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Would you buy a WvW season pass?


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If instead of Repair Hammers, Portable Cannons, Golem Rush, Toxic Living Story, vertical map design, or movement gimmicks there was:

* Server lag eliminated in WvW

* Profession balancing for WvW separate from PvE

* WvW world populations balanced

* Meaningful glory rewards in WvW


Would you use gems to buy WvW season pass?

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Of course some would gladly play for a fun WvW game mode, while others won't or can't. I would pay at least twice that I paid for the two unwanted and "feels bad" PvE expansions, instead for a "better WvW" expansion.


While the OP points sound off, all these and more could be improved, but it's highly unlikely GW2 will ever do that: it's a PvE focused game, where WvW is just a minor part (though for many of us, it's the main game).

1-2. Improving server lag is related to WvW focused skill balance.

3. Population "balance" needs a different matchup system, with features from sPvP game mode and more.

4. Rewards are the least important, but a ranking system for both players and guilds that is recorded on a site and kept, would gave a reason for a long term competition.


Too bad that a combat system such as the one GW2 had, was "wasted" for a PvE game. At least a separate Guild vs. Guild game mode would have been awesome, if WvW meant to be just a PPT karma train. A real PvP game mode is missing, something that is focused on the great combat system, not capping points and navigating jumping puzzle maps like the one in sPvP. Those who wanted to fight, to improve their skills, were left wanting for more.

But maybe will happen in another game, another time.

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i've already bought expansions, copies of the game, and plenty of gems for my cosmetic needs in wvw.


i've stopped spending money gw2 because when i found out $250k of anet funding went down the drain on a really dumb esports idea because someone on balance team thought mesmer was in a good spot for a healthy meta. which whoever dev balanced mes the way that they did, singlehandly flushed $250k down the drain


when the consumer already expects functioning servers and a balanced game mode, after already paying loads of money in hopes that wvw would be maintained and updated properly. they would just get mad at the premise of a season pass


No, season pass is a terrible idea. when anet has your money, they dont have your interests

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> @"Korgov.7645" said:

> If instead of Repair Hammers, Portable Cannons, Golem Rush, Toxic Living Story, vertical map design, or movement gimmicks there was:

> * Server lag eliminated in WvW

> * Profession balancing for WvW separate from PvE

> * WvW world populations balanced

> * Meaningful glory rewards in WvW


> Would you use gems to buy WvW season pass?


World of Warcraft continues to charge $15.00 USD a month to play their game. Have a visit to their forums, and you will see everything there that you see here: complaints about balance, server lag / game performance, devs being out of touch with the playerbase, Blizzard only caring about money / cash shop, etc etc etc.


Since (according to the forums) we appear to be playing the same game, might as well enjoy the fact GW2 has no monthly sub.

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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > @"Korgov.7645" said:

> >

> > * WvW world populations balanced

> >

> >

> I would love to know how you accomplish this without:

> - breaking up guilds

> - Random player assignments

> - Frequent changes in world assignment

> - Changes to the ‘rank system’



Players are great at telling what they *feel* is wrong. But terrible at telling *how* to fix it. I'd let the developers' ingenuity surprise me.


I feel the WvW should be more competitive. For example, the skirmish system was a good step in that direction.


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> @"Korgov.7645" said:

> > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > > @"Korgov.7645" said:

> > >

> > > * WvW world populations balanced

> > >

> > >

> > I would love to know how you accomplish this without:

> > - breaking up guilds

> > - Random player assignments

> > - Frequent changes in world assignment

> > - Changes to the ‘rank system’

> >




> I feel the WvW should be more competitive. For example, the skirmish system was a good step in that direction.



Ok. Fair point.


That being said, random world assignment not based on guilds, or having some aspect of choice would be a game breaker for me. That is part of the reason I don’t do sPvP. So, if I am going to be randomly assigned to a team, without consideration of people I would prefer to play with, I would be out.


And if that wouldn’t be the case, it would almost be impossible to balance world population CONSISTENTLY.


Ranks: if ranks are reset that would work, but people who have ground through ranks in order to have certain WvW masteries would be frustrated to go through that yet again.


The world assignments in a weeklong event would need to be reset weekly in order to disperse players evenly.


>Players are great at telling what they *feel* is wrong. But terrible at telling *how* to fix it. I'd let the developers' ingenuity surprise me.


You noted all types of things in your initial post, but don’t offer any way of people understanding even the beginnings of **how**.

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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > @"Korgov.7645" said:

> >

> > * WvW world populations balanced

> >

> >

> I would love to know how you accomplish this without:

> - breaking up guilds

> - Random player assignments

> - Frequent changes in world assignment

> - Changes to the ‘rank system’


Part of the money would clearly be used to bribe players to stop playing.


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Some of though things i do not think you can do because its the internet there always going to be lag as well as there always going to be a population imbalance at one point and time.


But ya i would pay some money a year for better balanced wvw classes maybe new wvw classes as well.

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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > @"Korgov.7645" said:

> >Players are great at telling what they *feel* is wrong. But terrible at telling *how* to fix it. I'd let the developers' ingenuity surprise me.


> You noted all types of things in your initial post, but don’t offer any way of people understanding even the beginnings of **how**.

* Eliminate server lag: increase computation efficiency, reduce overhead, manage event rate, control sampling, add concurrency

* Population balancing: alliance system, migration policies

* Prof balancing: independent team to balance for WvW only, roll the changes from WvW to lesser game modes

* Glory rewards: player, guild, alliance bound skins, banners, titles, decorations, leaderboards; some unique but temporal, some permanent but common


I don't want to solve these issues myself. I do want them solved and I'd pay for such game.


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> @"Korgov.7645" said:

> > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > > @"Korgov.7645" said:

> > >Players are great at telling what they *feel* is wrong. But terrible at telling *how* to fix it. I'd let the developers' ingenuity surprise me.

> >

> > You noted all types of things in your initial post, but don’t offer any way of people understanding even the beginnings of **how**.

> * Eliminate server lag: increase computation efficiency, reduce overhead, manage event rate, control sampling, add concurrency

> * Population balancing: alliance system, migration policies

> * Prof balancing: independent team to balance for WvW only, roll the changes from WvW to lesser game modes

> * Glory rewards: player, guild, alliance bound skins, banners, titles, decorations, leaderboards; some unique but temporal, some permanent but common


> I don't want to solve these issues myself. I do want them solved and I'd pay for such game.



So you want Anet to fix all this stuff THEN start charging players money to play wvw by making them buy a "season pass"?

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> @"Korgov.7645" said:

> If instead of Repair Hammers, Portable Cannons, Golem Rush, Toxic Living Story, vertical map design, or movement gimmicks there was:

> * Server lag eliminated in WvW

> * Profession balancing for WvW separate from PvE

> * WvW world populations balanced

> * Meaningful glory rewards in WvW


> Would you use gems to buy WvW season pass?


Sure, if they fix all those things first.

But I'm not going to trust ANet to fix their PvP out of belief that throwing money at it will work, just because they say they'll do these things.

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> @"Korgov.7645" said:

> > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > > @"Korgov.7645" said:

> > >Players are great at telling what they *feel* is wrong. But terrible at telling *how* to fix it. I'd let the developers' ingenuity surprise me.

> >

> > You noted all types of things in your initial post, but don’t offer any way of people understanding even the beginnings of **how**.

> * Eliminate server lag: increase computation efficiency, reduce overhead, manage event rate, control sampling, add concurrency

> * Population balancing: alliance system, migration policies

> * Prof balancing: independent team to balance for WvW only, roll the changes from WvW to lesser game modes

> * Glory rewards: player, guild, alliance bound skins, banners, titles, decorations, leaderboards; some unique but temporal, some permanent but common


> I don't want to solve these issues myself. I do want them solved and I'd pay for such game.



Of course. I’d pay for a working model. Not to try to make it work.


That’s what kickstarters are for. And they are usually met with crazy delays and unrealistic expectations.

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WvW is already more advanced than any other RvR system ever made in a true MMORPG. If there was an alternative that cost $60 and was even marginally better, I would be playing it as I suspect many of the WvW players. Problem is nobody including Blizzard, Zenimax and others have created a better system.


There are a few on the horizon but so far my alpha tests of some of them has been less than positive (CU, Crowfall, New World). Crowfall is probably the closest to an improvement.

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