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If charr and human went to war, which faction would support which side?


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And > @"Genesis.8572" said:

> > @"CETheLucid.3964" said:

> > The Flame Legion is in shambles and will probably be cleaned out before the end of this generation.

> What GW1 players said about the White Mantle.



Yeah they where so wrong. But then again give everyone an couple hundreds years and they can recover.

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> @"Aracz.4702" said:

> > @"Aaron Ansari.1604" said:

> > > @"Aracz.4702" said:

> > > In Ebonhawke sewage the same Charres have killed a human soldier (lieutanant) with a single hit .-. Riona was just really good soldier, so she was able to win against Ember easily (it was also a backstab :D Ember to the last moment thought Riona was on her side)

> > > And ultimately, Charrs made two human civilizations fall. But it seems to me that such scuffles do not make sense :p

> >

> > Other way round, actually. Ember got in the backstab at the start of the fight.


> Riona backstabbed figuratively, Ember literally xd

> But I still dont know why Riona nad only a part of armor ripped off and had claw marks on arms. Like... What Ember did at beggining? Tried to take Riona's armor off? Throwed a rock? Aimed for arms with her claws or aimed for weapon? I know she may be tired after being a decoy, but the fact she just wasted her chance is kinda weird.

> Or maybe she was lost in situation and didn't wanted to kill Riona or risk loosing the Claw. I don't have acces to full book right now, so i can't check what they were talking about after dealing with Riona :s now I just dont remember


most of Riona's wounds came from her lack of experience with the Claw. She constantly cut herself - and still took down Ember.

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> @"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:

> > @"Aracz.4702" said:

> > > @"Aaron Ansari.1604" said:

> > > > @"Aracz.4702" said:

> > > > In Ebonhawke sewage the same Charres have killed a human soldier (lieutanant) with a single hit .-. Riona was just really good soldier, so she was able to win against Ember easily (it was also a backstab :D Ember to the last moment thought Riona was on her side)

> > > > And ultimately, Charrs made two human civilizations fall. But it seems to me that such scuffles do not make sense :p

> > >

> > > Other way round, actually. Ember got in the backstab at the start of the fight.

> >

> > Riona backstabbed figuratively, Ember literally xd

> > But I still dont know why Riona nad only a part of armor ripped off and had claw marks on arms. Like... What Ember did at beggining? Tried to take Riona's armor off? Throwed a rock? Aimed for arms with her claws or aimed for weapon? I know she may be tired after being a decoy, but the fact she just wasted her chance is kinda weird.

> > Or maybe she was lost in situation and didn't wanted to kill Riona or risk loosing the Claw. I don't have acces to full book right now, so i can't check what they were talking about after dealing with Riona :s now I just dont remember


> most of Riona's wounds came from her lack of experience with the Claw


This is what Im talking about - it's mentioned that Ember striked first, but Riona dont have any dangerous wound. I suppose it's because Ember didn't wanted to kill her. If she would want to kill her, Riona would end with throat split open like Vanguard before (or she was really to tired, otherwise, it's just don't make sense)

If we want to judge which race have better characteristics (and game shows that they didn't matter, everyone have same possibilities), we shouldn't use just one example (earlier I have mentionet another one).

But I think it's topic for other discussion

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  • 4 weeks later...

Came up with the idea where my male human ascalanion character Tarwin while he was on his way to Ascalon to do what he could to stop the war, he fakes his death in what looks like a renegade charr ambush attack that was real enough but Tarwin won the fight with the help of only a few friends who were with him plans to fake his death which may be enough to halt the war as Tarwin being possibly killed for trying to stop the war would put the charr who tried to inciting the war with Ascalon in a very bad spotlight, and would get everyone including the charr who see him as a friend too see what the war will cost if it goes on long enough besides soldiers and civilians heroes will die fighting a senseless war to try and finish off the Ascalonians.

Many charr in the legions Lion arch the Olkamakan and in the orders of Tyria hail Tarwin as a hero and a friend for aiding the legions, added he help defeat the elder dragons for Tarwin to be killed unexpectedly by hostile charr would shatter the idea of victory at any cost, if a hero of Tyria dying for the sake of defeating the humans of ascalon is the cost to pay for many charr it is not worth it.


Tarwin may if no one even finds out he is alive after the war is possibly stopped and a real peace treaty is signed either choose to disappear and let the world believe he is dead so he can at last finally rest and make his own way in the world. Or during the chaos mess of Tarwins fake death and everyone getting angry and protesting the charr who want war against Ascalon, Tarwin is able to heroically take down the hostile charr leaders who want the war to keep going with the friends who know he is alive, and the friends and allies find out in secret. With the war narrowly prevented everyone get the message that wars between nations for petty settling old scores of revenge cannot be fought without a high cost being paid. Tarwin explains his fake death was to show everyone what would happen if he was killed in a war started by the foolish who think just cause the elder dragons are now gone means any nation can start killing each other. Tarwin did not save the world so the nations and races could start wars against each other over petty dreams of conquest. So he choose the path that would help stop another war between Ascalon and the legions.

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Well, thinking about it, the Charr have no reason to go to war with humans.


Even if you pull a "But the elder dragons are gone!", the elder dragons were never a huge threat to Ascalon anyway. As Smodur said during the world summit, the flame legion are still a threat poking at the legions, just waiting for a weakness to be shown to exploit.


The two big reasons the charr were wary to send forces to help the big push against Mordremoth was Flame legion and the ghosts. With the ghosts at Barradin's estate being removed from play, they felt secure enough to redirect forces without weakening the defenses.

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If Charr and human go to war, again, I personally would support the better paying side and I suspect that will be the human side.


I think the Asura would officially remain neutral and unofficially sell weapons to both sides.

Sylvari would be truly neutral

Norn would side with humans.


I think initially that the Charr, by being better prepared for war, would have the upper hand but once the Norn joined the human side it evens out.

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> @"EmmetOtter.8542" said:

> If Charr and human go to war, again, I personally would support the better paying side and I suspect that will be the human side.


> I think the Asura would officially remain neutral and unofficially sell weapons to both sides.

> Sylvari would be truly neutral

> Norn would side with humans.


> I think initially that the Charr, by being better prepared for war, would have the upper hand but once the Norn joined the human side it evens out.


And all the charr who actually now repect humans and were in the orders after all why would they just return to the legions to fight the same humans they fought side by side with. The war would also effectively remove the idea that the legions intended to honor the peace treaty even if it was temporary many charr would not want to fight the humans and be stuck in another long bloody pointless siege on the Kingdom of Ascalon again.

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One thing I'd mention is also power to deploy forces. The Charr threats haven't left (as I said, brandstorm/brand is still very much active, the ghosts haven't left besides in one area, flame legion is still out there and considered a threat by Iron legion worthy of holding an army in reserve), but also we've heard of Krytan, Lion's Arch, Pact, and corsair airships. No charr ones yet.

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It is safe to say that humans are currently weaker than Charr. It is highly unlikely for humans to attack Charr, but far more likely for the reverse.


Avoiding real breaking mechanics, like asura gates (which are really a game convenience more than anything), Sylvari and Asura are left of all these debacles and do not have much militarily force to participate in any conflict. Ya the game tries to give them a bigger role, but they control tiny territory. Asura do have technology that seems superior to other races. But there is not an indication that gives them a military edge. It is highly unlikely either of them would participate in the war beside selling technology or resources to either side.


on the other hand norn are entrenched in the middle of both humans and Charr. if humans declare war on Charr, their goal is presumably to obtain Ascalon. Human will probably have to go through norn territory. While norn do not seem to have a united government, this human incursion will likely be viewed as an invasion by the norn and will be faced retaliation. It is just not likely for the humans to be able to do so.


If Charr declare war on humans, they will either want to acquire lands in Kryta or acquire Ebonhawke. Going to Kryta faces the same as above. For Ebonhawke does not offer anything and have no strategic advantage whatsoever. Also, it has been able to hold the Charr for 250 years. Even if the Charr can focus more forces to acquire it, it will be a long drawn and costly battle for? Race cleansing? It will be a loss both economically and politically for the Charr.


More interestingly, Charr could interested in either Orr or some of Elona’s northern territory. Charr has direct access to the territory through Charr home lands and Ascalon. Northern elona does not have much military power. Also, not likely to cause direct interaction from most races. Even Kryta not likely to care much. Orr is more interesting dinner vast and strategic territory. Was human territory. Currently mostly empty. Sylvari have large pretense there. Charr would consider it a prime location to block access to them from the sea. A war for Orr would likely see a Sylvari, human alliance. Not sure who Asura would support. They probably would only care about selling technology.


Also, while minor races would not factor much, Lion Arch would. It is technically independent, but also former human territory. It is likely to prefer a stats quo and would consider any military conquest by human or Charr to be unwanted aggression.


Overall, as long as we have two elder dragons active, it is highly unlikely that any of the races or nations to go to war with each other.



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> @"otto.5684" said:

> It is safe to say that humans are currently weaker than Charr. It is highly unlikely for humans to attack Charr, but far more likely for the reverse.


Why? Charr are smart, they have seen the united armies at Thunderhead, they sent forth a peace offering first (even if it failed), and most importantly, the issues that held the Charr from wanting to go to the World Summit are entirely still in play (Flame Legion lurking, even if it's top leadership was wiped out and they are trying to replace those figures. Ghost armies in every location besides Barradin's estate). The brand is still active, and the ogre/troubles with other races do still exist. Frankly the Charr were assaulting Ebonhawke more to do something then to actually wage war. As somebody said, they apparently hinged their invasion of Kryta upon taking Ebonhawke first. Also, we know that Kryta now has an airship fleet alongside paratroopers and now that they have no backstabbers in government, the Seraph are once again at full strength without being constantly hamstrung to make Jennah look bad. It's also assumed with the war chief at Harathi Hinterlands dead and the white mantle's alliance with the centaurs broken (because the white mantle are eradicated), the Krytan military posistion is actually more secure then the Charr in Ascalon.



> Avoiding real breaking mechanics, like asura gates (which are really a game convenience more than anything), Sylvari and Asura are left of all these debacles and do not have much militarily force to participate in any conflict. Ya the game tries to give them a bigger role, but they control tiny territory. Asura do have technology that seems superior to other races. But there is not an indication that gives them a military edge. It is highly unlikely either of them would participate in the war beside selling technology or resources to either side.


I think somewhere it was said that Asura wouldn't allow a race to use the asura gate to teleport an army into another city, but not sure. Asura do have golems and control the waypoint network, however both the Crown and Charr legions have good relations with them. Sylvari would probably remain neutral, but I see them easily siding and helping humanity if the Charr foolishly attack first, alongside most of the factions related to the Pact.


> on the other hand norn are entrenched in the middle of both humans and Charr. if humans declare war on Charr, their goal is presumably to obtain Ascalon. Human will probably have to go through norn territory. While norn do not seem to have a united government, this human incursion will likely be viewed as an invasion by the norn and will be faced retaliation. It is just not likely for the humans to be able to do so.


I think humanity would use Ebonhawke as a staging ground before attempting to march and maintain logistics through the Shiverpeaks. Likewise, I don't see the Charr trying to mount a campaign across the shiverpeaks. Especially when you can find Charr in Black Citadel complaining about how it's tough to get supplies to the front-lines against the Flame Legion within Ascalon.


> If Charr declare war on humans, they will either want to acquire lands in Kryta or acquire Ebonhawke. Going to Kryta faces the same as above. For Ebonhawke does not offer anything and have no strategic advantage whatsoever. Also, it has been able to hold the Charr for 250 years. Even if the Charr can focus more forces to acquire it, it will be a long drawn and costly battle for? Race cleansing? It will be a loss both economically and politically for the Charr.


Yet the Charr chose to continue to assault Ebonhawke for 200ish years instead of going across the Shiverpeaks and invading Kryta. Probably because if they did declare war and attempt to invade over the mountains, they'd have a long, stretched out supply line that'd be easy to raid (and possibly attacked by all sorts of other groups like Dredge, sons of svanir, etc). And humanity could easily mass an army in Ebonhawke/fields of ruin and brave the brand to attack. Also Kryta has airships so they'd be able to harass the Charr army.


Also this assumes the Vigil and Lionguard don't get involved at all, since the Charr would be marching an army directly past several havens, as well as Vigil Keep.


> More interestingly, Charr could interested in either Orr or some of Elona’s northern territory. Charr has direct access to the territory through Charr home lands and Ascalon. Northern elona does not have much military power. Also, not likely to cause direct interaction from most races. Even Kryta not likely to care much. Orr is more interesting dinner vast and strategic territory. Was human territory. Currently mostly empty. Sylvari have large pretense there. Charr would consider it a prime location to block access to them from the sea. A war for Orr would likely see a Sylvari, human alliance. Not sure who Asura would support. They probably would only care about selling technology.


Northern Elona has various factions populating it as well as the brand. Actually getting forces there would involve trying to bypass Ebonhawke or taking Ebonhawke in some manner.


Orr is far from empty. It's a land plagued with Risen long after Zhaitan's death, has priory and Sylvari presence there (history/artifacts, and the Sylvari attempting to help heal the land), and even though the source of Orr is cleansed, the land itself is very slowly healing. Invading to take Orr would be incredibly stupid. Also means assaulting Pact forces working to clean up the Risen and taking the Pact fortress at Fort Trinity, which would bring the pact and allies down on the Charr.


> Also, while minor races would not factor much, Lion Arch would. It is technically independent, but also former human territory. It is likely to prefer a stats quo and would consider any military conquest by human or Charr to be unwanted aggression.


> Overall, as long as we have two elder dragons active, it is highly unlikely that any of the races or nations to go to war with each other.



It's highly unlikely that the nations would go to war period. Unless the Charr or Kryta get massive leadership change for no reason (Remember, even if Smodur hasn't claimed the title, he still holds the Claw of the Khan-Ur in his office, a gift given to him by humans), they have no reason to go back to war. Both nations have resources, and what they lack they can easily get by trade through Lion's Arch or other means. Engaging in war would stretch resources out, and the Charr legions are forced to keep a strong face up at home to prevent the Flame Legion from surging at all.


Plus the fact the commander is bound by Oath to not attack the Crown of Kryta, and if the commander turned against the Legions do you think the Pact or related/allied armies wouldn't follow?

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Unless foolish charr like Fume Brighteyes somehow becomes the Iron legion leader as she is bucking and claiming she will be( she wants to possibly get the war against humans back on) and dose it with Banger (who may use Fume just to strengthen himself and displace all the legions) their won't be a war unless some Fume replaces Smodur cause then I can see Fume Brighteys ending the peace and outriught not delcaring war yet but securing her power and forcing all charr who fought with humans to swear an oath of some sort to fight the humans of Ascalon and Kytra when she delcares war or they be kicked of the legions, and or punished and sent to the labor prisons for no reason, and all charr cubs who were suppose to be guests of honor in Ebonhawk and Divinity Reach well be taught that they well enter those cities as conquers not guests of the humans, which well leave all charr and cubs confused, and shocked why they are going from peace with humans to hostilities the road to war well see many charr in the legions facing persucatuion for working with humans, and not ready for war against them, and or for respecting humans, charr warbands will be divided and often shattered by arguments and the idea of warband won't be able to work together cause one charr may say ready war against humans is wrong or cause they respect the humans, another charr hates humans for nor reason or cause disagrees with teh other charr that it becomes a mess of no real unity that the legions face civil disorder and risk of both war with the humans and a civil war among themselves.

If a war against humans and a civil war happens among the charr their is a high risk of the legions warbands ceasing to be seen as effective and unity wroth nothing I can see these foolish charr going survival of the fitness where they use each other and refuse to unit in the aftermath. Oh and picture how their be bitter upset charr asking why they do not have a Khan-ur why has the promised Khan ur not come and united the weaken legions like the first Khan ur and Kalla did? Simple the charr are themselves are at fault their rules and laws and how any charr can chanllege the Khan ur even if he or she is a real good leader keeps them from having a Khan ur. So many charr would be bitter that the Khan ur coming to unit them may as well been a lie or just was never going to happen and the charr legions are just doomed to never have the Khan ur cause their way of life keeps that from happening. It may be up to the pact commaders and heros to try and do what they can to get the charr to change the way of life of the legions so they can have a real Khan ur. Or the charr pact commander becomes the Khan ur even if he or she is not part of the bloodline.

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well char's eat asura, them being small meat. :open_mouth: so, asuran's would likely help the humans.

sylvari are nature lovers, which may hate the char because chars kinda like kill nature through machinery; so they might likely choose humans, being the lesser of the two evil.

the npcs in game, well they agro everything, but will probably like humans more, because humans.


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  • 2 months later...

I think its is funny that a lot people seem to think that the norn would side with the humans XD. The norn dont like the queen and the rest of the human nobility. They dont like leaders who dont earn their position, but are born in a certain class. So I think it is unlikely that they will help Queen Jennah to stay in power.

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> @"brenda.9723" said:

> I think its is funny that a lot people seem to think that the norn would side with the humans XD. The norn dont like the queen and the rest of the human nobility. They dont like leaders who dont earn their position, but are born in a certain class. So I think it is unlikely that they will help Queen Jennah to stay in power.


Untrue. They didn't care for her at first because they felt she should've just gotten rid of the dissenters in the Ministry who were working against her.


Now they she caused every single traitor minister to publicly reveal themselves and be arrested or killed, and also helped raise the shield around DR against the siege bombardment I'd bet the general viewpoint of her among Norn is higher.

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> @"Kalavier.1097" said:

> > @"brenda.9723" said:

> > I think its is funny that a lot people seem to think that the norn would side with the humans XD. The norn dont like the queen and the rest of the human nobility. They dont like leaders who dont earn their position, but are born in a certain class. So I think it is unlikely that they will help Queen Jennah to stay in power.


> Untrue. They didn't care for her at first because they felt she should've just gotten rid of the dissenters in the Ministry who were working against her.


> Now they she caused every single traitor minister to publicly reveal themselves and be arrested or killed, and also helped raise the shield around DR against the siege bombardment I'd bet the general viewpoint of her among Norn is higher.


I think that the bigger thing is that the individuality of the norn would keep the norn as a whole from joining either side. You would see individuals on either side and many staying neutral.

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There has been 200 years of status quo where neither side was able to take ascendance over the other. However, let's see the recent events:

* The human gods are gone. That alone shifts the balance heavily in favor of the charrs.

* With the treaty, charr extremists are desperate to land that final victory. Also, after hundred years of propaganda aimed at fueling the military engine, the majority of charr civilian population is likely to see the treaty as a deal with the daemons.

* The scarab plague has been rediscovered. A cheap, clean, bio, ecological solution to the human problem.

* The elder dragons crisis is recessing. Asuras seem to have a solution to force Jormag and Primordus to cancel each other.

Even to the pro-treaties, the writing should be on the wall. The Charrs have that unique opportunity to claim back their empire and start a golden age. And that might not last.


As for who would join:

* the centaurs, like the charrs, have had the humiliation of seeing their rightful territory taken away from them for the benefit of a weak race.

* The sylvary could follow their centaur or human lineage. But ultimately ventari was a centaur.

* A charr-dredge alliance has recently proven to be quiet successful.

* The enquest might be cornerstone to the plan. The charr should make sure that they get handsomely rewarded for their collaboration. (Maybe even give them Divinity's Reach?).

* The skritts are always handy to disseminate things like scarab eggs around. Just make sure to time the initial outbreak properly...

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> @"Adiabatik.6714" said:

> There has been 200 years of status quo where neither side was able to take ascendance over the other. However, let's see the recent events:

> * The human gods are gone. That alone shifts the balance heavily in favor of the charrs.

False, the human gods haven't done anything really in 200-300 years. Them officially being gone literally changes nothing. Hell, as we've seen, there are still very much active worshipers of Balthazar who continue to praise his (better) teachings.


> * With the treaty, charr extremists are desperate to land that final victory. Also, after hundred years of propaganda aimed at fueling the military engine, the majority of charr civilian population is likely to see the treaty as a deal with the daemons.

The Charr are also brought up to follow orders. Orders say the war is over. Going against that is treason. Charr may not agree with the treaty, but they hate treason more then humans.


> * The scarab plague has been rediscovered. A cheap, clean, bio, ecological solution to the human problem.

Scarab plague was briefly rediscovered, until it was eradicated by the ghost army lead by the Primeval Queens. All the Inquest labs researching it got destroyed by Joko when he went to reclaim it (besides the one we destroyed), all the further plague research was being done at Gandara, with the allied armies surrounded and blockaded, and then cleansed.


> * The elder dragons crisis is recessing. Asuras seem to have a solution to force Jormag and Primordus to cancel each other.

The brand and brandstorm are very much still active and a concern to the Charr. The ghosts are still a major problem throughout Ascalon, just not as much the Black Citadel anymore. Flame Legion is strongly suspected to be gathering strength and waiting for an opening to exploit (As opposed to the popular belief of being defeated and shattered). Combo in hostile Ogre, Dredge, and Harpy groups throughout Ascalon, Iron legion is not in a state to be conducting invasions. The other Legions perhaps not either.


One bit of dialogue in black Citadel was about how at times the Iron Legion can barely even supply their frontlines within Ascalon with ammo and weapons. How could they afford a supply train going across the entire Shiverpeaks? And Kryta has airships they can use.


> Even to the pro-treaties, the writing should be on the wall. The Charrs have that unique opportunity to claim back their empire and start a golden age. And that might not last.

Claim back their empire... of Ascalon, which they already reclaimed besides one tiny corner, which is also the corner they've been sieging for literally 200+ years with zero progress, and the same corner they agreed to give up to the humans (that's also partially branded).


I know it's personal RP, but once I thought of what my Iron Legion Engineer would think of the treaty/humans. And it was "Meh, we already reclaimed Ascalon, why should I care about Kryta? Our goal was Ascalon, we got it."



> As for who would join:

> * the centaurs, like the charrs, have had the humiliation of seeing their rightful territory taken away from them for the benefit of a weak race.

The Centaurs were also forcibly brought into line by a singular warchief, who is now dead. They only got major pushes against humanity because traitors were purposefully sabotaging the Seraph's efforts. (Human tutorial literally happened because Caudecus completely withdrew his entire force that was supposed to be guarding the pass going to DR, and had framed the Seraph for killing the Warchief's family.


> * The sylvary could follow their centaur or human lineage. But ultimately ventari was a centaur.

Ventari also taught peace and sought peace between humans and Centaurs.


> * A charr-dredge alliance has recently proven to be quiet successful.

You mean the flame legion and dredge rebel alliance that was also stated both groups were, basically stated to be put to death the moment they tried to return to their home faction?


> * The enquest might be cornerstone to the plan. The charr should make sure that they get handsomely rewarded for their collaboration. (Maybe even give them Divinity's Reach?).

Inquest don't work for anybody but themselves. The Charr aren't stupid. Look at the Asura gate to LA, the Charr have that entire bridge rigged with explosives just in case the Asura try ANYTHING.


> * The skritts are always handy to disseminate things like scarab eggs around. Just make sure to time the initial outbreak properly...

Too bad those Scarab eggs are all destroyed huh?



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> False, the human gods haven't done anything really in 200-300 years. Them officially being gone literally changes nothing. Hell, as we've seen, there are still very much active worshipers of Balthazar who continue to praise his (better) teachings.


The core concept is: "technological advanced civilization vs civilization that rely on the strength of their god".

It is the main excuse behind the fact that nation stuck in pre-renaissance era is able to keep up with a nation on the cups of industrial era.

The point is, even after the gods start becoming distant, the humans didn't have to engage in technological race with the Charr to keep the Status Quo.

Your remark would be a good starting point if you wanted to put number on the relative strength of gods and technology. But this is cherry picking. The status quo is the final result when every factors have been taken into account and every values have been assigned to every variables.

Now what we know happened in the past years:

* Kormir still had some presence, and we witness her go.

* Balthazar still had some presence, and we witness him go.

We have to assume that the presence of those two were enough to maintain the current balance between charrs and humans.

Now, it is not excluded that the core concept of those two races gets a major retcon (new human racial?). But it hasn't been confirmed yet.


> The Charr are also brought up to follow orders. Orders say the war is over. Going against that is treason. Charr may not agree with the treaty, but they hate treason more then humans.


I was talking about the Charr civilians. Even in the most militarist society, the military can't account for more than 7%-8% of the global population (for economic reasons). It means that the civilians still have a very strong sway on political decisions.

The charrs living in a fascistic society, the head of the state and the head of the military is pretty much the same thing, but it still has to please the general population.

And having been fed hundreds of years of "our civilization is the only bastion of hope against the corrupted darkness that lie outside of our walls", I don't think the general population is ready to stomach the 180° that is the treaty.


> Scarab plague was briefly rediscovered, until it was eradicated by the ghost army lead by the Primeval Queens. All the Inquest labs researching it got destroyed by Joko when he went to reclaim it (besides the one we destroyed), all the further plague research was being done at Gandara, with the allied armies surrounded and blockaded, and then cleansed.


Joko seems to be a very competent guy. If he said he destroyed everything, I'm sure we can fully trust him.

That said, every major faction had a vested interest in securing a sample. For instance:

* a extra option in their arsenal.

* a bargaining coin.

* a hot new item on the black market.

* finding a cure or possible mitigation.

* valuable medical results that could improve the future of medicine.


It would be very unlikely that none of them succeeded.

Besides, it's one of the "once the cat is out of the bag" case. The proof of concept has been brilliantly established, and now entomologist is the new hot profession. Why not start by studying that new elonian scarab mount that mysteriously surface shortly after the events? I heard races are organised in all parts of the world...


> Claim back their empire... of Ascalon, which they already reclaimed besides one tiny corner, which is also the corner they've been sieging for literally 200+ years with zero progress, and the same corner they agreed to give up to the humans (that's also partially branded).


> I know it's personal RP, but once I thought of what my Iron Legion Engineer would think of the treaty/humans. And it was "Meh, we already reclaimed Ascalon, why should I care about Kryta? Our goal was Ascalon, we got it."


Keep in mind you are part of the elite of the elite. One that is in contact with the rest of the world and meaningfully engage with it. You acceeded that cast on your own merit and will probably stay in it until the end of your life; never meddling again with members of inferior casts.

The average charr will have a very different view of the world, and often, the idealized view he has of the charr society will be the only thing that will keep him running and support the empire. He would probably push for spreading that light.


> Ventari also taught peace and sought peace between humans and Centaurs.


Does that appear in the scriptures thou? Regardless, since before their birth, the Sylvaries associate centaurs with spiritual enlightment. If the centaurs were to chose a camp, that would probably tug the sylvaries in that direction.




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That first bit makes no sense, in no small part because humanity did not persist due to the strength of their gods but rather the strength of their _magic_. Sorcery, not godhood, is what tipped the scales of the war in the Charrs favor, with the power of Abaddon and the Flame Legion they were able to overcome the superior magical weapons at humanities disposal through events like the Searing and the power of the Titans. Ebonhawke did not stand because the Gods were their aiding them, they stood because Charr technology could not match the potency of a Searing Cauldron.



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> @"adormtil.1605" said:

> Is the scarab plague only human deadly?

Kind of. They only infest humans, which means their population should only be able to reach epidemic proportions in areas with dense human populations, but once they _are_ hatched, the swarms will apparently kill and eat anyone. The charr would only be able to safely deploy it if they were willing to avoid Kryta/Ebonhawke for a few years afterwards.


> @"Kalavier.1097" said:

> > @"Adiabatik.6714" said:


> > * The scarab plague has been rediscovered. A cheap, clean, bio, ecological solution to the human problem.

> Scarab plague was briefly rediscovered, until it was eradicated by the ghost army lead by the Primeval Queens. All the Inquest labs researching it got destroyed by Joko when he went to reclaim it (besides the one we destroyed), all the further plague research was being done at Gandara, with the allied armies surrounded and blockaded, and then cleansed.

> > * The skritts are always handy to disseminate things like scarab eggs around. Just make sure to time the initial outbreak properly...

> Too bad those Scarab eggs are all destroyed huh?

I agree with you on your other points, but I'm with Adiabatik here. As relatively widely as the Plague was deployed- the ship, the entire Domain of Kourna front, the massive can of sardines in Gandara, and those are just what we hear about- I would find it very plausible if the devs decide later that a few of the beetles were overlooked.


> @"Adiabatik.6714" said:


> I was talking about the Charr civilians. Even in the most militarist society, the military can't account for more than 7%-8% of the global population (for economic reasons). It means that the civilians still have a very strong sway on political decisions.

> The charrs living in a fascistic society, the head of the state and the head of the military is pretty much the same thing, but it still has to please the general population.

> And having been fed hundreds of years of "our civilization is the only bastion of hope against the corrupted darkness that lie outside of our walls", I don't think the general population is ready to stomach the 180° that is the treaty.


There... aren't charr civilians. At least not the way you're thinking. _Every_ charr in Legion lands gets brought up in a fahrar, with military discipline driven into them, and they live as a warband thereafter. The 'civilian' jobs are assigned to those warbands according to their abilities and the Legion's needs, just like the 'military' roles are. The craftsmen? Warbands. The ranchers and farmers? Warbands. The miners? [Warbands.](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Rox%27s_Tale) Pond maintenance? Yep, [still warbands.](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Ipos_Hookgill)

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> There... aren't charr civilians. At least not the way you're thinking. _Every_ charr in Legion lands gets brought up in a fahrar, with military discipline driven into them, and they live as a warband thereafter. The 'civilian' jobs are assigned to those warbands according to their abilities and the Legion's needs, just like the 'military' roles are. The craftsmen? Warbands. The ranchers and farmers? Warbands. The miners? [Warbands.](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Rox%27s_Tale) Pond maintenance? Yep, [still warbands.](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Ipos_Hookgill)


I'm not positive it would work at the administrative level. Eck, even at the low rank of officer level, I think the whole thing would start to break appart.

If military organisation were to extend to a whole state, we would probably end up with a bureaucracy of some kind. The army wouldn't be very low in the hierarchy, but it would definitively not be the top either; and it would be dependent on one of the many ministries.


As a concrete example, who is in charge of the Iron citadel?

* It is very likely that a permanent crew has been affected to it.

* The three legions have probably given that crew special status (autonomy?) so it could litigate disputes between legions within the citadel.

* The responsibility of that crew would be only maintenance and administration.

* It would still need a special police force.

* It's authority would probably extend to the surrounding area in order to supply the economy.


I would say that, with time, it would quickly turn into a traditional civilian society.

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