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Real question about renegade


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> @"ollbirtan.2915" said:

> Been using this Bunker / Support Rene built for a while. Works fine for me. It's basically immune to all the condi puke - so good annoy mirages/ scourges etc.

> http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vlAQJASmnXNWMTqJvmR/kdzsgytZ4QZ2MYr8bmlZlSNASgGg9Fuhd4/BrwNE-jpxHQBDZ/B4dIAkXZgv9AAS4FAAAHBAA


Interesting build, where do you play it? Unranked or ranked? If ranked did you test this in high platinum?

Also why not playing it with double sword? You would have additional mobility, fury -> vigor, might and evade frames

I get the idea idea to use hammer because without shiro to close the gap, would be better to attack from range, but hammer autos and attacks are not really that reliable in my experience in pvp.

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I tried with every patch. The best build is power build, which is exactly power herald, but dropping herald for Kalla. In isolation, Kalla is not much worse off. But in any situation were it’s not 1v1 the issues are significant.


Renegade lacks sustainability, mobility and functional utilities to be useful in PvP. Also, these issues are also present in core rev, but herald solves them.


I am sure Anet knows that renegade is unusable in PvP. Its issues requires a redesign to fix. Anet is lazy. So GL.

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> @"NecroSummonsMors.7816" said:

> > @"ollbirtan.2915" said:

> > Been using this Bunker / Support Rene built for a while. Works fine for me. It's basically immune to all the condi puke - so good annoy mirages/ scourges etc.

> > http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vlAQJASmnXNWMTqJvmR/kdzsgytZ4QZ2MYr8bmlZlSNASgGg9Fuhd4/BrwNE-jpxHQBDZ/B4dIAkXZgv9AAS4FAAAHBAA


> Interesting build, where do you play it? Unranked or ranked? If ranked did you test this in high platinum?

> Also why not playing it with double sword? You would have additional mobility, fury -> vigor, might and evade frames

> I get the idea idea to use hammer because without shiro to close the gap, would be better to attack from range, but hammer autos and attacks are not really that reliable in my experience in pvp.


I play it ranked, and no, it will not carry you to platinum. However, after trying out every possible renegade build, this one seems to be the only one that works, at least for me. The reason I don't play double sword is because the purpose of this build is not to +1, close gaps etc. It's a bruiser with decent group support that is practically immune to condi damage, and has very high sustain against power classes too. The sw/sw combo in this case is counterproductive. Evade frames are OK, but again - as your job is is to stall fights and 1v2 nodes, hammer works much better chasing enemies away, Also, Hammer #3 is a nice evade with chill, and hammer#4 is great projectile hate. I use hammer in Kala legend, and staff in Dwarf. The first thing I do when swapping to Kala, is pop Breakrazor if I'm heavily focused, then pop Kala Elite and Hammer #3. Thanks to sigil of Agility you can do it fast. Even without Breakrazor summon, Hammer #3 in Kala Elite alone together with Sanctuary rune heals you to full HP and gives barrier, (think of those millions of mirage clones as free heal).


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> @"Tataienstein.7581" said:

> Not everyclass is meant for everything.


(I assume by class you mean elite spec?) That's fine, but ffs if you're a dev and you're gonna make a spec that say, only works in PvE - don't do it for the class which only has 1 viable PvP build (which happens to be the same one they've been using pretty much since the class has released years ago).


> And talking renegade are you talking bow only? Maby some sort of support could work idk..


Everything about this spec is unplayable so it doesn't matter.

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i've actually had fun playing Renegade like i play glass cannon staff ele, "nuke the entire site from orbit"!

dropping down the 2 aoe spirit allies and then spamming hammer aoes deals a ton of damage if you go full zerker,

not to mention the spirit constantly interrupts all of the enemies on the point, helping your allies get an easy kill.

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> @"Skotlex.7580" said:

> Is any summon based build usable in PvP? Wasn't the last one bunker engineer with turrets (which got nerfed into oblivion)?


> I would hazard a guess that when they designed renegade to use warband summons, they already gave up on aiming at PvP performance.


Theoretically, they could keep the functionality and get rid of the summons, with you becoming the center point of the aoe. The only summon that will require rework is the daze (darkrazor if I remember correctly).

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> @"Eugchriss.2046" said:

> > @"Liewec.2896" said:

> > i've actually had fun playing Renegade like i play glass cannon staff ele, "nuke the entire site from orbit"!

> until the ennemy notice you and noticed how fast you die, you wont play anymore because of how hard you ll get focused.


That's why there is absolutely no point in building a glass cannon Renegade. The only viable build you can run is heavy sustain and support. Renegades are not meant to do DPS. Just accept it. Period

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Actually renegade might not be so bad if it had invulns, power short bow is nice. But getting touched once is literally half your health it's kinda bad.


Tho giving it an invuln is probably power creep, there needs to be less stun break spam, z-axis teleport, super speed and invulns in the game tbh, or at least in sPvP.

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> @"BlackTruth.6813" said:

> Actually renegade might not be so bad if it had invulns, power short bow is nice. But getting touched once is literally half your health it's kinda bad.


> Tho giving it an invuln is probably power creep, there needs to be less stun break spam, z-axis teleport, super speed and invulns in the game tbh, or at least in sPvP.


so basically, its crap

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-Double face-palm--- To all of you saying that Renegade is paper---try running Kala and Retribution damage reduction traits. If after that you still think that Renegade dies of a mesmer/war/{insert any class here} who sneezed on the other side of the map, then you just probably stick to meta builds and not play Renegade.

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I remember when I saw Renegade and how it essentially got old phantasms from mesmer and I laughed, I laughed and laughed until I cried. Why was I laughing? Because phantasms were an incredibly bad and terrible mechanic for the game and maybe just maybe if people tried using this they would realise how bad they were for PvP and that the rework was entirely needed.


I think it needs writing off as a PvE only build for the most part, it might have a niche in a 1v1 node holder build at some point but it needs crits to fuel Kalla's Favour which gives crit damage and condition damage so you need a stat spread that isn't really there unless you run celestial and stack might. Even then after the celestial nerf it's not really worth it.

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If you want to play roamer/+1 play herald, if you want to play team fight utility/node holder play renegade. Afaik renegade is one of the only specs that introduced a new playstyle to the profession.


With mender amulet your renegade heal skill gives aoe mirage heal with -50% condition damage for 10 seconds while ppl standing in it and prot to allies when you summon it for example. The daze one gives prot to allies and weakness to enemies. Elite lifesteal has no cooldown and gives 400 lifesteal per hit to anyone who is standing in it and then you also give out aoe 10 stacks of might and aoe alacrity and every 3s you evade you give retal and regen aoe.

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> @"ollbirtan.2915" said:

> -Double face-palm--- To all of you saying that Renegade is paper---try running Kala and Retribution damage reduction traits. If after that you still think that Renegade dies of a mesmer/war/{insert any class here} who sneezed on the other side of the map, then you just probably stick to meta builds and not play Renegade.


If you think renegade has enough sustain to survive a decently coordinated burst then you're probably playing in silver where your enemies can barely find the autoattack :)

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