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Theft within a guild

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> @"Mewcifer.5198" said:

> And scamming *is* against GW2 code of conduct as describe by "Taking advantage of another player (“scamming”) in order to take his/her items or account"


Technically, they were the guild's items. And the player was a member of the guild when they were taken.


Guild banks are grey areas because it's very hard to firmly establish who should have ownership from a GM's perspective, and so the only time guild banks will be heavily policed is when RMT is involved. Other than that, anything you put in the guild bank ceases to be your item and instead becomes accessible to anyone in the guild with the right permissions, for any purpose they choose. You may have guild rules about who gets to do what with the bank, but they don't mean anything unless backed up with rank permissions.


It's possible they may consider intervening if someone's account was compromised when they cleaned out the guild bank. But I'd consider that highly unlikely too - I know of a guild with several ANet staff who had the guild bank raided some years ago via a guildie's compromised account. They didn't get the lost items back either.

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> @"Graymalkyn.8076" said:

> With all due respect, you all are also assuming the OP is giving us the real story.

Nah, i don't. Which is why i said that getting to the bottom of such cases would require a lot of effort, and that quite often there would be no clear-cut, obvious solution (seeing as the ownership of stuff put in a guild bank is often unclear).



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In GW2, it is quite normal to see a thief or two in a guild. Fortunately, they can easily be spotted via their icon: ![](https://i.imgur.com/PrtYS1N.png "") If spotted, they tend to run for it: ![](https://i.imgur.com/u9Bra2K.png ""). Be careful: When confronted, you may end up on the wrong side of a sniper rifle: ![](https://i.imgur.com/qkldumQ.png "")




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> @"Ashen.2907" said:

> The only completely solid provable here is that the 'thief' was given permission to take the contents of the bank...and did so.


> Sucks, but there it is.


And by definition, if they're given permission to take the contents of the bank then they can't be a thief.


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For those who would like to know, we did end up rebuilding after everything was taken from us. So, thank you to everybody who stepped up and helped us out. We are more than thankful. I also just had a friendly conversation with the person who took everything in game. All he claims is that we left it open and because it was a game function that he is in the right. I do agree with this and feel that anet needs to step up with how guild banks are managed instead of just giving us a "yes or no" check box system.


I do still feel however he is a thief because in the end, just because you can do something doesn't mean you should. If you give a key to your house to someone you trust and they turn around and take everything from within the house and then bolt...they are technically and morally in the wrong. I really don't care if we get everything back at this point, but i do want to see people like this removed from the game community because if they are using a game function to screw over unsuspecting players and get off on a technicality, how is that right?


On a side note, this player is claiming that I slandered his name and has sent his "proof" to anet. He also says that I told my buddies to harass him? It's really funny how he keeps claiming this even though I have done no such thing. He is claiming this forum post as proof too lol. clearly I haven't done any slandering here or anywhere i can think of, but the only thing I can think of at this point is our warnings to his other guild leaders about him. But hey, if it's not wrong to use an in-game function, then it's not wrong to tell others about how he used that in-game function to screw over a bunch of people, right?


I see a couple of people talking about how a guild this big is hard to manage or maybe i need to be more careful when doing so. I do hear you, but none of us asked for the guild to become this massive lol. We have never even done standard recruiting methods. people see us and just want to join in on the fun so we invite them and only officers are allowed to invite. We don't even have anybody inactive for more than a month at this point lol (well with the exception for those going on extended leave that we know about). That's why we were in a rush to get more guild management as the player base was growing so fast. Who knew that one of those members would get greedy.

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usually, trust build ups over time and the proofs and confirmation that the one who deserves your trust really deserves it. the "don't trust anyone", in this age of social media, is akin to some mental disease/paranoia.


if you're alone and no one is approaching you, that means that those who are around you "are not trusting anyone." it's them, not you.


and you will know who are your real crew.

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I like how EVE handles all these human interactions. Now EVE is a completely different game, more pvp oriented with minimum restrictions and you can really take revenge on someone so it is a different situation. But still. There are no policies regarding human interactions.

You can role play a bad guy; you can be a pirate, thief, murderer and can actually do it. You have guilds of pirates who live in exile, galaxy scale wars with thousands participants and billions of dmg have sprouted because of all of these human interactions. Drama on a cosmic scale.

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> @"Girbilcannon.8259" said:

> just because you can do something doesn't mean you should.

Turns out a huge fraction of white collar crime is committed by people "because they can." The newsworthy cases involve corporate thieving at massive firms, but the greater number of cases are in small businesses. No matter what the rules are, no matter what the "government" does, in the end, you have to accept that there's a risk in granting access to others.


The guild system in GW2 is rather primitive in many ways, but it has all sorts of ways to handle privileges. And once those privileges are granted, there's absolutely no way for ANet to determine if those with permissions are using or abusing them.


I'm glad your guild has been able to recover (financially and spiritually). I'm sorry that was an experience that y'all had to recover from. But I can't imagine why ANet would put themselves in a position to police this sort of thing.

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