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Gaile Gray, where are you?

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I was here from the start, GW1 from the beginning, Gw2 testing phases from alpha to beta etc.... This is definitely last drop. Dear Gaile, i wish you all the best. Thank you for all that you made for us players, with this post im finishing with GW2. Was about time to stop and this made me realize that. All the best for the players that will still play, for the people that are still working on GW2. I have a feeling you will all need it.

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If I could express one thing to Anet and MO, it’s that most of us would not judge them if they decided to walk back letting Gaile go. She may not want it back, and that would be fine, but I think they didn’t realize what an impact this would be when they pulled the trigger on letting her go.


Gaile has been a part of the Guild Wars community since day 1, and from a customer relations perspective there is a lot to say about keeping that same face until she either wants to leave of her own accord, or until the series ends. She has been the same voice calming folks, like the ones freaking out right now, since the first whining of OP Warrior Monks in PvP. She would be exactly the person the community needs right now to let everyone know the game is fine, will continue forward, and it’s fine to buy gems once more.


Bring back Gaile.



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I saw a list of names of cuts. Not going to lie, I don't pay attention much to who works at ArenaNet, but even I know who Gaile Gray is, big loss for the community. I don't really understand how we're supposed to have faith in this game anymore when you're cutting people who are such a big part of the community that even casual gamers like me know who they are. It's funny, I was debating whether or not I really wanted to invest more money into this game, and I had decided I would still put in a few bucks every month, budget allowing, but now I once again have to rethink this stance.

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> @"Eltiana.9420" said:

> I saw a list of names of cuts. Not going to lie, I don't pay attention much to who works at ArenaNet, but even I know who Gaile Gray is, big loss for the community. I don't really understand how we're supposed to have faith in this game anymore when you're cutting people who are such a big part of the community that even casual gamers like me know who they are. It's funny, I was debating whether or not I really wanted to invest more money into this game, and I had decided I would still put in a few bucks every month, budget allowing, but now I once again have to rethink this stance.


If I could stop giving them money twice, I would.

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> Goodbye, beloved Guild Wars 2 Community. I love you all and wish you well in the future.


Imagine kittening losing Glint and Gaile (and a hundred or so other heavy hitters) back to back.

Wish you well as well. Go get 'em, you're going to bring some sunshine to your next venture.


The worst part is I can't be mad at Arenanet for blundering this. This seems to have come from higher up, where the money we spend on GW2 ultimately ends up.

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This breaks my heart. Gaile is irreplaceable. She made it a point to help all of us that she could, to support the game, and keep communications lines as open as possible.


Perhaps she was offered a voluntary leave package and accepted. It has been 18+ years. It may be time to rest, and just be a player. We can all get a bit taxing...:)


If that was not the case, whoever decided to let her go..."chose poorly".


I hope someone can get these sentiments to Gaile (if she doesn't just check them out herself)...and show them those who may have decided to let her go how WRONG they were...


Gaile...fair weather and safe travels...until we meet again.

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> @"Thorfinnr Sleggja.1209" said:

> Perhaps she was offered a voluntary leave package and accepted. It has been 18+ years. It may be time to rest, and just be a player. We can all get a bit taxing...:)


I hope that's the case, and she has no obligation to comment on this issue, but I kinda wish she would confirm/deny, because to be honest I've been pretty sanguine about this whole affair, but any company that "let's go" of an employee of 18 years deserves harsh criticism. ANET was founded in 2010 so that means Gaile has been there from almost the beginning. How could you toss someone like that to the curb? Someone that loyal and steeped in the company's culture should be regarded as a treasure.


I don't know her as well as many on this board, but anyone with a brain and common sense would perceive this is a very foolish move to make, assuming they tossed her and she didn't leave of her own volition.



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I haven’t been in game for a while now, so long that my forum presence seems to have been wiped, but I’ve played since Prophecies. I have a lot of good memories with Gaile in LA and elsewhere. I was finally rebuilding a new computer and thought I’d get back in the game, but this really takes a chunk out of that.

Goodbye, Gaile. Even this old Presearing/WVW hound will miss you.

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To those saying this is the end, just stop. It's sad to see many devs leaving, but when a company accrues bloat, it has to at times cut the bloat. Kudos to senior employees who fell on the sword, knowing they'll find work in the industry. I'm sure Gaile is one who falls into this category.


But is this the end of GW2? No. 300 employees working on GW2 is still one of the larger studios in the nation, and resources will continue to be poured into the game. It doesn't mean the game will ever be perfect, but no game is until we look back at it after it ends through rose-tinted glasses.

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Good by Gaile. I have seen couple of forum moderators in a couple of games. I think Gaile is one of the best if not the best. GL to you Gaile. The forums will not be the same without you ?


On another note, whoever, at Anet, has been handling the communication regarding the layoffs/patch delays is doing the equivalent of scoping gasoline on fire. Maybe they should be laid off instead of the competent generally liked community manager...

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> Goodbye, beloved Guild Wars 2 Community. I love you all and wish you well in the future.


Dear Gaile,

Thank you for all that you have done! This community will be left with a huge void without you, and will never quite be "the same".


Best wishes to you! I hope all of your future endeavors are fruitful and blessed.


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Best wishes, Gaile. Being the public face of an MMORPG is a challenging role and you made a pretty good fist of it for a very long time. Unfortunately, I imagine it was that very longevity that did for you in the end. Experienced and long-lasting employees don't come cheap.


Good luck to whoever takes on the job - assuming anyone does. Maybe the whole thing will devolve to NCSoft now as part of their takeover of PR and Marketing.

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