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Prediction - we'll pay for the alliance system


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ANET has never been in the habit of making WvW content exclusive to an expansion. ~~Core-only players can even glide in WvW, something you can't do in PvE without HoT.~~ *Looks like they can't. In a similar essence, core players can use mounts for events and races without owning PoF.

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> @"Tinnel.4369" said:

> Alliances will be packaged with whatever comes in 2020.

It's unlikely. As a practical matter, it would mean creating a new mechanic for WvW to exclude players from maps. The worst that happens now is people don't have access to stats or ~~professions~~ elite specializations, but that's standard for MMO expansions and no different from the status quo.


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> @"Tinnel.4369" said:

> Alliances will be packaged with whatever comes in 2020.


> Discuss....


Two problems with that:


- It would leave out scores of people that have access to WvW currently.

- Anet has noted that updates to WvW would be outside of expansions.



Now, coming weeks after the expansion launches, between LW episodes could happen, as well as after the next LW episode.

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I agree that requiring purchase to play it as part of an expansion creates issues, but is there a consensus that an expansion is the only possible thing that's next and not gw3 of some sort? Or, that it won't somehow be shackled to aspects of an expansion that make it 'optimal' for play. i.e. it gets clumped in with the next iteration of power creep where; sure, you can play alliances, but playing it without the expansions elites (or something else) is just meh.


There are a few games with the chance to legitimately compete for these players closing in on a release ~to the timeline ANet may be on for what's next. If they release alliances as a stand alone and it's a flop they stand to lose the majority of the communities purchases of a subsequent major release. If they release alliances before, with, or closely after one of these with alliances as part of the hype of what's next they may retain those purchases.

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> @"Tinnel.4369" said:

> I agree that requiring purchase to play it as part of an expansion creates issues, but is there a consensus that an expansion is the only possible thing that's next and not gw3 of some sort?

Yes, no chance of a GW3 any time soon (as in a decade or longer).


> Or, that it won't somehow be shackled to aspects of an expansion that make it 'optimal' for play. i.e. it gets clumped in with the next iteration of power creep where; sure, you can play alliances, but playing it without the expansions elites (or something else) is just meh.

That is indistinguishable from how it is now, where people with Core only complain they don't have this or that.


> There are a few games with the chance to legitimately compete for these players closing in on a release ~to the timeline ANet may be on for what's next. If they release alliances as a stand alone and it's a flop they stand to lose the majority of the communities purchases of a subsequent major release. If they release alliances before, with, or closely after one of these with alliances as part of the hype of what's next they may retain those purchases.

I can see why this interests you, but I can't see as how it will influence ANet. I just don't see how or why they would spend all that time on Restructuring only to create a mechanic that excludes anyone at all, other than the gates that already exist for expansions in any game.


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It won't be an exclusive to expansion change because wvw is open access to all account types, this is why new maps are also available for free. It's also a base change to the entire server population structure, it isn't something core players can just ignore and play in the old worlds while the new players with the expansion will be playing in the new worlds.


Features and QoL within wvw that affect your character can however be shoved into an expansion, such as gliding, new class specs, auto looting, and eventually mounts etc.


I wouldn't be surprised if the alliance change is however advertised along with the expansion to give it some wvw hype, if it's ready by then anyways, the next expansion I would expect in sept-nov this year.

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> @"XenesisII.1540" said:

> I wouldn't be surprised if the alliance change is however advertised along with the expansion to give it some wvw hype, if it's ready by then anyways, the next expansion I would expect in sept-nov this year.


I wouldn't expect alliances to be going live before CU gets a release date, and what's coming out of its beta is looking rough. So probably another year-ish.



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You're already paying for it -- it's called "opportunity cost". In other words, you're missing out on some new features because developers are working on alliance system.


Now, everyone I've talked to wants the new Alliance System so it's not a loss necessarily -- but ANet hasn't added WvW resources that we're aware of. So it means that we're starved on other WvW features while alliances consume the currently available developers.

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> @"Klypto.1703" said:

> Every one assumes there will be players to even play wvw or even pve for much longer for there even to be any speculation of this game being still in development in a year.

Well everyone also assumed that WvW would be dead by 2015 due to Camelot Unchained being released so yeah...


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> @"Slick.7164" said:

> If anet was smart and they not. Make peeps grab their memaws credit card and play. Make free to play pay to play.


You very smart.


> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"Klypto.1703" said:

> > Every one assumes there will be players to even play wvw or even pve for much longer for there even to be any speculation of this game being still in development in a year.

> Well everyone also assumed that WvW would be dead by 2015 due to Camelot Unchained being released so yeah...



„Camelot what again?“

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As XenesisII said, every wvw update so far (not a lot I agree) has been free for everyone.


And I can't even imagine how they would make Alliance system work with only the ones that paid? That has some crazy possibilities. And would go completely against the purpose of the Alliance system in the first place (to allow people to play together) as it would split people to pay/not pay instead of by servers. Would remove a good bunch of the advantages the system is designed to handle etc.


On the other hand, the theoretical alternative that they put f2p in their own match-ups outside of the Core/Hot/Pof owners ? or even keep the f2p players on a own separate World system (!) while putting everyone else into the Alliance system proper..... I can't even imagine how that would work.... but it would make me make a f2p account to play wvw, since it means no more elite specs!

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> @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

> > @"Slick.7164" said:

> > If anet was smart and they not. Make peeps grab their memaws credit card and play. Make free to play pay to play.


> You very smart.


> > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > > @"Klypto.1703" said:

> > > Every one assumes there will be players to even play wvw or even pve for much longer for there even to be any speculation of this game being still in development in a year.

> > Well everyone also assumed that WvW would be dead by 2015 due to Camelot Unchained being released so yeah...

> >


> „Camelot what again?“


Camelot Unhinged

It's a YouTube game where this old bald dood talks for hours about this game people paid him to make without any incentive to complete or legal obligation to deliver and all the viewers humor him in the comments... Except me, I keep demanding he actually back up all the fantastic claims with some evidence but the nice people drown me out.

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> @"LetoII.3782" said:

> > @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

> > „Camelot what again?“

> Camelot Unhinged

> It's a YouTube game where this old bald dood talks for hours about this game people paid him to make without any incentive to complete or legal obligation to deliver and all the viewers humor him in the comments... Except me, I keep demanding he actually back up all the fantastic claims with some evidence but the nice people drown me out.


CU in CU? ?


> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> Well everyone also assumed that WvW would be dead by 2015


It hasn't been?


> @"Turk.5460" said:

> ANET has never been in the habit of making WvW content exclusive to an expansion. ~~Core-only players can even glide in WvW, something you can't do in PvE without HoT.~~ *Looks like they can't. In a similar essence, core players can use mounts for events and races without owning PoF.


New WvW siege weapons use was restricted to HoT accounts.


> @"Tinnel.4369" said:

> Alliances will be packaged with whatever comes in 2020.


> Discuss....


The thought is why I went to Google with "guild wars 2 alliances" and a "past month" filter. With it being a year and a week since Gaile's big [wiz-bang post](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/26547/world-restructuring "wiz-bang post") on the subject, I think it's more likely than not that the feature is being held back for market competition or the next expansion.

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> @"Anvil Pants.3426" said:


> CU in CU? ?



Given we're still alive when/if it launches. It'll either be revolutionary or a Hindenburg, gotta be present just for the reddit cred.




> I think it's more likely than not that the feature is being held back for market competition or the next expansion.


So cynical, So true xD

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