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Gathering tool skinns just 400Gems please


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I agree. I'd buy at least 3 skins if it was possible to get them without another tool and therefore for less gems.


I bought the first 3 tools which were available (Molten pick, consortium sickle and chop-it-all axe), not realising at the time there would eventually be other designs available. Later on I got the watchwork pick with gold because I really don't like the animation on the molten one and at the time it wasn't possible to change it.


Since then several others have been released with really nice animations (the flutes are my favourites) but I don't want or need more infinite use tools and I don't think a new skin is worth 1000 gems. Whereas if it was possible to buy just the skin on it's own for a lower price I'd get all the ones I like.

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