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Mount Skins You Would Like

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Since charr exists in this game, i guess traditional rpg mounts like horses are not possible, but fantasy beasts problly fit better:

Here are some examples dev can consider: :)


Feline beast: ![](http://images-cdn.perfectworld.com/www/bb/67/bb67b79d75004e44f1062279db71fc4b1380156878.jpg "")


Spider: ![](https://neverwinter.gamepedia.com/media/neverwinter.gamepedia.com/6/62/Preview_Large_Mount_Spider_Giant_01.png?version=2c43a57d57cb36adef682e9c38ab5ec2 "")


Flail snail ![](https://neverwinter.gamepedia.com/media/neverwinter.gamepedia.com/thumb/d/d7/Coastal_Flail_Snail.jpg/800px-Coastal_Flail_Snail.jpg?version=df55e3e3cb2662adf3caddea556a958c "")


Stag: ![](https://pwimages-a.akamaihd.net/www/c3/1e/c31e89e5cd9d108a6592c6046198af0b1380239622.jpg "")


Skeleton steed: ![](http://orig12.deviantart.net/6205/f/2013/313/4/d/undead_horse_by_psdeluxe-d6tlxqb.jpg "")


Elephant: ![](http://mmomounts.com/sites/default/files/elephants-black-desert3.jpg "")


Unicorn: ![](http://www.sggaminginfo.com/wp-content/gallery/neverwinter-fury-of-the-feywild-screens_16-7/neverwinter_feywild_pack_071213_wm_15.jpg "")


Beetle: ![](https://neverwinter.gamepedia.com/media/neverwinter.gamepedia.com/thumb/2/24/Beetle_Mounts.jpg/800px-Beetle_Mounts.jpg?version=99a68c5052527f51fecc48a4eb1a308c "")


Polar bear or dolyak: ![](https://neverwinter.gamepedia.com/media/neverwinter.gamepedia.com/5/52/Preview_Large_Mount_PolarBear_Armored_01.png?version=4c3697ff636bdf6ec400ffd2d37c9660 "")


Drake: ![](https://neverwinter.gamepedia.com/media/neverwinter.gamepedia.com/4/49/Preview_Large_Mount_Guarddrake.png?version=f522e1bba339372a0c3adcf15b3c75a8 "")


Floating disk: ![](https://neverwinter.gamepedia.com/media/neverwinter.gamepedia.com/8/8b/Tenser%27s_Floating_Disk.jpg?version=0c27e1bf4a049843c6ceaa0a6d6455c2 "")






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> @castlemanic.3198 said:

> I'm sitting here going "there's no way mount skins could be different creatures because it invalidates the lore of getting them, however slim that lore may be".


> However, i'd buy a mistfire wolf skin for the jackal immediately, now that you mention it.


> As a whole however, I think if we had a choice between the current mounts and different variations of the same species (feathered raptors, eagle griffons, jackalope springers etc.) would be good enough.


> But please, dear god, i'd LOVE a mistfire wolf skin for the jackal with an appropriate blue fire flare for the teleport. I never see much of my favourite summon, i'd love to see more of it.



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  • 2 months later...

What powerful Necromancy is this?


I'd take any mountskin available as an ingame reward for doing ingame things. Doesn't have to be flashy, doesn't need any particle effects, trails or footprints. Maybe a second(or third) dye slot to the basic model, or the bassic model with some decorations/banners(with guild emblems or the symbols of other ingame factions). I'd love to see racial mounts, planty versions for sylvar, steampunky ones for char, magitech for asura, sturdier slightly bigger ones with bags and kegs strapped to them for norn and basic models with either fashionable/noble decorations or plated mounts for humans.


So many things...but again, I'd love to see it happen as a ingame reward but going from the expepriences made with gliders in this regard, the thought comes across more like wishful thinking than something that could actually happen...we'll see, prove me wrong Anet ;)

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For every mount at least 1 (or more) skin that change the apperance depending on wich race is riding it

(plant raptor for sylvari, golem raptor for asura, etc., for every mount)...

Better would be more than 1 apperance changing mount, different plants different materials....

like cooking outfit and wedding outfit(more outfits like that would be cool)....and i still hope they make some gilders with the same concept, i would buy them.... <3

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Haha, kinda funny that Theocraft just wrote what I was going to post myself: The Springer need to be a bit more self-confident.

Right now, as cute as he is, and as much as I love him, he looks like his brain consists of large Nesquik balls (<- Really? Filtered?) of poo that rabbits and bunnies are, uh, "ejecting" or dropping. Eh. Hard not to trigger the filter and just write slang..


If he had fingers, I am sure he would also poke his finger up his nose and snort just judging from the look of him. He has cute emotes and sound effects, but right now he has a bit of a dull look and feel to me.


But that's just a very low priority thing. I love him, and the Springer is probably the only mount I'd spend money for.



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