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Frequent AFk reports should warrant a PvP ban


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I'm wondering if they could put in an automated system that tracked WHERE a player was for an extended amount of time and whether or not they engaged in combat. Then, people that AFK in a certain area but move periodically, could still be punished. Capture points could be an exception to that rule, since some teams prefer to have a member guard their home.

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Really really really REALLY BAD idea.


Just one example: lets say I'm the leader/charismatic character of a big pvp guild. I have beef with several players who arent members, so I tell everyone in my guild to report them if matchmaking ever puts them in the same match. Those players would be near-permanently banned/dishonored.


A report is nothing more than an accusation on its own. Unless there is significant proof(something like a real person checking logs), bans CAN NOT happen.


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