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An idea for increasing player numbers and lowering the barrier to entry for new people.


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> @"Trise.2865" said:

> > @"reddie.5861" said:

> > > @"Tazer.2157" said:

> > > I do not think GW2 had a bad launch. If anything, the game has too little content for an MMO. Taking a look at the competition out there like ESO and FF or even WOW, these games release tons of content regularly. There is always something new or different to do. For e.g. a DLC in ESO gives you the main quest, tons of side quests, multiple public dungeons, world bosses, etc. The amount of content is staggering. I have spent over 200 hours in a single zone alone in ESO(Morrowind). 200 hours!!!. Compare this to the 2-10 hours of content we get from the living world expansions. I do not know the reasons for the layoffs and I can only guess. But what I do know is that GW2 is falling behind the competition. Farming gold in order to buy items on the gem store is not a good motivation for playing a game but that is what GW2 has become.

> >

> > but wait a second, what if i say gw2 isnt my game because

> >

> > has no FFA open world pvp

> > has no real grind on a spot (anet nerfs it after x amount of time or kills)

> > has no real grind in general lvling to easy, so is gear. (yes i used to play korean mmo's where full drop like weapon/armor had 1/100000 chance)

> > has no real healer/buffing characters.


> Then Guild Wars 2 isn't "your game". You can play those games that provide those things as much as you want. We'll be here when you get back.


> I never understood how people got the idea that they'll only ever be able to play one game.


i never understood why people complain about few things they dont like..

like i said if it was up to me tyria or w/e name is would be FFA pvp for every1 and youll had grind your ass off to get exotic gear and be mad happy with ur ascended would prolly make it equal hard as legendary used to be.


which means when ur all lvl 80 ull be squeezed into 1 spot to farm your mats for ascended which would also mean a hot spot for pvp for best farm spots etc etc balaba

nice game huh? id love it but thats not gw2. Im not complaining or whining but people need to stop twisting games the way they want cus as i wrote above u might not like it u cant please every1 and thing.

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NPE was the worst change ever made to the game. I don't know what they can do to make it better but every player I've had try the game just hates how long it takes before you can actually do fun stuff. Sure, there are people who need time to learn the mechanics, but other than a small part you can get via a pay wall, you can't get all the skills, attributes, etc to play in wvw with any hope of surviving.

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> @"Tiviana.2650" said:

> I dont like that they locked long live the lich behind the gem store when all the rest of the series is available. Its like you are doing the story and boom have to stop and go around long live the lich. I just dont think stories should be locked like that.

Every living story episode is either free if you log in at least one of your characters between its release and the release of the next episode (usually 2-3 months) or available on the gemstore if you have missed logging in during that period. If you have all episodes available except for that one, you must've missed the login period when it was given away for free.

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> @"Blockhead Magee.3092" said:

> NPE was the worst change ever made to the game. I don't know what they can do to make it better but every player I've had try the game just hates how long it takes before you can actually do fun stuff. Sure, there are people who need time to learn the mechanics, but other than a small part you can get via a pay wall, you can't get all the skills, attributes, etc to play in wvw with any hope of surviving.

If you want to play wvw, you either buy an expansion (which gives you an instant lvl80 ticket and a full set of exotic equipment good enough to run with the zerk and learn your ropes/get your elite spec via testimony of heroics in a short timespan) or level the character to 65 as a f2p, by which time you've already got a major part of the skills, attributes and general experience of your class simply by playing the game.


Source: watching one of my family members start the game about half a year ago and dive heavily into wvw pretty much from the start (he came from ESO where large-scale pvp turned unplayable for him because of connection issues).

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The problem is that Anet works on the content like they are developing a single-player game. Let's get serious, the replayability of the pve open-world content is nearly 0. Except Istan who was good for materials farm, all the other maps are just dead. Players bump in first week, they do story, achies and then they don't go back to that map ever again....because there is no point in doing it. Me, personally, I am not a hardcore player, but I wait 3 months for a content I finish in 4-5 days and then never do it again. They tried to stick people on those map by forcing them to brainless farm for collections, but it didn't work. The content is just too boring to farm it. I know that the beauty of GW2 was to gather with other people from the map and do funny events, but everything is now just a huge, laggy group that kills the boss in 3 minutes. Take as example Warclaw or how the branded bristleback from the new meta was called. It barelly hits the ground 2-3 times, he dies too fast. This is why gw2 is boring as hell, cuz the most meta event is just 100 people spamming autoattack on a champion. As a MMORPG itself, it focuses too much on grouping people and eliminated that unique spirit of playing as a character. The unique element disappeared, even if the fashion is very complex and you will never find 2 players looking the same, you are still just a face in the crowd......a big crowd auto-attacking a buffed up mob.

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> @"Seraphus.3061" said:

> Lots of people who play World of Warcraft are unhappy with the latest expansion and are looking for other games to play. Just last night, I came across a video on YouTube of some wow veteran trying gw2 for the first time.


> So I think Anet could do a marketing campaign where they poke fun at Blizzard, sort of like the Apple/Samsung ads.


> They could be like “Unlike _other_ games, there’s no pointless gear grind in gw2...”


Ppl arent unhappy with the existence of the gear grind and for a number of them advertising that about gw2 will only turn them off. Alot of ppl like mmos they can main for months and feel like they will have content to play for a long while.



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Why do people always act like Living World costs something ? Any player that is in a guild can get the gold to buy all the episodes in a few hours, or if they don't have a guild to help, they can do it by themselves in less time than it takes to play through the whole thing.


What drives people away would be more a bad end to PS and completely absent LS1 than the rest not being "free".

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> @"Daniel.5428" said:

> The problem is that Anet works on the content like they are developing a single-player game. Let's get serious, the replayability of the pve open-world content is nearly 0. Except Istan who was good for materials farm, all the other maps are just dead. Players bump in first week, they do story, achies and then they don't go back to that map ever again....because there is no point in doing it. Me, personally, I am not a hardcore player, but I wait 3 months for a content I finish in 4-5 days and then never do it again. They tried to stick people on those map by forcing them to brainless farm for collections, but it didn't work. The content is just too boring to farm it. I know that the beauty of GW2 was to gather with other people from the map and do funny events, but everything is now just a huge, laggy group that kills the boss in 3 minutes. Take as example Warclaw or how the branded bristleback from the new meta was called. It barelly hits the ground 2-3 times, he dies too fast. This is why gw2 is boring as hell, cuz the most meta event is just 100 people spamming autoattack on a champion. As a MMORPG itself, it focuses too much on grouping people and eliminated that unique spirit of playing as a character. The unique element disappeared, even if the fashion is very complex and you will never find 2 players looking the same, you are still just a face in the crowd......a big crowd auto-attacking a buffed up mob.


It seems that your definition of "replayability" is whether or not a map can be farmed (presumably for mats/gold)?

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I like it how maybe two people actually read the original first post, yet decided to comment. Its good to know some things never change on the forum.


> @"Hannelore.8153" said:

> Why do people always act like Living World costs something ? Any player that is in a guild can get the gold to buy all the episodes in a few hours, or if they don't have a guild to help, they can do it by themselves in less time than it takes to play through the whole thing.



Because they do.


This idea that new player is gonna get enough money to buy LWS is ridiculous. New players don't have access to content that generates enough money to buy LWS stories in a reasonable amount of time.


Also, yes they are expensive if you have to buy 3 of them. Each episode by itself maybe isn't expensive, but when you have to buy 3 seasons of content, then it does become expensive. Especially for new players who have no significant gold income.


Also, new players usually are not in a kind of guild that would be willing to donate money to stranger who just joined or has enough capacity of active/interested players to sponsor someone new.


You are confusing your experience as veteran player with experience of new players when in reality two are vastly different




I actually agree that some form of discount or even free LWS could accompany purchase of expansions

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> @"Tazer.2157" said:

> I do not think GW2 had a bad launch. If anything, the game has too little content for an MMO. Taking a look at the competition out there like ESO and FF or even WOW, these games release tons of content regularly. There is always something new or different to do. For e.g. a DLC in ESO gives you the main quest, tons of side quests, multiple public dungeons, world bosses, etc. The amount of content is staggering. I have spent over 200 hours in a single zone alone in ESO(Morrowind). 200 hours!!!. Compare this to the 2-10 hours of content we get from the living world expansions. I do not know the reasons for the layoffs and I can only guess. But what I do know is that GW2 is falling behind the competition. Farming gold in order to buy items on the gem store is not a good motivation for playing a game but that is what GW2 has become.


Also they are made by larger studios (wow blizzard,eso=zenimax bethsoft. ) gw 2 has a suprisingly small studio and limited resources since wow has sub fee+cash shop, eso premium based sub and cash shop + not f2p. Gw 2 has mostly cash shop. They basicly release content as fast they can

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> @"Laila Lightness.8742" said:

> > @"Tazer.2157" said:

> > I do not think GW2 had a bad launch. If anything, the game has too little content for an MMO. Taking a look at the competition out there like ESO and FF or even WOW, these games release tons of content regularly. There is always something new or different to do. For e.g. a DLC in ESO gives you the main quest, tons of side quests, multiple public dungeons, world bosses, etc. The amount of content is staggering. I have spent over 200 hours in a single zone alone in ESO(Morrowind). 200 hours!!!. Compare this to the 2-10 hours of content we get from the living world expansions. I do not know the reasons for the layoffs and I can only guess. But what I do know is that GW2 is falling behind the competition. Farming gold in order to buy items on the gem store is not a good motivation for playing a game but that is what GW2 has become.


> Also they are made by larger studios (wow blizzard,eso=zenimax bethsoft. ) gw 2 has a suprisingly small studio and limited resources since wow has sub fee+cash shop, eso premium based sub and cash shop + not f2p. Gw 2 has mostly cash shop. They basicly release content as fast they can


Thats bull, not the entire workforce of either 2 groups are working on their respective mmos.


Wow team was mentioned to be around 250-300 or so devs. I think the Eso team was around 300 or so from quotes.


Anet was at total a workforce of around 400, not that that implies much as a decent number of them were working on unannounced projects.


Bottomline is, anet is not a small esp for one with 1 product out.

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> @"kasoki.5180" said:

> I like it how maybe two people actually read the original first post, yet decided to comment. Its good to know some things never change on the forum.


> > @"Hannelore.8153" said:

> > Why do people always act like Living World costs something ? Any player that is in a guild can get the gold to buy all the episodes in a few hours, or if they don't have a guild to help, they can do it by themselves in less time than it takes to play through the whole thing.

> >


> Because they do.


> This idea that new player is gonna get enough money to buy LWS is ridiculous. New players don't have access to content that generates enough money to buy LWS stories in a reasonable amount of time.


> Also, yes they are expensive if you have to buy 3 of them. Each episode by itself maybe isn't expensive, but when you have to buy 3 seasons of content, then it does become expensive. Especially for new players who have no significant gold income.


> Also, new players usually are not in a kind of guild that would be willing to donate money to stranger who just joined or has enough capacity of active/interested players to sponsor someone new.


> You are confusing your experience as veteran player with experience of new players when in reality two are vastly different



> @OP

> I actually agree that some form of discount or even free LWS could accompany purchase of expansions


I'm the owner of a small guild, and we've taken a handful of players into the game in just the last few years, and they had no problem playing through the whole story without spending a dime. I'm not sure what you think guilds are for, other than to help new players.


Maybe if its a WvW or PvP guild, but that's something different entirely.


And you're incorrect anyways, once you have LS2 unlocked you get Silverwastes which is still one of the best gold farms in the game, especially now that Istan has been nerfed to once daily and alot of people have moved back to SW for their major farming.


One of the first thing new players ask me is "how do I farm Silverwastes ?" since its what everyone directs them to.

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> @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> > @"Tiviana.2650" said:

> > I dont like that they locked long live the lich behind the gem store when all the rest of the series is available. Its like you are doing the story and boom have to stop and go around long live the lich. I just dont think stories should be locked like that.

> Every living story episode is either free if you log in at least one of your characters between its release and the release of the next episode (usually 2-3 months) or available on the gemstore if you have missed logging in during that period. If you have all episodes available except for that one, you must've missed the login period when it was given away for free.


I dont understand this, i didnt play gw2 when that was out, but the rest of the stories for that group of stories are open to me. Just not that one section of the story. Why is one section of the story locked? I can do the one before it and the one after it, just not long live the lich.

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