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Balance Update Coming: 2/26/2019

Irenio CalmonHuang.2048

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Increase cooldown of Axes of Symmetry. Really. You keep desrtoying core, chronomancer and power mirage while your most hated spec has nice gapclose+evade+target break **EVERY 8 SEC**. That is ridicoulus. Bad players literally abuse this skill. You killed chrono and any rewarding possibility to play core, killed blurred frenzy, you destroyed the chaos traitline, you kicked out half of your mesmer playbaze and didn't make this obvious change. Condi mirage already can manage energy sigil procs better than power. Power defenseless on gs and has no serious pressure on sword swap. Condi version doesn't lose any pressure in scepter/axe swap, both weapons have nice condi application. Condi also much more fat (especially on wvw where we have trailblazer). Even if you're good player you're still spending minimum 1 sec to find the mesmer after axe3. In total 3/4 of evade + some distraction - this is an absolutely unnecessary advantage for condi builds.

Atm Axes of Symmetry is just too good. You can grab axe in power spec and has more survivability AND damage compared to pure power weapons like gs and sword. Stop this clownfiesta.

Scepter/x + staff mesmer cannot chase you across all map, it's a stationary condi bunker with fairly low pressure on staff. Close to useless against any group with FB. Axe/x+scepter/x mesmer has burst potential on both weapons, has more survivability with Axes of Symmetry and energy sigil managment, and cannot be kited.


Increase Axes of Symmetry cooldown from 10 (8 traited)sec to 15 minimum(!maybe even 20-25sec).

Or keep it at 10(8 traited) but remove evade and target break.

Bring f3 stun back to domi traitline but don't give it to Distraction mantra. Maybe stun on first Diversion hit should be baseline. Your previous change destroyed the flow of power shatter gameplay and combos. Rework Mantra of Distraction into something else.



Combat thief in full marauder gear, power rune, DA/Trickery doing around 8k backstabs on squishy targets. Damage lowers dramatically on permaprotected and/or 2k toughness targets, making the classic thief useless in middle/large scale fights. Spec requires brain and technique, and grants way too low reward for playing it (hello, random oneshottes and immortal one-button ressing FBs).

Full zerk acro thief with staff and assasin signet is jumping in the middle of your party with 20k vautls and 8k bounds and doing it till reflexes popping up, then gloriously moving away with Dagger Storm and Shadowstep, all time sitting in evade frames. Absolutely safe and zero skill gameplay, which rewarding you a lot.

DE, 16-18k Death's Judgment from stealth, cannot be catched, almost cannot be killed in stealth thanks to SA minor, can get rid of revealed by Shadow Meld. You get no fight against DE, you get one shot and run from a base again or can dance around invisible enemy and fighting thin air.


Anet devs, why? Why you keep these gimmick builds and don't want to change anything to the healthy side? Maybe it's time for some love to classic combat builds?



Absolutely dominate on wvw in support role. Immortal to power damage, immortal to condi damage and can be scared only by scourge corrupt boons. Hordes of FBs+scourges+hammer revs everywhere. Any changes, hey?

At least make wvw version of Merciful Intervention same as spvp - from 20% to 5%.



Year ago you did some nerfs on Coalescence of Ruin. When it did maximum 15k damage, and you thought that's a lot. Now, after Herald reworks it started to hit even more. Recently i got 23k CoR. https://i.imgur.com/Ih3rLcF.png

This damage is beyond the broken. Usually it hits between 13-17k. It's time to look into this skill again.



Soulbeast on wvw is kinda weird thing. Still useless in zergs, but can be really scary with berserker gear and modifiers from Marksmanship when autoattack starting to hit over 10k. That's really a big difference between fatty soulbeast with 3-4k autos and stuff like this.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"DragonFury.6243" said:

> > why every thing must happen in a single day in a single patch ???????


> Turns out that it's super expensive to generate multiple patches. Fewer is a lot more efficient.


RESISTING the urge to hijack this thread into a debate on Agile and DevOps.... :#

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> @"Irenio CalmonHuang.2048" said:

> ‘allo fellow Tyrians,


> Just wanted to give you a heads-up that we’ve been preparing a set of balance changes that are slated to go live next Tuesday.


> We look forward to playing with you and discussing the changes to skills and traits once they’re available next week!


> Sincerely,

> GW2 Systems Team


*insert LotR Theoden ''So it begins.'' *

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> @"Jura.2170" said:

> Please nerf [gravity well](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Gravity_Well "gravity well")


They did that last patch... chrono got stripped of all utility but alacrity and quickness and then only for those stacked in it's wells on the 3rd pulse. Chrono's CC skills were nerfed pretty heavily as well. Now it is an alacrity bot in raids, and a veil bot in WvW. I was hoping they would put something back for the chrono to be honest, I'm maining my holosmith now instead of playing support chrono because of the last nerf. Then again - it might free up a slot for a weekly key farm character if chrono is hit again.

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> @"Rhede Waykh.5867" said:

> Instead of nerfing just buff every other class, mesmers are op so make all the other classes op as well.


Some stuff needs to be nerf and buff on the weak or unused specs. BUffing everything would make the game hard to counter play. If everyone has the ability to do so much DPS, how are we going to re-sustain and reverse the game?


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> @"Irenio CalmonHuang.2048" said:

> ‘allo fellow Tyrians,


> Just wanted to give you a heads-up that we’ve been preparing a set of balance changes that are slated to go live next Tuesday.


> We look forward to playing with you and discussing the changes to skills and traits once they’re available next week!


> Sincerely,

> GW2 Systems Team


Ohhhhhhhhhhhh cooooooooool, more nerfs for necros und more buffs for mesmers, hooooraaaaaaay...

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> @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> > @"Irenio CalmonHuang.2048" said:

> > ‘allo fellow Tyrians,

> >

> > Just wanted to give you a heads-up that we’ve been preparing a set of balance changes that are slated to go live next Tuesday.

> >

> > We look forward to playing with you and discussing the changes to skills and traits once they’re available next week!

> >

> > Sincerely,

> > GW2 Systems Team


> Can we see the notes in advance? In respect of the community being pretty unsettled by this mount business, it would provide some peace of mind.


Think people will freak out again if they saw the notes early, like what they did in 2015.

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I think people should prepare themselves for the same kind of treatment everything has had for the last 6 years. For instance, Revenant isn't likely getting more burst even if they are the lowest DPS in PVE; that's just not how we see Anet react. Being lowest isn't a reason to change it for them, it never has.

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> @"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:

> I am ready for condi rev to get buffed and to hear condi mirages complain about Pulsating Pestilence being OP.


Condi rev is already pretty strong, at least in pve. Metaclass on three raid bosses, very good at 8 others. Sure you have to adjust your build according to which boss you are fighting.

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> @"crazyhusky.2985" said:

> > @"Irenio CalmonHuang.2048" said:

> > ‘allo fellow Tyrians,

> >

> > Just wanted to give you a heads-up that we’ve been preparing a set of balance changes that are slated to go live next Tuesday.

> >

> > We look forward to playing with you and discussing the changes to skills and traits once they’re available next week!

> >

> > Sincerely,

> > GW2 Systems Team


> How about fixing and updating Dragonhunter.

> Can we please get longbow revamp or a fix for Dragonhunter, at least the longbow. With the release of Living Season 4 episode 5 you gave us the legendary longbow but you didn't give us a reason to use the longbow. Longbow on dragonhunter is still terrible.


> Awhile back you said that you were doing through ALL of Guardian's weapons to fix and tweaking them, That SHOULD include the longbow, it's a weapon for guardian. You've gone back and tweaked and updated all the other guardian's weapons a part form the longbow it is still untouched, some of the weapon even got new skills on them.


> The longbow is not good in any mode right now.

> - It's not suitable Raids unlike most other weapons for elite specs

> - WvW/PVP wise it's out classed by the base weapons and doesn't have any use, foes can see a dragonhunter's attacks from a mile away.


> The longbow is suppose to be a good but it doesn't offer anything and it's questionable in what you intend with it.

> (LB3) Deflecting shot NEEDING a trait to give it knockback... but Ranger's Longbow doesn't require a trait to knock back foes.

> The trait Heavy light we use for it gives stability...? WHAT! If you're knocking back a foe why do need Stability, you're already a distance from the foes that can CC you.

> and by the time the foe has got to you to the Stability has gone. Dragonhunter needs a way to gain Retaliation within the elite spec. heavy light should be giving Retaliation or fury not Stability.

> (LB4) Symbol of Energy it's slow and it gives vigor... I am sure there is a better boon you could give instead of vigor, it's kinda useless you can't even use it to support an ally, Fury or Regen would be better.

> (LB5) Hunter's Ward is again so slow and takes too long to do, most people dodge it before you can trap them, and when you do 9/10 in pvp/wvw people walk right out of it... despite it supposingly having a ward effect to prevent that. ontop of that it has a long 40-45 second cooldown.


> Please just re-vamp and fix the longbow. it's not been updated in years.


> ------------


> Also on separte note about Dragonhunter traps, could make a new virtue (F4) for Dragonhunter only that detonates your traps and gives you a buff like barrier and retaliation or something like Stun a foe.


> Because it's rather annoying that bosses who don't move don't trigger the traps even when you place it on them. Stuff like Octovine I can't damage with traps since it doesn't move. In fractals the anomnly is hard to damage with the traps since you can barely get him in the trigger radius but the overall trap range will reach and damage him.


> There are objects you need to destory don't trigger the traps. Prime example is In raids in spirit vale when you're running away from the ghost horde, you can't damage the spirit walls with your traps because they're an object. Despite being able to hit them with weapons. The issue is you NEED to damage the walls otherwise you all die, making you a possible liability for your team. If you were able to denoate your own traps then this would not be an issue, since you could place them next to the wall then detonate them.


> In WvW, dragonhunter traps don't trigger/detonate on Siege, which is resonable given that they're objects but having to the option to set off dragonhunter traps would help a dragonhunter clear out rival's siege quicker.


> These have been a big issue for a while, it limits how you can use the traps at parts during the game limiting the amount of damage you can do, when you should be able to always use them.

> I think to solve the issue, rather than going back trying to make traps trigger/detonate all bosses and objects, instead Give dragonhunter a new virtue (F4) that detonates/triggers the player's traps so then we can trigger/detonate them when we want, if the traps don't go off like they should.


> it's been ages since you've done anything with Dragonhunter, it's starting to show for a while now. It's not been properly updated in 2 years, many traits and effects feel out dated or bad and questionable. You've been tweaking everything in base guardian to fit Firebrand and then tweaking Firebrand but Dragonhunter it's self hasn't gotten any love.

> The only tweak i can think of that Dragonhunter specfically has recieved is the slight buff to big game hunter increasing it's damage from 10% to 20% and that was back in october, before that I don't even recall when the last time Dragonhunter was touched, Maybe it was early 2017 before Path of fire and the nerf to guardian's staff.


Too bad LB on DH isn't used for dmg but for utility :) LB+sword/shield is the best possible utility combo for pvp and roaming. And the reason why we haven't seen any changes for DH in a long while, is because unlike others this spec is in a very well balanced state and doesnt require any changes ;) (DH main and pro PvP/WvW player)

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Mesmer's are way OP. One shot 2-25k damage cant even see it coming... Mesmers are just walking around wvw with no worries. People are complaining about the spike from soulbeast but dont understand its all they have. we have 0 decent defense skills and 1 spike and we have to pop half our skill bar to get it and then run for our lives. no sustain in the ranger class and condi builds have been ruined. They should bring back / fix the deadeye spec as it should be. Detected is a nuke that ruined the whole class. A class that cant even go by a T1 tower is useless. Time to bring Deadeye back from the ashes like as they use to be. I would also like to see the GW1 skill burning arrow/poison combo on rangers. It seems kinda lame that they don't have it but ever since i started GW2 I think they should of made the ranger more like GW1.

Fast, fun and a hard hitting conditions class.


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> @"Louis.4792" said:

> Mesmer's are way OP. One shot 2-25k damage cant even see it coming... Mesmers are just walking around wvw with no worries. People are complaining about the spike from soulbeast but dont understand its all they have. we have 0 decent defense skills and 1 spike and we have to pop half our skill bar to get it and then run for our lives. no sustain in the ranger class and condi builds have been ruined. They should bring back / fix the deadeye spec as it should be. Detected is a nuke that ruined the whole class. A class that cant even go by a T1 tower is useless. Time to bring Deadeye back from the ashes like as they use to be. I would also like to see the GW1 skill burning arrow/poison combo on rangers. It seems kinda lame that they don't have it but ever since i started GW2 I think they should of made the ranger more like GW1.

> Fast, fun and a hard hitting conditions class.



No sustain? That's a lie

0 defense skills, a lie as well, a lot of mobility is defense as well. And you can press your whole utility bar, press longbow2 -> any enemy that doesn't have 5 billion dodges, or invuln dies to this. Even if you dodge longbow 2 once, the rest will still kill you (even high health targets)

If you dodge twice, ranger just goes on with 6-10k autoattacks from 1500 range. If every other class would have a 1500 instant teleport to get close to the ranger, ok, but no class has that.


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This communication is good (please communicate more often, despite our scepticism. We love it when we are spoken to), but really, I must join my other jaded Tyrians. The last balance patch was nothing short of disappointing, and I'm not holding out hopes for this one.


I hope Anet doesn't decide to con another "hidden nerf" onto necromancer. As it has prior.

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