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Mounts and Motion Sickness

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I was feeling very bad with the raptor during the beta, but decided to buy PoF to give it a try. To my surprise and delight, I don't feel any motion sickness with the mounts any more. The crucial configuration was to deactivate camera roll in the confguration under the mount options. Disabling camera roll prevents the camera from immediately turning into the direction the mount is heading, which helps tremendously for me.


For example, if you want to strafe left or right, the mount doesn't strafe but turns on the spot or in a circle. With camera roll activated, the camera automatically turns with the mount, and this provokes migraine for me, because the camera turning delay and speed is wrong. Disabled camera roll means the mount turns, but the camera stays as it was before. Then I turn the camera manually to match the direction the mount is looking, and for my brain all is ok - no migraine.


The only mount I cannot use for a longer period is the skimmer. Its motion is too smooth and all actions are too delayed, especially turning, so I still get sick. But I can cope with it, because now that I know this, I can dismount early instead of bumping into walls. And since the skimmer movement and turning delay is so different to all other movement methods, it is possible for my brain to learn a new movement scheme and switch over - I hope.

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I also posted in the original threads on this. No problems with any mounts except the raptor. Can't use that one for more then a few minutes without getting a headache.

I have been playing FPS games since they came out, low gravity, crazy jumps, etc. Have played just about every type of game out there. Never got motion sickness once from any game or IRL, not even on some of the most extreme amusement park rides. There is something inherently "bad" about the way the raptor was implemented.

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I also posted in the original threads on this. No problems with any mounts except the raptor. Can't use that one for more then a few minutes without getting a headache.

I have been playing FPS games since they came out, low gravity, crazy jumps, etc. Have played just about every type of game out there. Never got motion sickness once from any game or IRL, not even on some of the most extreme amusement park rides. There is something inherently "bad" about the way the raptor was implemented.

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> @Theocraft.6053 said:

> how could it be possible to experience motion sickness through a screen? isn't motion sickness a result of feeling motion but not seeing it?


No, it's an eye-to-brain thing. I only experinced this once while gaming: it was a game called "F.E.A.R. 2", an ego shooter, which had a feature called head-bobbing active by default (supposedly to make it look more realistic when your player model walks, but it didn't feel realistic to me at all).


After playing it for several hours during the weekend, I started twitching in my chair every few minutes, like an electric impulse was frequently shooting through my spine. It was quite unpleasant. Ever since, I deactivate head bobbing in games (manually in the config file, if it is not to be found under Game Settings) and stay away from games where it cannot be deactivated.


This is why I worry for the future of gaming using 3D technology etc. It can cause all sorts of permanent negative effects to the brain, I am certain of it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

> @Swagger.1459 said:

> Speaking of mounts... I'm totally getting a feeling that the devs are working on the motion sickness issues and have some juicy details to share with us! Are my feelings correct?


I certainly hope so. Being one of the few people hesitating to use a mount means I rarely get where I'm going in time to participate in events. Super frustrating. Either I get some progress or I get sick. Heck of a choice.


More and more often the choice is really, just not play at all.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I’m feeling like this very serious issue is getting swept under the rug. Some communication would be much appreciated by the community.


I’ve already cut my playtime drastically due to the negative effects of mount and camera designs, and this issue is really killing my enjoyment of the pve side of the game.

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> @ProtoGunner.4953 said:

> What exactly creates motion sickness in this particular scenario? The camera zooming out while mounting? Sorry, I don't have this, I can even play VR games without any issues.


For me, when mounting and un-mounting, the camera zooms and pulls and bobs. Instant nausea. The normal camera doesn't do this, like when you jump, because it's not tethered to the mount. Which brings up the other issue, which is that the camera snaps back on it's own in the direction of the mount movement. Again, this is unlike the regular camera because when you turn your camera it turns your character 1:1 with no strange lag or snap.


Being able to uncouple and control the camera (and zoom way the heck out), or at least have very precise predictable movement, is really key to preventing simulator sickness for me. Others may have other opinions.


Edit: Camera roll checkbox doesn't help, it doesn't change the mount or unmount issue and it doesn't change the snap back behavior either.

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Did you deactivate camera roll in the game configuration under the mount options? This changed camera behavior for me that I don't feel any motion sickness any more. And it was really bad before. So bad that my only option after playing the game for an hour was to crawl to bed and hope the migraine is gone next morning. Also mounting/dismounting is not as bad for me as it was at the start. It was bad, but it isn't any more.

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  • 2 weeks later...

> @"Silmar Alech.4305" said:

> Did you deactivate camera roll in the game configuration under the mount options? This changed camera behavior for me that I don't feel any motion sickness any more. And it was really bad before. So bad that my only option after playing the game for an hour was to crawl to bed and hope the migraine is gone next morning. Also mounting/dismounting is not as bad for me as it was at the start. It was bad, but it isn't any more.


Did that and it doesn’t help.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

> @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > @Theocraft.6053 said:

> > how could it be possible to experience motion sickness through a screen? isn't motion sickness a result of feeling motion but not seeing it? I always had motion sickness in cars, on ships etc. but in GW2 I didn't felt anything even remote


It's from the dissonance between what you see and what you feel, regardless of which is static. It never occurred to me someone might get sick from this, but there are video games that make me feel ill in much the same way. I'd recommend gravol.

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  • 1 month later...

I am necro-ing this thread just to try to keep visibility on this.


GW2 used to be a big thing for our family. My wife and I started playing in GW1, and we and the kids and friends in other parts of the country used to play GW2 weekly, since launch. Heck, we even bought gems on a regular basis as a way to continue to support Anet.


My wife has stopped playing GW2 entirely because of motion sickness with mounts, and our family has lost a big thing that we did together as a family. For her it's the camera - the non-mount camera doesn't make her blindly sick, the mount camera does. (And yes, we have tried all the options I could find on the internet several times).


I get all the cost-benefit analysis stuff, people like how the mounts word, etc etc. But I hope that continuing to bring it up will maybe get Anet to take another look at this, just create a check box or command line option that toggles the mount cam back to the regular cam. Maybe some It'll only help a small number of people, but maybe some nice dev will take up the option as a side project (action cam was a side project of a dev, for example). I even live near Anet - I'll bring cookies!

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> @"Vax Tezhme.7128" said:

> My wife has stopped playing GW2 entirely because of motion sickness with mounts, and our family has lost a big thing that we did together as a family. For her it's the camera - the non-mount camera doesn't make her blindly sick, the mount camera does. (And yes, we have tried all the options I could find on the internet several times).


But... why doesn't she just stop using mounts...?

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  • 9 months later...

Necro-ing this thread on purpose. Anet has ignored any posts regarding nausea and mounts, but now they are adding them to yet another game mode, WvW. One that I could play without detriment as it WAS free of mounts.


It's not that I don't like mounts, it's that they make me ill because of the camera as described in the posts above.

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Well, perhaps their research shows the number of players who are adversely affected is too low to consider relevant?


One could also argue that mounts are not required to play GW2 (other than expansions where the need to use them is small for certain achievements). The incoming mount for WvW likewise isn't required.

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