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Dear Thieves

Jack Redline.5379

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Why do I see posts about how our skills are too strong? Why do I see posts that are claiming that that Thief is overperforming?


Thief is not overperforming. Why are you trying to convince ppl here it is? We barely made it out from the last set of patches and now you call down on us another nerf storm.

WHY? Why would you do this? You will say it were QQ babies who casted the nerfs on us but NO! all the QQ I see is coming from our own ranksl. What is this supposed to mean?

Why do you do this?

Instead of compairing our skill set to other classes we keep compairign thieves between each other and if one is better all the other ones start saying Thief is overperforming class even tho it isnt. We are standing on a thin ice whilst having rocket blasters turned to the full aiming on it.

Are you guys seriously thinkgin that Thief is overperforming? SERIOUSLY?

I just cant believe my own eyes. So I am asking so i am sure about this.

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> @"Jack Redline.5379" said:


We still have any branch left under our legs? o.O


Also, who are you talking about? I wasn't exactly reading through all threads in the Section but where I went I didn't really see people claiming Thief to be OP.

(Although I do see people claim that in game all day long)



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> @"Jack Redline.5379" said:


> Why do I see posts about how our skills are too strong? Why do I see posts that are claiming that that Thief is overperforming?

> WHY?!!!

> Thief is not overperforming. Why are you trying to convince ppl here it is? We barely made it out from the last set of patches and now you call down on us another nerf storm.

> WHY? Why would you do this? You will say it were QQ babies who casted the nerfs on us but NO! all the QQ I see is coming from our own ranksl. What is this supposed to mean?

> Why do you do this?

> Instead of compairing our skill set to other classes we keep compairign thieves between each other and if one is better all the other ones start saying Thief is overperforming class even tho it isnt. We are standing on a thin ice whilst having rocket blasters turned to the full aiming on it.

> Are you guys seriously thinkgin that Thief is overperforming? SERIOUSLY?

> I just cant believe my own eyes. So I am asking so i am sure about this.


I mean some builds are over-performing somewhat, but it's not a reflection of the class as a whole. Other PoF specs are definitely over-performing, notably soulbeast.


There are some extremely stupid gimmicks and interactions which make for some very un-fun gameplay elements, like Silent Scope and MBS, however.

Very few elements of the thief are overtuned. That does not make some elements of it poorly-designed and cheesy or overly low-risk/high-reward. The class not being dominant does not excuse these poor design decisions.


Some people here just happen to care more about the overall health of the gameplay than personal power.


If I wanted a power-fantasy I'd play a single-player game, beating up the weak baddies, not an MMO where you can set your benchmark to other players which demands a much higher caliber of skill to compete against to make it to the top.

When skill becomes irrelevant the entire point of playing the game similarly does. If you win too easily, there's no point because it's not competitive. So some people prefer to advocate for fairness across the board, for a more fun game.

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thief is not overperfrming, it should get some buffs, just nerf this fking dagger storm

edit1 yesterday i won a duel, while ll my dmg, came from daggerstorm, 1 steal that reseted ds, and another daggerstorm. its not fun to play with

edit2 s/d or d/p has tools to outplay and kill any1, it just need skill, if u buff thiefs more, good thiefs will rape simply everyone

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> @"Safandula.8723" said:

> thief is not overperfrming, it should get some buffs, just nerf this kitten dagger storm

> edit1 yesterday i won a duel, while ll my dmg, came from daggerstorm, 1 steal that reseted ds, and another daggerstorm. its not fun to play with

> edit2 s/d or d/p has tools to outplay and kill any1, it just need skill, if u buff thiefs more, good thiefs will kitten simply everyone

Whenever people bring a class to kill other classes, people on this forum always get a hissy fit. Its like, "oh no, this mirage killed me so I brought a spellbreaker to kill him" followed by "oh no this spellbreaker killed me so I brought a scourge to kill him" followed by " oh no this scourge killed me so now I'm back on my de to kill him" etc. And every time they complain that whatever killed them is OP.


Yet despite literally every class being strong, it never seems to occur to some that its simply good players kittening them.


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> @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said:

> i have no idea why they even made DS have evades, goof for pve i guess but pure cancer for wvw/spvp. way to dumb down an elite.


Well, actually dagger storm was shit without the evade, it was a useless skill no one playing anything pvp related would ever take cause it kept you within its animation frame could have been interrupted with any non projectile cc, the aoe spam and condis would have killed you, while actually not doing any meaningful dmg... or yeah, you interrupt the cast youself and wait for ages to get it back and for it just to get interrupted again.


It was useless before, that's why no one half-decent was using it. I can't state for sure that the added evade frames are making this fairly high cooldown elite ability overtuned or that it promotes unhealty gameplay in the current state of the game, but I can say for sure that at least now it can be usefull.

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> @"NuhDah.9812" said:

> > @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said:

> > i have no idea why they even made DS have evades, goof for pve i guess but pure cancer for wvw/spvp. way to dumb down an elite.


> Well, actually dagger storm was kitten without the evade, it was a useless skill no one playing anything pvp related would ever take cause it kept you within its animation frame could have been interrupted with any non projectile cc, the aoe spam and condis would have killed you, while actually not doing any meaningful dmg... or yeah, you interrupt the cast youself and wait for ages to get it back and for it just to get interrupted again.


> It was useless before, that's why no one half-decent was using it. I can't state for sure that the added evade frames are making this fairly high cooldown elite ability overtuned or that it promotes unhealty gameplay in the current state of the game, but I can say for sure that at least now it can be usefull.


Actually in wvw ds was very usefull. Thanks to all deadeyes and soulbeast there

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> @"NuhDah.9812" said:

> > @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said:

> > i have no idea why they even made DS have evades, goof for pve i guess but pure cancer for wvw/spvp. way to dumb down an elite.


> Well, actually dagger storm was kitten without the evade, it was a useless skill no one playing anything pvp related would ever take cause it kept you within its animation frame could have been interrupted with any non projectile cc, the aoe spam and condis would have killed you, while actually not doing any meaningful dmg... or yeah, you interrupt the cast youself and wait for ages to get it back and for it just to get interrupted again.


> It was useless before, that's why no one half-decent was using it. I can't state for sure that the added evade frames are making this fairly high cooldown elite ability overtuned or that it promotes unhealty gameplay in the current state of the game, but I can say for sure that at least now it can be usefull.


It granted stability before so you'd have to eat a lot of melee CC, and it was very useful against range DPS or as a panic button thanks to the increased movement speed. I don't think it's overpowered or anything as it is, but it was definitely not useless before.

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Most of the complaints revolves around Dagger Storm and the most common reasons are nonsense at the very least. In PvP, the Thief will not be able to do its job if the rest of the team brought trash builds an not communicating properly. If ArenaNet nerf DS again, that would be another sad day for the Thief since they've already nerfed it by taking away stability. However, since they made the initiative to add evasion to DS, I can safely assume that this is what they want the Thief do -- use DS to protect the node.

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