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Mount Skins You Would Like

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Didn't notice one so I will start it. What kind of mount skins would you like to see?


For me I would love to see Mistfire wolf for the Jackal.

For a Halloween vibe please make Oxidecimus the Shadow Raven into a mount for griffon. That would be soo awesome!

I heard someone say a fish for the skimmer (maybe a jumping fish animation thing) Could be cool but mostly all for the first two.


Post if you have any good ones! Would love to give them ideas cause mount skins will inevitably happen. What would you like to see?

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I'm sitting here going "there's no way mount skins could be different creatures because it invalidates the lore of getting them, however slim that lore may be".


However, i'd buy a mistfire wolf skin for the jackal immediately, now that you mention it.


As a whole however, I think if we had a choice between the current mounts and different variations of the same species (feathered raptors, eagle griffons, jackalope springers etc.) would be good enough.


But please, dear god, i'd LOVE a mistfire wolf skin for the jackal with an appropriate blue fire flare for the teleport. I never see much of my favourite summon, i'd love to see more of it.

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Hmm, if i think about skins, rather about more Mount Typers I'd love to have, like my proposed Cheetah ,Crawler and Behemoth, then I'd think about skins like these that I'd support/buy/want


Gryphon > Wyvern, Pegasus,

Skimmer > seriously no ideas xD

Raptor > Grand Moa, Kirins, Kveldulf (https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/File:%22Mountain_Beast%22_concept_art.jpg)

Springer > Swamp Toad

Jackal > Mistfire Wolf, Hellhound (https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/File:Skeleton_hound.jpg), Nians (https://blogs.baruch.cuny.edu/monsters2014/files/2014/09/nian2.jpg)

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Flying Squirrel for the skimmer. Scruffy for the bunny. Australian Cattle Dog for the jackal, fat purple dinosaur for the raptor, rainbow unipony just like the Dreamer projectiles for the griffon. Also, there needs to be a way like in TERA to trigger an emote like rearing up and roaring or neighing or whatever.

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That's a tough question. I don't know thb but i can tell you what i definitely don't want. An aurene gryphon skin! Anyone with half an eye can see that they are both using the same rig, but having dozens of player's, in the open world, flying around on aurene would totally break my immersion. That being sad, i would still love to fly on aurene in a story instance or two.

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I'd like a sea turtle for the skimmer. A pretty, gilded floating turtle that has coral reigns and saddle. I want a unicorn mount, but not the rainbow unicorn.... The white, lion tailed cloven hoof one with the looooooong horn. If it looks like that and has some rainbow, I'd be more than okay. But not just a horse with a horn that farts rainbows.. that's not a unicorn. For the jackal, an actual wolf/canine creature that isn't made up of sand or rocks or fire. Anet has this weird obsession with fire and the fire animations in this game arent great. Maybe a dragon for the griffon, or a different kind of griffon like a raven/hawk or eagle

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