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A plea from the community - it's not too late to renege on mounts in WvW


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Hear me out. Mounts will severely disrupt the balance of mobility in WvW. They will completely change the capture/defense game speed. They will cause drastically increased lag and fps issues in a game mode already plagued by them. They were dreaded being implemented by the community and many feel betrayed by the announcement.


It's not too late to put the community's wishes first and simply make the Warclaw a 2000 gem Jackal skin instead to save some investment funds.


It's not too late to renege on mounts in WvW.

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@"Gaile Gray.6029" don't be afraid to save face. It's OK for a company to do. Maxis did it by refunding Sim City sales. Bethesda (despite ongoing issues) has apologized about the state of Fallout online. And there are more examples in the games industry if you hunt for them.


It's OK to apologize. Everyone has been there, we all understand it and ultimately people are grateful for apologies when they truly mean it.



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> @"oOStaticOo.9467" said:

> And if a large portion of players want mounts in WvW? Is that not also listening to the wishes of the community?


Don't know about large portion but taking my havok guild (5-15) as an example, we raid Friday-Sunday officially with me and weeks they do their own thing so literally 7day/WvW guild and none of them want mounts unless exclusive to the desert bl...I extrapolate that over all wvw committed guilds and that's probably a big fat 10% max...pulling numbers out of my cheese.



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> @"oOStaticOo.9467" said:

> And if a large portion of players want mounts in WvW? Is that not also listening to the wishes of the community?


Which community are we talking about? The pver's that want an item from wvw but hate pvp and wish to destroy any chance of it happening while they farm the ruins for wexp? Or the community with thousand and thousands of hours invested into the game mode theyre seeing destroyed?



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Um sorry going to be the voice of reason here, people complained about gliding to and its not that big of deal. When wvw didnt get mounts after POF was released people were really upset. Now we are getting something that MIGHT REINVIGORATE the game mode.


Really reconsider this post and what you are saying.


I am happy for anything that gets my friends to log in and have fun.

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> gliding to and its not that big of deal.


Was it? The implementation was poor. Remember where OW used to be? Or how NET currently is for defenders? Or where you can just bail off any ole cliff as a defender to escape being killed?


Gliding was not and is not beneficial to the game mode.

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> @"RubberDougie.2750" said:

> It is too late. The higher-ups just see $$$ in mount skins. They figured out how to monetize WvW! SAD!


Can't monetize what people don't play. WvW veterans will leave due to broken gameplay and balence. Influx of new players will dry up rapidly since they don't inheriantly enjoy PvP combat - they just like shiny skins.

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@OP By the time they announced it, it was too late. Once announced they certainly are not going to refrain from implementing this change. Historically there has been a huge cry out when Anet was even slightly perceived as having promised something and then not followed through. Whether or not individuals posting on the forums are happy with the idea, this announcement is a lot more promise than some of the things members on the forums have tried calling Anet to task over. It doesn't matter how vocal this group is, we are going to see the Warclaw in WvW in a week.


Personally I too was one of those opposed to having mounts added to GW2. I have no use for other MMOs and little interest in seeing features from other MMOs bleed over into GW2. That said, I think that Anet's actual implementation of mounts won me over, despite my personal antagonism against them. So I am more optimistic that this may end up working out ok.


There will probably be the usual pains that happen when the status quo is upset, but future balance patches can also be ways to rein in the Warclaw if it starts off too out of paw.

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> @"Ni In.6578" said:

> @"Gaile Gray.6029" don't be afraid to save face. It's OK for a company to do. Maxis did it by refunding Sim City sales. Bethesda (despite ongoing issues) has apologized about the state of Fallout online. And there are more examples in the games industry if you hunt for them.


> It's OK to apologize. Everyone has been there, we all understand it and ultimately people are grateful for apologies when they truly mean it.


> https://www.wpr.org/new-study-reveals-importance-apologizing


Or. You know. They could release the darn update, and then see if they need to say sorry or not.



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> @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> Hear me out. Mounts will severely disrupt the balance of mobility in WvW. They will completely change the capture/defense game speed. They will cause drastically increased lag and fps issues in a game mode already plagued by them. They were dreaded being implemented by the community and many feel betrayed by the announcement.


> It's not too late to put the community's wishes first and simply make the Warclaw a 2000 gem Jackal skin instead to save some investment funds.


> It's not too late to renege on mounts in WvW.


Why do you feel this way? And, do you realize its comments like this that are actually making the game more stale?


**Change is good.** The game mode hasn't changed much in a very long time - and its time to shake things up. This has potential to completely alter every WvW commander's strategy in WvW (as you pointed out) - while that might SEEM annoying to you as someone that just wants the same thing day in and day out, for many of us it gets old fast.


I welcome this change. Its time to mess with the veterans a bit, let them cry and whine because they have to learn something new, and then get over it while they eventually learn to have fun.

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Can you guys just wait a literal couple of days for Anet to at least attempt to justify this decision?


By all means complain away afterwards about everything you don't like but at least give them a chance to say why they thought this was a good idea.

I can understand those with concerns having concerns but outright calling for a feature you know absolutely nothing about to be removed before Anet even has a chance to justify it's existence is pretty extreme..

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> @"RubberDougie.2750" said:

> > @"oOStaticOo.9467" said:

> > And if a large portion of players want mounts in WvW? Is that not also listening to the wishes of the community?


> Lol. Maybe a large portion of those who go there 2h a week to mess around and don't actually do anything constructive.


They are still a part whatever their playtime is, it's like if you play many hours you are more entitled than a random player who plays one hour/day.

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