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Thief hate

Jack Redline.5379

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Why always if a team is loosing ppl start salting thief? Thief is doing the best god damn job he is able to do and you start salting him for not being able to do enough? What if he did enough and his teammates were simply bad? Thief is not the cause of the lost match. The cooperation of the team is. Thief is only as good as his team is it is not a class that can carry a whole team to victory. Stop hating on Thieves if the team is loosing damn it

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€: Okayokay, on a more serious note, dont let it annoy you. It's just common toxicity, thiefs all have no clue, mirages are dumb noobs for playing overpowered specs, eles are just useless anyways etc. It is saddening sometimes, but positive behaviour is not really rewarded, so... just remember positive examples and ignore the (much much more common) bad ones.

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> @"MUDse.7623" said:

> from other posts of yours, i assume you do not play as one would expect from a thief. do you communicate with your team before the match, what you will do ?


I think ppl do hate him and fact that he play condi thief instead of something normal. Thats probably the reason (and not long time ago he were complaining mirage that secretly was a zerk chrono and someone were called a macros-user , guess who's name was there?:D)

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Probably because whenever most of the team wipes at mid, the Thief is the only one who is able to disengage and stay alive. Most players don't look at the mini-map until after they are dead and create irrational conclusions based on what they see as they are re-spawning, which in this case, is a thief running in between nodes, which would appear, at that very moment, to be useless.


In other words, because most players tunnel vision and have terrible map awareness - myself included, I aint pointing fingers here (but I never blame the thief :D ).

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I win matches where we lose over half of our fights because the team's thief has map awareness, knows when to and has the tools to run away from a lost cause and knows how to rotate and decap. People hate on thieves, but to me they seem like the most proficient +1'er, can be pretty potent 1v1 and they move around the map far quicker than anyone else (especially with being able to teleport up ledges.)


... at least that's how they operate in pleb (gold) tier where I like to hang out. Not sure if that's obsoleted up in the tiers where the pvp nobility hangs out.


~ Kovu

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> @"Sampson.2403" said:

> Probably because whenever most of the team wipes at mid, the Thief is the only one who is able to disengage and stay alive. Most players don't look at the mini-map until after they are dead and create irrational conclusions based on what they see as they are re-spawning, which in this case, is a thief running in between nodes, which would appear, at that very moment, to be useless.


> In other words, because most players tunnel vision and have terrible map awareness - myself included, I aint pointing fingers here (but I never blame the thief :D ).


This is so true actually...


If a team fight goes bad, say 1 down and 1 dead then I disengage and evaluate the situation, players are screaming in team chat "useless team mate didnt bother to rez" even though if I had tried I would have died to cleave..


then there's other times where you own far point say on temple but you have cut 2 people off at stillness from getting to the point and team mates are screaming "useless player cant even fight on point"...

Its usually the best time to get a free kill for me, keep engaging the one at the front running towards the point because they either engage and waste time or they act like a free punching bag until they stand on the point.

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> @"MUDse.7623" said:

> from other posts of yours, i assume you do not play as one would expect from a thief. do you communicate with your team before the match, what you will do ?


I do comunicate before and after match. And with my ''ways'' I hav already reached Plat

Condi DD Trapper Is alive and kicking more than ever. And IT IS VIABLE. And it DOES do Thieves job Adequatly

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> @"Odik.4587" said:

> > @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > from other posts of yours, i assume you do not play as one would expect from a thief. do you communicate with your team before the match, what you will do ?


> I think ppl do hate him and fact that he play condi thief instead of something normal. Thats probably the reason (and not long time ago he were complaining mirage that secretly was a zerk chrono and someone were called a macros-user , guess who's name was there?:D)


Hello there. Nice to talk to you since you already blocked me in game. Also I can play whatever I want as far as it works. This game was build upon it. You can be wahtever you want with any spec. At least that is what the Add said if i remember correctly

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People just do it automatically because everyone does. Same as how people rage when you're on Treb yet overcommiting heavily on Skyhammer is normal. Keep in mind that when you're playing you can't really pay attention well to what's happening everywhere at once since you're concentrating on your own play. Some don't realize that and then come to conclusions based off of little to no information. And then rage at the Thief.

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definitely a reason why a game is lost sometimes, a thief not making good rotations

it's the nature of the class and role that makes heavy impact


a shitty mirage or holo for example can make bad rotations, but they are useful on every node they go towards

a thief running into outnumbered fights, tries to decap a guarded node (and even tries to 1v1 them), +1ing that bunker who is perfectly fine in 1v2 at far - all common stuff that a mirage or holo can easily do without being punished too much


now you are also dependent on your team having a good duelist or node holder in general and preferably spread over the map so your team can take full advantage of having the most mobile class available....


most likely the other team has a thief as well, and often it's clearly noticeable that one of the thieves is better.

still, i wouldn't solely blame it on the thief hell most games are not close regardless of performance of player(s).




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Well in circlequest what really is required more then anything including skill is speed. So this being the case really whatever team has the thief/thieves that can cap n decal the best. Yeah they can only +1 vs another player but if they rotate they do their job and win.


Sadly you can roll core teef with just a shortbow and no other weapon set and get to the top of the "leaderboard "

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Kinda reminds me of a match I had the other day. A spellbreaker kept going on in team chat how I am not supposed to decap far as daredevil, I should full cap. I said no thank you and kept on +1ing. We won the match and was told I am a noob thief for only decapping and thus losing us points :)

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> @"Jack Redline.5379" said:

> > @"Odik.4587" said:

> > > @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > > from other posts of yours, i assume you do not play as one would expect from a thief. do you communicate with your team before the match, what you will do ?

> >

> > I think ppl do hate him and fact that he play condi thief instead of something normal. Thats probably the reason (and not long time ago he were complaining mirage that secretly was a zerk chrono and someone were called a macros-user , guess who's name was there?:D)


> Hello there. Nice to talk to you since you already blocked me in game. Also I can play whatever I want as far as it works. This game was build upon it. You can be wahtever you want with any spec. At least that is what the Add said if i remember correctly


> @"Jack Redline.5379" said:

> > @"Odik.4587" said:

> > > @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > > from other posts of yours, i assume you do not play as one would expect from a thief. do you communicate with your team before the match, what you will do ?

> >

> > I think ppl do hate him and fact that he play condi thief instead of something normal. Thats probably the reason (and not long time ago he were complaining mirage that secretly was a zerk chrono and someone were called a macros-user , guess who's name was there?:D)


> Hello there. Nice to talk to you since you already blocked me in game. **_Also I can play whatever I want as far as it works_**. This game was build upon it. You can be wahtever you want with any spec. At least that is what the Add said if i remember correctly


apparently it does not work, thats why you're getting the hate lol.

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> @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said:


> apparently it does not work, thats why you're getting the hate lol.


but it does tho I am having good results with it and i managed to get to plat alone w/o gruoping up with ppl. So i think it is viable enough. and this is not concentrated on me only. I can see ppl salting thieves if they are in game with me. It is wide spread dont turn this conversation only on me. I know thieves all around get salt if team is loosing. And you know it as well. I want this to change because it doesnt rly have to be thieves fault the team is loosing

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> @"Odik.4587" said:

> > @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said:

> > apparently it does not work, thats why you're getting the hate lol.

> He is unable to kill zerk chrono with no cleanses with his condi build (unless target is afk)... And then he truly dont understand "SINCE WHEN MESMER HAS THE SLOW?"


I rly think you are reffering to someone else here bro. I can kill any necro on any build. And even tho i did say that, It was durring my troll hours and in that match i was not salted at all. BTW we won that match. So i dunno what is your point here.



I am more than willing to prove to you my build is valid. Come to Arena and we can pick a 1v1 server. Be my guest

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> @"Jack Redline.5379" said:

> > @"Odik.4587" said:

> > > @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said:

> > > apparently it does not work, thats why you're getting the hate lol.

> > He is unable to kill zerk chrono with no cleanses with his condi build (unless target is afk)... And then he truly dont understand "SINCE WHEN MESMER HAS THE SLOW?"


> I rly think you are reffering to someone else here bro. I can kill any necro on any build. And even tho i did say that, It was durring my troll hours and in that match i was not salted at all. BTW we won that match. So i dunno what is your point here.



> I am more than willing to prove to you my build is valid. Come to Arena and we can pick a 1v1 server. Be my guest

Chrono=/=necro, hello ?From where you took that 'necro' thing ? what 'troll hours' what match... are you on high?:d

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> @"Jack Redline.5379" said:

> > @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > from other posts of yours, i assume you do not play as one would expect from a thief. do you communicate with your team before the match, what you will do ?


> Condi DD Trapper Is alive and kicking more than ever. And IT IS VIABLE. And it DOES do Thieves job Adequatly


Legit Lol'd here.

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You realize thief is the only class in guild wars 2 that has been meta since 2012?


Thief is overpowered in conquest. It doesn't matter if it dies 1v1 to dragon hunter or whatever, the game isn't about 1v1 or about kills and what thief can do is overpowered for conquest. Idiotic mobility (no cooldown blinks btw) paired with the best ganking too in the game (steal) in a game where ganking people who are fighting someone else and then snowballing in a 5v4 is the best strategy.


anyone complaining about thief is in the right , automatically

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> @"Jack Redline.5379" said:

> > @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said:


> > apparently it does not work, thats why you're getting the hate lol.


> But it does work. I am having good results and I've managed to get to plat alone w/o grouping. I think it's viable enough. This is not concentrated on me alone. I see people salting thieves if they are in game with me. It is common. And this thread isn't about me. I know many thieves that get salt if the team is losing. And you know it as well. I want this to change because it's not always the thieves fault if the team is losing.


I don't complain about thieves. Maybe I don't see the complaints like thieves do, because I don't play thief.

And although I dont play thief, I think I have a good comprehension of what makes a great thief in my maps


With all classes there are levels of play.


The levels as I see them are bad, acceptable, good and Great.


A bad thief will die. (Don't die.)

A bad thief will try to solo far. And then die. Bad.

A bad thief will go melee in big fights and you guess it, die.

A bad thief will stay in a losing fight instead of decapping point

A bad thief wont cap/decap.


Acceptable thief wont die

Acceptable thief will decap.

But they dont contribute so much to +1's


A Good thief will

-not die.

- will +1 and give pressure and from a Ranger/Sb perspective help vs a 1v2 (to end one)

- A good thief will cap and decap


-Great thieves

Don't die

Decap and Cap

+1 and pressure and add support dmg to 1v2's to end a target quickly

-Will Leave as soon as he thinks you have the fight in hand

-Will pressure between points

-Can win 1v1's consistently

-Know when to leave a losing fight and contribute else where

-Know when to leave and sneak back to cap


Side point From someone whose playing against Great thieves, it seems like they are everywhere at all times.

Go mid they are there.

Go home they are there.

Go far, they are pressuring you and slowing you up, softening you up for what you are going to face at far

Great Thieves can add so much support to a thief, they can carry more often than not. (obviously, everyone needs a decent team to do well)


A bit more than 2 cents

but that's my impression

on the quality of thieves you will

face and have on your team


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> @"Odik.4587" said:


> Chrono=/=necro, hello ?From where you took that 'necro' thing ? what 'troll hours' what match... are you on high?:d


OH sorry bro I missread that. Yes Zerk Chrono would be much more difficult for me since it to a cerain extenct, many builds have a lot of stuns which i am unable to out play. I saw word zerk and was like zerg necro (since i hear that a lot) No I am not high i simply missread it. Sorry for that. And yes I may have problem fight with chrono. But Thief is nowhere near being a counter for Mesmer in general so I dont think it is rly something i should be ashamed of. Power thieves might have just as much problem fightin chrono as i would

And "troll hours" is simply time when i come to GW just to chat and do BS in Arena or game sometimes i go to ranked just if it wont throw a win but usually i go unranked or stay at Arena durring that time.

And i am not high only a bit tired i had hard weekend. Chillax bro

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