is stupidly strong in WvW at the time and think they're GWAMM when really they're PLEB. Most used to play thief but I've seen most of them play other things now you can faceroll across the keyboard and not be punished on classes like holo, soulbeast and condi mirage.

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> @"apharma.3741" said:

> It's probably the same people who main whatever is stupidly strong in WvW at the time and think they're GWAMM when really they're PLEB. Most used to play thief but I've seen most of them play other things now you can faceroll across the keyboard and not be punished on classes like holo, soulbeast and condi mirage.


I can say you can be punished on holo, he have some long animations that can be interrupted and you can see a difference between a good and bad holosmith.

Soulbeast is worse and condi mirage even worse but you have to deal with them I guess.

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> @"eletrikid.1268" said:

> > @"apharma.3741" said:

> > It's probably the same people who main whatever is stupidly strong in WvW at the time and think they're GWAMM when really they're PLEB. Most used to play thief but I've seen most of them play other things now you can faceroll across the keyboard and not be punished on classes like holo, soulbeast and condi mirage.


> I can say you can be punished on holo, he have some long animations that can be interrupted and you can see a difference between a good and bad holosmith.

> Soulbeast is worse and condi mirage even worse but you have to deal with them I guess.


Soulbeast is the best roamer/1v1 in the game right now, mirage most definitely isn't worse, an argument can be made for them being as dumb as each other though. Soulbeast you can't actually kill at all while it pumps out damage but you can sort of deal with it. Mirage you can kill but it's hard to deal with the amount of damage coming out and hard to avoid the conditions.


Holo a bad one can be punished but it's almost unbeatable when played at a competent level because of how much damage it puts out unless playing condi. Even then it chews through TB stats like it's made of paper. You can still have 100% quickness uptime in WvW as holo without sacrificing anything but a sigil slot, add in some toughness and you can be insanely tanky while dishing out more damage than most classes.

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I'll be honest, i got fed up with being kited to death by everything on Warrior so i made a Ranger (Soulbeast). Was fighting a fellow Soulbeast earlier, he hit me for an 8k Maul, i replied in kind with my own 16k Maul. Bare in mind this skill has a 4 second CD i think? (Correct me otherwise) but can be instantly recharged by using the Hilt Bash (Skill 5) so i was messing about with it, i managed to hit someone for a 8k Maul, stun them to recharge it and then hit them again for a 12k Maul.


And if it wasn't bad enough, i've been hitting anything from 2k-11k auto-attacks on Longbow. I mean, majority of the time even with 25 might i was just about hitting 12k Eviscerates with Warrior. This isn't QQ but yeah, some things i really do hope get addressed in future balance patches.


Slightly off OP topic but that's my view. :)

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> @"eletrikid.1268" said:

> > @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > > @"eletrikid.1268" said:

> > > > @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > > > > @"eletrikid.1268" said:

> > > > > I know the Mirage is overtuned by a lot of aspects but is it normal that Mirage players are the saltiest people I ever encountered?

> > > >

> > > > often the salt goes both ways.

> > > > mirage is one of the builds that does get a bit more salt so they also got more to share.

> > > > for most if you dont give them a reason to be salty, they wont be. however that reason can be: guildtag, profession/build, behaviour in an earlier encounter, behaviour in that encounter and in rare cases the server if someone else from your server has put them into a bad mood.

> > > >

> > >

> > > Yeah, it can be but still, I don't understand why people can be that salty.

> > > I'm not an exception, I sometimes get too but when is justified, when a zerg or a blob jumps on me doing a duel and the guy sieges or jumps on me but I don't go and assault the guy, I just ask why the salt or try to get him in a duel.

> >

> > well i just mimic their behaviour, because they tend to play more aggressive then wich makes them easier to kill.


> Playing aggressive vs a condi mirage or a spellbreaker is the death of a person.

> But I do have to agree on that in the rest, had a soulbeast who jumped on me after a blob kill, tried to get him to duel he refused and I encountered him alone and he tried so hard to kill me, didn't timed his dodges and signet so he got stomped, didn't bm cause I think that's incredibly bad.


In my experience the best way to kill a condi mirage (from a hybrid mirage perspective - to be honest any mirage running purely condi like dire/tb is pretty useless when having enough cleanse - it's the hybrid ones that can take away 50% of your health from direct damage F1 that have to take more care with) is go aggressive, force out cooldowns and be relentless. Not saying face roll of course, but not letting them control the fight - they don't have many ways to recover HP (pretty much only heal), so getting in a good burst at the right time can force them into defensive at which point keep up the pressure. I can't speak from thief perspective but have had some good 1v1s vs core s/d and a few daredevils - granted it's not a winning matchup for thief in most situations, but there is potential to give the mirage a run for their loot bag.


And on the subject of salt, as someone who plays and loves hybrid mirage, I try to be nice - if people don't want to fight let them go, /salute good fights, be respectful (rarely corpse jump unless prompted to), etc. People say it's overpowered in 1v1 scenario - absolutely it's very strong and while I refuse to feel "guilt/bad" for the occasional easy kill, I acknowledge what the opponent has to deal with - but the thing about wvw is choosing one's level of challenge so with hybrid mirage it's not about the 1v1s (unless against an equally strong build/player), but rather about how much outnumbered can I take, what kind of situation (opponents, terrain, objective, etc) can I overcome and succeed in etc - at which point skill does become a factor, even on something commonly perceived as being "skilless".

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> @"eletrikid.1268" said:

> > @"Bigpapasmurf.5623" said:

> > > @"eletrikid.1268" said:

> > > Btw, if any want to duel on EU, I'm open to that, really want to improve.

> >

> > Same here for those on NA (DPS Mirage)


> Shame you don't play on EU, I normally do good vs power mesmer but still want to improve on that.


> @"Bigpapasmurf.5623" said:

> > @"eletrikid.1268" said:

> > Btw, if any want to duel on EU, I'm open to that, really want to improve.


> Same here for those on NA (DPS Mirage)


I fought papasmurf on necro. Good guy and good player with an insane off meta power build



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> @"JusticeRetroHunter.7684" said:

> > @"eletrikid.1268" said:

> > > @"Bigpapasmurf.5623" said:

> > > > @"eletrikid.1268" said:

> > > > Btw, if any want to duel on EU, I'm open to that, really want to improve.

> > >

> > > Same here for those on NA (DPS Mirage)

> >

> > Shame you don't play on EU, I normally do good vs power mesmer but still want to improve on that.


> > @"Bigpapasmurf.5623" said:

> > > @"eletrikid.1268" said:

> > > Btw, if any want to duel on EU, I'm open to that, really want to improve.

> >

> > Same here for those on NA (DPS Mirage)


> I fought papasmurf on necro. Good guy and good player with an insane off meta power build




So...who won?

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> @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> > @"JusticeRetroHunter.7684" said:

> > > @"eletrikid.1268" said:

> > > > @"Bigpapasmurf.5623" said:

> > > > > @"eletrikid.1268" said:

> > > > > Btw, if any want to duel on EU, I'm open to that, really want to improve.

> > > >

> > > > Same here for those on NA (DPS Mirage)

> > >

> > > Shame you don't play on EU, I normally do good vs power mesmer but still want to improve on that.

> >

> > > @"Bigpapasmurf.5623" said:

> > > > @"eletrikid.1268" said:

> > > > Btw, if any want to duel on EU, I'm open to that, really want to improve.

> > >

> > > Same here for those on NA (DPS Mirage)

> >

> > I fought papasmurf on necro. Good guy and good player with an insane off meta power build

> >

> >


> So...who won?


He won most of the duels. I think I won only twice.



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> @"JusticeRetroHunter.7684" said:

> > @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> > > @"JusticeRetroHunter.7684" said:

> > > > @"eletrikid.1268" said:

> > > > > @"Bigpapasmurf.5623" said:

> > > > > > @"eletrikid.1268" said:

> > > > > > Btw, if any want to duel on EU, I'm open to that, really want to improve.

> > > > >

> > > > > Same here for those on NA (DPS Mirage)

> > > >

> > > > Shame you don't play on EU, I normally do good vs power mesmer but still want to improve on that.

> > >

> > > > @"Bigpapasmurf.5623" said:

> > > > > @"eletrikid.1268" said:

> > > > > Btw, if any want to duel on EU, I'm open to that, really want to improve.

> > > >

> > > > Same here for those on NA (DPS Mirage)

> > >

> > > I fought papasmurf on necro. Good guy and good player with an insane off meta power build

> > >

> > >

> >

> > So...who won?


> He won most of the duels. I think I won only twice.




If this is who I think it is "Reaper", you won either 2 or 3 times, however you put up a heck of a fight on the ones I did win. I clutched at least 2.


That said, im always down for a duel as long as you don't play ghost DE lol :)

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