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Thank you for sharing this with the community. Please continue to keep lines of communication open.


I main'ed engineer until my flamethrower was so far behind the power curve that I had to leave my character of 4-5,000 hours+. I am curious about these gyro changes, they look interesting. And flamethrower 2 a ground target? Interesting, but my poor neglected flamethrower needs more than that to bring it out of the dust-covered closet.


All in all, this looks like an incremental approach to balance. I like it. I also like the focus on unused skills. Please continue along these lines.

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Why nerf core guard? It's already countered by Core War, Spellbreaker, Bunk Druid, Boonbeast, Condi-Mirage, Holosmith, and Scrapper. The only thing its good at fighting is all Thief classes, Necros, Condi-Engi, and Power Mes. It used to counter Rev but not since their dps buff.


If you want to nerf something nerf the pet dps of bunk ranger builds especially referring to Bunk Druid and Boon Beast. Nerf Deadeye stealth, engi turret heal, Mesmer damage mitigation aka -Blocks-Blinds-Invuln-Evades-Stealth-Teleport- all these together are a bit much.

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> @"Krieger.4712" said:

> I hope this isn't *all* you have planned for Warrior, because it looks like you're ignoring power Berserker **AGAIN** . Every balance patch I hope we get a bone thrown our way and every balance patch it's either nothing or an outright nerf. It's been years guys c'mon.


I'm with you! Warrior has been ignored for years and the class deserves better. Give us something that can put up a good fight in WvW against the Firebrand/Scourge/Revenant meta, that situation is garbage for melee classes and a banner buff wont do a thing to make it better.

This patch feels like the warrior is an afterthought as if they just don't know what to do with it because none of them play one.


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> @"Melian.5368" said:

> I don't think there were that much of an annoyance regarding condi mirages in WvW to justify these nerfs. Axe is completely gone, survivability is greatly reduced by the dodge changes, damaging ability greatly reduced by the ambush changes, even illusionary ambush is nerfed by 15 seconds.


> Mirage is an elite specialization that YOU introduced to the game. Wouldn't it be better to try to incorporate it to this game mode instead of trying to eliminate it alltogether? How are people supposed to play roaming condi mirages anymore?


They are though. Unparalleled disengage, high stealth uptime, target breaking, high damage and lots of evades makes Mirage a nightmare to 1v1.

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As far as I can see core guardian is now dead in sPvP. Last patch killed hammer and shatter ageis. So now the only viable PvP build right now is support FB. Great sucess.


It seems mirage is dead as well.


Most of the other changes seem okay. I will judge the rev changes after testing them.


I am still woundering why every patch for the last 4 patches keeps cutting into build diversity while adding nothing but petty nerfs. This is unsustainable.

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> @"Irenio CalmonHuang.2048" said:

> **Necromancer**

> We'll be pushing some of its damage higher through skill updates in PvE, but will be mostly leaving it alone in competitive modes, as all the necromancer specializations have a healthy representation in competitive game modes._


So what you just told me is that necromancer is balanced based on popularity rather than effectiveness.


Explains a lot about the class.



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> @"Crinn.7864" said:

> > @"Irenio CalmonHuang.2048" said:

> > **Necromancer**

> > We'll be pushing some of its damage higher through skill updates in PvE, but will be mostly leaving it alone in competitive modes, as all the necromancer specializations have a healthy representation in competitive game modes._


> So what you just told me is that necromancer is balanced based on popularity rather than effectiveness.


> Explains a lot about the class.




If something is still played then there has to be a reason for it. If nobody played it because it was trash then that's a balance issue. Apparently there isn't any such issue.

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It was very nice to get a preview of what is about to come.

Overall I like the mirage changes.

My only exceptions are:

1. If mirage cloak time is reduced, mirages should be able to back up at the pace of a normal dodge roll as well. Right now mirage is screwed if it needs to move backwards, particularly in PvE where there is a lot of AoE. This is also not fair relative to other classes. This is the same complaint involved when mirage was first released.

2. I would highly prefer to have EM changed in some shape or form to remove the exhaustion, even if it involves the removal of stun brakes. However, I believe the condi cleanse is an important aspect to keep.



1. I love that they split some quickness with alacrity in Tides of Time.

2. I understand reducing the value of SoI relative to the wells. However, chronos need some major radius changes. It is not a reliable exception for all allies to stand in a 240 radius. This is something community members have stated way before this patch notice. This is the most disappointing aspect with chrono and mesmer at this moment for me and it is devastating that the devs increased the radius of some other skills but didn't touch the functionality or radius of the wells. No one wants their impact so fully dictated by the skill of their allies.

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" True Shot: This skill's range has been increased from 1,200 to 1,500. "

**Could we give ALL of DragonHunter's Longbow skills 1,500 range across the board** as it would make DragonHunter a more useful in WvW.

Right now doesn't have a place in WvW, At least this way it could help in a group with range damage a lot better.




I don't see a point in nerfing "Righteous Instincts" since only Dragonhunter uses it. (and power base guardian)

Firebrand uses the other two grandmaster skills, Perfect Inscriptions if you're support and Amplified Wrath if you condition based.

Since you are buffing those up in this patch, there is little to no reason to nerf Righteous Instincts, if you aren't power based you aren't going to using it anyway.

Dragonhunter is slowly falling behind in damage anyway and this one thing isn't going to help it. It needs some buffs within the traits.

if you are nerfing Righteous Instincts then make it 30% not 25%. As it would allow dragonghunter to do still keep up damage.

What you should be doing is giving DragonHunter a way within the DragonHunter's traits for it to gain retaliation, because as it stands it now, There are no none, and for a few years DH has relied on retaliation to do damage. Due to the lack of it, it's pretty hard to do so. You should be given it options not taking them away.


What would be better is**" Nerf Righteous Instincts 50% to 25%. but in exchange the "Piercing Light" Trait now give all Dragonhunter's traps retaliation. "**

So the Crit chance is lower BUT you get more chances to crit with DragonHunter. That is fair.

If you are going nerf something then at least give something back to it,

it's been struggling for awhile because you've only mostly been focusing on Firebrand and support stuff.


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> @"Sorem.9157" said:

> @"Irenio CalmonHuang.2048"


> I urge you to reconsider this change:


> • Righteous Instincts: This trait's critical-chance bonus has been reduced from 50% to 25%.


> It is the bread and butter for many Guardian builds other than the Core Guardian, which is where it is causing most trouble.


> Harrier Firebrand viability will diminish even more after this, despite being a high skill floor build, it is constantly getting hit because of other Guardian meta builds. PvE dragonhunter also relies on this trait and despite being a strong burst option, it is what most Guardians play for PvE.


> Again, i urge you to reconsider the nerf and try to target specifically the build that is causing trouble, which is radiance core guardian for pvp.

The problem with this trait is that it was so strong, that pretty much nearly every build had to use it. This applies to PvE as well. Now we should see more diversity, hopefully. And it's still a pretty strong trait.


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> @"mordefelix.5826" said:

> Hey so does this mean an overall nerf to warrior banners? Because the 100% bonus wouldn't that give a 200 in terms of stats vs the 170 before? How does the math work?


Warriors with Disclipine trait line currently have 255 stats from banners, which will be reduced to 200. Everyone else has 170 from banners, but will get only 100 from banners after patch.

Its an overall nerf to everyone, where Disc warriors suffer slightly less. ( Loss of 55 stats rather than 70)

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>We're making some changes to the revenant in this update that will curb their excessive condition damage in PvE


It is very weird to see this for a build that is really only a best option for 1 raid boss (Dhuum). Meanwhile condition Mirage is absolutely unbeatable on some bosses (Soulless Horror, Twin Largos) and very, very strong on others (Cairn, Matthias, and even Dhuum) and that build doesn't seem to be addressed much (only one small change, unless the skill activation interactions change something in PvE).

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> @"Xstein.2187" said:

> 2. I would highly prefer to have EM changed in some shape or form to remove the exhaustion, even if it involves the removal of stun brakes. However, I believe the condi cleanse is an important aspect to keep.


Something [like this](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/842310#Comment_842310);


> @"Kylden Ar.3724" said:

> The fact that you can Mirage Cloak while stunned is part of the unique mechanic. You still can't do anything but NOT be hit without the now (useless) Trait, so I see it as fine. Frankly I think that trait should not break stuns, Core Mesmer utility skills already have a ton of ways to break stun, and Mirage added another utility to do it. I think EM should instead Clear 2 conditions and extend the Mirage Cloak to 2 seconds. Useful, but doesn't break stun (again, we got lot's of utility options for that) but not OP.


As they will shorten base duration, this makes more sense.

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> @"DiogoSilva.7089" said:

> > @"Sorem.9157" said:

> > @"Irenio CalmonHuang.2048"

> >

> > I urge you to reconsider this change:

> >

> > • Righteous Instincts: This trait's critical-chance bonus has been reduced from 50% to 25%.

> >

> > It is the bread and butter for many Guardian builds other than the Core Guardian, which is where it is causing most trouble.

> >

> > Harrier Firebrand viability will diminish even more after this, despite being a high skill floor build, it is constantly getting hit because of other Guardian meta builds. PvE dragonhunter also relies on this trait and despite being a strong burst option, it is what most Guardians play for PvE.

> >

> > Again, i urge you to reconsider the nerf and try to target specifically the build that is causing trouble, which is radiance core guardian for pvp.

> The problem with this trait is that it was so strong, that pretty much nearly every build had to use it. This applies to PvE as well. Now we should see more diversity, hopefully. And it's still a pretty strong trait.


Dragonhunter does not use it on PvP, nor does support or condi Core/Firebrand. The only builds that used it in PvP were Core Radiance Guardian and Harrier Firebrand. Increasing the skill floor of Core Guardian would be a better solution here, since the real problem is not that the build is strong, but that it is easy to use and can punish newbies quite easily. Core Guardian isn't as effective above plat 1 or 2.


As for PvE, yes, the trait is stronger than its counterparts, but considering that Guardian is not meta dps, the best solution would be to raise the other GM traits up to match RI. Also, they are constantly making splits to make PvP skills more balanced; they could've easily split this change to PvE only, if they wanted to stick with the nerf.

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> @"Sorem.9157" said:

> Dragonhunter does not use it on PvP, nor does support or condi Core/Firebrand. The only builds that used it in PvP were Core Radiance Guardian and Harrier Firebrand. Increasing the skill floor of Core Guardian would be a better solution here, since the real problem is not that the build is strong, but that it is easy to use and can punish newbies quite easily. Core Guardian isn't as effective above plat 1 or 2.


> As for PvE, yes, the trait is stronger than its counterparts, but considering that Guardian is not meta dps, the best solution would be to raise the other GM traits up to match RI. Also, they are constantly making splits to make PvP skills more balanced; they could've easily split this change to PvE only, if they wanted to stick with the nerf.

Increasing other GM traits up to match RI would make them crazy strong and the profession overpowered. Don't forget that you can equip 3 GM traits, so existing RI builds would become even stronger by having 2 additional traits as strong as RI itself.


It clearly had to be nerfed instead.

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> @"DiogoSilva.7089" said:

> > @"Sorem.9157" said:

> > Dragonhunter does not use it on PvP, nor does support or condi Core/Firebrand. The only builds that used it in PvP were Core Radiance Guardian and Harrier Firebrand. Increasing the skill floor of Core Guardian would be a better solution here, since the real problem is not that the build is strong, but that it is easy to use and can punish newbies quite easily. Core Guardian isn't as effective above plat 1 or 2.

> >

> > As for PvE, yes, the trait is stronger than its counterparts, but considering that Guardian is not meta dps, the best solution would be to raise the other GM traits up to match RI. Also, they are constantly making splits to make PvP skills more balanced; they could've easily split this change to PvE only, if they wanted to stick with the nerf.

> Increasing other GM traits up to match RI would make them crazy strong and the profession overpowered. Don't forget that you can equip 3 GM traits, so existing RI builds would become even stronger by having 2 additional traits as strong as RI itself.


> It clearly had to be nerfed instead.


Agreed. If they want to buff guardian damage some other way it would be very welcome, but RI was way overtuned. 1050 free stat points is way overbudget for even a GM trait.

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"Tempestuous Aria: This trait now modifies tempest shouts to affect up to 10 targets in addition to its current effects."


Absolutely love this update!!! I 100% prefer to run D/F tempest support vs FB for 10 player havoc's but couldn't with Shout Aura heals really only helping 5 at a time. Thanks for the change! You guys rock!

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