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The time has come to merge alpine/EBG/EotM into giant map with cap of 2k players per server


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* Desert Borderlands will be the new overflow map in place of the old EotM.

* Obsidian Sanctum will be repurposed to have proper ranked GvG.

* WvW in general will now also have proper guild systems in place and WvW is now affected by guilds and their ranking in some way.


Alpine borderland and Edge of the Mists are now merged into the existing Eternal Battlegrounds accordingly.

* GW2 has been totally optimized and upgraded the servers incredibly and skill lag no longer exists!

* "Hills" has been worked into the red side "overlook" area and has therefore been expanded exponentially.

* "Bay" has been worked into the green side "lowlands" area and has therefore been expanded exponentially.

* "Garrison" has been worked into the blue side "valley" area and has therefore been expanded exponentially.

* All 3 teams have now received an additional tower and camp as well.

* Edge of the Mists now exists in the same instance and exists above the now merged EBG/Alpine. Players below can see fights going on above if they look up and vice versa. Players that fall off of EotM will land in the now merged EBG/Alpine map but receive fatal damage upon doing so.

* The quaggans have returned to WvW! Whoever gains control of the frog, dredge and ogres gains access to the quaggans.


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I'm confused as to what the point of this post is.


> @"Ruufio.1496" said:

> * WvW in general will now also have proper guild systems in place and WvW is now affected by guilds and their ranking in some way.



In what way? What do you mean by "proper guild systems"? Also, isn't WvW being affected by guilds (built around guilds/alliances basically) the point of the Restructuring?


> * GW2 has been totally optimized and upgraded the servers incredibly and skill lag no longer exists!


Of course everyone wants this and if ANet could do this they would have done it.


> * Edge of the Mists now exists in the same instance and exists above the now merged EBG/Alpine. Players below can see fights going on above if they look up and vice versa. Players that fall off of EotM will land in the now merged EBG/Alpine map but receive fatal damage upon doing so.


What's the point of having this?


> * "Hills" has been worked into the red side "overlook" area and has therefore been expanded exponentially.

> * "Bay" has been worked into the green side "lowlands" area and has therefore been expanded exponentially.

> * "Garrison" has been worked into the blue side "valley" area and has therefore been expanded exponentially.


What does "Expanded exponentially" mean? Also back-door access would have to be implemented for hills, bay and garrison too.

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