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Please make PoF HPs elites instead of veterans?

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> @Ellisande.5218 said:

> > @Mea.5491 said:

> > > @otto.5684 said:

> > > TBH, I would like champions, similar to HoT

> >

> > I agree. I enjoy HoT HP runs with random people, that's how I made most of my friends in this game and it can be done in an hour, I don't understand all the whining. GW2 is supposed to be a massively multiplayer game, not a single player borefest.


> I did those because I had to in order to get the HPs. I hated every second of it.


Yeah. I would've had done them long before "HP Trains" if it wasn't for having to rely on someone for them.

If anything... Brink did them right. That one Hylek one could be a bit troublesome and the one Bat/Guano one, but other than that... they were fine. Basin and onward though (excluding Dragon's Stand).

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veteran ranks + riddles were wonderful choice. As I mentioned somewhere already - there are different classes and different players. If you are dealing easily with most of the content, then be happy - you are above average. Don't ask for nerfs or buffs unless it is really unbalanced for the whole playerbase.

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> @joneirikb.7506 said:

>You need 500 HP for unlocking all Elite Spez, there are 904 HP available from HC in the entire game/world. That is 404 spare. That is plenty.


Nope. I got World Completion on my main, and HoT completion, so on that character I was able to master Deadeye as soon as I started (and then proceeded to never use it), but most of my other characters did not bother with Tryia completion, and only got the absolute minimum HoT HPs to unlock the HoT specs, so they started PoF at roughly zero. Yes, I could take them to farm all the HPs in the Tryia maps at 1 point each, but that would be boring. And yes, there are about a half-dozen channeled PoF HPs, but these are hot enough to master the spec.


The basic principle is that _there are never enough HPs_ because players want to unlock their specs as instantly as possible, and the wider you have to search for these, the more annoying it is.


>So in short, you're not interested in discussing, not interested in listening to other peoples thoughts or opinions. Then I have no reason to bother listening to yours either, consider yourself ignored.


I'm saying that no compelling argument exists for your side in this, nor have you attempted to provide one. There is no reason why ANY HPs should be super challenging. There is no benefit to having them. As you point out, in the worst case scenario players could skip them, so it's not like they are gatekeeping any sort of "super special reward" for "super special people," and it's not like players who want a difficult challenge could not just find that elsewhere, so what is the benefit _to anyone_ in having super hard HPs around? How would that make anything better for anyone?


>GW2 is also an MMO game, and one of ANet's core tenets of the game, that people should want to play together. So if 1 HC on each map was an Elite or even a Champion, it would make people have to play together for that one HC, while still being able to complete all the other HC's solo (and thus have enough HP for the Elite Spez).


They tried that in HoT, it didn't work. In reality, players found that when _they_ wanted to tackle a given HP, nobody else wanted to, so they were left waiting around, or had to give up on it. HPs are a semi-necessary element of character growth, which is why it's a bad idea to tie "group participation" into them. Instead you have events and meta-events, which _can_ have more difficult and challenging encounters, because they are far more optional. Rather than seeking them out as a stepping stone to maxing out their specs, players can just come across them, and do them if the conditions are suitable, or skip them if nobody is around. This is the best of both worlds.


>sigh cheapen the one progress level that feels worthwhile in this game.




>I wouldn't mind this, if there was some valid options for challenging solo content. I can run around and find random stuff to fight, but a lot of players prefers to have something that gives them some sort of progress (rewards, heropoints, masteries, achivements, whatever), and just running around beating random mobs generally doesn't do that (Personally I'm fine with that, but I don't expect others to be). And how long would it take for people to cry that the "Challenging Solo content" be nerfed because they can't solo it on every alt in white gera without dying ?


And that's the trade-off. Some players like to feel a sense of progression in fighting mobs, that they are working toward some meaningful goal. Other players don't particularly want to fight those mobs, but do want the rewards that would come from that progression track. How _do_ you balance the two, without telling one side "tough luck?"


>Actually, the majority of GW1 players moving over was closer to the "hardcore" type, it was very PVP focused, and even the PVE difficulty was something else entirely.


That was GW1. GW2 has never been GW1.



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There was once a call years ago to make the game more difficult in the open world events. Eventually the call was heard. You can guess what happened next.


People left the game en masse. No one could complete the dragon events, boss events that were once there to bring joy were now causing people to get angry at the game. Months went by with no one addressing the broken nature of the bosses and eventually people like me left because the one thing we were interested in doing "Never stepping into a dungeon ever again" was broken.


It was only after a series of patches came out that forced the open world bosses back to their previous difficulty level did this issue get fixed but by then the damage had been done. People lost interest and were playing something else. That's when the first expansion was announced.


Arenanet can look back and see the numbers during that time and see what happened to the profits and the number of people logging in during that time frame and know that making things more difficult in the open world is not the answer.

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> @mulzi.8273 said:

> If you special cupcakes want more of a challenge, go solo one of the champ bounties. I'm sure your eliteness will carry you through _that_ challenge and make it fun for you.


Additionally bounties are infinitely repeatable. HPs are only daily. Oh and for long boring fight with a massive pile of HP there is the champion branded anomaly in the NE of Domain of Vabbi.

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idk about making them elites, they're pretty frusterating to kill as is, have you tried killing them on non-dps specs? Its doable but a pain in the ass.

Maybe make some of them 2 veterans or something? (that Desolation harpy hero point can go die in a fire.)

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> @Ohoni.6057 said:


> Why? What is the benefit in having "epic" hero points? Why not just have "epic" content that has nothing to do with hero points? What is the benefit in having hero points that only "epic" players can earn?



Sorry my sarcasm/joke was too subtle. I should've denoted it with *sarcasm* or maybe /sarcasm? for people who would think that such an obviously outrageous and out of touch suggestion was serious. An epic level hero point would be fairly stupid. Kinda like there's no real benefit to changing hero points to elites, since it's content that's typically done once per character and any increase in difficulty would most likely be more of an annoyance for a good portion of the general player base than anything they'd enjoy.


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> @CedarDog.9723 said:

> > @Ohoni.6057 said:

> >

> > Why? What is the benefit in having "epic" hero points? Why not just have "epic" content that has nothing to do with hero points? What is the benefit in having hero points that only "epic" players can earn?



> Sorry my sarcasm/joke was too subtle. I should've denoted it with *sarcasm* or maybe /sarcasm? for people who would think that such an obviously outrageous and out of touch suggestion was serious. An epic level hero point would be fairly stupid. Kinda like there's no real benefit to changing hero points to elites, since it's content that's typically done once per character and any increase in difficulty would most likely be more of an annoyance for a good portion of the general player base than anything they'd enjoy.


Poe's Law, man. I mean, look at the OP.


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> @Haishao.6851 said:

> PoF Hero Challenge should be renamed to something else since they are in no way challenging or heroic.



Because a Norn asking me a riddle that the answer is "Wit" is chalenging or heroic.

Because going near a dead shark is challenging or heroic.

Because hearing a sad story from a Quaggan is challenging or heroic.

Because taking paint from a Grawl or drink from an Ettin/Skritt/etc is challenging or heroic.

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