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Mounts mean the death of roaming


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> @"Braghez.7529" said:

> Unpopular opinion:


> Roaming is totally useless for the game mode (since it revolves around capping and holding points) itself and most roamers actually give no help to the others playing the WvW as it should be. (And you can't really deny that...it would be as if i began doing duels with someone during a PvP match)

> Many, not all, of them won't report people/zergs moving around, won't cap stuff unless they're really bored and even less defend stuff. They're just there to make their WvW roaming stream and or videos.

> Proof of that is that many times i met roamers while I was doing my dailies with a friend and many of them engaged us in matches 1v2 while streaming. All of this while saying us their channels and insulting us for going 2v1 trying to provoke us in further battles.

> We generally just ignore them and keep moving and killing him when he came back. Once there was a dude that died like...7 times against us, while we capped 3 supply camps in the meanwhile. The only thing he was able to do was keeping on poking us, disengage, rinse and repeat. After like 30 minutes of wasted time we decided to run around the map a bit for the fun of him chasing us like an idiot, he kept following us till the other side of them map,

> wasting another 15 minutes or so, where he was able finally kill us with a lucky double crit xD...then we logged off because we lost already enough time and our dailies were done.


> So yeah. Most roamers just want to show their kitten to everyone with pointless ganks...often abusing the fact that it's a PvP game mode with PvE stats. Allowing you to oneshot people if they do not run some defensive gear and so on. Many of said battles are just a costant disengage at will etc to cheese out the match till he get the lucky shot after his cooldowns are up.


> Will this mount kill the roaming ? I really hope so. If you want to duel people, go into any dueling custom arena in PvP uand GG. Where you have skills, traits and stats normalized for PvP and are not filling the spot of another possible WvW player.


> Bye~



Some roamers are there just for the fights yeah but most of them are not.

Things roamers do:

- Flip camps, sentries, cut supply

- Solo cap towers or provide means (portal) to cap.

- Kill enemies (duh)

- Contest closest wp

- Report zerg movements

- Kill the back of the zerg

- Waste enemy zerg time


With a small team (3 +):


- Defend something and kill a zerg (applies easily if said zerg is from BB or some french server).

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> @"Aenaos.8160" said:

> Although I seriously doubt that a mount will be able to cover ground faster than a teleport.

This. You would need a raptor to outrun a shortbow thief or owl/GS soulbeast or GS warrior before he can kick you off the mount. Not going to happen!


Not much will change, except slow professions will travel faster outside of combat, which is a QoL improvement. Good for guardians who lack movement speed and good for necros who waste life force when spamming RS2 for traveling (and become easy targets as they have to put their main defense (shroud) on cooldown). So the population of ambient creatures should rise significantly and poor necros don't need to slap animals 50% of their lifetime to refill their life force anymore.


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> @"RedShark.9548" said:

> im looking forward to getting chased by x amount of ppl on a mount that couldnt keep up, while one that actually is on a roaming build keeps me infight


> > @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > > @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> > > All the kings of mobility classes about to experience what necro has gone through and they are worried hehehe

> > >

> > > As a necro, the first thing we learn is that all encounters means a fight to the death. No kiting. No running.

> > >

> > > Welcome to our world.

> >

> > that would only be like that, if you could fight on the mount. however as you dismount to partake in the fight, you can still kite them all.

> > sure you might not get OOC as fast, but you can kite them and possibly by dragging them even split and kill them and over the long run you also will get OOC in some safe area / water (can the warclaw swim?)

> > you may avoid some fights from happening on slower builds, that you only can avoid by teleporting away now. but i dont think much will change on the outcome of the fights itself, necros will still be kited.

> >

> > also it is an indirect buff to OOC stealth , as superior OOC mobility doesnt exist anymore :3


> you sure are going to have fun aswell, having all the necros chase you on their mounts, while one actual roamer keeps you in a fight.


> there wont be any getting away from mutliple people, unless you can go into stealthmode and fool all of them.

> as soon as one of them is too far away, they will mount and catch up to you again, they could just go a bit ahead of you to surround you, while you run


> i hope they are putting HEAVY restrictions on the use of those things.


> also, defending is getting even MORE easy, because you can get sooo frickin fast to your objective


you should know by now that i can always go into stealthmode.

ok so i have 1 roamer on me and 5 necros on horseback.

then i fight that one roamer and the necros dismount, i kite and the necro run out of combat to mount up again.

till they return their 'actual' roamer is already stomped, next.


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> @"witcher.3197" said:

> Now everyone's gonna have a way to just speed past players and skip encounters altogether. Because the less PvP there is in a PvP gamemode, the better, right?


> Thank you Anet for absolutely destroying a part of your game many of us enjoyed since 2012 <3



You have a mount too? You're still exactly as fast in comparison to your enemies as before.

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> @"Adenin.5973" said:

> > @"witcher.3197" said:

> > Now everyone's gonna have a way to just speed past players and skip encounters altogether. Because the less PvP there is in a PvP gamemode, the better, right?

> >

> > Thank you Anet for absolutely destroying a part of your game many of us enjoyed since 2012 <3

> >


> You have a mount too? You're still exactly as fast in comparison to your enemies as before.


That is NOT true. We have all sorts of movement speed modifiers, mobility skills, and teleports. With mounts everyone is the same, it's impossible to catch a mounted target on a mount.

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> @"Colly.4073" said:

> I'm really starting to believe that they are tactically doing stuff like this then the WvW community or what's left of it will quit and they can shut the game mode down. Why else would they be so arrogant?.


> So sad.


I have a very strong feeling Anet using mounts as a quick cash before wvw death.


(just a feeling)

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"Kolisch.4691" said:

> > So anyone can just GTFO when they're losing?

> Oh you mean *like right now*? Last night I had a warrior just swoop away with all his rush/gs spin/sword leaps while I was running at 66% swiftness. Lets not even talk about the *other roamers*.


> People keep saying oh its faster and yes that's true **in certain scenarios**. Actually just plain running aint it. Here's the facts:


> Hardcapped speed ooc: 400

> 25% perma speed ooc: 368

> 33% swiftness speed ooc: 391 (*meaning zergs and any player with swiftness run at 98% hardcapped speed*)

> You can reach perma 400 with runes or traits.


> So if you run to a tower in 60s on perma swiftness, a hardcapped mount will take you there in... 59s. Massive speed, huh. That's not counting any teleports either on the mount or on the running player.


Mounts in PvE are not affected by hardcapped speed. People who run the mount races on foot during festivals for the achievement can point that out. May I ask where you read that mounts would be affected by the hardcap in WvW?

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> @"schloumou.3982" said:

> > @"Braghez.7529" said:

> > Unpopular opinion:

> >

> > Roaming is totally useless for the game mode (since it revolves around capping and holding points) itself and most roamers actually give no help to the others playing the WvW as it should be. (And you can't really deny that...it would be as if i began doing duels with someone during a PvP match)

> > Many, not all, of them won't report people/zergs moving around, won't cap stuff unless they're really bored and even less defend stuff. They're just there to make their WvW roaming stream and or videos.

> > Proof of that is that many times i met roamers while I was doing my dailies with a friend and many of them engaged us in matches 1v2 while streaming. All of this while saying us their channels and insulting us for going 2v1 trying to provoke us in further battles.

> > We generally just ignore them and keep moving and killing him when he came back. Once there was a dude that died like...7 times against us, while we capped 3 supply camps in the meanwhile. The only thing he was able to do was keeping on poking us, disengage, rinse and repeat. After like 30 minutes of wasted time we decided to run around the map a bit for the fun of him chasing us like an idiot, he kept following us till the other side of them map,

> > wasting another 15 minutes or so, where he was able finally kill us with a lucky double crit xD...then we logged off because we lost already enough time and our dailies were done.

> >

> > So yeah. Most roamers just want to show their kitten to everyone with pointless ganks...often abusing the fact that it's a PvP game mode with PvE stats. Allowing you to oneshot people if they do not run some defensive gear and so on. Many of said battles are just a costant disengage at will etc to cheese out the match till he get the lucky shot after his cooldowns are up.

> >

> > Will this mount kill the roaming ? I really hope so. If you want to duel people, go into any dueling custom arena in PvP uand GG. Where you have skills, traits and stats normalized for PvP and are not filling the spot of another possible WvW player.

> >

> > Bye~

> >


> Its exactly as useless for the gamemode as zergfights since there is no reason at all to hold structures or even to win a matchup. Allmost all people who play WvW on a regular basis do it for the fights no matter the playstyle. So what if that dude had fun killing both of you in that time? The question is who is the idiot if you run around the map for 45 minutes and feel like you wasted your time in the end.


Well, 30 minutes were for the daily. 15 for having some fun with him. If we wanted we could have just rerolled in an istant.

Honestly I was also watching his stream, and he wasn't showing a lot of fun playing. It was just to entertain the crowd of watchers. Guess that it was just his routine to keep the streamers looking.

That said, while I can agree that there's no particular reward for winning, the mode is clearly made for that specific goal. So a PvP arena duel would be much better to actually show your skill instead of disengaging at will till you manage to kill someone....or having the chance to oneshot someone because you got PvE stats. So...yeah, logically speaking is better to go to PvP for that.

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> @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > @"Braghez.7529" said:

> > Unpopular opinion:

> >

> > Roaming is totally useless for the game mode (since it revolves around capping and holding points) itself and most roamers actually give no help to the others playing the WvW as it should be. (And you can't really deny that...it would be as if i began doing duels with someone during a PvP match)

> that depends on what you define as roaming.

> if for you roaming is just 'randomly' walking around looking for something to ~~gank~~ fight, while ignoring the rest of the mode, then yeah sure. that is as usefull as zergs that do exactly the same.

> however there is plenty who will also call walking around solo or in small group, contributing as much as they can do depending on group/builds etc. flipping stuff, defending, killing and making calls when needed. those people usually contribute on average much more to the match goal than many following a tag on brainafk mode.


> now as schlomou correctly noticed, there is no real incentive to play for the match goal (aside from simply enjoying it) because the reward system is not based on how much you contribute and the mode is also too far from being balanced by population. therefor there is little reason to be bothered by who is being 'useless'.


In fact i talked about "many" roamers doing that. Not all of them.

I know that there're "functional roamers" around and respect them, and I don't think that it's gonna change their gameplay too much beside being able to roam faster around...the only one truly hit are the gankers just looking for a fight. Since they will probably have an hard time taking people down from their mounts.


Also, I'm glad that for now there's really no incentive to play to win. It would make me hate gank-roamers even more, lol.

Still, I prefer to play the mode for how it was created, even without special rewards for winning....plus after all, even without a direct reward, there's still a leaderboard as some kind of """prestige""" reward for your world.

For everything else, there're custom arenas as I've said.

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> @"DaFishBob.6518" said:

> > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > > @"Kolisch.4691" said:

> > > So anyone can just GTFO when they're losing?

> > Oh you mean *like right now*? Last night I had a warrior just swoop away with all his rush/gs spin/sword leaps while I was running at 66% swiftness. Lets not even talk about the *other roamers*.

> >

> > People keep saying oh its faster and yes that's true **in certain scenarios**. Actually just plain running aint it. Here's the facts:

> >

> > Hardcapped speed ooc: 400

> > 25% perma speed ooc: 368

> > 33% swiftness speed ooc: 391 (*meaning zergs and any player with swiftness run at 98% hardcapped speed*)

> > You can reach perma 400 with runes or traits.

> >

> > So if you run to a tower in 60s on perma swiftness, a hardcapped mount will take you there in... 59s. Massive speed, huh. That's not counting any teleports either on the mount or on the running player.


> Mounts in PvE are not affected by hardcapped speed. People who run the mount races on foot during festivals for the achievement can point that out. May I ask where you read that mounts would be affected by the hardcap in WvW?

I know they're not in PvE, but I am working under the assumption that Anet arent kittening us over by being absolutely inept at their jobs and maintain the hardcapped speed in a WvW enviroment.


The mounts all have different speeds and the warclaw is unique to WvW, so that it would simply have a run speed of 400 is perfectly logical.


Whether I give too much credit Anets ability to think or will join in the kneejerk rant crowd is something we'll find out at release.

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> @"Braghez.7529" said:

> > @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > > @"Braghez.7529" said:

> > > Unpopular opinion:

> > >

> > > Roaming is totally useless for the game mode (since it revolves around capping and holding points) itself and most roamers actually give no help to the others playing the WvW as it should be. (And you can't really deny that...it would be as if i began doing duels with someone during a PvP match)

> > that depends on what you define as roaming.

> > if for you roaming is just 'randomly' walking around looking for something to ~~gank~~ fight, while ignoring the rest of the mode, then yeah sure. that is as usefull as zergs that do exactly the same.

> > however there is plenty who will also call walking around solo or in small group, contributing as much as they can do depending on group/builds etc. flipping stuff, defending, killing and making calls when needed. those people usually contribute on average much more to the match goal than many following a tag on brainafk mode.

> >

> > now as schlomou correctly noticed, there is no real incentive to play for the match goal (aside from simply enjoying it) because the reward system is not based on how much you contribute and the mode is also too far from being balanced by population. therefor there is little reason to be bothered by who is being 'useless'.


> In fact i talked about "many" roamers doing that. Not all of them.

> I know that there're "functional roamers" around and respect them, and I don't think that it's gonna change their gameplay too much beside being able to roam faster around...the only one truly hit are the gankers just looking for a fight. Since they will probably have an hard time taking people down from their mounts.


> Also, I'm glad that for now there's really no incentive to play to win. It would make me hate gank-roamers even more, lol.

> Still, I prefer to play the mode for how it was created, even without special rewards for winning....plus after all, even without a direct reward, there's still a leaderboard as some kind of """prestige""" reward for your world.

> For everything else, there're custom arenas as I've said.


well as a 'functional roamer' myself, i dont see the issue with people only looking for fights as they usually wont abuse the envoirement and builds as much as i will do. a good opposing 'functional roamer' is a much bigger threat.

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> @"witcher.3197" said:

> > @"Adenin.5973" said:

> > > @"witcher.3197" said:

> > > Now everyone's gonna have a way to just speed past players and skip encounters altogether. Because the less PvP there is in a PvP gamemode, the better, right?

> > >

> > > Thank you Anet for absolutely destroying a part of your game many of us enjoyed since 2012 <3

> > >

> >

> > You have a mount too? You're still exactly as fast in comparison to your enemies as before.


> That is NOT true. We have all sorts of movement speed modifiers, mobility skills, and teleports. With mounts everyone is the same, it's impossible to catch a mounted target on a mount.


Okay, now they leveled the playing field between traveling players. If you think THAT is what is killing roaming and the game for you then I can't help you

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> Nothing better than having a player hopping around in front of u looking to fight so u endulge them and as soon as the fights going ur way three more rush in and gank u lol the best feeling in the world :)


keep an eye on the envoirement, think how long the fight will take and how likely he will get reinforcements in that time based on the map situation etc.

it might happen if you just joined the map but you should quickly have a picture of who is running around on it and then such a situation will be rare. many experienced roamers therefor will rarely get into such a situation, no matter if their build is good at disengaging or not.

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> @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > Nothing better than having a player hopping around in front of u looking to fight so u endulge them and as soon as the fights going ur way three more rush in and gank u lol the best feeling in the world :)


> keep an eye on the envoirement, think how long the fight will take and how likely he will get reinforcements in that time based on the map situation etc.

> it might happen if you just joined the map but you should quickly have a picture of who is running around on it and then such a situation will be rare. many experienced roamers therefor will rarely get into such a situation, no matter if their build is good at disengaging or not.


U serious? Let me gues DE player? Classes like necro hell any non roaming class can have this happen due to players laying in wait in perma stealth or any soulbeast,Mirage,thief,holo or warrior can use there crazy mobility to jump u from outa site locations in seconds flat and reaper etc is gonna what disengage? No just die lol. No ur surroundings is a weak argument man especially with state wvw or pvp is lol I’m not saying it shouldn’t happen as I’ve been on the ganker end of the scenario many times so I’d be a hypocrite if I said it shouldn’t,just saying awareness of their surroundings wouldn’t have helped them and it definitely sucks to be on other end especially with a mobility gimped spec lol.

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > Nothing better than having a player hopping around in front of u looking to fight so u endulge them and as soon as the fights going ur way three more rush in and gank u lol the best feeling in the world :)

> >

> > keep an eye on the envoirement, think how long the fight will take and how likely he will get reinforcements in that time based on the map situation etc.

> > it might happen if you just joined the map but you should quickly have a picture of who is running around on it and then such a situation will be rare. many experienced roamers therefor will rarely get into such a situation, no matter if their build is good at disengaging or not.


> U serious? Let me gues DE player? Classes like necro hell any non roaming class can have this happen due to players laying in wait in perma stealth or any soulbeast,Mirage,thief,holo or warrior can use there crazy mobility to jump u from outa site locations in seconds flat and reaper etc is gonna what disengage? No just die lol. No ur surroundings is a weak argument man especially with state wvw or pvp is lol


yes i play deadeye wich obviously changes the scope in wich i have to do this, but i have to do the exact same all the time. examp:

group of 4 players walks around and i am nearby, stealthed.

now first i look at the group as a whole, wich builds they run, wich tags they run, how they run to have an estimate about their communication and envoiremental awareness. (i can down a player pretty fast but i have no sustained pressure or cleave , meaning his allies can easily ressurect)

so i will try to maximize the time of their reaction ( attacking one that is a bit too far away from the others or behind them so i can abuse their FoV)

but then still i have to make an estimation of how fast i can down that target, if it is worth to engage.

depending on the builds their allies run, i can know that they will just be ressurecting and not pressuring me so i can still attack altho i know i wont get the kill. ( i might get it with downed penalty this way or by disrupting the group with annoyance)


now for your 'there might be a stealthed DE', guess what? a stealthed deadeye can burst me down in no time aswell but it doesnt happen often. after 1 time i will know of their presence on the map and can mostly keep track of their movement or make good guesses about it and most i will spot the first time before they spot me, very few will travel the map in permastealth usually you go stealth once you know an encounter is ahead. i often even use autowalk while i am doing other stuff on 2nd screen, still doesnt get me ganked.


and all the visible but mobile professions? exactly the same, keep track of them. look for every sign you get from the map: red dots obviously, dying dolyaks, sentries moving and dying without a red dot (ranger and NPCs can pull them out of the mark area within the range of attacks), contested objects, look wich tags are in the claimqueue. most people do move pretty obviously on the map, because hiding tracks also means you will be skipping alot of objects wich then again can be predicted by the general goals you so far have shown (like preventing a keep from getting t2). you also do need to make a good estimation on the travel speed (and habits) of the specific opponents (some move ridiculously slow) to know where they can be.


but see thats exactly the reason why i hasitate to call many people roamers, they just have maybe 600-2k range around their character in mind depending on skill level. but WvW is mainly about creating encounters in your favor, therefor you need to have all the map and the people walking in mind. id say thats a tactical skill many 'roamers' lack.

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> @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > @"Arcaedus.7290" said:

> > I must say, unless you instantly dismount upon going into combat (while mounted), which I hope is how they do it, I'm extremely worried that mounts will give players an unfair advantage against ranged opponents. You could effectively use your mount to soak up damage from a ranged opponent as you close the gap. This unfair advantage could eventually force situations where the mounted player has the luxury of forcing the ranged player to also engage with mount (thus eliminating the ranged advantage at first) or just run/not fight.


> it just has an effect on the initial range advantage (maybe not even much here). but if more people use the mount to be able to roam on less mobile builds, then the range roamer will have an easy time kiting. now if the war claw doesnt have too much HP and you get that little CC like in PvE when your mount dies, then i wouldnt try to run to a soulbeast with it as it would grant them a free CC to easier apply their dmg. deadeye gets overall buffed as noone has mobilty advantage to pick fights but stealth still is supreme for picking. what other range roaming build is there that now has a chance and then wont?


Soulbeast is primarily what I was thinking of. If that mount skill #3 works the way we think it will work, you will be able to close the gap to a soulbeast (or anything really) and there is little to nothing they can do about it. Even if they stealth (smokescale + warhorn 5), that still gives the mounted player an advantage because it would mean they've forced cooldowns on the soulbeast without using any skill whatsoever themselves.

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> @"Kolisch.4691" said:

> > @"Sigmoid.7082" said:

> > > @"Kolisch.4691" said:

> > > So anyone can just GTFO when they're losing?

> >

> > You can't mount in combat? If they could/couldn't disengage before this they could/can't still do it after, this wont change that.


> The video showed the mount doing multiple hits on the gate (we can assume this puts the person in combat) until the gate breaks and the cat person rode in. If it's true people can just GTFO on their Barney the dinosaurs (in combat) I don't know what game this is anymore. I'm already playing just once a week because of how unhappy I am with wvw. If they make this dumb change, I got nothing else to do in gw2.


The mount doesn't do multiple attacks, perse, but looks like it has multiple hits associated with the #2 skill (the chain/ropes). Probably a channeled skill that locks them into an animation.


Also, if you are mounted and an enemy strikes you, it puts you in combat but does not dismount. The only way you can attack another player or enemy while mounted is to use the #1 skill which will deal damage but also dismount you. It seems that the warclaw's pounce is that #1 skill in the video (but you don't see the aftermath). This is all information consistent with what we saw in the video at least not inconsistent.

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> @"Arcaedus.7290" said:

> > @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > > @"Arcaedus.7290" said:

> > > I must say, unless you instantly dismount upon going into combat (while mounted), which I hope is how they do it, I'm extremely worried that mounts will give players an unfair advantage against ranged opponents. You could effectively use your mount to soak up damage from a ranged opponent as you close the gap. This unfair advantage could eventually force situations where the mounted player has the luxury of forcing the ranged player to also engage with mount (thus eliminating the ranged advantage at first) or just run/not fight.

> >

> > it just has an effect on the initial range advantage (maybe not even much here). but if more people use the mount to be able to roam on less mobile builds, then the range roamer will have an easy time kiting. now if the war claw doesnt have too much HP and you get that little CC like in PvE when your mount dies, then i wouldnt try to run to a soulbeast with it as it would grant them a free CC to easier apply their dmg. deadeye gets overall buffed as noone has mobilty advantage to pick fights but stealth still is supreme for picking. what other range roaming build is there that now has a chance and then wont?


> Soulbeast is primarily what I was thinking of. If that mount skill #3 works the way we think it will work, you will be able to close the gap to a soulbeast (or anything really) and there is little to nothing they can do about it. Even if they stealth (smokescale + warhorn 5), that still gives the mounted player an advantage because it would mean they've forced cooldowns on the soulbeast without using any skill whatsoever themselves.


i think we need to see how it really is.

even if the fight starts in melee range, the soulbeast only will lose the initial range advantage. it still has and should use tools to open and hold a range advantage, also called kiting so it wont have too much of an effect IMO.

i think many will at first undervalue mobility, thinking that the mount will cover that part. but the mount only grants OOC speed, no mobility for kiting or keeping up the pressure.

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> @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > @"Arcaedus.7290" said:

> > > @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > > > @"Arcaedus.7290" said:

> > > > I must say, unless you instantly dismount upon going into combat (while mounted), which I hope is how they do it, I'm extremely worried that mounts will give players an unfair advantage against ranged opponents. You could effectively use your mount to soak up damage from a ranged opponent as you close the gap. This unfair advantage could eventually force situations where the mounted player has the luxury of forcing the ranged player to also engage with mount (thus eliminating the ranged advantage at first) or just run/not fight.

> > >

> > > it just has an effect on the initial range advantage (maybe not even much here). but if more people use the mount to be able to roam on less mobile builds, then the range roamer will have an easy time kiting. now if the war claw doesnt have too much HP and you get that little CC like in PvE when your mount dies, then i wouldnt try to run to a soulbeast with it as it would grant them a free CC to easier apply their dmg. deadeye gets overall buffed as noone has mobilty advantage to pick fights but stealth still is supreme for picking. what other range roaming build is there that now has a chance and then wont?

> >

> > Soulbeast is primarily what I was thinking of. If that mount skill #3 works the way we think it will work, you will be able to close the gap to a soulbeast (or anything really) and there is little to nothing they can do about it. Even if they stealth (smokescale + warhorn 5), that still gives the mounted player an advantage because it would mean they've forced cooldowns on the soulbeast without using any skill whatsoever themselves.


> i think we need to see how it really is.

> even if the fight starts in melee range, the soulbeast only will lose the initial range advantage. it still has and should use tools to open and hold a range advantage, also called kiting so it wont have too much of an effect IMO.

> i think many will at first undervalue mobility, thinking that the mount will cover that part. but the mount only grants OOC speed, no mobility for kiting or keeping up the pressure.


You're right. The mount's functions could be very different from pve to the point of it being very detrimental to try and use the mount to engage a player. Guess we'll find out a little bit more in about 5 hours. Been restraining myself from making a post on all of this since I don't think we can make any conclusions from just that trailer but reading somewhat recently about the third mount skill does have me worried.

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