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The Voice in the darkness


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I believe that Areanet should give the commander his own voice

This change will help improve communication in fractals/raids

The Squad leader can use his microphone to explain raid mechanics

Or help a misguided soul into the right direction


Give our squad leader a voice Anet!

But plz make it a mutable voice

One which everyone can see that its muted ofc

Because communication with new things a guiding voice


Commander out!

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> @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:

> You mean like a series of quick commands?


> Like press "quick command" key, you get a radial menu, and then you select comments like "Attack", "Retreat", "Scatter", "Burst", "On me", etc... and the character voices them?


Yes that would be something that would improve coordination!


Discord is a thing but you don't have guaranties people Wil join


We do a way for commander's to shout orders but for 1 second reactions that isn't enough

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It will never replace TS/mumble/discord in WvW, but it could be interesting the "radial menu"/ "commorose" for the markers; like Shift + you select the marker you want; I would find this more practical than shift +1234

Edit: because there are so few to use the markers in WvW, and sometimes "hit the head" "left" "right" "rush near the wall" etc are unclear; markers help a lot.

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