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Horse Mounts Discussion!


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The first google search result for "Guild Wars 2 horse mount" was from 2018 and I think that's the newest one on the forums


Sooooo instead of necroing that old one, I'm making this new discussion thread about them.


Riding on a horse through the open world is something I've wanted to do since mounts were added. I'd love it if we got a new skin for one of the mounts.


> @"Jessica Price.1649 " said:

> because no one wants to let me live out my dream of galloping over the desert dunes on a horse made of fire


![](https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/zelda/images/7/75/Link_and_Epona_%28Ocarina_of_Time%29.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/350?cb=20170328042811 "")


![](https://cdna.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/012/155/158/large/g-host-lee-nightmare-horse-as-170803.jpg?1533312239 "")



Horse power!!!!

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I'm sure there have probably been several horse threads by now. Personally, I don't see how a horse mount fits into the game at all given the distinct lack of horses in Tyria. Each mount does something unique and anything that a horse can do we can already do in game. A horse skin of something, sure, but there's no need for a separate mount.

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Yup, a horse skin is mostly what I was thinking of myself. Wondering if I should edit my post so folks don't harp on me about adding a completely new mount to the game.


The raptor's speed and low jump height make for a great template imho, then there's the Jackal for quadruped modeling and magic application as well for the mystical type of horse (Nightmares is the first thing that comes to mind.)

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> @"Drecien.4508" said:

> No. Dead horse. Horses do not exist in tyria.


Quoting the Guild Wars 2 wiki: "The existence of horses in Tyria is a contested question amongst players; no living horses have ever been seen, but references to them are plentiful, including: Zodiac Axe Skin, Horse Figure, Iron Horse Mines, and Rocking Horse Ornament. The original Guild Wars also featured a Necrid Horseman and Celestial Horse."




Doesn't seem like a completely terrible idea, I'm sure plenty of people would buy or work to acquire a horse skin if they put one up for sale in the gem store or made it some kind of in-game obtainable quest/currency thing.

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> @"Hannelore.8153" said:

> Horses not existing is a meme, its a running gag. They're doing it on purpose by this point, like most franchises do.


lol, I see, I don't conversate nearly enough with folks. It does make sense though considering there has been little outside of horse decorations and lore in Guild Wars 2.

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> @"Boysenberry.1869" said:

> I'm sure there have probably been several horse threads by now. Personally, I don't see how a horse mount fits into the game at all given the distinct lack of horses in Tyria.


That has already been discussed in all the earlier threads, and my answer remains the same: horses _do_ exist (just listen to certain ambient NPC conversations), in spite of us not seeing any in the open world.


My explanation for the visible lack of horses has always been this: Had ANet included horses in the open world terrains, there would have been an outcry from players asking for mounts from day one (and that outcry would have been louder and more annoying than the request for mounts has been for the whole five years until they finally _did_ introduce them to GW2).

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I'd love a horse mount. I'd love it so much.

Arguments saying "Horses don't exist in Tyria" etc, make no sense at all.

Did we know about the Sand Jackals? Did we know about gigantic Raptors? Did we know about Skimmers? Springers? Come on... :D

It would be possible to add a horse mount as part of a new map or something, nothing that can't get a decent background story.

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> @"Blur.3465" said:

> I'd love a horse mount. I'd love it so much.

> Arguments saying "Horses don't exist in Tyria" etc, make no sense at all.

> Did we know about the Sand Jackals? Did we know about gigantic Raptors? Did we know about Skimmers? Springers? Come on... :D

> It would be possible to add a horse mount as part of a new map or something, nothing that can't get a decent background story.


With the current implementation of mounts, why would adding a horse mount be necessary?

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Whereas all mounts have a purpose, horse one could be taking your time to contemplate the landscape, a very relaxing journey.

It can include a sprint using endurance like beetle but also a decent jump 1/3 of jumping height of springer I will say. A kind of hybrid in sum.


But horses are great when you have vast plains without foes, within pof maps or hot it will be a nightmare. But okay with most of Core maps.

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> @"hugo.4705" said:

> Whereas all mounts have a purpose, horse one could be taking your time to contemplate the landscape, a very relaxing journey.

> It can include a sprint like beetle but also a decent jump 1/3 of jumping height of springer I will say. A kind of hybrid in sum.


> But horses are great when you have vast plains without foes, within pof maps or hot it will be a nightmare. But okay with most of Core maps.


IMO, you can do this with the current iteration of mounts. The skimmer travels much slower than the other mounts across land and if that is still too fast, then a horse mount wouldn't really be any QoL change from being unmounted in the first place.

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"Blur.3465" said:

> > I'd love a horse mount. I'd love it so much.

> > Arguments saying "Horses don't exist in Tyria" etc, make no sense at all.

> > Did we know about the Sand Jackals? Did we know about gigantic Raptors? Did we know about Skimmers? Springers? Come on... :D

> > It would be possible to add a horse mount as part of a new map or something, nothing that can't get a decent background story.


> With the current implementation of mounts, why would adding a horse mount be necessary?


A horse could get a speed buff, fast speed and better control than the beetle mount. It would be a mix of beetle and raptor.

And also, why not? Some of us like to feel like proper warriors riding horses.

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:


> IMO, you can do this with the current iteration of mounts. The skimmer travels much slower than the other mounts across land and if that is still too fast, then a horse mount wouldn't really be any QoL change from being unmounted in the first place.


Skimmer is a fail, gaining 3 cm of altitude is useless, ok it floats so then? What should have been its ability is diving underwater, and boost yourself underwater, but instead they added "swim infuz" -_-


Yeah I use it to take the time, but it's a kind of feeling of liberty, riding with your horse it's not the same as riding a manta ray. It would be for players wanting to move rapidly, without having to swap to bunny/raptor to jump over a 2 meters edges or a precipice.

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> @"Aediph.2873" said:

> The raptor's speed and low jump height make for a great template imho, then there's the Jackal for quadruped modeling and magic application as well for the mystical type of horse (Nightmares is the first thing that comes to mind.)


I really don't see it, myself. Both the raptor and jackal's skeletons and animations are pretty far off from a horse so getting something that looked good would probably require quite a lot more work than any of the previous skins.

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> @"hugo.4705" said:

> > @"kharmin.7683" said:

> >

> > IMO, you can do this with the current iteration of mounts. The skimmer travels much slower than the other mounts across land and if that is still too fast, then a horse mount wouldn't really be any QoL change from being unmounted in the first place.


> Skimmer is a fail, gaining 3 cm of altitude is useless, ok it floats so then? What should have been its ability is diving underwater, and boost yourself underwater, but instead they added "swim infuz" -_-

Well, I think to be fair, the skimmer was introduced with PoF maps in mind, in which there really isn't much underwater content. It was designed to be used for crossing terrain that would otherwise be harmful (quicksand, sulfur, branded area) in those maps. There wasn't really any need to make it work underwater. In this sense, I don't think it right to call it a failure.


> Yeah I use it to take the time, but it's a kind of feeling of liberty, riding with your horse it's not the same as riding a manta ray. It would be for players wanting to move rapidly, without having to swap to bunny/raptor to jump over a 2 meters edges or a precipice.

No, it's not the same I grant you that. Still, if the argument for the need for a mount for simply exploring maps at a leisurely pace, then it would suffice to use the skimmer without Anet needing to spend resources to create something else.


Most of the arguments for a horse mount, on both sides, have been made before so I'm not going to continue with this superfluous thread.


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Horses could work if they made the mount a hybrid of some of the others, a jack of all trades with the best of none, the Stallion, it runs fast like the roller beetle but can jump far distances like the Raptor, but with the downside being it is neither better than either, but efficent at both to an extent, maybe it also has more hp.


The big reason this could work is accessability, you could make this mount available to every player at level 80 from core Tyria, and add several abilities to it as a basic mount so in essence it serves as a basic mount for everyone to use, and perhaps possibly it could be used in wvw like the warclaw.

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> @"Aediph.2873" said:

> > @"Drecien.4508" said:

> > No. Dead horse. Horses do not exist in tyria.


> Quoting the Guild Wars 2 wiki: "The existence of horses in Tyria is a contested question amongst players; no living horses have ever been seen, but references to them are plentiful, including: Zodiac Axe Skin, Horse Figure, Iron Horse Mines, and Rocking Horse Ornament. The original Guild Wars also featured a Necrid Horseman and Celestial Horse."


> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Horse


> Doesn't seem like a completely terrible idea, I'm sure plenty of people would buy or work to acquire a horse skin if they put one up for sale in the gem store or made it some kind of in-game obtainable quest/currency thing.


TBF, horses could have existed from wherever humans came from (as they are not native to Tyria and were brought here by their Gods). The ornaments and such would have simply been a takeaway from wherever they came from originally.

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