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Scourge is Broken in WvW, Please balance it


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> @Seffen.2875 said:

> Scourge is not broken. Actually i think it is perfectly fine. It is just you beeing bad at large scale fights.


> There are certain tactics and playstyle that hardcounter scourge. And there are a lot more about to be discovered.


> Easiest way to Counter Spellbreaker and scourge is just a shitload of stunbreaks and condicleanse.


> Who got that? dunno. /s But according to your Avatar it is very weird that you dont know.


> Get a grip of the new Firebrand and you will see, that everything is perfectly fine as Long as you have the same amount of People who are Kind of able to Play their builds.


> Stop beeing whiny.


> Improvise. Adapt. Overcome.


Well put. If people would even adapt and learn instead of complain, you would have a lot of happier players :)


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> @Seffen.2875 said:

> Scourge is not broken. Actually i think it is perfectly fine. It is just you beeing bad at large scale fights.


> There are certain tactics and playstyle that hardcounter scourge. And there are a lot more about to be discovered.


> Easiest way to Counter Spellbreaker and scourge is just a shitload of stunbreaks and condicleanse.


> Who got that? dunno. /s But according to your Avatar it is very weird that you dont know.


> Get a grip of the new Firebrand and you will see, that everything is perfectly fine as Long as you have the same amount of People who are Kind of able to Play their builds.


> Stop beeing whiny.


> Improvise. Adapt. Overcome.


Besides the fact that you come off as an arrogant kitten hole in your post.


I get how FB works and the advantage of multiple FB's rotating tomes. Even with the best counter comp, Scourge is still broken. I didn't say you couldn't beat them. What i'm saying is that scourge is superior to everything else when in a side-by-side. They need to be balanced out with everyone else

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> @Ragnarox.9601 said:

> I made scourge just to test things out, did not know any skills what it do just pressing buttons and faceroll things. But it gets boring after a while when ppl start running from you. Pretty borring OP class.


if that worked.. sourge is balanced...


Dont forget this game is for zero skill pve'ers.... for some reason balance is towards players VS health sponge mobs


I wonder what is needed to ANet understand they have been doing tons of mistakes to make a mmo interesting class wise....

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OP is right. Scourge is the most broken specialization from PoF. Warriors and guardians are a bit too strong but not even comparable to the broken scourge. It has so many condition spam and boon corruption that no amount of coundi clear can save you in small scale. Either drastically reduce its sustain or reduce the condi pressure.

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Ive made a necro and a ranger in the last week and got scourge and soulbeast. Scourge is too strong what it can do offensively and when in numbers with the safety of a zerg is devastating in wvw. Now alone... a scourge is weak. I will say when zergs collide ive been singling out scourge necros as a ranger and nuking them easy. Ill target one of them before i do anything else. They definitely need some tuning to say the least.

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As someone who is playing a scourge. I would like to say the spec feels overpowered. I know balancing classes is extremely difficult but if there isn't a way to bring it down to the other classes maybe the other specs should be buffed to where scourge is.

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Whoever runs the most scourge wins... You cant pick em apart because of the insane amount of barrier they produce and you can't melee them because of all the condi at their feet. The only way to deal with a group of 20 scourge is to bring 30 scourge at them. So say goodbye to guild group comps and everyone just run scourge. I quit WvW till this issue is resolved.

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> @ActionCat.4162 said:

> Ive made a necro and a ranger in the last week and got scourge and soulbeast. Scourge is too strong what it can do offensively and when in numbers with the safety of a zerg is devastating in wvw. Now alone... a scourge is weak. I will say when zergs collide ive been singling out scourge necros as a ranger and nuking them easy. Ill target one of them before i do anything else. They definitely need some tuning to say the least.

Thats because zerg scourges arent built to survive alone or single out an attacker. When they are, they are just as broken because there is no end to the condis and sustain. At least reapers where decently gimped at range in the shroud.


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> @Dawdler.8521 said:

> > @ActionCat.4162 said:

> > Ive made a necro and a ranger in the last week and got scourge and soulbeast. Scourge is too strong what it can do offensively and when in numbers with the safety of a zerg is devastating in wvw. Now alone... a scourge is weak. I will say when zergs collide ive been singling out scourge necros as a ranger and nuking them easy. Ill target one of them before i do anything else. They definitely need some tuning to say the least.

> Thats because zerg scourges arent built to survive alone or single out an attacker. When they are, they are just as broken because there is no end to the condis and sustain. At least reapers where decently kitten at range in the shroud.



I haven't had any issues with scourges 1v1 but I do play a reaper most of the time in WvW.

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"Scourge is Broken in WvW, Please balance it" ??




All classes beginning in Hot 1.0 to Hot 2.0 Pof are broken.


Picking on 1 class for pvp+wvw imbalance is a joke.


Thief core the longest running bad design class broken class alongside mesmer are the #1 reason why pvp+wvw remain broken and not competitive. Secondly, thief core alongside mesmer are the sole reasons why Anet lost a huge margin of its player base including a huge margin of its profit within gw2 5 years.


Infact: Condi (Ghost) Thief+Condi Mesmers were the most toxic condi classes in 4 years, and guess what? Condi Thief+Condi Mesmers outperforms Necro-Scourge condi.... so where are the outcry?


Necromancer been abused and hurt so many times over and over again with uncalled nerfs after nerfs just to satisfy the Elites profession Ego's.


To keep Necromancer as the lesser class while they are buffed over and over again


To take away any and to strip away any chance they might have to be viable....


To take away any worth they might have


To take away any hope they might have






Conditions are their identity, it is what makes them who they are.


--Don't You Feel Anything For Necromancer?--


And you want to take this away from them?








" -**You Know What Hurts So Much, It Is When Someone Made You Feel Special Yesterday But Makes You Feel Like You're A Nobody Today** "



![](http://lynleahz.files.wordpress.com/2013/08/loneliness11.jpg?w=700&h=560 "")

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hmm, problem is not, that they nerf dmg AND barrier. problem is, that necro dont get anything else instead of that, e.g. blocks...

thing is, scourge have massively less defense mechanics than all other classes. if they have the exactly same dmg like all other classes while having less defense scourge is not viable...

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Its not truly broken until 90% of players are running it.

> @Sovereign.1093 said:

> lets all reroll scourge


The planet of the Scourges. SCOURGE VS SCOURGE VS SCOURGE. Out-scourge your scourges with your scourges. Only one Scourge will scourge the world of scourges.


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Scourge heavy groups are easily counterable, it's just that too many people are too lazy to take off their PvE Marauder's gear and move beyond HoT boonshare to actually get something done.


Step 1: Find spellbreakers who are actually good and have them rotate WoD. You just nullified the Firebrands.

Step 2: Rediscover CC skills. It used to be a cornerstone of the game but Boonshare made people too lazy.

Step 3: Condition mitigation, again used to be a cornerstone. Dust off your Warrior's warhorn and Lemongrass Soup pots

Step 4: Perhaps the old mindset of just putting bodies on a tag isn't a winning strat anymore. Running an organized composition has never been rewarded much in WvW in the past; but the way Scourges work kind of makes that a losing strat. Perhaps more organization and less screaming for more people before leaving spawn.

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> @Zero.3871 said:

> hmm, problem is not, that they nerf dmg AND barrier. problem is, that necro dont get anything else instead of that, e.g. blocks...

> thing is, scourge have massively less defense mechanics than all other classes. if they have the exactly same dmg like all other classes while having less defense scourge is not viable...


Their defense is the sheer amount of condi stacks and burst-style damage of those conditions that they perpetually fart out around them. And obviously, its working as a great defense right now on top of top-tier offense.

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Played wvw for the first time tonight since release, not bothered playing any Point Of Failure yet.

What a mess. Endless circles everywhere, stacks of torment, condis, corruptions and 2/3rds of the zerg is scourge. Nothing can keep up with the sheer pile of condis these things fart out.

Condi cleanse on all classes needs a rework. Barriers were the worst idea for a pvp game- it's quite clear no one even thought for a second how this would play out in wvw (or if they did, they didn't care).


I'm glad I have other things to play, as playing this mess for an hour tonight reminded me of why I'm playing something else.

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