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Gem Store Outfits


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That's one of the big differences between outfits and armour. Because they're 1 piece sets they don't need to fit with armour pieces so anyone can wear them (the points where armour pieces meet are different for the 3 armour weights, which is why you can't mix and match them - they would clip over each other).


Which is good for people who want to make a character that wears a different armour weight - for example if you want to make a battle mage you can make an elementalist and then pick a heavy armour outfit.

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I second and third what others have said about using the outfit tab in the Hero Panel to preview outfits. Also, try them on all different races. There have been some outfits I was initially excited about, only to find that in my opinion they only looked good on one race. Conversely, there have been outfits I was just meh about, until I previewed them on several different races and was pleasantly surprised.


Also FYI, most outfits look generally the same on each race, but not all. The Wedding Attire looks vastly different on each gender of each race, which is the main reason I bought it (not for the silly "wedding" prefix).

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I worried about that as well when I was starting out. I'd agree that MANY things in the game are not adequately explained, even in cases where a simple label would clear things up. Unfortunately GW2 is a game that pretty much requires you to use the wiki and other outside sources to figure out just about everything.

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> @"Biff.5312" said:

> I worried about that as well when I was starting out. I'd agree that MANY things in the game are not adequately explained, even in cases where a simple label would clear things up. Unfortunately GW2 is a game that pretty much requires you to use the wiki and other outside sources to figure out just about everything.


I have yet to play a game that explained most things adequately. Lots of games have substantive tutorials, but I find that most of those over-teach things common to games generally and due a poor job covering the mechanics unique to them. For example, the BDO tutorial (& mouse-over descriptions) didn't help me much at all. For starters, there's huge parts of the game that I'd have missed out on without checking fansites and I feel misled by some of the explanations about some of the mechanics.


The truth is that it's tough to figure out what _everyone_ ought to know, what can be skipped by those good-at-games (but not those new-to-MMOs), what stuff should wait until people are ready for it, and what stuff ought to remain unexplained (to leave to people to discover). Nearly every game will get the mix right for some people, but hardly any game will do it well for most players.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> The truth is that it's tough to figure out what _everyone_ ought to know, what can be skipped by those good-at-games (but not those new-to-MMOs), what stuff should wait until people are ready for it, and what stuff ought to remain unexplained (to leave to people to discover). Nearly every game will get the mix right for some people, but hardly any game will do it well for most players.


All I can tell you is that a former WoW, LOTRO, and SWTOR player, I only occasionally had to google things for WoW and never for those other MMOs. Maybe for some reason I'm unusually attuned to how those other games work, but I doubt it. I think they're objectively more intuitive or better explained.

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