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Can we please update 1h sword final attack chain?


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I really loved sword back in the days, when 2 powerful slashes ended up with thrust! Now my warrior looks like she's trying with final chain animation to swing very heavy foam noodle...


Can we atleast get the thrust animation back? We can keep a sword been condition damage weapon, and I dont mind some nerf in other to make chain attack slower, I just want that animation back or new one that is...


Really thank you for reading this.


MasterTaweran.8596 from Gandara

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I just want a viable sword... I'm using sword/shield in every other video games that have the class warrior in it, but in GW2, I can't play with them. It's extremely, especially clunky and deals nearly no dammage. And the biggest problem with it is its burst skill... like, you slash a single target for 3 seconds and...congradulation! You effectively unleashed a whopping

3 000 dammage with full glass canon gear!


I know it's a "condi" weapon, but even the condi part of it is extremely underpowered.

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> @"Edge.8724" said:

> I just want a viable sword... I'm using sword/shield in every other video games that have the class warrior in it, but in GW2, I can't play with them. It's extremely, especially clunky and deals nearly no dammage. And the biggest problem with it is its burst skill... like, you slash a single target for 3 seconds and...congradulation! You effectively unleashed a whopping

> 3 000 dammage with full glass canon gear!


> I know it's a "condi" weapon, but even the condi part of it is extremely underpowered.


Well, you have to understand that the strength of using sword as a condi weapon is how you use the burst skill, not in the auto attack. Come to think of it, that's generally true ... not many weapons in this game are going to be powerful by spamming 1 all day.


.. and the animation is not the best. I don't feel it's a priority to address but still ...

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> @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said:

> Option to replace #3 with savage slash from gw1. Would be worth taking sword for sure.


Savage Slash interrupted enemies, but that's on control skill kits: mace, hammer, shield, dagger, physical skills...

Giving hard CC to every weapon would be a tad too much.


But I really like the idea of replacing skills with Traits, and I miss deep wound from GW. So why not having those instead?


* Deep wound would be a neat new condition that works kind of like the opposite of Barrier: it could be a stacking condition that temporarily reduces max HP as if a chunk of the HP bar was removed like a slice of cake. When Deep would ends and max HP returns to normal, that chunk of HP lost would return untouched by any damage taken while under deep wound.

* On players it could be something like 0.8% of max HP per stack

* On NPCs it could be just 0.2% of max HP since most AI is dumb and NPCs hardly ever have heals.


So, for instance, if you had exactly 15 000 HP, and got 25 stacks of deep wound, you'll temporarily have -3000HP leaving you with 12K. If you lost 10K HP, you'll end up with 2k, but if deep wound ends right there, you'd get those 3K back, and have 5K.

* Then when Blademaster is equipped, it would also replace Hamstring with a new "Crippling Slash" skill. Crippling Slash would have the same effect as Hamstring with a few changes:

* Deals +2% damage compared to hamstring.

* Deals 8 seconds to bleeding instead 6.

* Deals 1 stack of Deep Wound for 3s, plus another stack for every 3 stacks of bleeding on the target.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > @"Edge.8724" said:

> > I just want a viable sword... I'm using sword/shield in every other video games that have the class warrior in it, but in GW2, I can't play with them. It's extremely, especially clunky and deals nearly no dammage. And the biggest problem with it is its burst skill... like, you slash a single target for 3 seconds and...congradulation! You effectively unleashed a whopping

> > 3 000 dammage with full glass canon gear!

> >

> > I know it's a "condi" weapon, but even the condi part of it is extremely underpowered.


> Well, you have to understand that the strength of using sword as a condi weapon is how you use the burst skill, not in the auto attack. Come to think of it, that's generally true ... not many weapons in this game are going to be powerful by spamming 1 all day.


> .. and the animation is not the best. I don't feel it's a priority to address but still ...


I might over react a bit sometimes. I recognise that I may lack some experience with condi warrior in general...


Also, Like someone pointed that out for me, I'm literally off subject right now as this post is supposed to talk about its animation, not its efficiency. (might have misread somewhere)


I agree for the animation part as well. Guardian and Mesmer have some really nice and fluid sword animations on their auto attacks and that makes me wonder why "the master of weaponry" doesn't have those kind of fluid animations as well.


I know that Warrior is one of the oldest classes but the absence of an update like this seems clearly to not be a priority for ArenaNet as well as the poor number of Warrior players as well.

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