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What would you implement to increase replayability of PoF?

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> @bOTEB.1573 said:

> However, I also have an idea:

> We already have these bounties, which are not bad but very boring to repeat only them. So why don't we use the bounties to activate an actual event? For example, killing bounties on the map is filling a bar and when the bar is filled an event chain is activated.


I like that idea!



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OP, you ask that question as if you have concluded replay value ("replayability " is not a word) doesn't exist in POF, and you're seeking validation from the player base. I completed the story, got all mounts (including Griffon), unlocked all mount masteries, and POF's replay value is high for me. I am continuing to discover new areas, or new metas, new NPC dialog, and so forth.


You've blasted through the content and now are asking Anet "now what." There's plenty of "what" in POF, you simply haven't opened your eyes to it.

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> @Absconditus.6804 said:

> There is the casino meta event in Amnoon every 2 hours (where I halfway expect the new [Festive Confetti Infusion](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Festive_Confetti_Infusion_%28Vitality%29 "Festive Confetti Infusion") to be from). There's the treasure hunting meta event in the Desert Highlands. Augury Rock meta in Elon Riverlands. There are actual meta events in the new maps. It feels more as if people aren't tuned in to their existence and just keep repeating that they have none.


These aren't metas. These are AT BEST event chains. When people say meta they mean things like Tarir and Dragon Stand.


Don't be disingenuous.

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> @Tyncale.1629 said:

> Those aren't Meta events, they are McMeta events.


> You could call the Ogre Wars in Fields of Ruins a Meta Event then too. A couple of localized connecting events is not a real Meta event in my book. Or if you mean events with a zonewide announcement, then a Leyline Event, or the Bloodstone Crazed mobs could be called one too.


> I guess we could argue about what qualifies for a Meta event so I am not saying you are wrong. :)


They are all meta events, it's just that people don't differentiate between Map-meta and Meta, both of which are valid, HoT has Map-metas, where as PoF as Metas that are localized, though technically the Augury Rock/Crazed Doppelganger is mapwide because you the Wild Magic is spread out over the entire map with the exception of one area. The Maws of Torment one (which I haven't seen completed) would appear to need coordination like Tarir but more localized than map-wide, it just takes place in a single area...perhaps more GW1 historians haven't found it yet, but it does open Torment...what you find there is anyone's guess(so I've heard anyways).

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Why do people keep saying that the maps don't have metas? Three of the five maps in this expansion have meta events, a majority, they just don't take up the entire friggin' map every time they start, or require everyone on the map to participate or risk failure. And heck, the other two technically have treasure hunt metas, so all five in reality.


There is also the potential for a champion train in at least three of them.


Seriously, pay attention people, there is so much content in each of these maps that nobody is doing. I spend every single play period pointing out a dozen or more group and meta events that nobody shows up to even though the map reads as being full. The playerbase has become so bloody lazy that unless giant yellow letters covering the mid third of the screen appear they don't think there's anything to do!

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No to map-wide metas that make moving around impossible, block off access to important lore areas and require every single person on the map to complete, no no no no no, i despise HoT maps because of how impossible those maps became to navigate because i just wanted to play the story, but now i can't do jack cause i'm either forced into an event i hate or am forced to wait a half hour until the whole thing is done.


Just no to map-wide metas, they are awful and ruin the fun for people who like to just explore or who just want to get to another place.


No to large boss events that take ages and focus the entire map into one area because then every other event is now unplayable if it requires a group.


no to treasure hunter collections because it's an extremely gated and unfun thing to try to get a single item and need to come back daily for that event.


smaller metas with better rewards are the way to go, nothing map wide, nothing that needs every player and their entire extended family to join, just improve the rewards for current meta chains in PoF and any season 4 maps as well. It's already replayable for me because I have the freedom to explore at my own whim without suddenly be set upon by ten champions and their thousand minions.

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- Rewarding large scale events

- more general achievements (a lot of JPs and secret places, a lot of difficult group events are currently without achievements; achievements like doing serpents ire 100 times are also good)

- more collections, one for all miniatures, one for each armor/weapon set, maybe even one for all recipes

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As much as people tend to not like metas, I personally love them for the fact that it gathers people consistently. People will always be doing Dragon's Stand, and even non-meta events such as Tequatl. Yet for some reason, after people get all the possible achievements they can from PoF, I don't see them going back to bounties (unless it's for a collection). Honestly, the only thing I'm logging into PoF for is Casino Blitz, in order to amp up my fashion wars game. After that, I won't be heading back into those maps. Masteries? Done. Mounts? Done. Griffon? Done. Finished all these in the first two days. They could have at least provided content worth doing after you've done all this.

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> @Zaklex.6308 said:

> > @Tyncale.1629 said:

> > Those aren't Meta events, they are McMeta events.

> >

> > You could call the Ogre Wars in Fields of Ruins a Meta Event then too. A couple of localized connecting events is not a real Meta event in my book. Or if you mean events with a zonewide announcement, then a Leyline Event, or the Bloodstone Crazed mobs could be called one too.

> >

> > I guess we could argue about what qualifies for a Meta event so I am not saying you are wrong. :)


> They are all meta events, it's just that people don't differentiate between Map-meta and Meta, both of which are valid, HoT has Map-metas, where as PoF as Metas that are localized, though technically the Augury Rock/Crazed Doppelganger is mapwide because you the Wild Magic is spread out over the entire map with the exception of one area. The Maws of Torment one (which I haven't seen completed) would appear to need coordination like Tarir but more localized than map-wide, it just takes place in a single area...perhaps more GW1 historians haven't found it yet, but it does open Torment...what you find there is anyone's guess(so I've heard anyways).


I differentiate between Meta's that manage to bring people together and back to older content, and Meta's that do not manage to do this. Loot(also map currencies), social aspects, interesting build up of events, Epicness are all factors in this. I have not seen anything in PoF that can match the HoT meta's for this.

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> @"Substance E.4852" said:

> GW2 Community 2015: Map wide meta events suck! I hate missing out because I didn't play during the time window for an event that happens every 2 hours.


> GW2 Community 2017: Map wide meta events are the best thing ever and PoF should have them on every map!


See mate in 2015 you were missing most of them because you didn't play during that time (when the event start) but in 2017 you miss them 100% because they don't exist. I personally would prefer to have little than none.


The key is to have map wide meta events with world bosses that don't lock PoI on the map for people like you.


With PoF they removed one of the most interesting factors in this game. Don't you understand that this is not a single player game and PoF doesn't offer anything but single player experience and boring trash mob grinding? I am not saying that it shouldn't offer solo gameplay here and there but all, no it is not okay? The problem isn't that PoF is bad - it is not, it is very nicely designed expansion with nice maps/mounts and some QoL improvements but it just doesn't feel finished because of the lack of some endgame, challenging group events. I am not saying we should kill the solo potential of the expansion, but just to add something that can make the maps perfect. You are okay to hit the story, complete this and that and quit the game until next season but this doesn't make PoF replayable.

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> @bOTEB.1573 said:

> With PoF they removed one of the most interesting factors in this game. Don't you understand that this is not a single player game and PoF doesn't offer anything but single player experience and boring trash mob grinding?


If you're so hard up for team content, maybe ask for more instanced content that actually requires teamwork beyond making sure gerrant has plenty of people at each lane.


> With PoF they removed one of the most interesting factors in this game.


HoT still exists as does the vanilla champ train.


This all sounds like bellyaching from people who expected a new round of "watch netflix on a second monitor, press 1 in a zerg, get massive loot with minimal personal investment" 'Epic Meta Events!'

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Although I'm completely satisfied with how PoF is currently, I wouldn't mind seeing another trasure hunter collection and one or two larger bosses / map.

But PLEASE do not tie the bosses to fixed timers, give them an event chain like eye of zhaitan in straits of devastation so that it's more tied to people exploring the map rather then people just showing up on time just to leave after the event is done.

I absolutely hate every single aspect of the Meta Events in HoT - to me there is nothing epic about them, it's just a zergfest on a shedule, at xx:30 we all gather to punch gerent, after that comes AB and after that.. dunno maybe VB? Or DS? Or maybe just despair and log out because you don't know what to do without the guidance of a meta. Oh no actually there's still silver wastes farming (Silver wastes is actually fun because you can do everything that leads up to the big main event with 1-2 people per camp, that's a nice guild activity :) ).

The big problem with HoT (for me) was, that as a player you didn't really make any decisions, you either played the meta or you might as well leave the map and if you play the meta you're pretty much useless as a person, it doesn't matter if you play well, if you don't have enough people for boss X or mechanic Y you loose, if 80% of the map don't know what CC is, you loose (or have a very annoying end to top off all the time you spend in DS).

I know people have different tastes and I'm glad that Anet went into a completely different direction with PoF because many people (like me) did not like HoT but love PoF, I know not all people think like that, I know some people think hitting 1 over and over until some huge pinata is dead is an "epic" ecperience but I don't feel like that.


I'd like to see some sort of treasure hunt that unlocks a memory crystal of glint/vlast for the home instance that grants some sort of reward (maybe good chance of crystalline dust and opal/ruby/emerald etc orbs - since they where crystal dragons and all)

As for World Bosses, I'd like to see a high ranked forged minion, I loved the herald in the story because and I would love to learn more about her since it always seemed like there was more to her - she never seemed to be quite happy with what she had become so if we could have her as a world boss with an event chain - maybe that would be an interesting way to learn more about her. (But no fixed timers please!!)

Also we could really use a new, powered up, kralkatorrik minion, and I think they forgot that kralkatorrik should have death-plant-infused magic as well, just like jormag and primordus, or did I miss something there? Anyway, a new kralkatorrik minion would be awesome :) (Death-Vine-Imbued Shatterer incoming!)

(Buuuut... nofixedtimerspls!!)

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I see PoF as the solo events expansion, whilst HoT is the Meta-event expansion.

In HoT I found it rather annoying to be unable to enter tarir because the meta-event was in progress and since it was an empty map it was going to take a while.

However, I would like some boss encounters as in the core world, where you do require larger groups. it's something to look forward to whilst you can do some events you like doing, without having to do the specific meta-precursor events.


A problem with meta-events overall is. when people stop doing them, it is really hard to manage to do it.

multiple meta events in the core world are almost impossible to complete, since many people only do one of the events but stop afterwards. only the encounters that give some nice rewards are being done, not the ones that are also quite some fun.




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It was rather hard for me to vote. I do like it how it is now but it wouldnt hurt me to add big map events as long it doesnt lock you out from exploring or doing other events.


I also have a kind of idea. I like the bountys, why not make the bountys as a timer for the world boss... When all bountys are compleated in a map then five or ten minutes after a world boss will appear (Without timer) and when that one is dead then 10 - 30 minutes after Bountys will be selectable again. Offcourse there would have to be a 1 or more hour loot CD so you can't farm World bosses by changing maps or something.


Edit: Also, please those who say that PoF is a Solo player Expansion can you post a vid where you compleate a few of the champion bountys and atleast one Legendary bounty solo. I would love to see that.

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