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Your Reoccurring theme for losing? Lets help each other not lose.


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As a player that constantly see 10-20 loss streaks at a time (and stupid enough 10-20 win streaks at a time). Whats the main reason you lose your matches. What do you think you could do to counteract it?


Myself, I constantly see ppl lacking map awareness, preferring to chase players rather than holding points. Breaking off team fights to chase, only to get singled out and die. Poor rotations leaving me to guess where to go when everybody wipes.


I addition, I need to pick my fights better, and avoid players that counter mine.


Currently I try to +1 fights when need be, but would I be better off trying to out rotate/back cap? since my team lacks awareness? (DPS Chrono, S/D Support Weaver)

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> @"rwolf.9571" said:

> As a player that constantly see 10-20 loss streaks at a time (and stupid enough 10-20 win streaks at a time). Whats the main reason you lose your matches


Honestly? I no longer know whats the main reason I lose matches.


For example, today I had a rage-quit AFKer.... when we were winning/leading score by several points and two nodes were ours and defended.

The match before I lost Temple of the Silent storm by 500 to 482 or something, because, and I **** you not, all nodes were ours, enemy guard was channeling Tranq, I interrupted him with Steal, two seconds later the Tranq somehow pops up for their Team even though I interrupted his channel...

Third Match my team literally (and I swear this is true) kept losing 4v2 at Close, gotta point out it was vs 2 mirages, but I guess if someone is capable of losing 4v2 then the enemy profession literally didn't play a role.


What I do is I don't play after 2 loses if they are in a row, I am usually way too "depressed" and accidentaly degrade my own gameplay in next matches, which only causes more losses.

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The main reason of losing in a losing streak is when my mates lose their fights against enemy team. The strategy is clearly secondary. Some try to do the points and rotations but it's a lose because all the team is wiped again and again. I watch always the kill log.


It's seems stupid but it's as if the system was able to detect the 2 or 3 (never all 4) worst players in term of fighting capacity and put them in my team in my losing streak. To compensate I should dominate with a crazy carry to balance the thing. But it's something I'm not capable to do.


And after the losing streak, I'm against with very low players who I can kill in sec. in chain so begins my winning streak. (with scores like 18-0 or 22-0 at every matches)


The interesting matches, where opponents are toughts but I'm not squeezed by 3 of them at every corner (means my mates can contain them) are very very very very very rare.

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There are some fights where i can clearly say that opponents played better, or that i could have done better . However, the 2 most common points lately are :

- Mirages and scourges : too complicated to have an impact as a single player against 3 of these stacked, and mistakes are too unforgiven

- People giving up too quickly : afks/afks because 2 thieves/afks because we died mid/...

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Things I learned to keep my high winrate.


I stopped playing on weekends. Things always go poorly when I do so.


I get at least 1h break after 2 losses in a row


I never play more than 2 hours without taking a break from pvp. After playing a long time you get tired and can't tell that. You just know you losing more matches than before. It's interesting that you go do something else that puts you in a more relaxed state.


All those things I do is to avoid getting tilted. When you're kinda mad and make the same mistakes over and over.

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Most of the time I loose cause of people rushing on node and getting impaled by 4 men. Or for example a reaper that doesn't know he will die the second he's out of F1 and still decide to rush in 4 men (again) so basically it's 4v5 after 3 sec. Then the snowball starts.


If it was only 1 guy it could be fine. but sometimes 3 ppl rush on point and got all cleaved insta. then I stick around and i got the comment " fight on point ffs" ... the lack of figth understanding from that kind of ppl really.


For those who don't know : you need only 1 guy on the point to contest it ... not 3 . The rest can rotate around it and take isolated foe. It's way mor effective than ball and get cleaved.



There's also that one guy that don't rotate so force myself to do so (as a mediguard) and then getting outnumbered after winning my 1v1. At least i practise my disengage abilities.

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The biggest contributor to losing in soloQ below Plat 2 is bad necros without a FB on your team in my experience. The ones who don't kite, position themselves well in teamfights or rotate into teamfights at all. If enemy team has a Rev and a core Guard for example you should expect to get nuked and position yourself in no port spots or kite with flesh wurm, spectral walk etc but many don't and basically die within the first 5 seconds of the teamfight. Many then proceed to feed mid 1v3 all game and end up with double digits for deaths.


I get that it's very difficult to survive on Necro without a support against certain enemy comps but this is also where swapping comes in and people should consider the enemy comp and swap away from Necro if they're clearly going to have a hard time. For my part as a DPS player I could improve by peeling for them more but peeling needs to be a team effort, 1 player alone can't peel for the Necro when 3 people jump him and that kind of team effort rarely happens in soloQ.


Also I agree with playing with tilted and not knowing when to stop leading to losing streaks. I've been known to lose 100-150 rating in a single day of PvP because I keep playing, playing badly and losing and don't take a break. Also this is purely anecdotal but I find games to be really bad if you play late night. Have had nothing but loss streaks when playing after midnight in EU.

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> @"Khalisto.5780" said:

> Things I learned to keep my high winrate.


> I stopped playing on weekends. Things always go poorly when I do so.


> I get at least 1h break after 2 losses in a row


> I never play more than 2 hours without taking a break from pvp. After playing a long time you get tired and can't tell that. You just know you losing more matches than before. It's interesting that you go do something else that puts you in a more relaxed state.


> All those things I do is to avoid getting tilted. When you're kinda mad and make the same mistakes over and over.


This right here is literally my rulebook to the letter! Works for me.

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Well sometimes, I do stupid rotations, it happens not every match and move is perfect. But is a normal loss which I can get it, I kitten up that my fault, do my best to recover still sometimes can never get the points back.

BUT and here's a big one, most of the times I lose because there's an afk, or someone that constantly go far just to die or that can't fight on close and keep losing. Today for example I had the most ridicolous thing: a dragon hunter come to far, which I was capping after killing a scourge and he complained that i wasnt holding far and proceed to try and cap it with me. Just to then rage at me in chat for leaving the point(and let him finish the capping) and he then decided to go afk, because we're all noobs...should I say more? Because I got plenty of stories like this

Best advice is dont rage in map chat, if you're tilted leave pvp go do something else. Golden rule: if you have more than 5 loss in day, stop it, play pvp next day or go unrank.

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Main reason lately has been re-learning how to play (took 3 years off).


Other reasons are being on teams with bots, or players that play like bots -- people who will die, respawn and run right back into a losing battle, or who don't know how to kite/run away and not die -- either way the entire team gets staggered and it just snowballs from there because people keep running into 1v3's.

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Getting tilted is the biggest reason for a high losing streak, last season i couldn't get out of gold 3 because I just kept playing all day without really taking breaks after losses, resulting in me getting big losing streaks because you become lazy and make many mistakes. Now I'm making sure I'm not tilted and I take a break if I lose too many times or after I played a few games, sitting at a steady 1567 atm

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> @"Khalisto.5780" said:

> Things I learned to keep my high winrate.


> I stopped playing on weekends. Things always go poorly when I do so.


> I get at least 1h break after 2 losses in a row


> I never play more than 2 hours without taking a break from pvp. After playing a long time you get tired and can't tell that. You just know you losing more matches than before. It's interesting that you go do something else that puts you in a more relaxed state.


> All those things I do is to avoid getting tilted. When you're kinda mad and make the same mistakes over and over.



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If your lose streak goes to five? It's que refresh time. Don't play again for six hours, minimum. Never ever try to play through a losing streak. It screws with you personally (you will get only worse, not better) and the people you get won't be any better. Our PvP pool is small. Best advice I can give.

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Matchmaking. Not like I'm perfect, but I genuinely feel like ~40% of matches are downright unwinnable. Complete blowouts.


People are making the same mistakes as 7 years ago, even in what's considered to be high rated games (mostly because the population is small). Going boss on Forest 24/7, never ever EVER checking the minimap, not knowing when buffs spawn on temple, stomping when they should cleave, pushing bunkers 1v1 on their capped node, etc.

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