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Why do you play GW2?

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The people are the major factor for me. Not much of a solo player. Friends and guild members who allow me to hang out with like-minded people, have fun and enjoy content the way I prefer. This is the case for both PvE (raids and Fractals mostly) and WvW (weekly guild raids and the rare open tag). I obviously enjoy the gameplay by itself but the community is why I stay for years and years rather than a few months.

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Voted other because there was no "combination of the above".


I play because I enjoy:

* Fluid, fast, fun combat. ESO is my other main MMO and while I enjoy it, I loath animation cancelling. That particular "mechanic" (if you can call it that, it is more like a legitimized bug) relies on low-quality, shoddy animations to thrive. GW2's animations are complete and unbroken, and because of that (and the good sound design) the combat has a sense of "weight".


Even movement has that same sense, with your character skidding to a halt or stumbling in a direction if you only move for a short moment. The animations really help bring this game to life. Not only that, but the combo field system is really engaging, as well as the higher ceilings of skill with regard to movement and dodging.


The combat system is enjoyable, and I also enjoy the prevalence of synergy attacks (ones that play off each other), be they combo fields or even attacks that gain more power when a condition is set into place (a certain condition present on the enemy, low health, etc.). It really works to make the combat engaging, as opposed to just a spam-fest.


* Fun PvE. The story started off a little rocky, but by the time it reached where it is now it certainly has evolved into something really enjoyable. The newer boss fights and story missions are really fun. As far as PvE goes, I derive most of my enjoyment from Fractures (I tend to enjoy 'Boss Gauntlet Runs') as well as jumping from World Boss to World Boss on occasion.


* PvP. I enjoy sPvP the most. 5v5 battles are very enjoyable and as much as I wish they'd add 1v1s - 4v4s, I have found some enjoyment in custom game duels. Though, I find team-play far more engaging in GW2 than 1v1s (probably because it was designed to be a team game). I haven't tried tournaments yet, though I am hoping to get into those at some point.


* On occasion, I roam in WvWvW (which is super fun) but zergs really kill any enjoyment that game-mode could have for me. Too mindless for my tastes, and too reliant on what could very well end up being a really shoddy commander. I'm ok with zergs (a-bit spaced out) for larger castle battles, but the only reason they should be mustered is for attacking a castle. Not for roaming around in a giant mindless blobfest. Ok, that turned into something I detest, but it is really irritating.



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> @"IndigoSundown.5419" said:

> > @"SkyShroud.2865" said:

> > > @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > > > @"SkyShroud.2865" said:

> > > > 1. B2p (No sub)

> > > > 2. Minimum p2w

> > > > 3. Happen to be there when I was looking for another mmo to play

> > >

> > > There is no p2w in GW2.

> >

> > That is subjective and relative. You might think certain elements as not p2w just because it does not significantly impact the gameplay. However, to me, as long it technically fit the p2w criteria, then, it is a p2w element, regardless of how insignificant it impact the gameplay.

> >

> > To put it into perspective, a p2w content generally be understood as "any forms of advantage made possible by spending of cash".

> >

> > So, what kind of advantage? For example ascended, through pure farming or grinding (either maps, fotm, whatever), one will take a certain amount of time to obtain. Relatively, if you compare this between two newbies who started exactly at the same time, play exactly amount of hours etc with only one main difference and that is one of them use cash to purchase gems and convert it to gold to buy things off trading posts. The one with gems will be the first to obtain the ascended. Sure, such advantage may be arguably moot in pve but it can't be said so for wvw.

> >

> > There are also lot of other advantages. I am sure people who play the game long enough would have seen thread complaining about harvesting item in gem store a p2w item. People complain that because it fall into that definition, technically, regardless of how insignificant it impact the game.


> If you want to be "technical," use the term "Pay to win" as it was originally used. It was seen as a characteristic of games that offered items that increased power to give an advantage in competitive play that would be impossible to overcome. To qualify as being P2W, the advantage had to either not be available at all without forking over cash, or the in-game option had to be so onerous that it took an extreme amount of effort to get.


> Now, the term "Pay to Win" is being used by different people to refer to any item that can be gained by money that they don't like. That includes ignoring whether there is any advantage in _competitive_ play at all, or if the advantage gained (e.g., by Ascended Gear) is easily obtained by anyone who cares to do what's required to get it via play. I've seen the term used to mock ANet for selling skins in the gem store "because the game is about Fashion Wars."


> People are attempting to evolve the term to take advantage of the negative stigma associated with the term as it was used back when that negative connotation actually meant something. This evolution is diluting the term, and is itself subjective and relative.


Originally? How silly. Games have evolved over the decades because people understanding of users also evolved. That also means the understanding of users' tolerance towards p2w also improved. It is because of this understanding, companies than know the amount of p2w contents that are acceptable or not acceptable. Of course, for them to do that, they need to know what is p2w contents itself inorder to fit that tolerance for their target audiences. Games after games, companies tested the tolerance of the players. That is to say, p2w are measured, while not with a universally shared metrics...well...that subjective to companies. Therefore, a definition that can keep up with that evolution is necessary and this definition is therefore accepted by a lot of gamers, including gamers hat have played decades (I have played decades myself).


For your case, you already normalize p2w of this level, not because it isn't p2w but you simply normalize it.


I think I have made myself clear on the previous post, I did mention certain advantage can be arguably moot in pve. However, you seems to be triggered nevertheless and still mentioning that paragraph on competitive, erm...you know there is WvW, right?


Actually, I don't think my initial post didn't answer your question either. It did answered but you just want to defend that it isn't p2w just because your tolerance is higher which again I already mentioned on that post. Maybe, is better to read the post properly, is basic respect to other human being.

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> @"Amaranthe.3578" said:

> > @"Hugheszie.6291" said:

> > Because Blizzard ruined World of Warcraft and it sucks now.


> That....doesnt make any sense.

> GW2 is probably the worst possible "replacement" for WoW I can think of. At the heart of WoWs game-play lies vertical character progression....which GW2 basically doesnt have.

> GW2 is a great ultra-casual game for what it is but its extremely different from WoW.


I suppose that really depends on a person's definition of ruined.

What killed WoW for me was pruning and class design. Considering this, GW2 is fine as a replacement. If gearing/progression was a big thing for a person, I'd agree with what you said though. Another thing to consider is some people are ok with both sides of progression.

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I probably should've done other myself but... *shrug* B)

Largely, I enjoy PvE content, I get hyped as heck whenever more story content shows up as I'm a lore junkie, I enjoy WvW often enough (CD4lyfe, scrapin' the bottom of wood tier), and I hope to start getting into raids in the nearish future. :D

I have a creative itch that has to be scratched every now and again so I create my own canon stories for all my toons, with one being my proper canon 'Pact Commander.' It's become a bit of a problem though. 20 toons and counting...

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