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Healing support Engi, what's left to fix? (And my suggestion)


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I was kinda hyped when they changed the modifiers for the med kit. It was soooo promising. Of course i was hyped and tried the heals out, but i found them to be fairly meh. They're obviously lower than other meta healers, but that's not really my main beef (seeing as there are a lot of other perks of playing support as a scrapper).


Balancing and modifying traits aside, i think all they need to give them a good buff is a small base damage to "Med Blaster" with some multi target capacity. As is right now, you can't utilize "on hit" or "on crit" proccing mechanics with it (ie: Sigil of Water, or Bunker Down). I think that being able to proc them without having to swap out of med kit would be a nice and easy minor buff to the healing to get it more up to snuff with other healing builds.


Feedback and other suggestions?

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Actually, you can burst heal and consistently heal more than most other meta healers. I use this build in fractals on a semi-regular basis, never had a problem with my healing unless people are bad at avoiding agony or are spread out way too much:




The problem is that healing scrapper/engi doesn't offer much else besides conversion and heals. Druids provide spirits which are massive team buffs. Firebrands are able to put out group quickness reliably. Engi has to huddle close to the group and hope the right condition lands that it can convert.


That doesn't mean engi healer doesn't have a place -- the Fractals "Afflicted" Instability is the ideal place for an engi healer, because we can convert so many conditions. Additionally, Sneak Gyro lets teams skip a lot of trash mobs in Fractals.


There are two things I'd like to see to improve engi healer:


1. More range. We have to stay really close to our targets to heal most effectively, around 360 range (Medical Dispersion Field). I'd like to see that pushed to 450 or 500. Other skills, sigils, and traits might need to be adjusted too (specifically Med blaster's animation, the animation for Fumigate, and the spread on bandage blast). I'd also like some kind of ring so our allies can see where we are able to heal.

2. Some unique buff we can add to a group. The only thing unique I do right now is bulwark gyro, which generally doesn't last too long. It's great for protecting people who can't dodge big hits... but not much else than serving as a health sink.

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The only real thing I have problem with is skill 2 on the medkit. Its as wonky as pistol 4 when it comes to what it hits. I wish it was something similar to feedback so you could do some conditional damage within the medkit. Or just a sprinkle of AoE ground medkits instead of that stupid cone. Or an evade with heals or some sorts. Literally whatever instead of... *that*.

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> The only real thing I have problem with is skill 2 on the medkit. Its as wonky as pistol 4 when it comes to what it hits. I wish it was something similar to feedback so you could do some conditional damage within the medkit. Or just a sprinkle of AoE ground medkits instead of that stupid cone. Or an evade with heals or some sorts. Literally whatever instead of... *that*.


Trust me, AoE ground medkits are worse because teammates are generally too stupid to pick them up. I just wish the spread on 2 was tighter so it wouldn't be useless beyond point blank.

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This is the [build](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vdAQJAqensTBFpitbBeZB0ehFDjSc/6vNguxf8KPMAuv8D-jxhXAB6+AA2WJoK6BAY/B5U+F6JA4I1fSHMA89A4///vx//////LFgfzsA-e "build") I use for support scrapper in PvE. The med kit, while I'm happy that it got a rework and made support engineer a thing, it could use a few improvements.


Med Blaster could have its healing effectiveness increased while also not having to rely on allies having lots of boons.

Bandage Blast can be an AoE healing field with a large radius, similar to the ones you can create from the cannons during the Shatterer world boss fight.

Concussion Bomb should have it's cooldown reduced from 30 seconds to 20 seconds.

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