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Discussion Thread: ArenaNet News of 21 February 2019 [Merged]

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Well, if what we're seeing is true and their developers have actually been shuffled onto other projects whilst ArenaNet is still giving the idea that everything is progressing as before then it's really not at all surprising that the delivery of LS episodes, fractals and Raids have slowed down and it's readily apparent why the Swiss tournaments for PvP and the alliance system for WvW (for example) are taking so long.


To be clear, I feel huge sympathy for the developers losing their jobs, but I've always been a little leery of ArenaNet's policy of complete silence during development.

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It figures I'd come back to this game recently and things aren't looking good for the game. I am having lots of fun and bought both expansions, but am now worried about spending more money on the game. I know that it is what the game needs, but I am afraid to spend money on the game that may end for all I know after the next season. I hope the developers let us know exactly what this means for the future. Like if there won't be anymore expansions. Even if it is bad news I may still spend some money, just less, but not knowing I doubt I'll spend any. Not trying to be negative, I am just going back to school and have three kids so I have a limited entertainment budget.

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> @"Malmutus.5089" said:

> It figures I'd come back to this game recently and things aren't looking good for the game. I am having lots of fun and bought both expansions, but am now worried about spending more money on the game. I know that it is what the game needs, but I am afraid to spend money on the game that may end for all I know after the next season. I hope the developers let us know exactly what this means for the future. Like if there won't be anymore expansions. If. Even if it is bad news I may still spend some money, just less, but not knowing I doubt I'll spend any. Not trying to be negative, I am just going back to school and have three kids so I have a limited entertainment budget.


been playing the guild wars - guild wars 2 franchise since 2005. the money that i spent from then to now (from gifts, etc) is wayyyy i mean wayyyyyyyyyy more minuscule than the amount of satisfaction, gratification that A.NET has given me. imagine if gw and gw2, from 2005 to now, are at constant per sub basis. ~$2,500 dollars spent for the span of 2005-2019 aka 14 years? that's how GENEROUS A.NET HAS BEEN AND FOREVER WILL BE REMEMBERED COZ THEY'VE BEEN A PART OF ME FOR THAT 14++ YEARS, WITHOUT DEMANDING OR BEING GREEDY BOUT THE $$$. NOT JUST FOR ME BUT FOR MY FELLOW PLAYERS WHO ALSO PLAYED SINCE 2005 TIL NOW.



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> @"Buran.3796" said:

> > @"Tiviana.2650" said:


> > We have been saying this since blizzcon and the announcement of Diablo mobile. Rock solid pc gamers dont want to hear it, but this looks like the beginning of the end for pc. I am mad and sad about it, but nothing can really be done about it. You cant change the new generations coming up, and they are into tiny tech and mobile. Its the end of an era, blizzard laid off a bunch a few weeks back and they make a fortune still, so what does that bode for companies not as big?

> >

> > Technology is advancing faster than ever, and big ole desktop rigs and laptops are becoming dinosaurs, people have busy lives they want to be able to do what they need to do on the go.


> Diablo franchise is done, and to a large extent also Blizzard as a gaming company. Aside from OW most of their releases in the last 3 years are thunderous failures. I don't known anyone which plays mobile games, and I'm sure that the amount of poeple which plays in such devices are being eclipsed by the amount of people which, INSTEAD, use smartphones to consume passive digital media as Youtube or streaming services as Twitch or even Netflix.


I dont think you know what you are talking about. HS and overwatch were tremendous successes. And wow even with the failure that is BfA still has a dang good amount of players. Blizzard as a company had one of the best financial years in 2018. And dont count Diablo out there are still millions interested in it. I wouldnt be surprised to hear a Diablo for pc announcement this year.

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I wouldn't be so worried about this if it was a company with a better reputation, but NCSoft is already on my and many people's shit list. If they strangle GW2 more than they already have, I'll simply boycott them and try to convince others to do the same. They've already nuked at least two IPs that had loyal fanbases in the name of cost reduction and profit. I can safely assume that there are many parasites in the company that could eat the axe instead of the IP or the developers. I'm having trouble finding the motivation to continue playing this game now that this news has been released.

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> @"alcopaul.2156" said:

> > @"Malmutus.5089" said:

> > It figures I'd come back to this game recently and things aren't looking good for the game. I am having lots of fun and bought both expansions, but am now worried about spending more money on the game. I know that it is what the game needs, but I am afraid to spend money on the game that may end for all I know after the next season. I hope the developers let us know exactly what this means for the future. Like if there won't be anymore expansions. If. Even if it is bad news I may still spend some money, just less, but not knowing I doubt I'll spend any. Not trying to be negative, I am just going back to school and have three kids so I have a limited entertainment budget.


> been playing the guild wars - guild wars 2 franchise since 2005. the money that i spent from then to now (from gifts, etc) is wayyyy i mean wayyyyyyyyyy more minuscule than the amount of satisfaction, gratification that A.NET has given me. imagine if gw and gw2, from 2005 to now, are at constant per sub basis. ~$2,500 dollars spent for the span of 2005-2019 aka 14 years? that's how GENEROUS A.NET HAS BEEN AND FOREVER WILL BE REMEMBERED COZ THEY'VE BEEN A PART OF ME FOR THAT 14++ YEARS, WITHOUT DEMANDING OR BEING GREEDY BOUT THE $$$. NOT JUST FOR ME BUT FOR MY FELLOW PLAYERS WHO ALSO PLAYED SINCE 2005 TIL NOW.




Wooo, ok, settle down Beavis. We get it. I've been here just as long and yes long history, love the games and all the years of great memories. See, no caps or crazy astrology stuff. That being said, the gaming industry is a very different beast than it was in 2005 and we are seeing those affects on Anet right now. I just hope the devs and others that might not have a job soon land on their feet and get to go on to do what they love elsewhere.

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> @"Liewec.2896" said:

> how about for the first time ever, a company gets rid of one of those champagne guzzling fatcats at the top,

> who are getting rich off of the sweat, stress and effort of the hard workers at the bottom.


In this particular case, it feels a lot like upper management is to blame. Deciding on making two other projects that have both beem deemed failures, and we have been told that at least one of them didn't follow ArenaNet's strenghts; and also diverting resources from their only source of income, while trying to pretend that they weren't doing so. Those things feel like very poor management. If heads were to roll, it would be nice if they came from those at the top, instead of from the poor grunts at the bottom who just did what they were told to do.


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> @"Tiviana.2650" said:

> > @"Buran.3796" said:

> > > @"Tiviana.2650" said:

> >

> > > We have been saying this since blizzcon and the announcement of Diablo mobile. Rock solid pc gamers dont want to hear it, but this looks like the beginning of the end for pc. I am mad and sad about it, but nothing can really be done about it. You cant change the new generations coming up, and they are into tiny tech and mobile. Its the end of an era, blizzard laid off a bunch a few weeks back and they make a fortune still, so what does that bode for companies not as big?

> > >

> > > Technology is advancing faster than ever, and big ole desktop rigs and laptops are becoming dinosaurs, people have busy lives they want to be able to do what they need to do on the go.

> >

> > Diablo franchise is done, and to a large extent also Blizzard as a gaming company. Aside from OW most of their releases in the last 3 years are thunderous failures. I don't known anyone which plays mobile games, and I'm sure that the amount of poeple which plays in such devices are being eclipsed by the amount of people which, INSTEAD, use smartphones to consume passive digital media as Youtube or streaming services as Twitch or even Netflix.


> I dont think you know what you are talking about. HS and overwatch were tremendous successes. And wow even with the failure that is BfA still has a dang good amount of players. Blizzard as a company had one of the best financial years in 2018. And dont count Diablo out there are still millions interested in it. I wouldnt be surprised to hear a Diablo for pc announcement this year.


HS is almost 5 years old, and I specifically cited OW as their only success in the last 3 years: both Starcraft II and HotS imploded and turned into ashes and Diablo III RoS had been dead for longer than GW2's PvP (with even less support). Activision Blizzard as a company lost near 50% of their market value in the last 6 months and they have 0 (outside COD) releases for PC in 2019, and they are now firing staff everywhere so yeah, they are doing wonders lately... I pretty much uninstalled every game of them from my PC after the last Blizzcon acknowledging that I wasn't playing them at all for long time, were ballast filling usable space in my HD and they as a company won't probably be able to create a single game I could ever be interested in, ever. Their only commitment is whith their share holders and the only way that crumbling company has to carry on is to produce low cost products and rip off their customers with micro transactions (not THAT "micro"), loot boxes and other kind of gambling (essentially predatory tricks aiming to teens).


Back on topic: sad to hear about ANet layoffs; they at least made a honest game without abusive practices; they fighting system is phenomenal, but sadly the competitive game modes were mostly unnatended. I guess they tried to build their "project titan" but the changing landscape prevented a release (as happened with Blizzard; although they were able to use the stuff to build OW). Anyway, the news doesn't change the things too much: we knewn that won't be a GW3, than a future expansion is far away (if all), and that the game won't grow in meaningfull ways.

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> @"Buran.3796" said:

> > @"Tiviana.2650" said:

> > > @"Buran.3796" said:

> > > > @"Tiviana.2650" said:

> > >

> > > > We have been saying this since blizzcon and the announcement of Diablo mobile. Rock solid pc gamers dont want to hear it, but this looks like the beginning of the end for pc. I am mad and sad about it, but nothing can really be done about it. You cant change the new generations coming up, and they are into tiny tech and mobile. Its the end of an era, blizzard laid off a bunch a few weeks back and they make a fortune still, so what does that bode for companies not as big?

> > > >

> > > > Technology is advancing faster than ever, and big ole desktop rigs and laptops are becoming dinosaurs, people have busy lives they want to be able to do what they need to do on the go.

> > >

> > > Diablo franchise is done, and to a large extent also Blizzard as a gaming company. Aside from OW most of their releases in the last 3 years are thunderous failures. I don't known anyone which plays mobile games, and I'm sure that the amount of poeple which plays in such devices are being eclipsed by the amount of people which, INSTEAD, use smartphones to consume passive digital media as Youtube or streaming services as Twitch or even Netflix.

> >

> > I dont think you know what you are talking about. HS and overwatch were tremendous successes. And wow even with the failure that is BfA still has a dang good amount of players. Blizzard as a company had one of the best financial years in 2018. And dont count Diablo out there are still millions interested in it. I wouldnt be surprised to hear a Diablo for pc announcement this year.


> HS is almost 5 years old, and I specifically cited OW as their only success in the last 3 years: both Starcraft II and HotS imploded and turned into ashes and Diablo III RoS had been dead for longer than GW2's PvP (with even less support). Activision Blizzard as a company lost near 50% of their market value in the last 6 months and they have 0 (outside COD) releases for PC in 2019, and they are now firing staff everywhere so yeah, they are doing wonders lately... I pretty much uninstalled every game of them from my PC after the last Blizzcon acknowledging that I wasn't playing them at all for long time, were ballast filling usable space in my HD and they as a company won't probably be able to create a single game I could ever be interested in, ever. Their only commitment is whith their share holders and the only way that crumbling company has to carry on is to produce low cost products and rip off their customers with micro transactions (not THAT "micro"), loot boxes and other kind of gambling (essentially predatory tricks aiming to teens).


> Back on topic: sad to hear about ANet layoffs; they at least made a honest game without abusive practices; they fighting system is phenomenal, but sadly the competitive game modes were mostly unnatended. I guess they tried to build their "project titan" but the changing landscape prevented a release (as happened with Blizzard; although they were able to use the stuff to build OW). Anyway, the news doesn't change the things too much: we knewn that won't be a GW3, than a future expansion is far away (if all), and that the game won't grow in meaningfull ways.


HS is 5 years old but if its still profitable it dont matter, they will design new games anyway. Its what they do they move forward. Look they are hiring developers as of now for multiple Diablo projects, they arent stopping with DI mobile, they are going forward with the pc game. Blizzard is a big company they are always working on projects, some get cut some go forward, they can afford it. And wow isnt out, it may have faltered but dont count it out. The people at blizzard learn from failures and mistakes, whether the complainers want to admit it or not. They will recover, blizzard is good at what they do, and i may not like BfA but thats a bump in the road in the lifecycle of wow. And if they do decide to call it a day with wow, then so be it, that game has seen more success for longer than most. I would never call it a failure. And knowing the company they will produce more games.


As for Anet, we dont really know anything yet. There is a lot of rumor and speculation on all our parts. I think the game needs some TLC personally, and the telling will be if there is an expansion or not. One thing to remember the big money right now is in battle royal games and mobile in some markets. Thats going to eat into the rest of the gaming world. People are in love with that right now, it remains to be seen if it carries forward in its mass appeal

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> @"PookieDaWombat.6209" said:

> > @"alcopaul.2156" said:

> > > @"Malmutus.5089" said:

> > > It figures I'd come back to this game recently and things aren't looking good for the game. I am having lots of fun and bought both expansions, but am now worried about spending more money on the game. I know that it is what the game needs, but I am afraid to spend money on the game that may end for all I know after the next season. I hope the developers let us know exactly what this means for the future. Like if there won't be anymore expansions. If. Even if it is bad news I may still spend some money, just less, but not knowing I doubt I'll spend any. Not trying to be negative, I am just going back to school and have three kids so I have a limited entertainment budget.

> >

> > been playing the guild wars - guild wars 2 franchise since 2005. the money that i spent from then to now (from gifts, etc) is wayyyy i mean wayyyyyyyyyy more minuscule than the amount of satisfaction, gratification that A.NET has given me. imagine if gw and gw2, from 2005 to now, are at constant per sub basis. ~$2,500 dollars spent for the span of 2005-2019 aka 14 years? that's how GENEROUS A.NET HAS BEEN AND FOREVER WILL BE REMEMBERED COZ THEY'VE BEEN A PART OF ME FOR THAT 14++ YEARS, WITHOUT DEMANDING OR BEING GREEDY BOUT THE $$$. NOT JUST FOR ME BUT FOR MY FELLOW PLAYERS WHO ALSO PLAYED SINCE 2005 TIL NOW.

> >



> Wooo, ok, settle down Beavis. We get it. I've been here just as long and yes long history, love the games and all the years of great memories. See, no caps or crazy astrology stuff. That being said, the gaming industry is a very different beast than it was in 2005 and we are seeing those affects on Anet right now. I just hope the devs and others that might not have a job soon land on their feet and get to go on to do what they love elsewhere.


yeah. sorry i get carried away, by just reminiscing when i first heard the Guild Wars about to be released and played the beta. there were some people who even offered me a box of WoW to get installed but i chose to stick to GW. was a very fun ride, from becoming a famous/notorious guild in GW1 to the dramas and getting old. transitioning to GW2 and connecting the lore/class design to my knowledge base atm. If you believe in nonverbal connection and communication, like when the designer of an armor talks to you via forms embedded in something that he designed, aka something "esoteric(or you can call it weird)", you get the point.


well obviously, the gaming trend is obviously based on hardware, on what hardware platform will generate more $$ from paying users. but if you compare who won between WoW(and it's expacs) and GW(1+2), which was first pit in the early 2000's, we can see clearly who won.


This is why maybe Mike O' Brien programmed B(attle).NET and left it in Blizzard, coz clearly, the real winner is A(rena).NET.

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> @"wickedkae.4980" said:

> I am now also on hold purchasing any more gems, or really, even playing. Not going to sink time into a game that will not exist in a few months. We need some answers. We aren't getting an xpack, which is a staple of MMO's, so this is a real bad sign that this game is done.


The game will exist for as long as it's still profitable to keep the servers running. What will happen is nearly all content team members will be let go and it will enter a stasis limbo like GW1 has been in for the last 7+ years.


But yes, anyone shoveling their cash into the gem store right now, until we get some actual communication for once, is a fool.

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> @"Cerioth.7062" said:

> > @"Hybarf Tics.2048" said:

> > That's it for me no store spending until I see an expansion announcement. :o


> Because that is what is gonna help them fund things?


Shoveling money in their pocket assuming NCsoft isn't going to just redirect it to other assets is silly and presumptuous.


Anet isn't self publishing anymore.


You have just as much guarantee it will be going toward some horribly pay to win mobage in Asia as you do that it will go toward more GW2 content.

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> @"X T D.6458" said:

> > @"Avelione.6075" said:

> > > @"X T D.6458" said:

> > > > @"Avelione.6075" said:

> > > > I wish ANet was free from any bigger company looming over them. Why do they fire people? How about cutting your big salaries, people at the top? ;p

> > >

> > > Its called business, and sometimes you have to cut costs to save it.

> >

> > Costs? You mean, cut off people to not pay them salaries.


> Its called overhead which affects whatever product or service a company is offering, and if you let it blow up everyone loses their job when the company goes out of business. Emotions cant be mixed with logic and reality. The gaming industry is changing (as all do at some point) and if a company wants to stay in business it has to adapt. Unfortunately layoffs are part of that, it is nothing new, its terrible, but it is also essential at times for a company to survive and rework itself to come out stronger.


BS. Hot, wet, steaming loads of BS.


Overhead is ever present. You never plan without it being factored in. In spite of overhead they've been making money. Lot's of it. Where did it go? It's said that if you build it they will come. What have they been building? Why hasn't the lion's share of that money been funneled back into this game's assorted modes to keep it attractive, to promote it on the web or on television to generate interest? You hear more about these kinds of layoffs, and unannounced projects being cancelled from companies that have been mismanaged, with funds malversed into dubious ventures while paying out the flagship property as long as possible with minimal reinvestment to further fund them. And then those ventures don't pay off.


If someone was riding herd to make certain funds were placed where needed and goals were being met - if there wasn't some sort of mismanagement at the top behind the scenes you'd be hearing about them needing to hire even more talent to make the game even more attractive in the near future- not about them having to enact austerity measures by letting those in the trenches go. Wake up. It's 2019. While ANet might be a video game studio it isn't as though this is the first time we've heard this sort of story.

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> @"Zania.8461" said:

> While staff bloat due to cancellation of other projects is likely the biggest issue, I am afraid you can't make massive cuts without damaging a lot of developmental flow. It will take time for administration to figure out who will go. It will ruin the company's morale. It will likely take out at least a few people who were shifted to GW2 development after their project got cancelled. Overall this is not a good thing for GW2. However only time will tell just how bad this actually is.


Agreed. We've had a couple statements this season alone, I believe one when Sandswept was delayed, and another after Kourna was released, implying that there was some restructuring that led to the delays but would create a larger benefit later on. The restructuring during Long Live the Lich was apparently so drastic that it not only created the delay, but also created content that many people were dissatisfied with. Now I'm wondering, was it really restructuring or was it just people being pulled out of those teams to work on these unannounced projects in an attempt to get them moving since they were obviously struggling. And the releases suffered because the remaining people in these teams were trying to do the work of multiple people just to meet the quality bar they were boasting about valuing. It was so bad apparently that they had to pull someone from another team just to help finish that episode. So, constantly talking about quality and at the same time potentially pulling people from those teams to work on projects that are being funded by players who have no idea what they're actually investing in. It just all seems a little misleading and doesn't sit well. And the update we got is understandable as I'm sure many people at Arenanet are in panic mode and distraught. And I feel sorry for the ones caught in the crosshairs. I also think that all of the rumors of mismanagement are probably "drastically understated." Is this management at Arenanet, or management at NCSoft, or both?


There's really no way to get a clear picture of what's been going on behind the scenes, and there most likely never will be. But no matter what happens, I certainly don't believe the statement that the release and updates won't be affected by this. Because, back to your point and the original intention of mine, is that multiple times we've seen restructuring that really reflected in not only the release schedule but some of the content that was released. There's no way this COULDN'T affect it in some way or another, whether it's beneficial or harmful to the long term or not. And simply stating what many have pointed out that saying season 5 is still on track, isn't really the question here. Because it's common sense that something that's already likely been in development for months would still come to fruition at some point. Granted, it may be slightly reassuring that their current cadence, whatever that is, won't be drastically impacted.


I understand their decision for making a rather ambiguous pr post reassuring the people that for some reason thought this meant the game is just going to immediately shut down in the next week, and I understand canceling the twitch stream which I honestly didn't care about to begin with.. because they clearly have a lot going on right now and a lot to deal with internally. It just feels like some of this could have been averted, despite corporate greed. And I just have this sour taste in my mouth about the whole situation that leaves me far more pessimistic toward most of their already cut and paste responses about reasoning for delays, restructures, random tech developments, and all of these minor boots that would lead to better content in the future. I'm torn between wanting to believe them because I love the game and think that they have some of the best talent in the business, and feeling like we've all just been consistently lied to.


It's also just really disheartening to think that, yes, we may get regular "updates and releases" and that they're "fully committed to ongoing support of the game," but we may not get elite specs or new features like mounts but instead will continue to get drawn out unpredictable spans of months until a new map is added and another story episode is released that leaves us with yet another end of the world cliffhanger for the next gap. The mount system in this game, granted I haven't played anything with mounts outside of a few console games and WoW, is extremely innovative. They've always been innovative in everything they do, and to think that that time of innovation is nearing an end is really sad. I mean, it might be good for the devs because some of them might branch off and find a new passion, but for the players of this game and this game itself it's pretty sad. Sure, Mike Z implied we could see expansion-level features added with Living Story, but is this just another delicately worded uplifting pr message to create hype or is it potentially a hint that we may actually see some of the things we love about expansions added with these patches... i.e. elite specs/major features like mounts/gliding?


And that's yet another thing, with this latest wave of layoffs, how many people are going to start sending out resumes, even some of the more dedicated people that are just as fearful for the future of the game as we the players are. Another potential major hiccup down the road and something that doesn't bode well. The morale there alone right now is probably going to have a huge impact in upcoming releases.


It may not mean the end of the game, and I never got that impression from any of this, but it's still devastating news all around. Devastating for the morale of the people that will remain, for the people that will be the ones selected to go, devastating for the players that are still highly passionate about the game and devastating for the game itself, pseudo-reassuring posts from random ArenaNet Team.4819 or not.


Hopefully, at least, as time goes on and this settles, we may get to a point again where we get a bit more transparency. I guess the original fiasco that led to the lack thereof was due to the legendary generation 2 weapons not being released with Heart of Thorns? Is that the catalyst that everyone refers to when they mention they switched to a "Show, Not Tell" policy? Because it's implied that people were so violently foaming at the mouth that they decided to create this thick veil of mystery about every decision they make? I guess that's understandable. But that voice at the back of my mind just says, "well maybe this was really just the start of them funneling more people to side projects and keeping things quiet." I don't know. I hate to be THAT GUY, considering what many of them are going through, but I definitely have my concerns despite the "business running as usual" forum response.


On the plus side, school is much more of a priority for me right now anyway. So not having a bunch of new content to distract me for the next 4 months may not be all that bad. Just makes me a little more peeved about the current storyline and general scope of the story and its constant cliffhangers with the wait though.


Come to think of it, the episode a Bug in the system was delayed due to a bug. Now we have the episode All or Nothing, in which essentially all of the focus is being poured back into Guild Wars 2, seems like someone naming these episodes has some gift of premonition or something. lol Maybe the next episode should be a little more uplifting like, "The Light after the Dark" or "Sunrise after the Storm" or "Rhytlock gets his groove back" or something else that's just not even remotely debatably cheerful.

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This can actually be a good thing, if they let go of all menagers, directors and other unnecessary people who don't contribute to making of the game. But I can hardly believe this will happen, and instead I expect that biggest blow will be on developers, designers...

GW2 is a business from the start, with business models for collecting cash from customers. And as every business person knows, every business DIES, sooner or later. It was community mistake from the start to think that game made as a business will last forever. This was to be expected.

Now, i don't think this is the end of GW2, I'm 100% sure there are at least 5 years ahead for us in Tyria. However, I don't think those years will be the best we had, and I do expect quality drop with next releases, maybe more and more delays, smaller expansions etc...

As soon as companies forget its about people, and start chasing more money, you can expect it to go downhill. Look at the apple, they just had biggest underperformance with newest product ever. And when i say people, i don't mean just customers - if you put customers first you are ranking your employees at least 2nd.

Oh well... maybe we can expect GW3 then in future, with less visual noise (fingers crossed)!

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> @"Orodret.8230" said:

> This can actually be a good thing, if they let go of all menagers, directors and other unnecessary people who don't contribute to making of the game. But I can hardly believe this will happen, and instead I expect that biggest blow will be on developers, designers...

> GW2 is a business from the start, with business models for collecting cash from customers. And as every business person knows, every business DIES, sooner or later. It was community mistake from the start to think that game made as a business will last forever. This was to be expected.

> Now, i don't think this is the end of GW2, I'm 100% sure there are at least 5 years ahead for us in Tyria. However, I don't think those years will be the best we had, and I do expect quality drop with next releases, maybe more and more delays, smaller expansions etc...

> As soon as companies forget its about people, and start chasing more money, you can expect it to go downhill. Look at the apple, they just had biggest underperformance with newest product ever. And when i say people, i don't mean just customers - if you put customers first you are ranking your employees at least 2nd.

> Oh well... maybe we can expect GW3 then in future, with less visual noise (fingers crossed)!


And thats where they make the biggest mistake. Let the designers and developers handle the kitten game! Everyone else GTKITTENOUT! I absolutely despise these mega game corporations that take over all these smaller companies and put them under the umbrella. The suits dont know jack except the bottom line, they are the ones that ruin gaming.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> Here's a copy of a statement from ArenaNet:

> ArenaNet confirmed that some staff reduction was planned, though the number to be affected was not specified.


> _"We can confirm that due to the cancellation of unannounced projects, ArenaNet will make staff reductions," the statement reads. "This is part of a larger organizational restructuring within NCSOFT in the west, but the Guild Wars and Guild Wars 2 game services will not be affected, nor is any upcoming game content canceled."_


> https://www.gamesindustry.biz/articles/2019-02-21-arenanet-reportedly-bracing-for-mass-layoffs



> @"Jura.2170" said:

> > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > _"We can confirm that due to the cancellation of unannounced projects


> I hope it doesn't mean the 3rd expansion pack


Prime example of not reading the whole damn post. Even going as far to edit out the part that is supposed to quell your fear.

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> @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:

> > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > Here's a copy of a statement from ArenaNet:

> > ArenaNet confirmed that some staff reduction was planned, though the number to be affected was not specified.

> >

> > _"We can confirm that due to the cancellation of unannounced projects, ArenaNet will make staff reductions," the statement reads. "This is part of a larger organizational restructuring within NCSOFT in the west, but the Guild Wars and Guild Wars 2 game services will not be affected, nor is any upcoming game content canceled."_

> >

> > https://www.gamesindustry.biz/articles/2019-02-21-arenanet-reportedly-bracing-for-mass-layoffs

> > > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > > _"We can confirm that due to the cancellation of unannounced projects

> >

> > I hope it doesn't mean the 3rd expansion pack


> Prime example of not reading the whole kitten post.


But why did they cancel the livestream yesterday then? Some GW2 devs even said they were afraid of being fired right? While I do think that Season 5 will still happen, they haven't said anything about how big/small it is and haven't mentioned a single thing about a 3rd expansion, so people have the rights to worry.

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