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Balance Patch


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Some minor buffs to shouts giving the same old boons.

No changes to make aurashare a tempest trait and aura heal a water trait (so tempest can be an offensive support without water line), no changes to make auramancer actually able to stack boons in a way that is relevant to PVP endgame (T4s/Raids)... No changes to give eles a way to get quickness or resistance...


The only real change in this balance update that will impact ele gameplay is that you don't need to worry about picking up warrior banners instead of your conjures anymore...

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Right now, Earth/Air (med-heals) Tempest can provide Vigor, Regen, Swiftness, Fury, lower Prot with respect to the 4 other boons but it's maintainable (Prot should be higher with the patch), very low Stab uptime (needs Chrono, SoI got nerfed btw) and a good amount of Might for 5 players. The amount of boons should almost be the same for 10 players after the patch, but the uptime will vary for some boons. Tempestuous Aria change is a bit questioning given that Invigorating Torrents exists, but the 10 players share with new boons introduced into shouts won't be there without it, the 10 targets on this trait would be a waste if Tempest couldn't keep up the boons with the new shouts and if its effect is less than that of ITs.


I hope they will rethink Rebound and change it to Stability than Fury (5s of Fury even seems really low for an elite skill on a 90s cd, lol), yet Water/Earth variant won't have Fury then but if anything can provide Tempest with Fury then Heat Sync should be able to maintain it (only Earth/Water will face this issue), so Stab instead of Fury makes it a bit more reasonable and it will still require Tempest to think when to pop Stab, that is if Chrono doesn't exist in the comp.


The change is fine in PvE (WvW maybe) and it will shake things for Tempest, but I guess we'll wait and see how things go when the patch is live and there's enough testing.


Weave Self: Condi Sword Weaver is one of the highest condi burst build in PvE and the increased Toughness prevented it from raiding. The change might be a start to condi ele being a thing, but still the opener requires Quick and Alacrity to make use of the skill. The change is still PvE though.


The patch is mostly a change to Tempest and it will allow Tempest to somehow be less reliant on other core lines, but it seems to me it won't be enough because of Prot and Stab from Earth line or the crazy heals from Water. They said there will be a follow up which sounds ok.


I hoped the patch would be more focused on core ele lines to be more universal, and e-specs traits as they will still rely a lot on core specs especially Weaver, because right now Weaver and Core ele have miserable capabilities of maintaining boons, especially Weaver that suffers to even hold onto 4s of Swiftness to itself. Hope there will be changes to ele in general next patches and not just Tempest.


I am mad because I am not a support kind of player, I go all in even on staff.

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10 target on shouts is kind of big for the ele class. The soft cc alone should be out right a real condi push for the ele class. It is the same old boons it may be time to say anet dose not want ele to have any thing but these 4 lesser boons. 10 target super speed/ stun brake x2 seems like its going to be amassing 10 swiftness is nothing sure but who will run eye of the storm for that.

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Powerful Aura: 5 allies gain auras as well. 6 in total including Tempest.

Tempestuous Aria: Shouts will now affect 10 targets.


It depends on how the prioritization is going to work. It can be 10-14/15 allies. Since auras of same kind can be refreshed but the duration can't be stacked, it would depend if they make it that those who got it once can't get it again, but this will affect PvE. Would most likely be the nearest to Tempest with respect to the sub-squad first.

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> @"lLobo.7960" said:

> Some minor buffs to shouts giving the same old boons.

> No changes to make aurashare a tempest trait and aura heal a water trait (so tempest can be an offensive support without water line), no changes to make auramancer actually able to stack boons in a way that is relevant to PVP endgame (T4s/Raids)... No changes to give eles a way to get quickness or resistance...


> The only real change in this balance update that will impact ele gameplay is that you don't need to worry about picking up warrior banners instead of your conjures anymore...


Conjures will still get stolen

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at least ele didnt get nerfed this time and that's pretty much the best buff you'll ever get from this balance team lmao (that still didnt bother to answer any of the bullshit such as tempest defense nerf and preventing 2 crappy sword dual skills from shooting backwards).


Also downstate mist form bug still a thing but fixed all the them tooltip display errors.

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So still not viable in PvP? Its really weird that anet doesnt see that ele is complete garbage in PvP. For everything weaver does there is another class that does it better. Why dont we get a buff which wont force us into water anymore? Give weaver a condi cleanse or some heals or give some sustain to another traitline. The condi remove in fire is a joke for weavers

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With this change (10 man Aura Shouts) one Tempest can easily heal the whole raid I'd say.

Also with the change to feel the burn we have easy 9 stacks of might on 10man just with the 3 shouts. The pain to maintain might is so much lower now.


Getting raidwide earth aura is also a great thing, makes mathias kinda trivial and reduces the need for mesmers, right?


That change is huge for me, it changes everything. Love it so much!


Also the weave stance change is 100% what I asked them to do some months ago.

We don't need to be THE meta, but it would be nice that everything is viable. Hybrid or condi weaver is very strong now, not meta, but strong.



Didnt realize: The heal and rebound are 10man now?! What the hell!

Combine with gale song and you can easily up a whole stacked raid after a cc/dmg combination of any boss.


And the raidwide condi cleanse possibilities here...! With troopers and fire traitline it's up to 2 condi raidwide every 10s.

You could even use radiance runes now on some bosses, allthough it's most likely not worth it.

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> @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> Add 10s swiftness on a skill that break stun and grant superspeed on a high CD... Genius!


> There is only buffs but somehow it's hard to shake the disappointment.


It's better than it looks though. Combining it with Tempestuous Aria and Earth Overload allows you to cover your Stability from corruption with Might and Swiftness while applying a 10 man superspeed and pulsing protection for a very strong engage that cripples and eventually catches up to 10 people in immobilize is very strong.

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> @"zencow.3651" said:

> > @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> > Add 10s swiftness on a skill that break stun and grant superspeed on a high CD... Genius!

> >

> > There is only buffs but somehow it's hard to shake the disappointment.


> It's better than it looks though. Combining it with Tempestuous Aria and Earth Overload allows you to cover your Stability from corruption with Might and Swiftness while applying a 10 man superspeed and pulsing protection for a very strong engage that cripples and eventually catches up to 10 people in immobilize is very strong.


I'm sure using one of your very few stun breakers on 40s cd to pulse protection and maybe immobilize people that cant dodge is a great idea

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> @"Auburner.6945" said:

> Powerful Aura: 5 allies gain auras as well. 6 in total including Tempest.

> Tempestuous Aria: Shouts will now affect 10 targets.


> It depends on how the prioritization is going to work. It can be 10-14/15 allies. Since auras of same kind can be refreshed but the duration can't be stacked, it would depend if they make it that those who got it once can't get it again, but this will affect PvE. Would most likely be the nearest to Tempest with respect to the sub-squad first.


The ability to give 15 people an Aura with one shout would be amazing in WvW.

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> @"LazySummer.2568" said:

> > @"zencow.3651" said:

> > > @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> > > Add 10s swiftness on a skill that break stun and grant superspeed on a high CD... Genius!

> > >

> > > There is only buffs but somehow it's hard to shake the disappointment.

> >

> > It's better than it looks though. Combining it with Tempestuous Aria and Earth Overload allows you to cover your Stability from corruption with Might and Swiftness while applying a 10 man superspeed and pulsing protection for a very strong engage that cripples and eventually catches up to 10 people in immobilize is very strong.


> I'm sure using one of your very few stun breakers on 40s cd to pulse protection and maybe immobilize people that cant dodge is a great idea


Best to do it after having eaten some CCs as you clash ofc but it's certainly better than having your Stability corrupted into fear shortly after devoting yourself to the Overload and certainly better than not Overloading at all.


With superspeed and the delayed trigger of immobilize, you're guaranteed to catch some who've already spent their dodges for your group's initial bomb.


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> @"LazySummer.2568" said:

> > @"zencow.3651" said:

> > > @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> > > Add 10s swiftness on a skill that break stun and grant superspeed on a high CD... Genius!

> > >

> > > There is only buffs but somehow it's hard to shake the disappointment.

> >

> > It's better than it looks though. Combining it with Tempestuous Aria and Earth Overload allows you to cover your Stability from corruption with Might and Swiftness while applying a 10 man superspeed and pulsing protection for a very strong engage that cripples and eventually catches up to 10 people in immobilize is very strong.


> I'm sure using one of your very few stun breakers on 40s cd to pulse protection and maybe immobilize people that cant dodge is a great idea


With Gale Song the tempest can auto cleanse cc on 10 targets now. This is amazing for raids tbh. Combine this with the active shout you can clear a cc every 20s raidwide. Not bad at all.

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Regen, fury, 3 mights ... regular boons that even in pvp are already shared pretty easily by every classes.

It's always nice .... but I would have preferred somethings like Harmonious Conduit shared to the group, or quickness/stab/alacrity, or the +33% duration from the runes in the spec, or Elemental Bastion and Powerful aura exchanged that is may be the most important thing to do to broaden the diversity of tempest roles.


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> @"lLobo.7960" said:

> Some minor buffs to shouts giving the same old boons.

> No changes to make aurashare a tempest trait and aura heal a water trait (so tempest can be an offensive support without water line), no changes to make auramancer actually able to stack boons in a way that is relevant to PVP endgame (T4s/Raids)... No changes to give eles a way to get quickness or resistance...


> The only real change in this balance update that will impact ele gameplay is that you don't need to worry about picking up warrior banners instead of your conjures anymore...


You have some great points and I would also like to give the aura share trait to the tempest and make auras/boons better.

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> @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

> > @"Auburner.6945" said:

> > Powerful Aura: 5 allies gain auras as well. 6 in total including Tempest.

> > Tempestuous Aria: Shouts will now affect 10 targets.

> >

> > It depends on how the prioritization is going to work. It can be 10-14/15 allies. Since auras of same kind can be refreshed but the duration can't be stacked, it would depend if they make it that those who got it once can't get it again, but this will affect PvE. Would most likely be the nearest to Tempest with respect to the sub-squad first.


> The ability to give 15 people an Aura with one shout would be amazing in WvW.


If both Tempestuous Aria and Powerful Aura trigger at the same time then this should mean 15-man Magnetic/Shocking Aura (on Rebound) and other boons from core lines. If that's the case then it's a good buff to organized WvW squads.


Edit: Also Rebound would give 4s of ignoring a lethal blow for 15 players.

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- Wash the Pain Away and Flash-Freeze: Now i feel i don't have to always run soldier rune...but condi mirage will be still fine after patch eh.

- Aftershock!: It's ok change but extra protection probably won't stop me from using Earth traits and that's too bad.

- Rebound: This is interesting. I complained over and over on forums that ele's don't have fury on demand in pvp. But adding this to rebound? Most of us use it defensively so it's quite awkward.

- Weave Self: With protection we have 53% power damage reduction for some time. I wonder how it works in current one-shot-meta.

- Sand Squall: Focus offhand it's must have for tempest in pvp. I don't wish to selfdestruct (even with buff) by using warhorn. It's still pve only weapon.

- Eye of the Storm: Additional swiftness benefits only weaver - adding this to tempest is useless. How about add amo mechanic to make us bit closer to FB level of support?

- Feel the Burn: PVE stuff I don't care.

- Conjure Frost Bow: All pvp ele's should appreciate this change.


I feel like rather than buffs we got instead life quality changes. But if FB is supposed to be on way out from competitive pvp...then where is place for Tempest? Nothing to be hype about.

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